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Music on the Delaware Coffeehouse at the Walton Theatre

Written By Editor on 3/28/23 | 3/28/23

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Barn Paint Blue

Music on the Delaware is pleased to present the Oneonta area band Barn Paint Blue in a coffeehouse event at the Walton Theatre on Sunday, April 16, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.  The concert is free and will feature a mix of bluegrass, blues, old time, originals, and Americana music.

Barn Paint Blue members have been performing together locally since 2020. Members include Cliff Schadt (mandolin and vocals), Jason Starr (guitar and vocals), Dave Rama (banjo and vocals), Danny Birnbaum (bass), and for this event, will include guest musician John Potocnik on fiddle. The band has been seen and heard at venues in Delaware and Otsego Counties such as  the O at 112 (Otego), Cooperstown Lakefront Series, The Porch at Otsego Golf Club, Upstate Bar, Arkville Bowl, and the near-mythical Gregstock Festival.  You can find Barn Paint Blue at

Music on the Delaware Coffeehouse concerts take place on the third Sunday of the month in the Andrea Retz Paternoster room on the second floor of the Walton Theatre.  The performance will also be live-streamed on zoom at  For more information, see

The final Music on the Delaware coffeehouse concert for Spring 2023 will feature the duo Bea Summers & Barb Acker (The B’s) on 5/21/23 (classic country, country rock, folk, and originals).

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From New York Focus: Inside the Fossil Fuel Industry’s ‘Existential’ Battle Against New York’s Climate Plan

This article first appeared in New York Focus, a non-profit news publication investigating how power works in New York state. Sign up for their newsletter here.

Deceptive Facebook ads, hundreds of thousands of mailers to customers, six-figure lobbying campaigns — here’s how fossil fuel companies are fighting to keep electrification at bay.

“WE ARE FACING an existential threat the likes of which we have never seen.”

Those were the opening words of Rocco Lacertosa, New York’s top oil heat lobbyist, at a webinar addressed to his industry colleagues last month. 

The threat? New York’s climate law, passed in 2019 and moving towards implementation this spring as lawmakers consider a raft of new measures to achieve its legally binding emissions cuts.

Among the most hotly debated questions is what to do about the state’s largest source of emissions: buildings. Governor Kathy Hochul has proposed requiring new construction to be free of fossil fuels starting at the end of 2025, and banning sales of new fossil heating appliances, like boilers and furnaces, in the 2030s. By 2050, analysts project, oil and gas heating systems would be a thing of the past in New York.

That would spell extinction for much of the state’s fossil fuel industry — and it doesn’t plan to go down without a fight. 

“New York State, in the swipe of a pen, has decided that they have the right to put me and all of you out of business, and take all of my employees and put them out of work too,” said Allison Heaney, president of Skaggs-Walsh fuel oil company, on the February call. “New York State is out to shut me down, to destroy what my family has built over the last three generations.”

But, Heaney told her colleagues, there’s still a way to stop it: “All you need to do is know how to write a check.”

As of December, members and allies of the New York State Energy Coalition, an oil heat trade association, had pledged $395,000 to fight the state’s proposed climate policies, Lacertosa said. The group’s goal is to raise at least $1 million, partly to boost “Smarter NY Energy,” an anti-electrification campaign launched by the propane industry.

“We are not on the attack,” Lacertosa told New York Focus. “Rather, we are playing defense against those who would destroy our industry. This is an industry that is made up of multi-generational main street family-owned and operated businesses who provide good union wages, benefits, and pensions.”

Lacertosa and Heaney said they’re not against electrification in itself, but against forcing consumers to pick one heating system over another. “I’m not saying anything is good or bad,” Heaney told New York Focus. “I believe in a market economy. … When electrification is ready for primetime, people will naturally choose it. But that isn’t today.”

Since late 2021, Smarter NY Energy has spent anywhere from $94,000 to $116,000 on Facebook ads and more on other media including YouTube, website banners, and emails. The ads have been seen roughly 7 million times, by Facebook’s count. And the campaign is still picking up steam: The group has already spent more than half as much on Facebook ads this year as it did in all of 2022.

“Governor Hochul wants to outlaw your gas stove!” read one promoted post in January that was viewed more than half a million times.

That was false. Neither Hochul nor the legislature are proposing to take away New Yorkers’ existing appliances, and even new gas stoves would be exempt from the appliance bans that take effect next decade.

