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Village of Fleischmanns Planning Board Notice

Written By Editor on 9/29/20 | 9/29/20


PO BOX 577



The Village of Fleischmanns Planning Board will be holding public hearings in
accordance with the Village of Fleischmanns Zoning Ordinance for the following
Application VFSP-7 – Clare Friedrich would like to get approval to operate a tourist
home at 140 Schneider Avenue in Fleischmanns. Tax map # 287.13-2-14.
Application VFSP-8 - 1053 Main Street LLC (Mark Birman) would like to get approval
to operate a tourist home at 1053 Main Street in Fleischmanns. Tax map # 287.13-2-19.
Said hearings will be held on Monday, October 5, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in the Skene
Memorial Library, Main Street, Fleischmanns. At this time all interested parties will be
Jason Wadler
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Roxbury FD Legal Notice

Legal Ad:
Please take notice the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Roxbury Fire District will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 7:00pm in the basement of the building of the Roxbury Fire House located at 53613 State Highway 30, Roxbury, NY 12474 in regards to the proposed 2021 District Budget. In addition, the Commissioners will hold their regular October meeting on 10/20/2020 immediately following the hearing, to act on the budget and to discuss and act on district business.

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Sheriff DuMond Warns of Political Sign Thefts

Written By Editor on 9/23/20 | 9/23/20

Delhi – With the political season underway, Sheriff Craig DuMond would like to remind the public that removing, altering or defacing political signage is a crime punishable under the New
York State Penal Law. “I have been getting an increased amount of complaints regarding political signs being stolen from lawns and private property…people who engage in this behavior are subject to criminal prosecution”, Sheriff DuMond remarked.
“Nowadays, many property owners have installed video surveillance systems, trail cameras and the like to digitally record trespassers and criminal actions as they take place. These systems are an eye witness and critical in assisting law enforcement…I strongly  encourage people not to engage in trespassing or stealing political signs. It simply isn’t worth it”, the Sheriff concluded.

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Childbirth Class on Saturday

Free Childbirth Express Class
Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020
9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Cobleskill Regional Hospital
Morrissey Conference Room
178 Grandview Drive
Receive useful information and coping skills.  
Prepare to actively participate in the labor and delivery process. 
Park in the Emergency parking lot and use the Emergency entrance. Check in at the registration desk.
Register at
For more information, call 518-254-3307
The Instructor is Top Quality:
Elisabeth M. Tissiere, RN4 CLC, ICCE
Certified Lactation Counselor
ICEA Certified Childbirth Educator
The Birthing Center at Bassett Medical Center

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Heirloom Hops Available to Home Brewer

Written By Editor on 9/22/20 | 9/22/20

Announcement:  Several years ago the The Village of Middleburgh established a small hops patch in Timothy Murphy Park to remind residents and visitors of the hops industry that thrived in Schoharie Valley.  This year's crop is available to any small brewer for the asking.  For information, contact Bill Morton at (518) 560-0166 or by email at

It was in 1816 that the hops industry began in Madison County with the sale of two tons for about $2,000.  Hops fields began to spread east and west along U.S. Route 20 stretching from Sharon Springs to Cazenovia, and by mid-century hop production reached about 3 million pounds annually, making New York State the national leader in hops. 

The Pindar farm situated on the flats at the intersection of State Route 145 and Route 30 in the Town of Middleburgh was a major producer in the Schoharie valley.  The Pindar family began raising hops around 1890, so they were a fairly late arrival into the industry, but nevertheless successful.  

According to the Oneonta Daily Star, "the hop industry boomed until a series of bad events struck the region's growers.  In 1909, the crop was hit with a form of mildew, and efforts to defeat the disease failed.  After two bad seasons most producers had given up."  "Any remaining hop growers in the region were dealt a blow in 1919 with the passage of the National Prohibition Act."

The Pindar Brothers, nevertheless, continued to grow hops until 1952. This was long after most other growers had given up on hops. 

The hops in the demonstration patch in Timothy Murphy Park were obtained from root stock collected in a forested setting along Mill Valley Road in the Town of Fulton.  It might be safe to assume that the Timothy Murphy hops are descendants of hops which, during the 1800s, made New York State the nation's leading producer of hops.

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New York State Insurance Fund announces new program rewarding businesses for purchase of Personal Protective Equipment

Written By Editor on 9/20/20 | 9/20/20

Workers’ comp policyholders can earn up to a $500 credit for qualifying supplies


ALBANY, N.Y. – New York State’s largest workers’ compensation carrier – the New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) – introduced a new COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Premium Credit Program that will make it more affordable for its policyholders to get back to business. Under the new initiative, current workers’ comp policyholders can earn a 5% credit of their annual premium on the purchase of PPE, with a maximum reimbursement of $500.


The program is designed to help offset the cost of vital PPE and safety-related items needed to help protect workers from the COVID-19 virus. Eligible equipment includes masks, goggles, gloves, gowns, hand sanitizer and other COVID-19 safety related items.


