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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Windham Planning Board

Written By Editor on 12/28/23 | 12/28/23

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Windham Planning Board shall conduct a public hearing on Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 7:10 p.m. at the Windham Town Hall, 371 State Rt. 296, Hensonville, NY. The purpose of said hearing shall be to consider a Minor Subdivision Application for Richard Pedrick, to subdivide 10.54 acre parcel into 2 lots located at 539 County Route 40, Maplecrest, NY, Tax Map #113.00-2-13. All persons wishing to speak upon this matter shall be heard at this time. 


By Order of the Windham Planning Board

Bonnie Poehmel

Town Clerk

Dated: December  21, 2023

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Financial Gifts with a Lasting Impact

The gift-giving season is fast approaching. If you are like a lot of people, this means you are brainstorming presents to give your children and grandchildren. While it may be tempting to purchase items like toys and clothes that can be immediately enjoyed, you may want to consider gifts that will provide value to the recipients for years to come. Here are a few financial gift ideas that they can use and appreciate long after the wrapping paper comes off. 

Contribute to a savings account. Help instill the importance of financial discipline by gifting funds to open a savings account. Encourage young ones to save at least a portion of what they earn through allowance, chores, or a part-time job. Like any habit, saving takes practice before it becomes second nature.

Purchase a U.S. savings bond. Give someone you care about a secure way to save. Savings bonds are an investment backed by the U.S. government. There are no fees or expenses, and bonds generally do not trigger state or local taxes. 

Donate to charity in the recipient’s honor. A charitable donation is a thoughtful way to acknowledge a cause your loved one cares about. As you research charities to support, look for ratings that indicate how efficiently these organizations use donations.

Fund education savings. Your generous gift can help a student start saving for future college costs. There are several types of savings and investment plans designed to help students, parents and other supporters save for future education expenses. Every little bit helps. A small contribution to a 529 plan today will be given the chance to potentially grow and could make a significant difference when your child or grandchild is ready for college

Help chip away at a debt. Many young adults are burdened by student loan debt. Juggling work and loan repayments can be challenging. Your loved one will be pleasantly surprised when you relieve them of loan payments.  

Help with a down payment. Purchasing a car or a first home may be out of reach for many young adults. If you have loved ones who could use help with these major purchases, your financial gift can assist them as they get settled and on their way to greater financial stability.

Give the gift of cash. Everyone appreciates a cash infusion. If you’re so inclined, you can suggest how the money is spent, but they may appreciate being able to decide for themselves. 

Gift an appointment with a financial advisor. Help your loved ones establish a financial plan with the assistance of an advisor you know and trust. This thoughtful gesture can create lasting value by helping lay the foundation for future financial security.


Michael D. Lanuto, CRPC®, AWMA® is a Financial Advisor with S.M. Miller & Associates, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. in Albany, NY.  He specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 8 years. To contact him: 518-949-2039; 4 Atrium Drive, Ste 200, Albany, NY, 12205;; 


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Advances Made in MCS Special Ed Curriculum

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/25/23 | 12/25/23

"Community Closet" Aiding Students

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH - Middleburgh Central School special education teachers have new tools in their arsenal, school board members were told last week.

Special education coordinators Lisa Stanton, elementary, and Felicia Hunter, secondary, detailed the new programs Wednesday evening.

District-wide, a new program for social matters has been introduced, said Ms. Stanton. This program helps students with conflict resolution and other issues, with the help of school counselors. Social and emotional learning and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma are the main points.

Teachers, counselors, and social workers are "super excited" to use it, Ms. Hunter said.

The program also works with family members and is multi-tiered, and begins with basic skills, the teachers said.

In addition to the new reading curriculum in the elementary school, the students also went on a spectrum sensory field gym to a gym in Albany. The trip helped the students work on occupational therapy, communication skills,  and social and emotional goals, Ms. Stanton said. The older students took the younger children "under their wings," and were the "best big brothers and big sisters you could have," she added.

In grades four to nine, there is a new "read naturally" program, that has been very popular with mostly non-fiction works, Ms. Hunter said.

