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Planned Power Outage Across Much of County Tomorrow

Written By Editor on 10/31/14 | 10/31/14

National Grid has informed the Office of Emergency Services that there will be a scheduled power outage on Saturday, November 1, 2014 from 7-10 am in order to replace broken insulators on power lines.  The outage will be from the Cobleskill area south to Worcester area.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please visit the National Grid Website at

Two Fires in Conesville Cause Extensive Damage

Written By Editor on 10/29/14 | 10/29/14

From the Schoharie County Fire Wire, we have some unsettling news about two fires that struck Conesville Tuesday.

The two fires required assistance from first responders from local departments in Middleburgh and Livingstonville, as well as departments from Albany and Delaware County. The County also had to dispatch the FAST Team and Fire Investigation Team.

One of the tragic blazes was on Potter Mountain Road in Manorkill . The other was on 990V. Incredible photos from the scenes from the Fire Wire facebok page.

Opinion: Alicia Terry's Termination is Well Past Due

It's a well worn piece of commentary at the County Building. Not every conversation goes like this, but the variations have been heard too many times to count.

"How did Alicia Terry even become Planning Department Chair?"

"Her daddy and granddaddy were County Clerk."

Whether or not Terry was hired as a legacy may be an opinion. What is a fact is that in her twenty years running Planning and Development, Schoharie County has suffered failure after failure.

- She did not step in in 2001 when Interknitting announced it would be leaving Guilford Mills to prevent the closure and loss of 700 jobs.
- She bungled the sale or use of Guilford Mills for years before County Treasurer Bill Cherry stepped in and had it sold in months.
- The Guilford failures included a logging company, Intelligent Fish, and Butternuts Brewery.
- Bungled the prospective deals to bring Lowe's to Cobleskill.
- Forged the AECOM contract without Board approval, costing the taxpayers millions.
- Not following through in Sharon hotel renovation. Multi-million dollar promises from Terry and Korean investors still go unfilled years later.
- Worked with Cassandra Ethington to manipulate county government.
- In 2012 the County unemployment rate reached 12.2%, nearing Depression levels.
- Was directly involved in at least one questionable firing during her tenure.

In fact, her one "accomplishment" was her front-and-center involvement in the $9 million water line extension from the Village of Cobleskill to Howe Caverns. A project engineered by former Mayor Mark Galasso that just happened to benefit his relative Emil.

Former Middleburgh Mayor Gary Hayes says that Terry was a 'go to' person for Middleburgh's economic growth. No recent publication or statements from Middleburgh officials seems to back that up.

Alicia Terry is well-educated, for sure. But failure after failure has shown no learning and no initiative to solve Schoharie County's myriad economic problems.

Treasurer Bill Cherry's budget is bold. It is also necessary.

If you are on the fence, just ask yourself this: is the County better off due to anything, anything that Alicia Terry has done.

Letter to the Editor: Planning Department Changes Needed

In last week’s Times-Journal, that newpaper’s lead editorial demanded an explanation for some of the recommendations that I made in the 2015 Tentative Budget. It is a fair request. What isn’t fair however is the inflammatory claim made by the TJ editor that I “gutted” the Planning Department. Planning and Economic Development Director Alicia Terry recommended that the vacant Office Manager position be eliminated from the Planning Department in 2015, and that a new fulltime Planner position be created. I supported that plan, but I am also recommending a change in the way the agency is managed.

For the past 20 years, economic development has been the under-performing stepchild of the Planning Department, with both functions combined and overseen by one department head. I am recommending that the two functions be separated into their own individual departments. I made this recommendation because, in my opinion, our county’s economic development and job creation record is abysmal, and has been for a long time.

The Planning Department deals with helping towns re-write zoning regulations, assists with drafting master plans, and so on. On the other hand, Economic Development deals with bringing in new jobs, promoting Schoharie County to potential businesses which might be willing to relocate here, and cutting through red tape to help those businesses see the benefits of coming to our community. These two functions are really not compatible with each other in that Planning sets limits on what a homeowner or a business can do with their property, while Economic Development’s role should be creative and innovative in order to attract businesses and employers to our community. Over time, it is true that there have been occasions when I criticized our county’s economic development program. Those comments were not personal attacks, they were valid public policy criticisms of a program that was clearly not working. My complaints are based upon a taxpayer-funded agency’s failure to bring jobs to this county, when that is their only mission. Should there be no limits to how long we continue to pay for services that fall short of expectations?

The Director of Planning and Economic Development was appointed to that position more than 20 years ago, yet her job performance has never been evaluated by the Board of Supervisors nor has she ever come up for reappointment during that span of time. No annual goals are set by the Board, and no benchmarks are established in order to measure success (or failure). Moreover, this year’s cost overruns and change orders on the streambank project now total more than $5 million. The Planning Director has publically acknowledged that she personally authorized engineering company AECOM to perform $1.2 million worth of additional services, well beyond the scope of their contract, without ever bringing the matter to the Board of Supervisors for their approval. County taxpayers will now be stuck with that bill. The TJ editorial hinted that my budget recommendation is based upon some personal vendetta, and that I was being “vindictive”. Even worse, and more mean-spirited, were the accusations spewed out in two letters to the editor, claiming that the underlying reason for my recommendation for change was that I treat women differently than I treat men. Both accusations are completely false and untrue, and I believe they are made in an effort to take the focus off the real issue at hand, which is the ineffectiveness of our county’s economic development policies.

It is my duty and responsibility as budget officer to sometimes recommend changes to the status quo. Surely most people will agree that Schoharie County’s record of economic development and job creation over the past 20 years has been a failure. While counties all around us have experienced job growth and economic expansion, Schoharie County always seems to fall short. The TJ accurately states in their editorial that I once called our economic development efforts a “flat tire”. I still think that sums it up pretty well. That statement is not intended to hurt anyone’s feelings, it is an evaluation of our failure to create much-needed jobs in this county. This has nothing to do with the gender of the department head, instead it has everything to do with our lack of forward progress. I am suggesting that the Planning Department be separated from Economic Development, and that more emphasis be placed upon attracting new employers to Schoharie County.