“With the PPE Premium Credit Program, we aim to assist companies around the state make the transition back to work in a safe and affordable way,” said Eric Madoff, Executive Director and CEO of NYSIF. “As a partner in safety, we are here to help our policyholders keep themselves, their employees and their businesses protected.”


NYSIF is among the top 10 largest workers’ compensation carriers in the nation, insuring approximately 150,000 policyholders in New York State. For more details on NYSIF’s COVID-19 PPE Premium Credit Program, as well as training materials on how businesses can protect their workers, please visit


About the New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF)

The New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) was established in 1914 as part of the original enactment of the New York State Workers’ Compensation Law. NYSIF's mission is to guarantee the availability of workers’ compensation insurance at the lowest possible cost to New York employers and to provide timely, appropriate indemnity and medical payments to injured workers, while maintaining a solvent fund. Since inception, NYSIF has fulfilled the dual roles for which it was created: to compete with other carriers to ensure a fair marketplace and to be a guaranteed source of coverage for employers who cannot secure coverage elsewhere.


NYSIF is the largest workers’ compensation carrier in New York State and among the top 10 largest workers’ compensation carriers in the nation, insuring approximately 150,000 policyholders, with more than $2 billion in annual premium and $18 billion in assets. A self-supporting insurance carrier, NYSIF operates without taxpayer funding.


In addition to workers’ compensation insurance, NYSIF provides disability benefits coverage for off-the-job injuries to more than 61,000 New York employers. In 2018, NYSIF added paid family leave as a component of its disability benefits product, providing New Yorkers with job-protected, paid time away from work to care for their families.


For more information, visit


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MCS to use Reserves to Weather Huge State Aid Cut

Written By Editor on 9/19/20 | 9/19/20

By David Avitabile
Middleburgh Central School should be able to withstand a state aid cut of 20 percent, but that could cause problems for the 2021-22 school year, it was announced Wednesday.
To help solve the state revenue crisis because of the fallout from the Corona virus pandemic, Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced a 20 percent reduction in state aid to schools. To Middleburgh, which receives over 60 percent of its revenue form state aid, the cut is especially costly.
Business manager Terry Gillooley told school board members Wednesday night that the aid cut involves all state aid streams, not just foundation aid. The state is reassessing the cuts quarter by quarter but MCS will lose about $117,000 in state for the spring quarter for BOCES and excess cost aid. District officials thought the state aid cuts would only "hit" foundation aid and not all sources of aid.
The cut for the 2020-21 school year could be much more.
Mr. Gillooley said that a 20 percent reduction could cost Middleburgh between $1.5 and $2.4 million. A 20 percent cut would reduce the 2020-21 state aid to Middleburgh to $9.6 million instead of over $11 million.
The only saving grace is that Middleburgh has enough in its fund balance to cover the cut , Mr. Gillooley added.
The district has a total over about $4.5 million in its fund balance, more than the four percent of the total budget that the state recommends, he said. Of the $4.5 million, $2.3 million is "unassigned" and can be used. The state has been more lenient with the schools and said that reserves can be used to cover the budget gap.
"We have unassigned funds in the fund balance to cover a 20 percent cut in state aid, but it would deplete our fund balance," Mr. Gillooley told board members. "What does that mean for 2021-22?" Though the costs for the next school year are in the formative stages, there will probably an increase in health insurance costs.
He added, "$2.4 million is a big hit to our district, but we're in better shape than some other districts. I don't see any immediate (personnel) cuts needed." 
MCS can "survive this wave but" it will be much harder to survive the "2021-22 wave," Superintendent Brian Dunn said.
The district could avoid making any other changes until the state announces its second quarter cut for the 2020-21 school year, Mr. Gillooley said.
There was very little comment from school board members.
"We usually budget for a worse-case scenario," Mr. Gillooley concluded.

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Walk to End Alzheimer's looks different: Participants to walk in small groups on sidewalks, trails

Written By Editor on 9/14/20 | 9/14/20

The 2020 Walk to End Alzheimer’s—Oneonta will take place on Sept. 27, raising awareness and funds for dementia care, support and research.


The event, which attracted more than 250 participants and raised over $37,000 in 2019, will look different this year. Instead of hosting a large gathering, participants will walk as individuals or in small groups of friends and family on sidewalks, tracks and trails across Otsego, Delaware and Schoharie counties. 

“Although communities can’t join together for a large, in-person event due to the pandemic, participants will still walk in their neighborhoods. On event day, we invite you to participate in small, safe teams while others in your community do the same,” said Ann Thayer, program manager and rural health care advisor at the Alzheimer’s Association, Northeastern New York Chapter. 


On Walk Day, Sept. 27, at 1 p.m., the opening ceremony will be delivered to participants' smartphones, tablets and computers.


On the same day, a group of Alzheimer’s Association staff and volunteers will create the iconic Promise Garden to honor all those impacted by dementia in a “view only” and “drive-by” format. The Promise Garden will take place from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at Neahwa Park.