In addition to the new programs. Ms. Stanton said the students have been aided by a new children-aid program called "Community Closet" in which students can turn in a confidential ticket and receive needed clothes and other items. It has been very well received and the school has gotten donations from the community, including a large donation from the Esperance Fire Department. "Community Closet" is an important layer of support for students.

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Jefferson Passes Wind Energy Law On To County Planning Commission, Hearing in February

By Liz Page

JEFFERSON –  With the second of  two six-month moratoriums about to expire, a Wind Energy Facilities Law will be aired in a public hearing in February, after Jefferson Town Board members approved amending the local law during their regular meeting Dec. 14. In the meantime, the proposed changes will go before the Schoharie County Planning Commission and will be available on the town website.

Members of the town board will meet at 10 a.m. on Dec. 27 to close the books on 2023 and will organize for the new year on Jan. 11 at 7 p.m..

The town will also advertise for a new dog control officer for the new year. 

During the privilege of the floor, resident Cindy Cole asked the town board if there are any plans for a cell tower in the town of Jefferson. Supervisor Peggy Hait  said Verizon has indicated one isn't needed. Cole said the recent storm created a problem because of areas where there is no cell phone service and the loss of power. It left people stranded,  with no way to communicate in the event of an emergency. Cole said a cell tower would eliminate the dead zones. Hait said she would ask Verizon again about increasing cell service in the town and will reiterate the fact there are several dead areas.

Under the highway, Hat said the town will need a software upgrade to utilize its Gas Master account in order to keep track of fuel usage. Board members approved spending $3,470 for the upgrade. It is unknown if the equipment must be shipped out for the upgrade, however it was determined the current computer can handle the upgrade. Hait said it is possible there would be additional charges, depending how the upgrade is done. If the equipment has to be shipped to Florida, there may be additional cost.

Board members also approved a contract with Williamson Law Books, which will enable the town to accept credit card payments and utilize various software programs. While credit card payments are not the most convenient for the town clerk, Clerk Vanessa Irwin said it does seem to be the way many now like to pay for their property taxes.

Town crews were busy plowing and sanding, cleaning up after the storm and prepping for winter maintenance. 

Before adjourning for the night, Councilman Don VanValkenburgh said the town board should send a letter of thanks to the Jefferson Holiday Committee, thanking them for their hard work in putting together a very successful tree lighting event on Dec. 2. It involved the donation of trees by individuals and families, the Jefferson Fire Department, the Jefferson Central School quintet and the Community Chorus.

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M'burgh Seeking $ from Cobleskill for Road Repairs

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH - Middleburgh town officials are seeking back payments from the Town of Cobleskill for road work done in the Oak Meadows development since 2013.

The towns of Cobleskill and Middleburgh came to an agreement in 2013 to have Middleburgh maintain the road in the Oak Meadows development off of Route 145, in exchange with yearly payments.

That plan lasted for one year as Cobleskill paid Middleburgh $900 in 2014, according to Middleburgh town officials.

After some discussion, Middleburgh officials last week agreed to extend the agreement for another five years and ask for back payments.

At the onset of the discussions, Supervisor Wes Laraway took out the agreement and said, "Let's see what it says." Highway Superintendent Steve Kowalski answered, "It says they owe us money."

The agreement actually states, "The Town of Cobleskill shall pay the Town of Middleburgh on an annual basis, no later than February 1st of each year, a sum equal to the amount levied from that portion of the annual tax bill for 'Highway outside of Village' on each of tax parcels hereinbefore listed and any lots which may be subdivided from said parcels, based on the prior year's assessment...the parties have agreed that during term of this agreement, Town of Middleburgh shall be responsible for all year round maintenance, upkeep and repair of said roads, including salting, sanding and plowing, and in consideration thereof, the Town of Cobleskill shall pay the Town of Middleburgh on an annual basis, all sums levied from that portion of the annual tax bill for 'Highway outside of Village' on each of following tax parcels and any lots which may be subdivided from said parcels."

At that time, there were seven parcels, and only two had homes on the land. Only two parcels in 2013 were assessed at more than $200,000. The rest, unimproved properties, were all assessed at $26,500 or less. Now, with homes on each parcel, the assessments are much more than $200,000, Middleburgh officials said.