Communications specialist Rich Goldberg presents his “battleplan” to a heating oil trade association. | Screen grab via Vimeo

Other Smarter NY Energy ads show frozen landscapes and stock images of people shivering, with warnings that electric appliances will be unreliable in winter storms like the one that ravaged Buffalo at Christmas. 

On YouTube, the campaign’s most successful ad — viewed more than 420,000 times — asks, “Are you happy about being forced to convert your home?” A woman’s voiceover calls New York’s climate efforts “the most radical, untested plan in the country” and concludes: “Tell them, ‘Get out of my house.’”

THE MAN BEHIND the ads is Rich Goldberg, a New Jersey-based communications specialist with deep ties to the propane industry. Goldberg has written several posts in trade publications detailing how the campaign has stalled electrification mandates in New Jersey and his tactics to do the same in New York. His firm, Warm Thoughts Communications, employs around 30 staff and notched its latest victory in the Garden State just this month, when lawmakers postponed a scheduled vote on a building electrification bill. 

Goldberg may soon be able to claim a partial victory in New York, too. The Senate and Assembly have both dropped the measures targeting existing buildings from their counteroffers to Hochul’s draft budget. That could defer the debate over how to decarbonize New York’s 6 million buildings until later this spring, if not next year. 

Bill Overbaugh, director of the New York Propane Gas Association, called the legislature’s stance encouraging. 

“I applaud the legislators for doing that because I think that, very similar to what we’ve been saying, they just feel like they needed to put a pause and do some more research into cost-benefit,” he said.

Lawmakers said the move was prompted in part by this winter’s furor over gas stoves, even though the proposals on the table wouldn’t affect them.

“I feel that there was political overreaction to the messaging about, ‘The world will end if we don’t have new gas stoves,’” said Senate finance committee chair Liz Krueger, when asked why the Senate is seeking to remove the requirements for existing buildings from the final budget. “It seemed to be a fairly effective talking point because people literally started to panic.”

Senate housing chair Brian Kavanagh, a sponsor of the All-Electric Buildings Act for new construction, pointed to supply chain and funding issues as another factor in the Senate’s decision. But he acknowledged the industry’s success in framing the debate.

Corporate interests are very good at identifying their wedge issue and clearly, people have a lot of affection and sense of attachment to their gas stoves,” he said.

One New York Energy ad falsely warned that Governor Hochul wanted to eliminate gas stoves, another that “forced electrification” would leave New Yorkers in the cold. | Screen grab via Vimeo

Hochul’s office declined to answer specific questions about building electrification on the record, saying only that the governor seeks a budget that will “make New York more affordable, more livable and safer” — a stock response to budget questions from the press. 

Raya Salter, an environmental justice attorney and member of New York’s Climate Action Council — which spent three years crafting the plan that Albany is now weighing how to implement — said the fossil fuel industry has dedicated vast resources to slowing down implementation of the climate law.

“The industry — be it propane, be it fossil gas — have been executing a well funded, well coordinated campaign, designed to undermine the climate law and scare folks into thinking that clean energy is going to hurt them, when in truth, it’s the dependence on fossil energy which is harmful,” she said.

Lacertosa, of the oil heat group, denied that the campaign has been misleading or that it aims to impede the climate law. He said the heating oil industry is shifting away from fossil fuels and toward lower-emissions biodiesel, and argued that the state needs an “all of the above” energy strategy to ensure reliability.

“If you want to put everything on one source, then there’s nothing to back it up,” Lacertosa said. “Our industry has been the backstop for many generations.”

THE PROPANE AND OIL heat industries haven’t been alone in spreading this message. The gas utility National Fuel led a robocall campaign in February enlisting customers to push back against the climate plan, New York Focus reported earlier this month. And New Yorkers for Affordable Energy — a coalition led by fossil fuel interests including National Fuel and National Grid — recently launched its latest marketing campaign with TV and online ads opposing the gas ban in new buildings. 

READ MORE: Fossil Fuel Companies Enlist Customers to Fight New Yorks Climate Law

In response, climate groups have launched a digital ad campaign of their own. The Better Buildings New York coalition — comprising six climate and environmental justice groups — spent between $30,000 and $37,000 in recent weeks on a Facebook video spot highlighting surging utility bills and fossil fuel profits.