With that in mind, I also recommend that the one current full-time position in the economic development division be replaced with two employees for essentially the same money. In a questionable “cost-savings” move made two years ago, the now-dismissed former Personnel Officer, working in conjunction with Planning Director, eliminated a grade 12 position in Economic Development and replaced it with the current grade 19 ‘Marketing Specialist’ position. Obviously, this change didn’t save any money at all, but instead cost taxpayers even more. I am recommending that this ill- conceived plan be reversed, and the current grade 19 position be abolished and replaced with one fulltime grade 15 position plus one half-time position for essentially the same money that we are now paying. The advantage here is that for about the same cost, we could have two economic development representatives out there beating the bushes and trying to bring in jobs instead of just one. I call that more bang for the buck.

As for the claims that I am somehow targeting anyone in county government because of their gender, I categorically and absolutely deny that accusation. Unless the Times Journal or its contributors have proof that I have ever discriminated against anyone based upon gender, race, or age, they are coming dangerously close to crossing the line and being sued for libel. I have worked with dozens, if not hundreds, of professional women during my 30 years in public service, and I have always fought for their equality in the workplace. I treat everyone that I work with, both men and women, with dignity and respect. But I am not your typical “politician” in that when it comes to taxpayer dollars, I am often willing to speak my mind, and even criticize other governmental agencies when the more politically correct (and probably smarter) move would be to sit on the sidelines and keep quiet. But the residents of this county have given me a job to do as their treasurer, a job that sometimes requires me to make difficult choices, and to speak the truth as I see it.

I know that I am not going to make everyone happy all the time, but for a local newspaper to accuse me of discrimination against women is a complete fabrication. I will continue to treat women and men as equals, to treat Democrats exactly the same as I do Republicans, and to be critical of wasteful spending and poor performance regardless of gender or political affiliation.

William Cherry
Schoharie County Treasurer

Letter to the Editor: Potential Terry Firing Inappropriate, Says Former Mayor

Written By Editor on 10/28/14 | 10/28/14

I would like to take this opportunity and express my support to the Times Journal in the Opinions section, titled, Convince Us Otherwise dated October 22, 2014. 

Although, Mr. William “Bill’ Cherry is behind this move to eliminate Alicia Terry and Sarah Blood, I feel his rationale lacks real depth. 

And yes, a majority of the Board of Supervisors must approve this action for it to implemented.

However, as a resident of the Town of Middleburgh, I know that Alicia Terry and Sarah Blood have been the ‘go to’ people in Middleburgh when seeking to relocate or start a business, information on economic development, and or grant funding. These are important functions they perform.

All I have seen are results from Alicia Terry and Sarah Blood in their work for the county. 
They have proven their value many times over, especially to the Town of Middleburgh. I believe, we are fortunate to have individuals like this working for us at the county level.

So, I encourage you to ask your Supervisor to convince you, the taxpayers, that politics isn’t playing a role in Mr. Cherry’s action. Soon, your supervisor will be voting on this issue.

So, James Buzon, Middleburgh’s representative on the Board of Supervisors, please let us know how you will be voting on this issue and why? 

Thank you for your time in this matter.


Gary Hayes
Box 45
Middleburgh, New York 121222

Remember to Register to Vote! How to Register in this Article

It is a bit late to register for this year's ballot, but it is important for everyone to register and get out and vote.

  • Be a citizen of the United States.
  • Be a resident of the county at least 30 days before an election.
  • Be 18 years old by December 31 of the year in which you register to vote (Note: You must be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary, or other election in which you want to vote).
  • Not be in jail or on parole for a felony conviction.
  • Not currently be judged incompetent by order of a court of competent judicial authority.
  • Not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

You can register in person at the Schoharie County Building on Main Street in Schoharie. See here for more information.

You can find the paper copy of the registration form here. Print it out and mail it in to the address on the bottom and you're all set.

You can also fill out a form online here.

Good luck and happy voting!

Nutrition Education Comes to Local School

Sponsored by Schoharie Valley Farm to School Project for October's National Farm to School Month, SUNY Cobleskill Professor of Ag and Food Management, Anne Rogan, PhD, RD, CDN, delivers her quick "nutrition education in the cafeteria" lesson to 3rd - 6th graders of Middleburgh CSD. The topic was sugar consumption from prepacked foods and drinks. 

Middleburgh Village Trustee and Farm to School Executive Planning Council Member, Bill Morton, assists in organizing the completion of the lesson evaluations by the students.
Middleburgh Elementary School students fill out their lesson evaluations at the Schoharie Valley Farm to School Project table, while Anne Rogan, PhD, RD CDN, continued teaching about how to read labels to assess the sugar content of the food item to the next group of students.

Staff and volunteers responsible for delivering the nutrition education in the cafeteria experience to Middleburgh Elementary School students were (L-R): Bill Morton, Middleburgh Town Trustee; Regina Tillman, MS, RD, Schoharie Valley Farm to School Project Coordinator; Barbara Moore, Middleburgh CSD and Schoharie CSD School Food Service Manager; Anne Rogan, PhD, RD, CDN, SUNY Cobleskill Professor of Agriculture and Food Management.

 Photo credit Regina Tillman.

New York State Police to Host Training to Help Military Veterans in Crisis

Written By Editor on 10/27/14 | 10/27/14

On October 28, the New York State Police will host a two-day training at the State Police Academy in Albany to teach public safety personnel how to help military veterans in crisis.

The course is taught by the Upper Midwest Community Policing Institute and is for public safety personnel including law enforcement, EMS responders and 911 dispatchers. Public Safety personnel from across the state will attend.

Military veterans may experience a unique set of circumstances when returning from deployment.
They can suffer physical and psychological aftereffects from traumatic experiences overseas. This can culminate in injury to themselves, their families and public safety/law enforcement personnel.

This training helps attendees to effectively communicate with veterans in a crisis situation, teaching them the tools that can help to de-escalate a situation.

Participants will also learn more about wartime stressors, the effects of multiple deployments, and the challenges of veterans reintegrating into society and their families.

Same Deer Causes Two Crashes, Injuries in Cobleskill

On Saturday, October 25, 2014 at approximately 7:17pm a deer ran into the path of and was struck by a vehicle being driven eastbound by Daniel Marshall. The deer then became airborne and struck a vehicle operated by Kenneth VanBuren who was travelling westbound. The deer struck the roof of the vehicle causing the roof to partially collapse.

