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Editorial: Sympathy for Tague's Pauses

Written By Editor on 3/30/18 | 3/30/18

Sympathy for Tague's Pauses

Well, you've probably heard it by now. One assembly candidate excels at publicity well above the other two. Both Aidan O'Connor and Wes Laraway's more conventional campaigns have reached thousands across the district.

Chris Tague has reached over a million across the country.

Our paper uploaded parts of interviews from all three candidates with Don Mathisen at WIOX Roxbury public radio on our YouTube channel. This one about candidate Tague's budget reform ideas ( made it all the way to top and became viral.

Mr. Tague's replies are not the most polished to say the least. His breathy pauses and sighing for recollection sound like a nightmare. The one where you enter into class in your underwear or forget that there is an important test coming up. Mr. Tague's struggles to talk about the basic parts of New York State budget became a punchline rather than a proper debate.

Copies of the video made it to a prominent YouTube channel, then Howard Stern this week, then a variety of Twitter accounts, including an Assemblyman from Manhattan, Politico writers (twice), a sports site, a Times Union writer, and others. All in all, the collective videos and articles totaled over a million views and quite a few comments. It must be painful for Mr. Tague to have to hear it on repeat.

But perhaps we shouldn't judge Mr. Tague too harshly.

Sometimes public speaking isn't always easy. Knowing that there are a hundred people in front of you or thousands of people listening on the airwaves can cause someone to freeze up. It's not surprising that someone fresh into political office like Mr. Tague would be at a loss of words-- by naming himself the nominee, he never had to go through a stringent primary process and the practice it brings.

In addition, we see a bit of a disconnect in how we view our candidates. From listening to the interviews and watching the campaigns of all three candidates there is a war for the soundbite. Both Wes Laraway and Aidan O'Connor seem more prepared, able to fit a one-liner in with a proposed policy solution. Chris Tague's campaign pitch seems to show someone thinking on the fly and later doing research and practicing. It's happened to all of us, although never on such a large stage. Readers need to consider the priority that any candidate places on policy ideas and speaking prep. Just because Mr. Tague did not do so two months into his campaign is only one part of a much broader story.

We can't blame Mr. Tague for freezing up. Inexperience often does that. We're still looking for how he will be able to express himself in the Assembly if voters give him the chance.

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NYS Comptroller Tom Dinapoli Endorses Aidan O’Connor Jr. For Assembly District 102 Special Election

Written By Editor on 3/26/18 | 3/26/18

New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli has endorsed Aidan O’Connor,
Jr., in his race to represent the 102nd District of the New York State
Assembly at a rally in Athens, New York, on Sunday, March 25, 2018.
The seat will be decided in a Special Election on Tuesday, April 24th.

“I know what it takes to be a good Assemblyman,” said DiNapoli,
“because I represented the 16th District on Long Island for twenty
years before I became Comptroller of New York State in 2007.  You need
tremendous energy, love talking with people, be highly ethical and
work with your colleagues to build consensus and find solutions.
Aidan has all those qualities, and more. He knows his district
intimately, has experience in the Greene County Legislature as the
Minority Leader and he’s worked with first responders in every
community as a flight paramedic.  He’s clearly the most qualified
candidate for the job and I’m proud to give him my wholehearted

“I’m deeply honored to receive this endorsement from one of my heroes,
Comptroller Tom DiNapoli” said O’Connor.  “For the past decade, he’s
focused on finances in New York and done an extraordinary job of
supporting not only the State government, but County and local
governments, as well as individuals.   New Yorkers know Tom is looking
out for their pensions, helping guide local governments off of shaky
fiscal ground and he’s always there to help. That’s why when he ran
for his second term as Comptroller in 2014, Tom was the top
vote-getter in Greene County on the winning statewide ticket!  That’s
why he’s my hero and that’s why I’m so proud to receive his

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C-GCC's Spring Open House Slated for Saturday, March 24

Written By Editor on 3/20/18 | 3/20/18

Hudson, N.Y. – Columbia-Greene Community College will hold its annual Spring Open House on Saturday, March 24, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., in the Student Services Center, Main Building.

This event is hosted by the Admissions Department and information will be provided on all aspects of college life. Faculty, staff, and administrators will be on hand giving presentations regarding C-GCC's 37 degree- and certificate-program opportunities, and sessions on financial aid, academic support services, athletics, and student clubs will be ongoing throughout the day.

Open House at C-GCC is always a free event, and refreshments will be available. For more information, call the Admissions Office at (518) 828-4181, extension
5513, or visit the college’s website at

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Cobleskill Police Blotter

Written By Editor on 3/19/18 | 3/19/18

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

At 5:15 p.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Matthew D. Michaels, 27, of Warnerville, NY, on an Arrest Warrant for Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 4th and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 5th.  He was arraigned in Cobleskill Town Court and remanded to the Schoharie County Jail on $1,000 Bail / $3,000 Bond.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

At 7:48 a.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Regina Jangro, 50, of Cobleskill, NY, on a Bench Warrant for Petit Larceny.  She was arraigned in Cobleskill Town Court and remanded to the Schoharie County Jail on $500 Bond / $1,500 Bail.  She is to return to Cobleskill Town Court on March 20th at 5:00 p.m.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

At 3:06 a.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Robert Heeder, 28, of Craryville, NY, for Violation of the Open Container Law.  He was issued an appearance ticket and released. He is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on April 19th at 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

At 1:18 a.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Randall W. Anderson, 32, of Middleburgh, NY, on 2 counts of Criminal Contempt 2nd. He was arraigned in Cobleskill Town Court and remanded to the Schoharie County Jail on $1,000 Bail / $3,000 Bond.   He is to return to Cobleskill Town Court on March 20th at 5:00 p.m.

