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Showing posts with label natural gas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural gas. Show all posts

Seward: Turn on Natural Gas in Cobleskill

Written By Cicero on 4/27/15 | 4/27/15

ONEONTA, 04/27/15 – State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I-Oneonta) is urging the New York State Department of Public Service to act quickly on a request from New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) to extend natural gas service within the Village of Cobleskill.

“Affordable energy can be a true game-changer when it comes to attracting new businesses and jobs to our region,” said Senator Seward.  “By extending a natural gas line within downtown Cobleskill, current employers and new businesses, along with residential customers, will all benefit.”

Due to a quirk in NYSEG’s franchise, a portion of the village’s center, including the theater and the developing Bull’s Head Inn, is without access to natural gas.  NYSEG is seeking to extend its line to the un-served village center.

In a letter to NYS Department of Public Service Secretary Kathleen Burgess, Senator Seward also expressed the importance of a quick approval, “Further, I am asking that the case be placed on an expedited timetable so that construction of facilities as contemplated in the application can be coordinated with a pending state Department of Transportation street project within the village and the subject area.  Timely approval would avoid the unnecessary and costly reconstruction of newly installed road improvements planned for the 2015 DOT project.  Therefore, time is of the essence.”

The NYSEG extension would connect to an existing gas main.  If approval is received by July or early August, NYSEG will be able to work in conjunction with a planned road widening project. 

According to NYSEG, there are approximately 25 potential customers along the proposed gas main extension route.  Company officials expect to connect 12 residential and 3 commercial customers during the first year.

“Downtown Cobleskill has so much to offer, great shops and restaurants, a diverse population, and a welcoming atmosphere.  Extending natural gas to Main Street and Park Place will further enhance the marketability of the area and pay dividends for years to come.” Seward concluded.

Letter to the Editor: Where is Lopez, Seward on Pipeline?

Written By Editor on 2/5/15 | 2/5/15

Who let the pitbulls out of their cages? I see Senator Seward and Assemblyman Lopez are running loose, growling and ready to take a bite out of Governor Cuomo's leg over his education policy and rightfully so. Yet when it comes to the big gas companies taking our land and turning Schoharie County into an interstate for pipelines, not even a whimper.I wonder why? Mr Lopez has called on the public to help him fight Mr Cuomo's policy via letters to the Governor and also the editor. Thats just what the  opponents of the pipeline have been doing for the past couple of years, maybe you have read a few of those letters Pete? The Assemblyman will use his membership on the Education Committee to lead the charge against Cuomo. Mr Lopez also is a member of the Assembly's Enviornmental Conservation Committee. But I have never heard him speak out or use his membership on that committee to take a stand against the Constituion Pipeline. The destruction of our land and the denuding of the forests is a criminal act It will cause irreversible damage to the environment. I hope the pit bulls will still have some fight left in them, when Kinder Morgan comes calling looking to take more of our land for a second pipeline and easement. But I expect by that time they will both be locked up back in their kennels.

Jerry Fiore Summit

Letter to the Editor: Time to Stand Up to Pipeline

Written By Editor on 1/29/15 | 1/29/15

I see where the Constitution Pipeline has created its first jobs for the county. Schoharie County Deputies are out serving papers notifying landowners that they now have become defendants and their land will be confiscated from them. Following right behind constitution is another land grabber Kinder Morgan who wants to run a pipeline through the same towns and they want a seperate easement. That means between the 2 pipelines a football field wide swath will have to be cut through our properties, woods, fields, and backyards thus bringing a pipeline even closer to our homes and drinking water. I can only hope the Schoharie Supervisors will not remain silent again as its residents get put through another nightmare Maybe with the new leadership on the board, they will take a stand and say enough already. Do we really want our county to become an interstate for pipelines? Chairman Lape did state that his number 1 priority was to protect the health and saftey of our residents. Well here is your chance Mr. Lape back up your words. Also Assemblyman Lopez before you start thinking about the next rung on the political ladder and riding down 95 south to Washington, HELP US!

Jerry Fiore

Poll: Public Split on Effects of Fracking

Written By Editor on 1/18/15 | 1/18/15

With gas prices plunging across the country, the effects of fracking are split among Schoharie News readers. Some want the practice elsewhere with a similar number declaring that gas prices should not be a factor. Even was the idea about environmental degradation versus local fracking.

 Have Low Gas Prices Affected Your View on Fracking?

