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Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts

Bill Would Repeal SAFE Act Upstate

Written By Editor on 2/5/17 | 2/5/17

Proposed legislation would keep the SAFE Act's provisions legal-- but only in New York City. State Senator Rob Ortt cited several differences between Upstate and Downstate laws, including on the minimum wage.

Senate Bill S879A is also co-sponsored by Senator John Bonacic. The Bill would repeal the statewide license and record database established by the SAFE Act. It would also outlaw one type of gun seizure in Upstate New York mandated by current law. The proposal would allow large capacity magazines and repeal penalties for not registering assault weapons.

Ortt's statement within the bill says that the SAFE Act "infringes on the rights of lawful gun owners and that "the diversity of New York State demands that laws are tailored to accomodate each region."

Ortt's proposal has the backing of the New York Rifle and Pistol Association.

Ortt was involved in a number of proposed changes to the SAFE Act in 2015 in Senate Bill 5837. These would have included local control over handgun recertification and stronger due process provisions. The bill was sponsored by Senator Jim Seward. The Assembly declined to vote on the proposal.

Time Warner Cable News cited Manhattan Assemblyman Brian Kavanaugh as stating, "New York City residents would not be safer by allowing gun sales with no background checks in Westchester County, just across the border from the Bronx," He added, "The SAFE Act was passed with a vote of more than 70 percent in the Senate and more than 70 percent in the Assembly. It was not a close vote and it was not driven just by folks in New York City."

While the bill has a strong chance of making it through the Republican-dominated State Senate, it appears unlikely to pass the Assembly. Should it make it through both chambers it would need Governor Cuomo's signature to become law.

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Letter to the Editor: Protect the Second Amendment

Written By Editor on 9/25/16 | 9/25/16

As a civil rights activist the intertwining of all our rights brings US to the Second Amendment.

  Through a clear strong voice We counter the liberal rhetoric which is driven by hyperbole and conjecture.

We need not look to the past or to hypothetical theory to see clearly.

  Current events in Charlotte NC are playing out. Rioters and thugs are being described on main stream media as "protesters".

 Folks , this is an attempt to foster division and hate.

 The truth IS in our culture is being sold a narrative through main stream media that does absolutely nothing to address the core issues before US.

 "Liberty and Freedom are of the individual, not of Government." KS

  "The rights of Man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God." John F Kennedy.

    "We the People are the Governors of our State." KS

    Take hold of your rights , never surrender them to a Government that tells the masses that in order to secure a little safety one must give up a portion of Liberty.

-- Kevin Sission, Webster

Cuomo Calls for National Gun Control at Aide's Funeral

Written By Editor on 9/26/15 | 9/26/15

Governor Cuomo stepped into the national gun control debate this week at the funeral of his attorney Carey Gabay. Gabay was struck by a stray bullet during celebrations of the West Indian Day parade in Brooklyn.

Cuomo stated that he considered asking the Pope about why Gabay died, but was compelled not to due to his faith in God. Reuters covered the funeral, in which Cuomo also called for a national effort to reduce gun violence through much broader gun control.

 Cuomo told the assembled, "It's not enough for New York State to pass a gun law and close the front door when the guns are coming in the back door, when the guns can come up from Virginia or South Carolina for anyone willing to take a car ride."

Cuomo also described what he called "rampant violence" in poorer communities and those of people of color.

Earlier this month the Governor also spoke about Gabay's shooting, which was covered by the Times Union. "I can't pass a tougher law than we did or a smarter law than we did," he said.

Fulton County Sheriff: Throw Away SAFE Act Permit Forms

Written By Editor on 2/15/15 | 2/15/15

The Sheriff of Fulton County is making his stance on the SAFE Act more than clear. Going beyond the majority of New York State Sheriffs that oppose the controversial gun control measure, Thomas Lorey is calling for civil disobedience.

While giving a speech to the Oath Keepers, the Sheriff called upon gun owners to disobey the SAFE Act. The first person he cited in his remarks was Schoharie County resident and 2nd Amendment activist Kevin Sisson.