But fossil fuel companies have one built-in audience that climate groups do not: their customers.

“We’re one of the few industries that have the keys to their customers’ homes,” Lacertosa said during the webinar last month.

The propane industry already targets its customers with a leaflet titled “Propane Matters,” which dozens of suppliers send out with bills, according to Goldberg, whose firm produces the mailers. He estimates that 300,000 customers will receive the leaflet this spring. (The heating oil industry is considering this tactic too, Lacertosa said.)

Some customers might not be too happy to receive such pamphlets, Goldberg acknowledged, but that’s no reason not to send them.

“The interests of the vast majority of your customers in your company are more important than the fact that you’re going to rub some people the wrong way,” he told the oil heat group. “Because you’re going to be out of business if these plans continue along the pathway that they’re currently on.”

Robert Howarth, a biochemist at Cornell University and member of the Climate Action Council, complained to lawmakers earlier this month that he had received an anti-electrification leaflet along with the bill for his propane stove. (He converted the rest of his Finger Lakes home to a heat pump nine years ago and hasn’t looked back, he added.)

The goal of this broad-based communication campaign, Goldberg has emphasized, is to target moderates in swing districts, especially downstate. 

“We need people in Valley Stream, and people in Bayside, and people in Huntington to let their legislators know, this is going too far too fast,” he said in February. 

When New York Focus called Goldberg for comment — on a cell phone number listed in his email signature — a man with a similar voice to his picked up the phone but denied that he was Goldberg. “He is not speaking to the press about this,” said the man, who identified himself only as a representative of Warm Thoughts Communications.

Goldberg’s “battleplan” against building electrification mandates includes enlisting customers through mailers and online ads designed to “activate a community of resistors.” | Screen grab via Vimeo

Overbaugh, of the propane association, said his group launched Smarter NY Energy in 2020 as a “consumer advocacy” effort aiming to advance debate on the climate law. 

“The plan that has been put together is absolutely transformational. It hits every aspect of our lives,” he told New York Focus. “No matter which side you’re on, we need to spread the word about this. And we need to have public debate about what the citizens want to move forward.”

Fossil fuel interests aren’t counting just on public outreach to get their message out in Albany. They’ve also enlisted a slew of lobbyists to pressure lawmakers behind closed doors.

The oil heat association is planning to spend $150,000 on lobbying this year, filings show. The propane association expects to spend $60,000. Some fuel companies have registered their own lobbyists. And the American Petroleum Institute, a national trade group, has budgeted more than $200,000 for New York. 

Rich Schrader, New York policy director at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said fossil fuel companies have good reason to worry that they could be out of business within the next few decades. But he said they, not lawmakers, were the ones to blame.

“​​Had we had an honest discussion in the ’80s and ’90s, had they not killed treaty after treaty, the fossil fuel industry could have been part of the discussion and could have been prepared to transition,” he said, referring to decades-long efforts by oil interests to spread misinformation on climate. “But we have a shorter period of time, because the climate crisis is so much more daunting, and we’re already seeing extreme weather.”

Lacertosa, too, is feeling the pressure. 

“We’re not gonna get any second chances here,” he told his colleagues. 

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Financial Considerations When Remodeling Your Home

Written By Editor on 3/26/23 | 3/26/23

Home renovations can enhance your living space and raise the value of your home, but they also come with many decisions and potential pitfalls. If you’re considering a home renovation, keep these tips in mind:

Set a realistic budget. Know how much you can spend before you ask for the moon. Remodeling projects are notorious for running over budget. Once the work begins, your contractor may discover problems lurking behind walls and floors. A simple job can become complex due to unforeseen water damage or foundation issues. To accommodate budget creep, set your budget at the low-to-mid range of what you can afford.

Save up for your project. Home remodels can cost tens of thousands of dollars. In our current economy, raw materials are more expensive than ever due to supply chain issues. Plus, interest rates have risen with inflation, adding to the cost of financed projects. You’ll need to be prepared to make a down payment (ranging from 10% to 50% of the total estimated cost) when you sign a contract and progress payments as the work is completed and approved by you. The most cost-effective way to pay for a project is to use savings rather than a loan. Don’t be tempted to use credit cards, which will inflate your total costs unless you pay off the balances on time and in full. If you must finance your project, shop for an affordable home equity loan. Select a lender with the most attractive interest rates, fees, and repayment terms. 