Middleburgh officials will ask the town attorney, Mike West, to redraft the agreement with the extension.

The road maintenance and upkeep will continue.

"It would be crappy if we said we wouldn't plow," Mr. Kowalski said.

The Town of Cobleskill, Mr. Kowlaski said has not put their section of the road in Oak Meadows in their road inventory meaning that the town cannot receive CHIPs funds from the state. The Town of Middleburgh cannot get CHIPs funds for the road, despite maintaining it, since the road is in the Town of Cobleskill. The funds would gave amounted to about $25,000, he said.

If Cobleskill does not agree to a new deal, "they just got a road paid for by us," Mr. Kowalski said.

In addition to redrafting the agreement, the Town of Middleburgh will ask the Town of Cobleskill for back payments and future payments for road work and maintenance.

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MCS Business Leaders Star at National Conference

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH - Middleburgh Central School FBLA members have had a strong start to the school year.

In October, four Future Business Leaders of America members attended the FBLA District Meeting at Bryant and Stratton College in Albany and then in November, two members traveled to a national conference in Dallas.

During the district meeting, Liam Hooper, Kaitlin Nelson, Quin Smith, and Kaelynn Wainwright attended workshops like “Great Presentations,” “There is No I in Team,” “People Power 101,” and “Finding Your Career.” They also met with peers from other clubs and started planning for upcoming FBLA competitions.

In November, Quin, the club president, and Olivia Skowfoe, the club treasurer, traveled to Dallas, Texas, with advisor Denise Colistra for the FBLA Leadership Conference. The students spoke about their conference at last week's school board meeting.

During the four-day event, the students attended several workshops. Topics included business ethics, the business world, public speaking, turning your hobby into your career, personal brand development, and more. They also connected with FBLA peers from 36 states around the country.

The two told board members that they learned a lot of things that will help them "crack the code" at the state competitions in June.

"It was really a super fun thing," Olivia said. "It was one of the coolest things we've ever done."

Ms. Colistra said both trips offered amazing opportunities for the students to learn. The trip to Dallas also provided many cultural experiences.

“On Friday night, the conference hosted the Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament,” Ms. Colistra said. “We were also able to spend a little time exploring Dallas and its surrounding areas. At the Stockyard in Fort Worth, we witnessed the daily cattle-drive down Main Street.

"The cattle drive was a highlight, the students said.

"It was so Texas," Olivia said.

FBLA club members will have little time to rest. At both events, members began strategizing to prepare for upcoming district and national competitions.  

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MCS Starting Work on 2024-25 Budget

State Aid Up in Early Estimates

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH - It is still 2023, but Middleburgh Central School officials are already looking to 2025.

School business manager Robyn Bhend gave school board members last week a brief glimpse of the road for the 2024-25 budget.

She said she would give more of an overview on spending at the board's January 10 meeting, but gave out some early details Wednesday night.

She said that contract negotiations with all bargaining units have been settled, so instructional salaries are in place. The early outlook on health insurance and prescription costs show increases of 20 percent each, but the final costs will not be known until February. Superintendent Mark Place is hoping that the district comes in under 20 percent for next year.

Ms. Bhend said it is important to begin budget discussions soon because the board will only have budget workshops once a month starting in January. The January 10 meeting will feature details on a "rollover" budget with few changes from this year. In February, board members will review state aid projections, and March will feature a discussion about how much fund balance to use to lower taxes.

The budget has to be approved in April for a May public vote.

"It's going to happen quick," Ms. Bhend noted.

The first state run of aid figures from the governor should come out shortly after the New Year, she said.

Very early estimates, she added, show an increase of about $213,300 in state aid.

Board members, she added, have been very conservative in increasing the tax levy in the past with hikes from zero percent to 1.99 percent in the last four years. She also noted that revenue from interest is up because of hikes in bank interest rates.

Board members will have to make decisions on some programs, officials added.

Field trips require $40,000. The trips are more than just students going places, it includes events at the schools. In the spring, an astronomy demonstration is planned at the elementary school. A Shakespeare festival is planned at the secondary school in March

Field trips are very important, said two students attending the meeting.