- Yes-- it's fine but not in my backyard 15% - 17
- Yes-- perhaps we can drill here 35% - 40
- No-- it shows how much the environment has been degraded 35% - 40
- No-- who cares about low gas prices? 14% - 16
113 total

Letter to the Editor: Continue Fighting the Pipeline

Written By Editor on 1/5/15 | 1/5/15

Dear Editor, Neighbors and Friends,

The long awaited decision from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission concerning the approval of the Constitution Pipeline comes as no surprise to many. For those of us at the local levels of government that did everything humanly possible to prevent this pipeline from running through our county, the decision is extremely disheartening. Our county board of supervisors, unfortunately, was fragmented on the issue, thus causing each town to find its own way. Our representatives at the next levels of government supported the entire concept and without their resistance the task of stopping the pipeline approval became monumental.

Our residents who are to be directly impacted by the pipeline routing understandably, will suffer devaluation of their properties as well as the constant worry that setbacks are not sufficient to insure safety in case of any compromise. Over the last 18 months I have witnessed many groups accept grant funding from representatives of Constitution and many of our land owners have signed off on easements and accepted the one time payout. For those land owners who have resisted, Constitution is now showing its true colors by mailing letters of intimidation to them. It is truly unfortunate that our county has in the past and is currently feeling the bullying powers of Big Energy because of the lack of unity among its residents and representatives.

It is extremely important for everyone to know that the effort to defeat this pipeline being placed in Schoharie County soil continues and the general public once again will be given the opportunity to voice its opinion at the upcoming public hearings to be held by DEC January 12, 2015 in Binghamton; January 13, 2015 in Oneonta and January 14, 2015 in Cobleskill at SUNY Cobleskill - Bouck Hall Theater at 6:00 PM. DEC must decide if it will issue the necessary permits for the pipeline to be built after evaluating what its possible effects will have on aquifers, ground water, storm water runoff, spring thaws and streams.

The DEC has just announced that it will prohibit hydrofracking in New York, because the Health Department has advised them that it will be quite awhile before the issue of health threats is fully researched and understood. All the dangers of leaks and pollutants in fracking also exist for gas pipelines near water sources. The people of Schoharie are so dependent on having safe, clean water and they need to let the DEC know that the issue of pipeline health impacts on water supplies also needs to be researched and understood. If people can’t make the meetings they can email their concerns to

Unfortunately, our nations’ economy has taken its toll on many households causing families to participate in projects of this nature, which normally they would not have. But, the fact remains that we all must fear the county becoming a corridor for pipelines carrying a product which the major portion of will be exported at our expense. Let us be reminded that there has always been strength in numbers and if we are to protect our landscape, environment and way of life, a coordinated effort between county residents and elected officials must be accomplished.

Gene Milone,
Schoharie Town Supervisor

Stop the Pipeline Files Request for Pipeline Rehearing

Written By Cicero on 1/3/15 | 1/3/15

The Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, representing grass roots organization Stop the Pipeline (STP), has submitted a request for a rehearing of the proposed Constitution Pipeline to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
In the 73 page document submitted to FERC, Pace contends that the FERC violated the Clean Water Act, the Natural Gas Act, National Environmental Policy Act and landowners’ constitutional right of due process when it issued conditional approval of the proposed pipeline. Pace’s filing is the 5th request for rehearing submitted to FERC by public interest groups and attorneys representing landowners.
The Center for Sustainable Rural communities applauds the efforts by STP and Pace to protect the health, safety, quality of life and property rights of Upstate NY residents. The Center urges landowners to continue to resist and reject efforts by the pipeline company to bully and intimidate them.
Landowners who have been served with condemnation papers by Constitution should consider seeking qualified legal counsel. While the Center does not provide legal advice or recommend specific law firms we can provide landowners with a list of law firms who have agreed to handle pipeline condemnation cases, including law firms willing to represent landowner groups in order to reduce the cost to individual landowners.
Landowners who have been served with condemnation papers by Constitution Pipeline can email: or call toll-free: 800-795-1467 for information about individual and group representation.
Area residents are strongly encouraged to attend one or more of the hearings to be held by the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and express their concerns about the potential impacts of the Constitution Pipeline of area aquifers, rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands and private water wells. Without a 401 Water Permit from DEC, the Constitution Pipeline CAN NOT BE BUILT.
Dates, times and locations for the DEC hearings are as follows:
Monday January 12th
East Middle School Auditorium
167 East Frederick Street
Binghamton, NY
Tuesday January 13th
SUNY Oneonta
Lecture Hall IRC # 3
108 Ravine Highway
Oneonta, NY
Wednesday January 14th
SUNY Cobleskill
Bouck Hall Theater
State Route 7
Cobleskill, NY

NYS to Ban Fracking

Written By Editor on 12/17/14 | 12/17/14

It was unclear which direction the Governor's office was going to head in regarding fracking. After receiving a public health report regarding the potential effects of the practice, the Governor decided to ask the state legislature to ban the practice.