Consider how your plans will impact your home’s resale value. In general, kitchen and bath remodels lead the list of value-add projects. Many other home enhancements provide only a nominal return on investment. – and some can even lessen your home’s resale value. For example, few home buyers are willing to pay a premium for high-end upgrades such as a fancy wine cellar or extravagant landscaping. Installing a pool, particularly in regions that don’t enjoy year-round sunshine, can make your home harder to sell down the road. At the end of the day, it’s not only about the money—projects that don’t add to resale value may still be worthwhile if the changes make you happy and you plan to stay put long enough to enjoy them. Just be sure to consider the downstream financial impacts before you make any decisions.

Choose a reputable partner. It’s imperative to find a licensed and insured remodeling contractor who delivers quality work, on time and within budget. Ask people you trust for referrals. Interview multiple contractors and check their references and affiliations with local building associations. Expect written bids with detailed project cost estimates. Make sure you know who is responsible for obtaining and paying for local inspections and permits. The contract you sign should specify agreed-upon materials and describe the process for change orders and other contingencies. 

Keep good records. Maintain a paper trail to account for project expenses. Provide your tax preparer with receipts for energy efficient home improvements that may qualify for tax credits. Get receipts for all payments to your contractor, whether made by check, credit card, or cash. Organize receipts, warranties, and manuals in an electronic or physical folder. These can come in handy for maintenance and repairs. They also help justify a higher asking price when you put your house on the market. 


Michael D. Lanuto, CRPC®, AWMA® is a Financial Advisor with S.M. Miller & Associates, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. in Albany, NY.  He specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 7 years. To contact him: 518-949-2039; 4 Atrium Drive, Ste 200, Albany, NY, 12205;; 


Ameriprise Financial and its affiliates do not offer tax or legal advice. Consumers should consult with their tax advisor or attorney regarding their specific situation. 


Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser. 


Investment products are not insured by the FDIC, NCUA or any federal agency, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by any financial institution, and involve investment risks including possible loss of principal and fluctuation in value. 


Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. 


© 2023 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.  


File # 5393624 (Approved 01/31/2025) 

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Bassett Healthcare Network Hosts Major School-Based Health Conference

A group of people posing for a photo

Description automatically generatedCooperstown, N.Y. – Health professionals from around New York State gathered for a conference addressing the healthcare needs of school-aged children and best practices for school-based health treatment and prevention on March 17 and 18 in Cooperstown. Over 110 conference participants were welcomed by Dr. Tommy Ibrahim, President & CEO of Bassett Healthcare Network, and Dr. Monica Brané, Chief of Pediatrics at Bassett Healthcare Network. Retired NYS Senator James L. Seward also addressed the gathering.


“The importance of providing high-quality healthcare within our schools cannot be overstated,” said Dr. Ibrahim. “The health of our communities begins with our young people. Congratulations to the entire Bassett School-Based Health staff and all attendees for creating this important opportunity to share knowledge and address challenges together.”


The conference was organized and hosted by Bassett’s School-Based Health Program. Dr. Chris Kjolhede, MD, MPH, Co-Director of the program, said: “This conference highlighted many of the issues confronting the dedicated individuals who have worked very hard in school-based health centers to meet the needs of families and students all over the state. The breadth of topics covered by speakers from our region and from within Bassett were provocative, informative, and well received. Bassett’s School-Based Health team was energized by this experience and is ready to apply what was learned at our sites.”


Bassett’s School-Based Health program is now the largest rural school-based health program in New York State, and recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. The program includes 21 sites in 17 school districts across four counties and continues to grow.

More than 7,000 children are enrolled across the system. The program ensures easy access within schools to high-quality healthcare – including medical, dental, and mental health services – for students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. School-Based Health program services are available to all students regardless of income.

The conference, titled “SBHCs Provide Equitable Healthcare: Post-Pandemic Challenges to Our Workforce”, presented a broad range of topics covering physical, mental, and oral health. Conference sessions, amongst many others, included: The Value of Pediatric Immunizations during a Pandemic; Oral Health Advocacy; The Need for Increased Skills in Trauma Informed Care; Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy for Trauma; HPV Disaster and Its Prevention; and Recovery-Based Suicide Prevention Strategy.

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Hannaford Donates to Esperance Historical Society

The Esperance Historical Society & Museum has been selected as April’s Hannaford Bloomin’ 4 Good Program beneficiary.