Olivia Skowfoe and Quin Smith recently attended the FBLA conference in Dallas. Quin said field trips are informative, influential, very interesting and give students things to "remember for their whole life."

Olivia added that field trips give students the opportunity to branch out and see different cultures. She said the field trips were "so beneficial."

The district also has to make a decision about the after-school program at the elementary school, Mr. Place said.

The Schoharie River Center, through a grant, has been hosting a very successful program at the elementary school. About 80 children attend the three-hour program, which is in session even during school breaks,

The district, Mr. Place added, could seek additional funding or grants for STEM classes and more college-credit classes.

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Village Working On Burn Regulation

By Liz Page

STAMFORD –  Three boy scouts sat in to see how government works during Tuesday's meeting of the Stamford Village Board. They are working toward their Communications Merit Badge.

The meeting opened with Mayor Robert Schneider commenting on the overwhelming outpouring of support shown to the victims of the devastating fire on Dec. 1. "It was a very moving event for us here at the village hall," he said. The meeting room was filled to capacity with items donated to the fire victims over the weekend after the fire, with the village asking residents to hold onto their belongings until residents are settled somewhere else. Slowly, but surely, the 11 families displaced by the fire are finding other places to live. 

Trustee Darran Hanway said it was also the case with the annual Christmas Feeling Fund, which distributed its food and gifts last Saturday. "It was highly, highly successful. The monetary and material donations were overwhelming. Nine of the 11 families in the fire would normally be recipients of the fund. "We live in a very generous area," he said.

Engineers have been selected in moving forward with the Bridge NY project to replace the bridge on River St. in the village of Stamford. Trustee Jim Kopp spearheaded the appointed committee. He said the bridge can likely be built in one day and the engineering firm they chose, Foit Albert Associates, of Albany, is looking forward to the project.

Churchill Gym, its possible uses and costs, was again a topic of discussion. Mayor Robert Schneider said the building is still bleeding the village of money, but is not terminal. Thanks to the efforts of Jesse Calia, department of public works supervisor, the heating costs have been helped. Of the $1,900 spent on the building $1,500 was not for fuel oil as it has been in the past. There was $700 for labor and the cost of parts for the boiler. However, the village has been unable to get quotes to replace the boiler. They are looking to get estimates on various forms of heating the large gym space. The gym is not being heated at this time.

Village Clerk Jamison Hanway reported the Stamford Central School Booster Club is interested in using the building for modified sports two nights per week and  next spring for softball and baseball.

The village needs to come up with a cost to allow them to use the gym that covers the cost of heating the space plus a contingency to help with the repairs. Trustee Robert Orcutt suggested the village charge them  the difference between the additional heat plus 10 percent of the cost. 

"We want the space to be used, but the village can't underwrite it," said Schneider. "If it becomes too costly, we won't be able to do it." The Booster Club will be invited to fill out a facilities use form.

Election officials will be appointed for village elections, set for noon to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19 in village hall. Trustee Robert Orcutt is up for election this year.

Jesse Calia reported his crew has done a lot of wiring, including the village hall and the workshop. The bathrooms at the Churchill Gym have also been painted and he said they are in the process of replacing the globe lights in the village park areas. Crews have also been working to clean up the downed branches from last week's storm.

He is also attempting to get more quotes for the boiler at the gym. He has had contractors look at the boiler and offer suggestions, but they are not providing quotes.

Trustees approved the sewer connection at 36 Lake St., which was not on the system.

Code Enforcement Officer Rich Irwin is working on burning regulations in the village, with several large open fires raising concerns after they were reported to the fire department. The draft is nearly ready and will incorporate a permit for special operations or events. It is intended to give fire officials the ability to put out fires deemed unsafe. The permit for special occasions can be evaluated through the permit process and certain conditions applied. It will be tweaked some more before moving on to the village attorney and a public hearing is held.

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WAC Said Goodbye to Dave Cammer

Audit Report In Good Standing

By Mary A. Crisafulli

WALTON - The Watershed Agricultural Council Executive Board members honored long-time board member Dave Cammer at their meeting on Dec. 19. Cammer, who served for over 25 years, will be retiring from the committee in 2024. As this was his last meeting, many of the board members gave some kind words to send him off.