Photo credit: Schoharie County Sheriff's Office
The deer came to rest on the inside of the vehicle partially into the backseat. Kenneth VanBuren 21, was transported to Cobleskill Regional Hospital by Cobleskill Ambulance. His passenger, Heather St. Pierre, 24, was transported to Albany Medical Center by Central Bridge Ambulance.

FERC: Consititution Pipeline Would Have Little Negative Impact

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has finally weighed in on the proposed Constitution Pipeline project. After months of review, the agency believes that the project would have minimal environmental impact.

The Final Environmental Impact Study, released son Friday, believes that the method of construction would be appropriate for the local ecology:
Constitution would use specialized crossing methods for several waterbodies and wetlands, would cross other waterbodies using dry crossing methods, and would be required to obtain applicable permits and provide mitigation for unavoidable impacts on waterbodies and wetlands through coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
The agency's determination read in part, "Iroquois would minimize impacts on natural and cultural resources during construction and operation of its project." This came after months of research and public comment.

It is unclear if this will directly lead to the construction of the 124 mile pipeline, but it comes as a blow to local efforts to stop the project.

Middleburgh Residents Encouraged to Take Comprehensive Plan Survey

Middleburgh residents are encouraged to participate in the revising of the Town and Village Comprehensive Plan. The document, which hasn't been updated since 1999, is being reworked by a committee of residents from both the town and village of Middleburgh.

The Comprehensive Plan Committee encourages residents to take a survey that will help them write the plan, which will advise on the growth of business, tax rates, zoning regulations, first responders, and other critical issues. The survey can be found here.

Vote in Our Poll: Do You Agree with Planning Dept Changes?

Make sure to vote in the poll on our sidebar. The question asks if you agreed with the proposed changes to the Planning Department in the new budget, including the elimination of Director Alicia Terry's position.

Stamford/Richmondville Pistol Team Places First in NRA Contest Category

The Stamford/Richmondville Pistol team Charles Rose of Gilboa ; Cliff Christman of Richmondville; Larry VanDeusen of Cobleskill and Jim Hitt (Captain of the team) of Stamford (holding the medals) placed first in the National Rifle Association (NRA) National Open Team Sectional-Conventional Pistol competition in the Expert/Law Enforcement-Civilian category and they placed fifth overall. Henry Mulbury, President of the Richmondville Club and Kevin Neary, Richmondville Village Mayor handed out the awards.
Photo Credit: Karen Cuccinello

Arrest in Middleburgh over Stabbing

Written By Editor on 10/26/14 | 10/26/14

Sheriff's Deputies arrested Ronald Fahrenkopf, 36, of Middleburgh after a stabbing incident on Thursday, October 23rd. Mr. Fahrenkopf is being charged with Assault in the Third Degree for allegedly stabbing Cody Hotaling, 19. Mr. Fahrenkopf was previously arrested in 2010 for allegedly slashing a woman and preventing her from leaving her place of residence.

Readers Overwhelmingly Disapprove of Common Core

Schoharie News readers overwhelmingly dislike Common Core provisions being implemented in New York State.

Do You Agree with Common Core in NYS?

 Yes 7% - 9
 No 82% - 110
 Too early/don't know 11% -15 
 134 total

Esperance Elks Haunted House Tomorrow

Written By Editor on 10/24/14 | 10/24/14

Esperance Elks 18th Annual Haunted House Saturday October 25th 5:30 to 8:30. FREE for the community, Route 20 Esperance Elks Lodge.

Iroquois Museum's Exhibit: Standing in Two Worlds: Iroquois in 2014 Open Through November

HOWES CAVE, NY -- The Iroquois Indian Museum’s newest exhibition, Standing in Two Worlds: Iroquois in 2014, is open until Nov. 30 with new November hours from Thursdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 12 Noon to 4 p.m.
The exhibit features over 30 Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) artists and focuses upon contemporary concerns that warrant their attention and creative comment.  Exhibition works (artwork and poetry) include those that explore boundaries and borders, environment, hydro-fracking, economy, gaming, the digital/disposable age, sports mascots, the impact of national/international events and decisions, the role of tradition and community, and the state of the arts.
For more information about the exhibition and admission, visit and like the Museum on Facebook
Standing in Two Worlds: Iroquois in 2014 is supported in part by grants from the New York Council for the Humanities and the generous donations of individuals.

Arrest in Schoharie Over Drug Charges

Written By Editor on 10/23/14 | 10/23/14

Sheriff's deputies arrested Joseph Lostritto of Schenectady following an incident on Terrace Mountain Road in the Town of Schoharie. Mr. Lostritto was arrested after an investigation in to an odor of marihuana coming from his vehicle after he had requested deputies to perform a vehicle unlock. Mr. Lostritto was released on an appearance ticket to appear in the Town of Schoharie court at a later date.

Knight: 'Tis the Season for Rhetoric

Written By Editor on 10/22/14 | 10/22/14

Ahhh, rhetoric, how splendid 'tis is. 

The great Greek philosopher Aristotle once opined that rhetoric is, "the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion," but that was in a time when words held meaning and democracy was not made a mockery of by ideological blowhards. 

Today the persuasive device can be described as little more than members of a particular party, or a media organization for good measure, shilling for their preferred point of view. Granted, it is often wrapped with a red bow of literary or oral flourish, but it remains shilling, none the less. 

Such is the case in Schoharie County presently, with the unveiling of the 2015 Tentative Budget by County Treasurer Bill Cherry. 

I will not parse words: this budget is brutal. The county is facing a significant tax increase, a stagnant stream of sales tax revenue, and a fundamental change in county operations if the Planning and Economic Development Department is split into two. 

Covering the proposed budget's announcement at a press conference last week for the Mountain Eagle, I read through page after page of preliminary expenditure marks and left with a vile taste in my mouth. Not for the budget itself, but in anticipation for the coming political maelstrom. 

Some might question why I, as a journalist, would dread a coming battle of rhetoric when it would result in a steady stream of news for me to cover? My reply: because I am a citizen of this county, first and foremost, and more often than not, what doesn't kill us makes us bitter in this county. 

Bitter against our neighbors, bitter against our politicians, and bitter against our taxes. And sadly, it appears after this past week of coverage and debate over the proposed fiscal road map, this budget season is going to be more bashful than usual. Oh joy to the world. 