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Student Arrested After Masonville Bomb Scare

Written By Editor on 3/8/18 | 3/8/18

On Tuesday afternoon, the Delaware County Sheriff's Office School Resource Officer assigned Masonville, NY, B.O.C.E.S. Harrold Campus was advised that a threatening note, indicating the presence of a bomb, was discovered within classroom shortly before afternoon dismissal.  The B.O.C.E.S. Campus was immediately evacuated and all students were transported to their home schools.

A subsequent search of the B.O.C.E.S. Campus, conducted by Delaware County Sheriff's Deputies and members of the New York State Police, including New York State Police bomb detection canine “Loc”, revealed no evidence of an explosive device on that campus. 

After further investigation by Delaware County Sheriff's Office Investigators, a sixteen year old male B.O.C.E.S. student from Unatego was arrested Wednesday afternoon by Investigators and charged with one count of Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Second Degree, a Class E Felony.

The student was arraigned in the Town of Meredith Court Wednesday evening and was released on recognizance pending his re-appearance in that Court on a future date.

Speaking on the arrest, Sheriff Craig DuMond remarked “parents need to take time and have meaningful discussions with their children regarding threats being made toward our schools.  All threats, whether serious or not, will be taken very seriously by law enforcement and will result in criminal charges in addition to school sanctions”.

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Editorial: Central Bridge, Promises, and the Assembly

Written By Editor on 3/6/18 | 3/6/18

I like hamlets. I mean, I really like hamlets. Perhaps it was from my high school days of bicycling between Middleburgh and Breakabeen and seeing the beauty of the Schoharie Valley, but there’s just something about them that carries a special fascination for me. I travel through a series on my paper route each week, and from Charlotteville to Fultonham and everywhere in between there’s a certain wonder for me. 

On page B1 my father wrote a story about Central Bridge’s progress over the last several years. Central Bridge is a good, yet recovering part of the County. Between my own time in the pint-sized community and tales from my friend Bill Kinisky in his years of service there after Hurricane Irene, I’ve learned a lot.

There’s some positive momentum there, but seemingly more light than heat. SALT is attempting to salvage its reputation by hanging its hat on a number of projects spearheaded by other agencies. The Land Bank is but one good example. In addition, “program” and “administration” fees should be watched for SALT’s well-worn reputation for misappropriation. Its recent partnership with Central Bridge and the Town of Schoharie shows some progress but unless administered correctly, may be one of the dozens of economic studies and public information input sessions that led nowhere in this County over the last two decades. Will the current photo-philes follow through with grandiose promises or leave the Civic Association and community partners hanging?

Often the largest barometer of success is simply to do something. All of the surveys in the world won’t make the same difference as a single filled storefront or new public service building. 

The page A1 news of the Hoober feed grant is, simply put, amazing. Senator Seward’s office went above and beyond in acquiring the $200,000 grant for the rail line expansion is much needed and may be another catalyst in an already positive movement on site.

However, it isn’t means for grandstanding. Latching onto the work of Senator Seward’s office, it’s become a political event for Supervisor and Assembly candidate Chris Tague while Schoharie and Central Bridge are still hurting. 

Having worked with Senator Seward on several grant projects through the years I observed two important details: 1.) the Senator’s office usually does the legwork the local politicians take credit for and 2.) a photo op for a grant that hasn’t spent a dime yet is bad juju. Part of the reason many of the projects here in Middleburgh worked was because (with the exception for the Valley Market) we never held pomp and circumstance until the very end. Far too much can happen between now and opening, especially if an important event is treated as a political stunt when the actual administration and appropriation of a grant hasn’t even begun.

I know that Supervisor Tague joined the SALT Board of Directors in the runup to the Assembly campaign and that each are looking for public relations wins as promises remain unmet. Candidate Tague promised Central Bridge a new firehouse, water and sewer upgrades, and the moon beyond. Former Supervisor Gene Milone, County Administrator Steve Wilson, County Board Chair Earl VanWormer, and more put in place funding for infrastructure improvements and the feed plant. 

Promises are great, especially when a community is in need of a win. However, I think it’s important for residents of Central Bridge, Schoharie as a whole, and the 102nd Assembly District to ask candidate Tague:

“Where’s the beef?”

-- Matthew Avitabile, Publisher

Schoharie County Declares Snow Emergency

Written By Editor on 3/2/18 | 3/2/18

Schoharie County declared a state of emergency at 3pm today due to "intense snowfall causing roadways to be impassible." Mike Hartzel acted as head of the Office of Emergency Services to enact the order. The County recommends that no one travel on roads in the county unless necessary.

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