The acting Commissioner of Health stated, “I cannot support high volume hydraulic fracturing in the great state of New York,” The Administration decided to side with activists that contended that fracking would cause more harm than good in the local ecosystem.

Cuomo Nears Fracking Decision

Written By Editor on 12/16/14 | 12/16/14

Governor Cuomo seemed to indicate that he will finally make a stand in the fracking debate. In the four years he's been in office, the Governor has not indicated either way where he stood on the controversial practice. Now he says that he is awaiting a health report on fracking's effects due out by January 1.

In a recent interview, the Governor was slightly more clear, but still obtuse about his final decision. He said, “By the end of the year, we should have positions on both that are clear. We'll start the new year with major decisions under our belt.”

It is not clear which position he will wind up taking. Some speculate that he may allow very limited fracking, but ban it in almost every part of the state.

Letter to the Editor: Pipeline Assertions are Wrong

Written By Cicero on 12/14/14 | 12/14/14

In a recent letter to the Schoharie News, an anonymous author, using a fictitious name coyly referring to the nation’s largest drilling contractor, blamed pipeline opposition on “retired trust fund babies.” As the son of a factory worker and homemaker who works full time while being active in the fight to stop the Constitution Pipeline, I can’t help but wonder why I haven’t run into any trust fund babies among the hundreds of farmers, clerks, plumbers, dentists, mechanics, warehouse workers and other assorted “ordinary” folks fighting the Constitution pipeline.
The unknown author also speculated that “outsiders” participated in the recent Schoharie News poll. The proposed pipeline will run 124 miles from Pennsylvania to the Town of Wright and then connect to other pipelines running east to Boston and beyond, impacting thousands of people in multiple states. You have to wonder who the author considers “outsiders” in this case, - people in Ohio? I don’t think Ohioans skewed the poll results. I think the poll results reflect the regional nature of, and deep concern about, the proposed pipeline.
The author says that pipelines are the safest mode of “hydrocarbon transfer” but seems unaware of the dismal safety records, and long list of fines levied on, those behind the proposed Constitution Pipeline for everything from leaks, to fires and explosions. He is apparently unaware of the more than 40 people who have died and the thousands injured in pipeline explosions over the last ten years.
The author talks about heating costs and infers that this pipeline would help reduce those costs. Unfortunately, Constitution Pipeline will not provide gas to Schoharie County, a fact confirmed by a Williams Company spokesman this week on the Capital Connection radio program.  The gas is going eastward and north to Canada to eventually be exported. It may reduce heating costs for some but those people are likely to be in China and Eastern Europe.  That being said, there is someone “local” who will get the gas - $750,000 in taxpayer money has been earmarked by governor Cuomo to build a special distribution line to Delaware County’s Amphenol Corporation, a company that CNN News has included in their list of corporations who have moved American jobs overseas.
The author suggests that those opposing the pipeline are taking money from the poor, a contention that is both absurd and ironic. It is absurd to suggest that lower local heating costs will somehow result when the terminus for the proposed pipeline is ultimately an export terminal in Canada. It is ironic because the pipeline will run through Schoharie and Delaware counties which have 12% and 15% of their populations, respectively, living below the poverty level and for whom the pipeline will: devalue their properties, impact how they use their land, increase insurance costs, raise liability and exposure to litigation, make first and second mortgages more expensive and harder to get and increase anxiety, fear and risk. All of that, for people already stressed by living in a region with a seriously depressed economy.
Finally, the author suggests that opposing the pipeline somehow puts money into the pockets of rich CEOs, I suggest reading the Wall Street Journal which has reported on the precipitous drop in stock prices for Williams Company, a partner in the proposed pipeline which is more than a year behind schedule, because of an effective and well-organized opposition.

Bob Nied
Center for Sustainable Rural Communities

Letter to the Editor: Anti-Pipeline Activists Would Give Money from Poor to Corporations

Written By Editor on 12/11/14 | 12/11/14

If the hundreds of "extra" voters in the Schoharie "News" poll this week is any indication, a lot of outsiders are weighing on on the idea of the Constitution Pipeline coming in.