It's bad enough our county is in the fiscal situation that is, but must it be compounded by the blind ideology of our political elite as well?

There are things I dislike about the proposed budget, but is not my place to state them due to my journalistic responsibilities, but if truth be told: no one wins in this budget, however, if we travel down this road of ill content and ill will without even an morsel of understanding, we will all lose as well. 

Therefore, let us gird our loins, for 'Tis the Season for Rhetoric, and like the impending doom of winter, there is nothing we can do to delay its coming.

Vote in our Poll: What do You Think of Common Core?

Make sure to vote in the poll on our right hand sidebar. This week's poll is if you agree with the implementation of Common Core in New York State.

Cobleskill Partnership Hosting Facebook Marketing Seminar

The Cobleskill Partnership Inc. is holding a seminar to teach residents how to use Facebook to promote their business. The event is Monday October 27 from 7-8 pm at the Cobleskill Methodist Church on Chapel Street. Visit their Facebook page for more information.

Schoharie Las Vegas Night This Saturday

The Schoharie Fire Department is holding their annual Vegas Night fundraiser at the Fire House this Saturday, October 25th. The event, from 7pm until midnight features food and drink as well as blackjack, craps, and a money wheel. RSVP on the invite page on Facebook here.

Long Island Man Arrested in Richmondville on Drug Charges

Written By Editor on 10/21/14 | 10/21/14

On October 17, 2014, State Police in Cobleskill arrested David J. Willmott III of Hampton Bays, NY for Unlawful Possession of Marijuana. Willmott who was operating a 2006 Toyota on I-88 in the Town of Richmondville was stopped by Troopers for speeding. While Willmott was being interviewed an odor of marijuana was detected inside his vehicle. A Search of the vehicle led to the discovery of marijuana in his glove box. He was issued a traffic ticket and an appearance ticket for unlawful possession of marijuana, a violation, and is scheduled to appear in the Town of Richmondville court at a later date.

Schoharie Woman Arrested on Aggravated DWI

On October 19, 2014, State Police in Cobleskill arrested Karen L. Wagner of Schoharie, for Aggravated DWI and multiple traffic violations. Wagner was stopped in a 2011 Jeep on Colby Road in Schoharie after multiple lane violations were observed by Troopers. Wagner refused to perform field sobriety tests and was transported to SP Cobleskill for processing. Wagner was found to have a blood alcohol content of 0.25%, more than three times the legal limit. She was issued tickets and is scheduled to appear in the Town of Schoharie Court on October 27, 2014.

Opinion: Anybody but Cuomo

There is much talk about the divide between Upstate and Downstate-- as there has been for ages. However, the divide between the two regions is at its furthest point under the divisive and combative administration of Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo promised to be a fiscal hawk and responsible administrator. He turned out to be neither.

- Governor Cuomo has waffled on the issue of fracking. He has upset both camps by not banning the practice. He has placed unnecessary risk to local ecology by not encouraging a ban. If he is to take a position, he should come out and do so, rather than stringing along those that support and oppose it.

- His draconian gun laws inadvertently made hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers into felons for owning guns they legally purchased. His pushing through of the SAFE Act violated both his campaign promise and the essence of the Second Amendment.

- His campaign against teachers and embracing of Common Core has upset both the teacher's unions and parents' advocates. His waffling over whether or not to strip teachers of privileges has enraged teachers, parents, and administrators while slashing education aid.

- His broken promises in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene have left thousands in the lurch. Cuomo didn't even properly utilize federal disaster funding until after it was clear that Downstate would not use it all to repair after Sandy. The administration of NY Rising and FEMA buyouts have been disastrous, rubbing salt in the wounds of people that already suffered catastrophic flooding.

- Cuomo disbanded an anti-corruption commission after it became clear they were investigating those around him. He has made the Albany culture of corruption worse, not better.

- Pushed for increased regulation that is further stifling business, especially Upstate. The whole region has essentially been ignored unless there is a photo op or fundraiser here.

Andrew Cuomo is not fit to lead New York State. Whether you vote Green, Republican, or write in Zephyr Teachout, you will find a better candidate.

County Board Passes Anti-Depression Initiative

The Schoharie County Board of Supervisors took a positive step in dealing with emotional trauma. Last Friday, the Board unanimously approved an effort to deal with depression. This was spearheaded by Blenheim Supervisor Shawn Smith and introduced by Sharon Supervisor Sandra Manko. The text of the resolution reads as follows:

WHEREAS depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and other mental illnesses, impact the lives of Schoharie County residents on a regular basis, including up to approximately a quarter of the student body at the State University of Cobleskill, and an unknown number of students within Schoharie County's six school districts; and

WHEREAS treatment for mental illnesses, both medicinal and therapeutic, have a high success rate for those afflicted with either clinical or conditional bouts of mental distress, but approximately two-thirds of American students choose not to seek help for fear of embarrassment, of shame, or of the social stigma associated; and
WHEREAS the United States Congress established the first week of October as the National Mental Illness Awareness Week in 1990, and that mental health advocates continued to bring awareness to those afflicted between October 5th and October 11th of this year; and
WHEREAS a collection of local students, government officials, and young adults have joined efforts to form a depression awareness organization, Light the Way, to disseminate information and host events in support of increased education on mental illness with the hope of decreasing the social stigmatization associated with depression, self-harm and suicidal thoughts, while working to serve as a torchlight of hope, by way of sharing personal stories and providing information and resources to the afflicted, to light the way for troubled souls in the shadows; and
WHEREAS the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors desires to aid those suffering from depression and other mental illnesses in any way that it can.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it supports the efforts of the County Mental Health Department, Light the Way, and other national, state, and local government agencies and organizations to bring continued awareness to mental illnesses both in and outside of Schoharie County.

Canjo Woman Arrested in Cobleskill on Drug Charges

On October 16, 2014, Troopers from SP Cobleskill stopped a 2000 Plymouth for rear window tint traveling on State Route 7 in the Town of Cobleskill. While interviewing the operator Jasmine E. Freeman, 29, of Canajoharie, an odor of marijuana was detected inside the vehicle. A search of the vehicle led to the discovery of a clear bag containing marijuana. Freeman was issued an appearance ticket for Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, a violation and is scheduled to appear in the Town of Cobleskill court at a later date.