For the entire month of April, The Esperance Historical Society & Museum will receive $1 donation from every Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquet with the red circle sticker sold at Hannaford’s Esperance/Duanesburg location.

The Hannaford Bloomin’ 4 Good Program is an easy way for shoppers to give back to their communities. Every month, leadership at each Hannaford store selects a nonprofit to benefit from the sales of Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquets. Since the Program launched in August 2021, more than 2,000 organizations have received over $160,000 in donations.

“Brighten someone’s day while giving back locally!” said Ken Jones, President of The Esperance Historical Society & Museum. “Purchasing a Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet at the Esperance/Duanesburg Hannaford in April will help our organization serve our community better.”

The Esperance Historical Society & Museum is a nonprofit based in Esperance, NY, founded in 1969. The Esperance Historical Society & Museum has grown to include an agricultural heritage building and a research library operated by an all-volunteer staff. Besides preserving our historical past the museum is a resource to those doing regional history or genealogical research. The Museum is open free to the public from memorial day through Labor day weekends 1-4 and by appointment. Community members have enjoyed our holiday open house, Summer programs and October Soup and Stroll historic walking tour not to mention our Chocolate Jumbles celebration . Learn more about The Esperance Historical Society & Museum by visiting

For more information about the Hannaford Bloomin’ 4 Good Program, please visit

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Cobleskill Library News

Federal and State Tax forms are here! They can be found in the library lobby.


Are you interested in joining the Library Board of Trustees? Library Trustee candidate nominating petition forms are available at the District Clerk office and the Library. Petitions will need at least 25 signatures from voters residing in the Cobleskill-Richmondville School District. Petitions must be filed with the District Clerk by 5pm on April 17th. The election will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at the High School. There are four seats on the 2023 ballot: one one-year term, one three-year, and two five-year terms.


Thursday, March 30 Trivia Night@ the Library 6:30 pm. If you would like to be a 2023 sponsor, please contact the Library. Special thanks to The Friends of The Community Library for sponsoring the snack table.


Friday, March 31 at 4pm Paws for Reading Join Nico, our favorite therapy dog, for reading and cuddles! This is a great, relaxed opportunity for kids to practice their reading with a friendly face. All ages welcome. No registration necessary. In April Lilly will join our Paws for Reading program on Tuesdays at 4:30 and Thursday April 6, 13, and 27th at 4:30. Nico will be back on Fridays April 14 and 28 at 4pm.


Saturday, April 1 Check Mates at 11 Longtime chess lovers and those just learning the game are invited to drop in Saturday morning for a pick-up game and a chance to meet new friends and learn new things from other players. We'll provide the chess sets and some snacks for players.


Tuesday, April 4 and 18 at 6pm Adult Gaming Group: Adult Gamers interested in role-playing games, card and board games are invited to gather at the library for fun and games with other game fans.


Wednesday, April 5 and 19 at 3:30 We've got the LEGO, just bring your imagination! Each session we'll have a different building theme to challenge participants, but you can build anything that inspires you. Open to kids in grades K-8.


Friday, April 7 at noon Fan Favorites Book Club. Join us on the first Friday of every month for our casual conversation about the books, tv series, and movies we love. No assigned readings, just a chance to meet people, talk about things you love, and perhaps pick up a few suggestions on things that will become your new favorite obsession.


Tuesday, April 11 at 6:00pm Do you love anime and manga? Or maybe you're curious about these Japanese stories but aren't sure how to get started? Check out our Anime Club for teens! We meet once a month to watch anime episodes, eat snacks, and try Japanese-inspired crafts. Open to 6th-12th graders (ages 11-18). No registration required.


Tuesday, April 11 and 25 at 6:00 pm The Short Fiction Workshop: This monthly writing workshop for teens and adults features writing prompts, exercises, and moderated feedback sessions where authors working on short fiction can practice their craft, develop new skills, and get constructive input from other writers.


Thursday, April 13 at 1pm Library Board of Trustees monthly meeting. The Trustees meet upstairs in the Community Room and meetings are open to the public.


Thursday, April 13 at 1pm Make a Recycled Seed Starter Get a head start on your garden and start some seeds! Participants will decorate a recycled container, fill it with soil, and plant a few seeds! Take them home, keep them in a warm, sunny spot, and give them water so they'll sprout! Once the seedlings are established, they can be transplanted to a larger pot or garden bed. Recommended for ages 4 and up due to small parts that could pose a choking hazard.


