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County Unemployment Rate falls to Eight Year Low

Written By Editor on 9/26/15 | 9/26/15

Recently released figures from the State Labor Department show that unemployment in Schoharie County has fallen to its lowest level in seven years.

In August 2015, the most recent data available, the County's unemployment rate fell to 5.2%, compared to 5.7% in August. The last time unemployment was this low was in October 2007, when it was 4.7%.

Cuomo Calls for National Gun Control at Aide's Funeral

Governor Cuomo stepped into the national gun control debate this week at the funeral of his attorney Carey Gabay. Gabay was struck by a stray bullet during celebrations of the West Indian Day parade in Brooklyn.

Cuomo stated that he considered asking the Pope about why Gabay died, but was compelled not to due to his faith in God. Reuters covered the funeral, in which Cuomo also called for a national effort to reduce gun violence through much broader gun control.

 Cuomo told the assembled, "It's not enough for New York State to pass a gun law and close the front door when the guns are coming in the back door, when the guns can come up from Virginia or South Carolina for anyone willing to take a car ride."

Cuomo also described what he called "rampant violence" in poorer communities and those of people of color.

Earlier this month the Governor also spoke about Gabay's shooting, which was covered by the Times Union. "I can't pass a tougher law than we did or a smarter law than we did," he said.

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