Board Chair Wayland Gladstone said, "Dave has always been a good person with a lot of advice and always disagreed at the right time to keep everyone on their toes."

"He was a great council," said Fred Huneke, "A lot of times we had extensive discussion and a lot of times we ended on the same page." He added that he hopes the friendship they have developed over the years continues. "I appreciate you and we are going to miss you tremendously on this board," he said.

John Verhoeven said he always appreciated Cammer's opposing position. "You will be missed on the board," he added.

"I really appreciate his input on easements," said Thomas Hutson. He added that Cammer was a great teacher when they were on the finance committee together. 

"Volunteering your time for WAC is an incredible burden," said WAC Executive Director Ryan Naatz. "I have learned to gratefully respect taking in the alternative point of view," Naatz added as a lesson learned from Cammer.

Marilyn Wyman said Cammer always drove people to question things at the right moments. 

"It has been a delight to engage with you, we always agree to disagree," said Jennifer Grossman. 

Karl Gockel said he would not be on the WAC board if it were not for Cammer and thanked him for that.

"I am always impressed by the thoughtfulness of your recommendations," said John Vickers. 

The last years with WAC have been an experience, said Cammer. "We certainly came out the back end in a good position," he said, "I feel there are good people here to keep it that way." 

In another discussion, the board was presented with an overview of the 2023 audit report conducted by RBT accounting firm. Several board members were very pleased with the report stating the financials have been a mess the last few years and WAC seems to be on track now.

"I think we are in great standing," said Naatz. He added that this is the smoothest audit process he has ever witnessed in his time at WAC. 

"WAC has had a very successful year and it's seriously about time," Gladstone said. Gladstone went on to thank everyone who works and volunteers for WAC for sticking together, "It's been a rough few years." He gave special thanks to the financial team guided by Carol Bishop. 

Total end-of-year assets were reported at $14,528,112. RBT found no notable changes for the 990 form which is required by the IRS for tax-exempt organizations.

Several individuals were appointed to the Governance Committee for a term from Jan. 1, 2024 until Dec. 31, 2025 including Dwight Bruno, Paul Gallay, Wayland Gladstone, Jason Helmbold, and Fred Huneke.

Kristan Morley reported receipt of 13 applications for the new micro-grant program for vegetable and fruit farmers. The grant program maintains $20,000 for expansion projects up to $5,000 per applicant. Eligible program areas include greenhouse or raised bed expansion, water access, and farm structural additions. East of the Hudson farms will be eligible for grants. Applications will be reviewed over the next month and awarded shortly, reported Morley. 

She also reported receipt of four applications for the farms and forest transition reimbursement program. The program awards grants of $5,000 for projects on a rolling basis.

The Pure Catskills membership fee was increased for the first time in 20 years from $35 to $45. The ad space for the program was also increased by $5 and membership will increase by 35 to 50 dollars. The increases will help support the extra demand for membership to grow the Pure Catskills program, said Grossman. Pure Catskills is a local branding campaign seeking to increase support of the local food community.

The group working to determine expansion of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Streamside Acquisition Program (SAP) will submit a new report this month regarding a proposed program outline, reported New York State Department of Health representative Patrik Palmer. "We have several more meetings to go before any issues can be resolved," he added. The report will be available at 

A new group has been developed called the Preventative Purchase Rights Workgroup to work on proposed adjustments to DEP's acquisition programs including easement language, Palmer also reported. 

Board members entered an executive session where Naatz said he had several topics to discuss.

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A Conversation About: Caroling

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/21/23 | 12/21/23

By Jean Thomas

Scientists have come up with a new aerobic exercise: singing. This is the perfect time to start an exercise plan because we have all the tools already. We already know a bunch of Christmas carols, we don’t need any special clothing or gear (an ugly Christmas sweater might be okay), and we don’t have to go to a special exercise place. In fact, we can indulge in singing anywhere we want. What we do need, however, is some other people to “exercise” with. Apparently this increases the endorphin hormones that make us feel so good. This time of year is best. Carolers going from door to door always have room for one more, Christmas parties can be turned into songfests, and any gathering of grade school kids can be co-opted. I’ve even seen a very formal meeting turned into a sing-a-long of “You are My Sunshine”, instigated by one subversive little woman. This can be done with any well known song, as long as it doesn’t get political.          