It's not the same as the fight against fracking, which would devastate local water supply. Whether activists agree or not, of all modes of hydrocarbon transfer, pipelines have the safest record. By far.

If the pipeline doesn't come through, then the natural gas will come by rail. Remember that explosion that leveled part of a town in Quebec? Well, here comes those same trains through Cobleskill. They can argue that they'd rather have no gas coming through at all, but that simply won't happen. Why do they support the method with far more accidents and deaths attached?

There are a lot of comments about how the corporations hold too much influence. Damn right. Denying the pipeline will keep artificially high energy prices high, hurting the poor the most. Electricity rates are averaging about 18 cents a KW in New England, over double many parts of the country due to shutdowns of coal and nuclear plants and reduced pipelines.

Who bears the highest burden and pays the largest share of their income to heat their homes in the winter? "Retired" trust fund babies telling us how to live our lives or the working poor?

Well, they can just apply for HEAP, you may say. Certainly, but that means you support taking tax dollars from the 90+% of the local economy that is not energy based and handing it almost straight through to the large corporations. The higher surcharges and service fees that customers have to pay-- who gets them? The large utilities and energy conglomerates.

The pipeline might be a bad thing for the area and something that should be fought. But realize that in doing so, you will also be supporting taking money from the poor and working class to buy another cigar for a corporate CEO.

Richard "Halliburton"

Letter to the Editor: Stand Up for Property Rights Against Pipeline

Written By Cicero on 12/7/14 | 12/7/14

The following is an open letter to property owners from Robert Neid of the Center for Sustainable Rural Communities:
Please be advised that Constitution Pipeline has received only conditional approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). They DO NOT have the right to seize your property, enter your property or conduct any activity on your property at this time.
Recent letters sent to landowners by pipeline lawyers contained inaccurate information and empty threats. The Center for Sustainable Rural Communities has filed a formal complaint about those letters with the NY State Attorney General and called for an investigation.  The Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic has demanded a retraction of the threatening letters.
Landowners who have not signed easement agreements are urged to do the following:
·         Post “No Trespassing” signs.
·         Deny pipeline crews access to your property.
·         Call the police if pipeline crews come on your property without your permission.
·         Ask your neighbors to watch your property when you are not home, photograph any unauthorized activity by pipeline crews, and call you if someone tries to trespass.
·         Document any activity by pipeline crews on or near your property – take video or photographs, and record dates, times, license plate numbers and what activity occurs.
·         Discuss your situation with an attorney experienced in eminent domain.
Please remember that before the pipeline company can attempt to seize your property through eminent domain they must take you to court, usually Federal Court. For that to happen you must receive official papers via “personal service,” which requires the documents to be personally handed to one of the property owners (“served”), not sent by FedEx or mail.
For additional information visit: and/or contact the toll-free Landowner Assistance Line: 800-795-1967.
Landowners are encouraged to call the Office of the NY State Attorney General at
800-771-7755 if they have received threatening correspondence from the pipeline company or their representatives.

The above is offered for informational purposes only and is not offered as, nor should it be considered, legal advice.

Legal Challenge Fights Pipeline Decision

The Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic has launched a counter attack to the recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's decision to okay the Constitution Pipeline. Representing the local Stop the Pipeline organization, the group sent out a letter that made clear its objections.

 It reads in part:
According to your firm’s website, you specialize in eminent domain proceedings. Therefore you must know that your letter is replete with misleading information. It is apparent to STP that the intent of your letter is to bully landowners—who are already under duress from the December 2, 2014 decision by FERC that granted your client a conditional certificate of public convenience and necessity (“CPCN”)—into waiving their property rights. While we expect such unconscionable tactics from shady bill collectors, we do not expect them from a prestigious law firm such as Saul Ewing.
The law firm also challenged the legal standing the pipeline proprietors have used to support their project:
Please be advised that your misrepresentations of the facts and law to recipient landowners may violate the New York Rules of Professional Conduct. In particular, Rule 8.4, states that a “lawyer or law firm shall not: (c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.”
The move is supported by the Center for Sustainable Rural Communities, which is calling for the NY Attorney General to investigate tactics used by backers of the pipeline project.