Thursday, April 13 at 4 All Ages Craft Buffet Patrons of all ages are invited to join us for open craft time. We'll have tables full of craft supplies available for participants to use, along with plenty of snacks and beverages. Come let your imagination inspire you to create whatever you choose!


Saturday, April 15 at 11am The Oobleck Experiement Have you ever made oobleck before? This ooey, gooey mixture, inspired by Dr. Seuss's Bartholomew and the Oobleck, is a fun non-Newtonian fluid, a little like slime. Join us for a fun oobleck science experiment where we'll make our own oobleck, record our observations, and compare it to a glue-based slime! Open to kids 5 and up; each child must have a participating adult present.


Thursday, April 20 at 6:30 5-Minute Experts This new event is a fun, fast-moving, educational program where 4-5 presenters deliver five-minute talks on a specialized area of expertise. Each presenter must prepare a slide show of 10-20 slides and the presentations may not exceed 5-minutes. Topics will be as varied as the participants' interests. For audiences, it's an opportunity to learn something new and different, with less likelihood of getting bored by a long-winded presentation. It's like TED Talks for audiences with short attention spans! If you're interested in presenting at a future program, contact Adult Services Librarian Don LaPlant at


Tuesday, April 25 at 6pm Yoga for Teens Join local yoga instructor Lana for a beginner-friendly yoga practice! Participants will learn a little about yoga's history and modern practice, then follow a sequence of poses and breathing exercises. No experience necessary, but registration is required. Open to middle and high schoolers (ages 11-18). If you have a mat, please bring it; mats can be provided for those who don't have their own.


Saturday, April 29 the Library will be at the Maple Festival. Stop and say hi and learn more about programs and things you can borrow with your Library card!


Wednesdays weekly StoryTime at 10:30 with Miss. Courtney is for children ages birth to 5 and their caregiver featuring stories, songs and fun activities. A special thanks to the Stewarts Holiday Match for the new storytime program cart.


Families Count bags are now available to check out at the Community Library! These bags cover a variety of math topics and are aimed at elementary schoolers. Each bag includes lesson guides, books, and hands-on activities that help families build math skills together. Stop by the library to get started!


Cobleskill-Richmondville Battle of the Books events are scheduled for April. Radez, Golding and C-R and Schoharie High Schools have teams participating. 2023 Battle of the Books is supported by The Friends of The Community Library, The Community Library, Mohawk Valley Library System, Games A Plunder, CatNap Bookstore, Stewarts, Gobbler’s Knob, and Via Aquarium. Good luck to all participants. These events couldn’t happen without the support of the team coaches, the school librarians, library staff and the numerous volunteers and supporters.


Tuesdays join your neighbors and make new friends during the Tuesday Knitters group! You can find them in the program room at 1pm. Bring your own supplies and learn something new while you chat, listen or just get in your zone.


April Tabling Tuesdays visitors:


Tuesday, April 4 from 3-5pm a representative from WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) will be at the library. The WIC program provides supplemental food, formula, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, health screenings, and referrals to other services to income eligible families. WIC serves pregnant women, postpartum women (breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding), caregivers, infants, and children up to 5 years old. Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) confer automatic eligibility for WIC. If you don’t have one of these programs, you could be eligible through your household income. Stop by the table for more information and to see if your family qualifies for WIC benefits.


Tuesday April 11 and 25 from 11 to 1pm April is sexual assault awareness month and a representative from Planned Parenthood of Greater NY will highlight ways people can help, how to access services if in need and share flyers with the hotline number.


Tuesday, April 18 from 3-7pm a representative from Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth will be at the Library. Berkshire’s mission is to strengthen children and families so they can live safely, independently and productively within their home communities. Berkshire will have information on becoming a foster parent. There are currently over 17,000 children in foster care in NY with more than 6,000 coming into care every year.


Do you have used Inkjet or LaserJet toner you want to recycle? Please bring them to the Library. We recycle and use the rewards to supplement our office supply budget. Please don’t bring the empty toner containers from your copier, we can’t recycle them. The recycle box is under the card catalog by the water fountain. We really appreciate the donations we have received.


To receive Library News by email signup here Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! It is easy to find age-appropriate programs on the event calendar visit

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