Every year on Walk day, participants honor those affected by Alzheimer's or another dementia with blue, yellow, purple and orange Promise Garden Flowers. These flowers highlight the different reasons for taking part in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. The blue flower represents people like Chris Given of Morris, New York, who are living with dementia. The yellow flower represents people like Sheila Kennedy who care for their loved ones living with dementia. The purple flower represents people like Marcella Gonzels of South Kortright who lost their loved ones to Alzheimer’s or another dementia. The orange flower represents people like Art Klinger who support the Association’s vision of a world without Alzheimer’s and all dementia.


In New York State alone, there are more than 400,000 people who live with the disease and more than 1 million caregivers who provide unpaid care to their loved ones with dementia.


The Oneonta Walk is supported by national presenting sponsors Edward Jones and CVS Health (or Aetna/Omnicare) and NYCM Insurance—local presenting sponsor and Promise Garden sponsor. To register and receive the latest updates on this year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s, visit:


Walk to End Alzheimer’s®

The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Since 1989, the Alzheimer’s Association® mobilized millions of Americans in the Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk®; now the Alzheimer’s Association is continuing to lead the way with Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Together, we can end Alzheimer’s. 


Alzheimer's Association®

The Alzheimer’s Association is a worldwide voluntary health organization dedicated to Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Its mission is to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia—by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. Visit or call 800.272.3900.

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Village of Fleischmanns Legal Notice

Written By Editor on 9/9/20 | 9/9/20

The Village of Fleischmanns Zoning Board of Appeals will be holding public hearings in
accordance with the Village of Fleischmanns Zoning Ordinance for the following
Application VFD-11-A Kahal Bais Yitchok would like to get a 2’ front setback variance at 540 Main
Street, Fleischmanns. Tax map # 287.17-1-4.
Application VFD-12-A Yeshiva Metzonim D’Satamar would like to be exempt from the dumpster
enclosure requirement for 91 Armstrong Park Road in Fleischmanns. Tax map # 287.18-2-3.
Application VFD-13-A Yeshiva Metzonim D’Satamar would like to be exempt from the dumpster
enclosure requirement for 673 Wagner Avenue in Fleischmanns. Tax map # 287.18-7-1.
Application VFD-14-A MTC would like to get a fence height variance for security around the
building and generator at 776 Main Street in Fleischmanns. Tax map # 287.17-1-7.
Said hearing will be held on Thursday, September 17, 2019 at 4 p.m. in the Skene Memorial
Library, Main Street, Fleischmanns. At this time all interested parties will be heard.

William Birns

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Town of Middletown Planning Board Notice

Written By Editor on 9/7/20 | 9/7/20

The Town of Middletown Planning Board will be holding public hearing in accordance
with the Town of Middletown Zoning Ordinance for the following:
Application 20-2 Triple T Holdings Corp would like to do a 2 lot subdivision on Church
Street in Arkville. Tax map # 307.1-2-5.
Said hearing will be held on Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town
Hall, 42339 State Highway 28, Margaretville. At this time all interested parties will be
Susanna Finch

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Streaming Shows … the New Reality of “Live” Music

Written By Editor on 9/3/20 | 9/3/20

For those of us on social media it seems we have seen everyone and their brother show us their musical talents, even if its in pajama bottoms from their sofa. For professional musicians this is not exactly the path they expected their music careers to take. 

Over the past several months seasoned musicians have offered-up everything from live shows in home studios, to rebroadcasting of past performances. Jorma Kaukunen, of Jefferson Airplance and Hot Tun fame, Neil Young and Michael Franti are just a few who offer free weekly live performance where you can join friends in an online watch experience. Most streaming services shows offer a live text chat where fans can show appreciation and join in discussion during the broadcast. 

Though these shows can be watched anytime there is a sence of community when watching with an audience, at the same time. If you are a fan of live music, streaming shows is the current reality of how you’ll be seeing it. Streaming “live” music is just that, it’s a live show and you are seeing it as it happens. Venues are also jumping on that band wagon. Established music venues offer an environment for bands to perform, live on a stage, with the ability to control sound and lighting for a quality viewing experience. 

Promoters, band managers and venue operators have been working with ever-changing calendars, with the hopes that there would be a return to business as usual. The Bearsville Theater in Woodstock had planned to open its door this Spring after new owner Lizzie Vann and her team completed major renovations on the legendary Bearsville property. As with many area establishments the Theater has been able to offer a bit of music outdoors, but nothing like the major live performances which have been held there in the past. 

The American Nomads band hailing from Brooklyn, NY was slated to be one of the theater’s inaugural shows. Their performance is now going to be live streamed September 12 from the stage of the Bearsville Theater. For the band, they are back on stage together, for those of us who miss shows, this is our chance to go, — online. Nomads, who performed at the Bethel Woods’s Woodstock 50 anniversary last year, will be joined by Sweet Marie, a talented duo of two sister who always capture hearts when they take the stage! Susan Darmiento vocalist with American Nomads says, ”We are so excited to be on stage performing again! We'll be playing to the cameras instead of the audience, but we'll still feel their energy through the lens."

This is an excellent opportuity to give live streaming a chance. 

Tickets are available at

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