Join Jefferson FD for Hunter's Dinner November 14th

Written By Editor on 10/20/14 | 10/20/14

Please join the Jefferson Volunteer Fire Department for their Annual Hunter's Dinner on November 14th. Prime Rib, Clams, Door Prizes, Gun Raffle, 50/50 and more. Call Marc Lawrence at 607-287-4681 or Lynn Vroman at 607-376-2262 for tickets.

New Cuomo Ad: No Common Core Scores for Five Years

In what appears to be an about face from the fast-tracked implementation of Common Core in New York, Governor Cuomo has released a commercial saying that no Common Core scores will be at least for five years. After that, it will only be used if it 'works.'

The governor also criticizes overtesting of students.

Halloween Events: Zombies, Scares and Pumpkins -- Oh, My!

Halloween-time makes its grand entrance with all types of events guaranteed to give you a hauntingly great experience in the Schoharie Valley.
The focus on Oct. 25 is the Scare Fair and Zombie Run at the New York Power Authority in North Blenheim.  The Scare Fair that takes place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., , held in conjunction with Mine Kill State Park, features food, craft vendors, laser tag, music, a haunted house and children’s costume parade and contest at 12 p.m., with one pumpkin for each parade participant. The Scare Fair is free and the public is invited.
The Zombie Run 5K, sponsored by the Middleburgh Library Association, is a strike back against the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. The fun begins at 9 a.m. There is a fee of $35 for adults, $25 for those under 18 years of age, and $25 for Zombies (must be 16-plus).
At the Middleburgh Library, Ghost Detective with author Michael Worden, takes place at 1 p.m. Worden is a police detective and seasoned ghost investigator.
            The Pick--A-Pumpkin Pumpkin Patch is open through Halloween (closed Sundays) with hayrides, mazes and much more. Night Terrors Haunted Farm in Schoharie. continues through Halloween with appropriate frights for all!
            At the Landis Arboretum there is a full-moon Owl Prowl, led by the Arboretum’s Science Educator George Steele.             The next day, Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lansing Manor on the site of the Blenheim-Gilboa Visitors Center in North Blenheim, will be the scene for “Exploring the Spirits and Senses.”  At the Iroquois Indian Museum, there are stories in the log cabin at 1 p.m.
            But, for those who want an early start on fun-filled times, on Oct. 24 there is a Star Party that evening at the Arboretum and in conjunction with the Albany Area Astronomers. And, make a stop by the Dr. Christopher Best House in Middleburgh to see the life of a Victorian-era doctor’s family through Oct. 30.
Along the way from one event to another, businesses are ready to welcome you including HiveTerrace Mountain OrchardsWellington’s Herbs & SpicesSchoharie Valley Farms/The Carrot Barn and Barber’sFarm.

For more information about all there is to do and see in the Schoharie Valley, visit

Ceremony thanks Mayer for 41 Years as Middleburgh Clerk

Dozens of well wishers arrived at the Middleburgh Fire Department Saturday to give their thanks and best wishes for retiring clerk Janet Mayer. Mayer served as Village Clerk for 41 years and stepped down at the end of September.

Speakers included current and former Mayors of Middleburgh, Mayor John Borst of Schoharie, Congressman Chris Gibson, Assemblyman Peter Lopez, County Treasurer Bill Cherry, and others.

Past and present mayors Matthew Avitabile, William Ansel-McCabe, and Arthur Wargo present Janet Mayer with a retirement plaque

Mrs. Mayer said that she would "do it all again" if she could. Zoning Board of Appeals Chair John Wingfield said that it was obvious that Janet loved serving the community. Former Mayor Arthur Wargo said that Janet's character could be seen from her great love of her family.

Deputy Clerk Melanie Laraway took office as Clerk on October 1st.

Photo and information credit: Sheila Donegan.

Large Majority Disapprove of County Board

By a large margin, Schoharie News readers disapprove of the performance of the current County Board of Supervisors.

Yes 13% - 20
No 86% - 134
Don't know 1% - 2
 156 total

Letter to the Editor: Thank You for Making the Weekend a Success

The Schoharie Chapter, NSDAR wishes to extend our deepest gratitude to all those who helped to make our Columbus Day "Open House" weekend of events a huge success.  We could not have been able to open up historic Lasell Hall without the support, labor and volunteer efforts of many over the past 3 years.  We wish to express our appreciation to Ky-Mar Distillery, Under the Nose Bakery, Harpersfield Cheese, and Ralph and Irmgard Buess for all their generous donations of food and drink for our Friday evening cocktail party.  We also wish to honor and recognize our several distinguished guests including Johanna Shogun, District III Director for the NYS DAR, Larry Wilson of Mesick-Cohen-Wilson-Baker Architects, Rich Rappleyea from Dimensions North, Tom and Dusty Putnam of Fenimore Asset Management, and several members of the Captain Christian Brown Chapter, NSDAR.

During the open house events Saturday and Sunday we were very pleased to host a variety of visitors to Lasell Hall.  We had a very special visit on Sunday afternoon from members of the Oneonta Chapter, NSDAR.  The Oneonta Chapter, NSDAR has been very sympathetic to the challenges that our chapter has faced since Hurricane Irene.  Their member has been here to volunteer during cleanup efforts, they have contributed financial donations, and on Sunday presented the Schoharie Chapter with a beautiful new American Flag and flag stand for its business meetings.

We are so happy to open up Lasell Hall and to make it accessible to our community once again.  Please keep Lasell Hall in mind as a venue for any future social events.  For more information please contact the Schoharie Chapter membership at

Jennifer Schultz, Vice-Regent
Schoharie Chapter, NSDAR

Wright Man Arrested on Two Counts of Reckless Endangerment

Written By Editor on 10/18/14 | 10/18/14

Sheriff's Deputies arrested Patrick Slavinski, 35, of the Town of Wright on an arrest warrant stemming from an incident that occurred on State Route 443 on 10/08/2014. He was charged with two counts of reckless endangerment in the second degree Mr. Slavinski was arraigned in the Town of Schoharie court and released to return to the Town of Schoharie court at a later date.

State Police Arrest Woman After Altercation in Cobleskill

State Police in Cobleskill arrested a local woman following an altercation that occurred at a residence on State Route 145 in the Town of Cobleskill.