If you are reluctant to be the one to start, there are two pretty good options. You can use that friend of yours who is fearless and will accept a dare, or you can go to an event with grade school kids. Observe the first and second graders especially. They are untroubled by any of the stuff we think about as adults. Nobody cares about being in tune or in harmony or even on the same verse. And they sound wonderful and make us smile and feel good. Ignore the little one in the corner who won’t sing… she’ll outgrow that, and so should we.                                                                                                                                                 

 I don’t want to seem biased here. We don’t have to limit ourselves to carols. That’s just what made me think of this topic. Between a bunch of scientific studies and a line of first graders on a stage feeling great about themselves, it’s a natural segue to reminding everybody how much fun it was, and is, to lift our voices in song. So at the family gathering or the office party, give it a try. Even if you can only get a quartet at first, go for it. If that succeeds, continue your exercise program and expand it to bonfire gatherings, definitely New Years Eve, and continue at any festivities that have songs attached. You may have to resort to plotting with the kids to start things up, but I’ll bet you remember all the elementary school classics like “On Top of Spaghetti” or “Did You Ever Think…” I promise the endorphins will flow.    Movie and show tunes can be useful, and reunions make their own playlists. Nobody knows the words to “Hava Nagila” or “Louie Louie.” But they are both fun to sing to. Don’t limit yourself.                                             

That’s my end of year exercise advice. Next time I’ll revert to sensible topics. Today was a holiday gift to myself. If you ever see me singing on the corner or in the supermarket (usually the frozen food aisle), please join me. It’s a healthy activity, you know.

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Whittling Away with Dick Brooks

Christmas Past

It's now the heart of the holiday season and the three spirits written about so well by Charles Dickens make their yearly visitations.  Since so few Scrooges exist among us, most of the visitations bring joy and excitement and not the fear they generated for poor old Ebenezer.  I always enjoy the yearly visits of Christmas Present and look forward with anticipation for many more Christmases Yet To Be, but I must admit to having a favorite--Christmas Past.

Christmas Past is an old friend who comes to call faithfully every holiday season but also has the kindness to come to call throughout the year.  Every time I think of family and family gatherings, his memories flame up and warm my heart with scenes that were.  Christmas Past gives me the confidence to face the sometimes uncertain future.  I know that even if someday in the far distant future, I have to face the holidays with no earthly companions, He will be there to keep me company and to remind me of how rich I really am and have been.  I know his comforting warmth and ability to lift the fog of the past will keep me from becoming a hard hearted, bitter old Scrooge.

His visits this year have already made me smile as I remember sitting around the dining room table making ornaments with my two little boys in their stocking footed pajamas and my Queen-to be.  He brought back the feeling of being part of the thundering herd as my brothers and sister stormed down the stairs and charged the Christmas tree.  Memories of the "Sneak for a peek" hunt for hidden presents before Santa's visit, first by my siblings and I and later by my offspring make me chuckle.  He carries memories of pajamas and bathrobes, slippers and coffee, sounds of wrapping paper and little gasps as the goodies emerge, Christmas music played and sung by the Queen and Princess, cats batting ornaments, and the quiet little sounds that needles make as they fall onto the presents under the tree.  He allows me to become that little boy, so long ago, lying warm in bed, listening to the sounds of sleigh bells on high and knowing that the dawn would bring its special blessings after the longest night of the year.

May the Spirit of Christmas Present bring you family, good friends and good memories to store for the future, may the Spirit of Christmas Yet To Be give you strength to face any trials and tribulations that may come during the year and may the Spirit of Christmas Past remind you that you're never alone as long as you have your memories. The joy and blessings of this season from our house to yours!

Thought for the week--"Business?  Mankind is my business!"   --Jacob Marley

Until next week, may you and yours be happy and well.    

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