Center for Sustainable Rural Communities on Pipeline Approval: Unacceptable

Written By Cicero on 12/3/14 | 12/3/14

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued a “Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity” for the proposed Constitution Pipeline. In doing so, the Federal agency essentially rejected the hundreds of comments, studies and concerns submitted by impacted landowners, communities, scientists and citizens groups. They also sent a signal to the NY State DEC and the US Army Corp of Engineers that concerns raised by those two agencies about the proposed pipeline would not be taken seriously. FERC also approved the proposed expansion of the compressor station in the Town of Wright which will facilitate the Constitution Pipeline and potentially others. By issuing the Certificate, FERC sets the stage for the seizure of private property through eminent domain to accommodate pipeline easements. Constitution may attempt to serve condemnation papers to individual landowners as early as today.

The proposed pipeline will follow a 50-60’ wide clear-cut path through Broome, Chenango, Delaware and Schoharie counties, dissecting forest, farmland, streams, wetlands and residential backyards. An estimated 1/3 of the route through Schoharie County will require blasting. Opponents have pointed out the pipeline will impact sensitive eco-systems and habitats for a wide verity of species including bald eagles and the bat colonies living in the Karst cave systems of Schoharie County, which are already threatened by “white nose syndrome” a disease that has resulted in the deaths of an estimated 6 million North American bats.

The Center for Sustainable Rural Communities submitted multiple comments to FERC opposing the pipeline including an extensive hydrogeology study and an industry standard white paper detailing the national security vulnerability of the proposed pipeline and associated compressor station. FERC dismissed the latter study essentially saying that steps were being taken to address the security issues but would not disclose what those steps are.  In response to the hundreds of environmental concerns raised, FERC deferred to “mitigation” promised by pipeline builders Cabot Oil & Gas, Williams Partners, Piedmont Natural Gas and WGL Holdings. FERC did not express concern about the safety records of Cabot and Williams, both of whom have garnered long lists of violations and fines related to drilling and pipeline operations.

Pipeline construction cannot begin until the NY State DEC conducts public hearings and grants a “401 permit.” Appeals to FERC’s decision are also likely by citizen and non-profit groups. Litigation is also possible by one or more of the hundreds of individuals and groups who have registered with FERC as “Interveners.”

Robert Nied, spokesperson for the Center issued the following statement after the FERC announcement:

“The Federal regulatory process has failed the citizens of New York. FERC has opted to ignore the health, safety, quality of life and property rights of the residents of our region and rubber stamp a destructive and unnecessary project in order to further the profits of a callus and out of control oil and gas industry. The Center will continue to fight this project and stand with those resisting its abuse of private property rights, community rights and the right of every citizen to a safe and healthy environment.”

Breaking News: Constitution Pipeline Approved by FERC

The Federal Energy Regulatory Committee has made an astonishing decision, announced today. Coming months off of its statement that the proposed Constitution Pipeline would be environmentally safe, the regulatory body has declared that the pipeline has been conditionally approved.

This has resulted in a mad dash by parties to stop or to begin the project. A statement from the Center for Sustainable Rural Communities will be published shortly decrying the decision. Meanwhile, the natural gas industry will likely attempt to start construction in early 2015. Construction could be done by the end of the year.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Williams Energy has several other pipeline projects prepared, although these may not intersect Schoharie County:
Williams also has several other pipeline projects in the works that would expand and reroute gas shipments to increase its ability to move Pennsylvania gas on its Transco network, which runs from Texas to New York.

Letter to the Editor: Representatives Slow to Act on Pipeline

Written By Cicero on 11/24/14 | 11/24/14

Maybe our state representatives have been silent on the Constitution Pipeline because it only affects a few of their constituents. You will never see them at a Stop the Pipeline rally. They are way too busy, probably marching at some parade, at a photo op, or cutting a ribbon. Why should they care about a small group of people who will have their land taken from them by the pipeline companies? Also, their good friend John Faso is on Constitution Pipeline’s payroll. Although, they must be doing a great job as both were just reelected to another term by successfully beating Mr. Unopposed.