Troopers arrested Kayla E. Tyree and charged her with Harassment 2nd following an altercation, Tyree allegedly spit and punched two women during an argument. Neither of the victims was injured during the altercation.

NH Man Arrested in Cobleskill on Drug Charges

State Police in Cobleskill arrested a man following a traffic stop in the Town of Cobleskill on October 15, 2014.

Christopher N. Magee age 19 of Barrington New Hampshire was arrested for Unlawful Possession of Marihuana after Troopers found marihuana and drug paraphernalia secreted in his vehicle during a traffic stop.  Magee was released on an Appearance Ticket to appear in the Town of Cobleskill Court on October 21, 2014 at 4:00 pm.

Two Arrested for Esperance Larceny

Written By Editor on 10/17/14 | 10/17/14

State Police in Cobleskill arrested two subjects following a larceny that occurred on Egelston Drive in the town of Esperance.

Paul R. Baird-Blackwood age 23 of Fultonville, and Danielle Dwyer age 26 of Esperance were arrested and charged with Petit Larceny following a complaint in Esperance.  Troopers allege that the pair stole five car batteries from a residence on Egelston Drive.  They later returned and were attempting to steal scrap metal when the homeowner arrived at his residence and found them on the property.  Both subjects were known to the homeowner who then contacted the State Police.  Both subjects were subsequently located and taken into custody.

Blackwood and Dwyer were processed and issued Appearance Tickets to appear in the Town of Esperance Court on November 5, 2014 at 6:00 pm.

Letter to the Editor: Justin Corcoran for Supreme Court Judge

On November 4th, you will have the opportunity to cast a vote for Justin Corcoran for Supreme Court Judge.  Justin was born and raised in the Capital District area, graduating from Voorheesville High School in 1986.  After being recognized with academic honors at SUNY Binghamton, Justin attended Albany Law School and once again stood out serving as the Associate Editor for the Albany Law Review.  Over the past 20 years,  Justin has handled thousands of complex civil cases in Supreme Court while also trying countless jury trials to verdict.  Justin has also served as a Special Prosecutor for Albany County and has distinguished himself as the Chairman for the Albany County Ethics Commission.  Justin’s law firm was recognized by the Albany County Women’s Bar Association with the “Family Friendly Firm” award.  His firm has also been recognized by the New York State Bar Association with the President’s Pro Bono Service Law Firm Award in recognition of outstanding contribution of time, resources, and expertise to the provision of free legal services to the poor. Justin’s accolades have included being recognized as a preeminent civil litigator by Best Lawyers of America and Super Lawyers.  Most importantly, as a judicial candidate, Justin was given the highest rating – “Highly Qualified” - by the Independent Judicial Election Qualification Commission, an independent, nonpartisan screening panel.  There is no other judicial candidate on the ballot who has been so recognized.  I vouch for Justin Corcoran’s legal competence and his ethical standards.  Justin’s intellect, temperament and strong moral compass will be assets to the Bench and to this community.  On election day vote for Justin Corcoran for Supreme Court Judge.

- Terence P. O'Connor

Overnight Parking Restricted During Winter in Cobleskill

The Cobleskill Police Department would like to remind residents that there is no overnight parking along Village streets from November 1st to April 15th from 2-6 am.

Cuomo: NYS Prepared for Ebola

The Governor made a statement in New York City yesterday and said that the state is ready for any possibility.


Source: Casino Missing Necessary Approval Document

According to a recently released Freedom of Information request, a source has told the Schoharie News that the Howe Caverns project's claims of having a completed State Environmental Quality Review (SEQRA), a necessary step towards project completion, is not true.

The news conflicts with Howe Caverns Resort and Casino LLC documentation to the NYS Gaming Commission. According to the Corporation, the SEQRA has been fully completed.
 Another document sent to the Gaming Commission by the Howe Caverns Project has the approval slated for next month.

In a FOIL response sent to us by local resident Bob Neid from the Town of Cobleskill, the SEQR is not complete. Mr. Neid requested a copy of SEQRA completion, as a representative from Howe Caverns claimed was complete to the Times Union recently. The Town of Cobleskill wrote back:
the Town of Cobleskill does not have documentation that mets the criteria in your FOIL request of October 14,2014
Neid wrote to the Schoharie News, "Please note that a SEQRA completed for the 2011 caverns expansion proposal is NOT the same as the assessment required for the casino. To suggest otherwise is deliberately misleading. Our organization is concerned that the residents of our county are not being given the complete story on the casino proposal and deserve to know the actual status of the proposal."

A completed SEQRA is required for the project to move forward.

Constitution Pipeline Faces Delay over Army Corps of Engineers Inquest

The US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) has requested that Constitution Pipeline address a series of concerns related to the National Historic Preservation Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, alternative routes, compressor stations, mitigation plans and how Constitution can justify the use of “remote sensing” for a large number of parcels they have been prevented from surveying due to landowner resistance, before USACE will consider approving the proposed pipeline.
USACE also called on Constitution to examine and explain the potential cumulative impacts of pipeline infrastructure build outs including the proposed Northeast Energy Direct (NED) Project, something Constitution and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) have resisted to date.
USACE ‘s concerns echo those raised by pipeline opposition groups including Stop the Pipeline and the Center for Sustainable Rural Communities and will likely result in lengthy delays for a project which is already more than a year and half behind schedule and still without approvals from the FERC, the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and USACE. Because of seasonal constraints imposed by DEC and other agencies to protect wildlife habitat, this latest roadblock could mean an additional delay of a year or more for Constitution.
Bob Nied, from the Center for Sustainable Rural Communities, said: “when citizen groups raise these types of substantive issues they are often ignored by the pipeline companies and FERC but when the USACE raises them they can’t be ignored. Without USACE approval, the pipeline project is dead.” Nied added that “Constitution will have a difficult time answering USACE’s concerns in any meaningful way because, short of withdrawing their application, they simply can’t fix the many things that are wrong with the pipeline proposal.”
The following is a link to the letter issued by USACE:

Opinion: Seward, Lopez, and Gibson a Winning Team

Written By Editor on 10/16/14 | 10/16/14

While there has been significant concern about some local officials over the last several years, it is clear that Schoharie County is well served by its representatives to the state and federal governments.

Congressman Chris Gibson has repeatedly assisted communities hit by flooding. He helped resolve a three-year old FEMA funding issue for the Town of Schoharie and was personally thanked by Supervisor Gene Milone. His work on behalf of farmers and against Lyme disease show his local concern for the area. His bipartisan work has assisted officials of both parties.

Assemblyman Peter Lopez has served the residents of the area for over thirty years now. His swift action in 2012 prevented flooding during Hurricane Sandy. He has fought for and won funding and recognition for Upstate communities even as Assemblymen from Downstate dominate the chamber. His actions following Hurricane Irene are still talked about and remains a responsive advocate for local residents.

Senator Jim Seward has fought consistently for the towns and villages he serves. Just recently he successfully gained hundreds of thousands of dollars of funding for the streambank mitigation project. He has also played a major role in assisting communities with grant funds and flood recovery efforts.

This November remember the actions of these representatives and how they've helped shape the recovery over the last three years.

Schoharie Fresh Ranked In Top 100 Most Celebrated In the Country

—After more than three months, American Farmland Trust’s 2014 I Love My Farmers Market Celebration came to a close and Schoharie Fresh ranked number 26 in the Top 100 Most Celebrated in the Country – with 86 pledges collected. This is the second year that Schoharie Fresh participated in this celebration and a significant jump in the national placement from the 64 spot in 2013.

 Schoharie Fresh is an online Farmer’s Market in Schoharie County that was funded initially through the Creating Healthy Places grant through NYS Department of Health to improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables to residents in Schoharie County. It was started in 2011 with a pick up location at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Building in Cobleskill. It was moved to the SUNY Cobleskill campus in 2012 and the season was expanded. In 2014 two additional customer pick up locations were added to make it more convenient for those living in Schoharie and Central Bridge to purchase local foods through Schoharie Fresh. Also in 2014 Schoharie Fresh was approved to accept SNAP benefits, enabling more people to utilize this service. Schoharie Fresh is now open from February through December each year.

 Each week the I Love My Farmers Market Celebration encouraged shoppers to champion local family farmers by pledging to shop at their farmers markets each week. Nationally, shoppers pledged to spend $443,608.62at farmers’ markets this season, putting funds directly into the pockets of family farmers.

 “Farmers and ranchers are the cornerstone of our country. Yet their lands are under constant threat from development and unchecked urbanization,” said Susan Sink, Vice President of Development and External Relations. “This is why we created the I Love My Farmers Market Celebration — to showcase the importance of farmers markets in keeping family farmers on their land. Pledging to shop at your local farmers market shows your support for the farmers and ranchers who support you.”

I Love My Farmers Market Celebration is part of American Farmland Trust’sNo Farms No Food® Campaign – an effort to highlight the abundance of fresh, healthy, and local food produced by America’s farms and ranches and to recognize that we must do more to save America’s rapidly disappearing family farms. 

For more information on Schoharie Fresh, please go to the website at or contact us at Schoharie Fresh is funded in part by Creating Healthy Places, a NYS Dept of Health grant initiative and United Against Hunger from the United Way of the Greater Capital Region

Slow Traffic On Routes 10 and 30, County Route 2 Until 22nd for Transformer Transfer

Bay Crane will be moving 2 separate transformer loads via special trailers from Richmondville to Gilboa Power Authority via NYS Rt 10, Cnty Rt 2 (North Road) and NYS Rt 30 into the lower reservoir access road on October 15th-22nd depending on weather and equipment breakdowns. Traffic will be very slow during this move.

Letter to the Editor: Casinos and Quickie-Marts

Casinos and Quickie-Marts: Economic Development in Schoharie County
Whether you think a casino in Schoharie County is a good or bad idea you probably agree that something has to be done to address the depressed local economy, high unemployment rate and dwindling tax base.
While fears of moral decay, dramatic increases in drug and alcohol abuse and other social ills associated with casinos are likely overblown, a casino proposal for Schoharie County does bring with it something harmful – a distraction from the root causes and cures for the county’s lack of a viable economic development strategy. The casino, just like Lowes and other one shot wonders is not the answer to reverse years of decline. Single large employers do not shift the course of the county toward a sustainable economic model. Rural areas, with high levels of poverty and an unskilled work force do not present the kind of demographic that attracts and retains large business, nor should they necessarily try.
Casinos represent a troubled industry with its own problems, including a competitive and declining marketplace. Even if a casino comes to Schoharie County it could fall victim to competition and declining disposable/entertainment income, the same conditions that have resulted in failed casinos in Nevada and New Jersey, leaving little long-term economic benefit for the County. So what should we in Schoharie County to do if we really want it to be “our time”?
We should focus on economic engines that sustain growth and job creation based on our strengths not our desperation. We need to encourage and support the creation of small business, particularly home and farm-based entrepreneurial businesses. We do that by expanding high-speed internet access and by supporting practical assistance for small start-ups. We need to help small businesses explore and leverage non-traditional markets and marketing approaches. We also need to cultivate a better educated, more diverse and agile work force.  To start, we must address the 5% of our high school students who drop out, the 20% who fail to graduate for one reason or another and the nearly 40% who don’t go on to college. We need to look closer at successful models for encouraging tourism. We can’t continue to wonder why more people don’t come to our beautiful valleys while we rejoice in yet another convenience store or ignore the vacant store fronts and dilapidated housing in our downtowns.   Finally, we need to go out and look for compatible community partners by participating in industry and professional groups and trade shows, networking and advocating on behalf of our county’s strengths.
Economic development is a science and a profession not just one of many lines on an elected or appointed official’s job description. Economic development requires a comprehensive and pro-active strategy, executed by experienced professionals. Hoping that a casino license is issued or a big box store comes to town is not a strategy. Schoharie County will only have “it’s time” when our officials stop waiting for the knock on the door and instead support a real effort to create the conditions that allow our residents to develop, improve and expand small local businesses which provide an attractive identity for our county that includes a beautiful natural environment, sustainable business models, an educated workforce and commitment to a community in which people want to live, work and invest.   
We can gamble on a casino, trade quickie-marts for boarded up stores and allow our kids to shoot no higher than minimum wage employment or we can get busy and create a local economy that is diverse, vibrant and based on providing real products and services, delivered by smart and hard-working people in creative ways, to new and inventive markets.
Bob Nied
Center for Sustainable Rural Communities

Writer's Group in Cobleskill Invites for National Novel Writing Month

Three of us at the Writers' Group in Cobleskill have signed up for the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) which starts Nov. 1 We are sure that other Schoharie County writers have signed up for this writing challenge. We are looking for these writers with the expectation of forming a local support group for November, or possibly longer. NaNoWriMo is a free program, open to anyone over 13. The reward if you finish the challenge is a novel that you wrote, which may or may not be publishable.