Jerry Fiore

Letter to the Editor: A Call for Legislators to Oppose Constitution Pipeline

Written By Cicero on 11/13/14 | 11/13/14

Senator Seward & Assemblyman Lopez:
Residents of your respective districts are facing: the seizure of their private property through eminent domain, the anxiety of living near natural gas pipelines constructed and managed by companies with unacceptable safety records, potential devaluation of their homes, increased insurance costs, noise and air pollution from compressor stations and the possibility of additional infrastructure build-outs, including compressed natural gas (CNG) facilities and other industrial uses which are incompatible with the character of their rural communities.
Despite the above, you have both been silent on the issue of the proposed Constitution and Kinder-Morgan (NED) pipelines except for your early support of Constitution Pipeline’s “I-88 Alternative Route.” Now that both Constitution and Kinder-Morgan have unequivocally rejected the use of the I-88 right-of-way as a route for their respective pipelines, citing cost, the inability to utilize eminent domain to gain access to land along interstate highways, and the lack of environmental advantage, it is critical that you break your silence and begin to advocate in a meaningful way for the safety, quality of life and property rights of your constituents and the environmental integrity of the wetlands, forest and farmlands that will be negatively impacted by gas infrastructure development.
The Center for Sustainable Rural Communities urges you to actively and assertively oppose the Constitution and Kinder-Morgan Pipelines and the industrialization of rural communities through the build-out of infrastructure designed to store, process and transmit natural gas obtained through the dangerous practice of hydraulic fracturing particularly given that this development will have little or no benefit for the majority your constituents.
Robert Nied
Board of Directors
Center for Sustainable Rural Communities

FERC: Consititution Pipeline Would Have Little Negative Impact

Written By Editor on 10/27/14 | 10/27/14

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has finally weighed in on the proposed Constitution Pipeline project. After months of review, the agency believes that the project would have minimal environmental impact.

The Final Environmental Impact Study, released son Friday, believes that the method of construction would be appropriate for the local ecology:
Constitution would use specialized crossing methods for several waterbodies and wetlands, would cross other waterbodies using dry crossing methods, and would be required to obtain applicable permits and provide mitigation for unavoidable impacts on waterbodies and wetlands through coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
The agency's determination read in part, "Iroquois would minimize impacts on natural and cultural resources during construction and operation of its project." This came after months of research and public comment.

It is unclear if this will directly lead to the construction of the 124 mile pipeline, but it comes as a blow to local efforts to stop the project.

Press Release: Stop the Pipeline Blasts Constitution's "Arrogance"

Written By Editor on 12/19/13 | 12/19/13

Central NY - Stop the Pipeline (STP) filed extensive comments with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today, blasting the Constitution Pipeline Company’s lack of directness and transparency in its responses to requests for information made by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corp) and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The comments were prepared by the Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, which represents STP. The Clinic spent weeks analyzing the pipeline company’s responses after FERC told the company that it had to provide answers to all agencies’ comments before FERC releases its draft Environmental Impact Statement. 

“We were shocked by the evasive techniques the pipeline company used to avoid answering questions,” said Anne Marie Garti, a founding member of STP and a volunteer at the Clinic. “They ignored most of the agencies’ comments, developed legal theories to try to avoid answering others, and then buried the rest in thousands of pages of submitted files so that no one could find them.” 

The Constitution Pipeline Company requires permits from both the Army Corps and the DEC before it can begin construction. Both agencies have submitted comments that require extensive analysis from the pipeline company under laws that are outside of FERC’s authority.  

Stop the Pipeline (STP) is a grass roots organization of landowners and citizens who are committed to preserving Central New York from the countless negative impacts of the proposed 30”, 124-mile high-pressure gas transmission line that would run through pristine territory, from Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania to Schoharie County, New York. STP retained the Pace Law School’s Environmental Litigation Clinic last Fall to help stop the pipeline. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. founded the Litigation Clinic, and co-directs it with Professor Karl Coplan.  Professor Daniel E. Estrin is the Clinic’s Supervising Attorney working on the case. 

“A gas pipeline project such as this, proposed to cut through pristine wilderness areas, including trout stream beds and vital wetlands, has potential to cause enormous adverse environmental impacts,” explained Professor Estrin.  “We have been pleased with the efforts of the Army Corps and DEC to obtain data that are absolutely necessary to assess those impacts, as well as to analyze whether there is a need for the pipeline project.  Conversely, we have been extremely disappointed by the Company’s game of hide the ball, which is clearly designed to make it so hard to find responsive data that the agencies and public will eventually lose interest and give up.  The company should know that the public is tracking this process very carefully, and that its efforts to prevail through atrophy of energy or interest will not succeed.”

Poll: No Thanks to Constitution Pipeline

Written By Editor on 12/8/13 | 12/8/13

Schoharie News readers say thanks but no thanks to the idea of bringing the Constitution Pipeline through Schoharie County. The natural gas pipe would traverse several towns in the County. With concerns about the Blenheim explosion still fresh in the County's collective memory, a significant majority is against the project.

What Is Your Opinion on the Constitution Pipeline?

For- 34: 26%
Against- 76: 58%
Undecided: 20: 15%
Total: 130

The results are over two-to-one against-- mounting a major challenge to the idea that the pipeline may be coming through the County sometime soon.

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