Proposed Budget Bombshell: Terry Axed, Planning Overhauled

Written By Editor on 10/14/14 | 10/14/14

The proposed Schoharie County Budget for 2015 had many ups and downs, but one firm note of savings. After years of chronic issues stemming out of the County Planning and Development Office headed by Alicia Terry, County Treasurer Bill Cherry is proposing a major restructuring of the entire department.

According to the proposed document, the County Planning and Development Office will be split into two pieces, neither of which would be department levels. Senior staffing of the current department will fill the vacuum. The position of Director, currently filled by Alicia Terry, will be eliminated, saving taxpayers $73,393. The Office Manager position, currently unfilled, will be eliminated at a savings of over $40,000.

A Planner position will be placed back into the budget after it was eliminated by Cassandra Ethington, which will offset the savings of the Office Manager's salary. The Marketing Specialist position will also be removed and replaced with two Economic Development Specialist I positions-- one full time and one part time at approximately the current cost. The proposed budget states that this change will "enable us to expand our scope of activity in reaching out to businesses in order to encourage them to relocate to Schoharie County and bring much-needed jobs to the area."

 All told, the salary savings at the Planning Department this year alone will total almost $70,000 even counting for other employees' raises.

Terry has been seen as the last remaining former Ethington ally remaining in the County Departments.

2015 Proposed County Taxes by Town

Read below for your town's effective County tax rate. Most towns are increasing-- three are decreasing.

Town               2014 Tax Rate 2015 Tax Rate Percent Change
Blenheim $10.64 $11.15 4.79%
Broome $8.56 8.97 4.79
Carlisle $10.58 11.03 4.25
Cobleskill $10.28 11.39 10.8
Conesville $8.51 $8.90 4.58
Esperance $10.79 8.98 -16.77
Fulton $12.16 12.77 5.02
Gilboa $489.06 489.88 0.17
Jefferson $14.22 14.92 4.92
Middleburgh $12.26 12.85 4.81
Richmondville $8.46 8.98 6.15
Schoharie $10.85 9.03 -16.77
Seward $10.57 11.02 4.26
Sharon $10.54 10.99 4.27
Summit $13.82 14.04 1.59
Wright $10.29 10.18 -1.07

2015 County Budget: Stream Spending Hikes Taxes, Largely Offset by Tax Rebate

On the surface of things, the newly released Schoharie County 2015 tentative budget has a significant tax increase.

However, looking closer shows that most homeowners will not be paying much more, if anything, next year.

Due to stagnating property values and sales tax, coupled with necessary projects, County taxes will be increasing by 4.86% from .0843% to .0884% for most taxpayers. However, under the new tax credit system implemented by the state, late next year all STAR-eligible property owners will receive a check offsetting the increase in taxes.

Temporary and permanent spending drove up the budget this year. Total expenditures will increase 19.1%, or $13.7 million to $85.7 million. Much of the increase in spending-- and in taxes are due to the streambank stabilization project. Due to increased costs and other issues, the County will likely have to bond the cost over ten years. $10 million of the $13.7 million in increased spending is directly due to this project.

Other major spending projects include improving the Emergency Communications Center and E-911 dispatch, moving it from a flood damaged property in Schoharie to the former MOSA site. The budget also includes portions to help make the County Building flood resistant and rebuild the Schoharie Jail. They are being paid for through Bond Anticipation Notes, of which after state and federal reimbursement, the County will only pay interest on.

The budget also made significant cutbacks to soften the blow of tax increases, including positions at the Treasurer's Office, Planning and Development, and IT.

The proposed budget also allows saving by having Consolidated Highway projects be done by the County instead of by third-party contractors.

Vote in Our Poll: Do You Approve of the County Board?

Written By Editor on 10/13/14 | 10/13/14

Vote in our poll on the right sidebar over whether or not you approve of the job performance of the County Board. Make sure to comment on our Facebook page about how you think they're doing.

Letter to the Editor: Administrator Would Solve Issues

Dear Editor,

When a County Administrator was proposed in January I was not in favor of hiring an additional person to run the business of the county full time.  My first opinion was that a County Administrator would be an unnecessary additional expense for the county. 

However, as I observed and participated in the debates on the issues facing our county I realized we needed to examine the options.  

Fortunately, Chairman Van Glad appointed me to be on the Board of Supervisors Special County Administrator Exploratory Committee.   Being on the Special Committee gave my fellow committee members and I the opportunity to meet with elected and appointed officials in other counties and see firsthand what works for them.  What we found was the chief operating officer was an indispensable asset to their respective legislative bodies, department heads and other elected officials.   
It is the recommendation of the Special Committee that Schoharie County like 54 of the 56 other counties in the state hire a full time chief operating officer.  We feel this position is best placed with a County Administrator without any political affiliation.    Such an individual should possess appropriate education and work experience in the field of public administration.     
As we all are well aware, Schoharie County has faced many challenges in recent years resulting in higher costs to taxpayers and widespread employee relation issues.  There is no guarantee a County Administrator would have stopped all of the problems that have come up from happening.   However, a proactive and professional Administrator would surely have identified many of those problems early in their development and given Schoharie County an opportunity to abate them before they worsened.   
On Friday, October 17th the citizens of Schoharie County will have an opportunity to voice their opinion on the question of whether the County should hire a County Administrator at a Public Hearing on the subject at 10:00 at the Board of Supervisors Chamber at the Schoharie County Office Building.  I encourage all who wish to share their thoughts on the subject and to hear other fellow Schoharie County citizens share their thoughts to attend this important meeting which is crucial to the future of our county.   

Amber Bleu, Supervisor
Town of Wright

Successful Pumpkin Festival in Schoharie

Written By Editor on 10/12/14 | 10/12/14

The weather was right for the Pumpkin Festival in Schoharie. The event, which attracted wellwishers from across the County, showed off the agricultural plenty of the area.

Photos credit the Schoharie Promotional Association's Facebook Page.

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