When legal gun owners receive the notice to re-certify their pistols under the new SAFE Act provisions, the Sheriff said that "In the state of New York, there are two types of permits, a license to carry and a license to possess. The license to carry was never meant to be restricted."

He also said that if gun owners get paperwork regarding their currently possessed firearms, they should throw it in the trash.

He told listeners, "I want to assure you that everyone in Fulton County has nothing to fear from the sheriff's office."

 Video of the event is below.

NYS Flags 35 Schoharie County Residents for Gun Confiscation, Denial Under SAFE Act

Written By Editor on 12/31/14 | 12/31/14

One of the parts of the SAFE Act that is being actively enforced is the provision that those deemed mentally unfit by the state will not be able to own guns. This includes both non-owners that will be denied access to purchase firearms and current owners that will have their firearms confiscated.

According to records from New York State, compiled by there are thousands statewide on a do-not-sell list and 278 current gun owners intended for confiscation.

There are currently 35 Schoharie County residents on the list for being referred to the state for mental illness by medical professionals. Of these, two are current gun owners that, if the law is enforced, have their firearms taken by police.

The names of the residents have not been released and there have been no reports of confiscation as of this date. The Schoharie County Sheriff's Department has already stated that it will not enforce the SAFE Act, passed two years ago.

Stamford/Richmondville Pistol Team Places First in NRA Contest Category

Written By Cicero on 10/27/14 | 10/27/14

The Stamford/Richmondville Pistol team Charles Rose of Gilboa ; Cliff Christman of Richmondville; Larry VanDeusen of Cobleskill and Jim Hitt (Captain of the team) of Stamford (holding the medals) placed first in the National Rifle Association (NRA) National Open Team Sectional-Conventional Pistol competition in the Expert/Law Enforcement-Civilian category and they placed fifth overall. Henry Mulbury, President of the Richmondville Club and Kevin Neary, Richmondville Village Mayor handed out the awards.
Photo Credit: Karen Cuccinello

Seward Leads Opposition to Microstamping in State Senate Codes Committee

Written By Editor on 6/13/14 | 6/13/14

ALBANY, 06/13/14 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I – Oneonta) this week was joined by fellow senators in voicing strong opposition to gun control legislation (S.68A/A.3244A) requiring the microstamping of ammunition.

“Microstamping is a flawed technology, easily defeated by criminals, that would only cost law abiding citizens while forcing hefty new expenses on firearms manufacturers like Remington Arms,”said Senator Seward.  “This bill came to the senate floor for a vote in 2010 when New York City Democrats controlled the agenda and I rallied opposition to defeat it.  This year, the gun control bill will not see the light of day.

“Those who support this bill seem to forget – criminals don’t follow the law.  Microstamping would not help police track down lawbreakers who obtain guns illegally, out of state, or file or switch a weapon’s firing pin, all common practices among criminals,” Seward added. 

A majority of the members on the New York State Senate Codes Committee, where the bill has been referred, have added their voices to Senator Seward’s opposition, effectively blocking the proposed legislation.

The measure, if enacted, would effectively end the manufacture of firearms in New York and sales in New York as gun makers would not produce “New York only” weapons for citizens or the police.

Senate Codes Committee Chairman Senator Michael Nozzolio and committee members Senators Phil Boyle, John DeFrancisco, John Flanagan, Patrick Gallivan, Joe Griffo, Andrew Lanza, and Tom O’Mara have all publicly declared their objections to the measure. They were also joined by Senators Cathy Young, Greg Ball, Tom Libous, James Seward, John Bonacic, Patty Ritchie, Kathy Marchione, Bill Larkin, Betty Little, Joe Robach, George Maziarz, Hugh Farley and Mike Ranzenhofer.

After recent anti Second Amendment moves in the state assembly, state senate Democrats are now pushing efforts to move the microstamping bill sponsored by Senator Peralta.

“Here they go again, in an extreme attempt to turn law abiding citizens into criminals, rather than tackling the real criminals. We must unite, in both the senate and throughout the state, to stop this extreme and costly effort. There is not a shred of credible evidence that proves the technology actually works. We will work together to protect the Second Amendment,” they said in a joint statement.

SAFE Act-Compliant ARs Now Selling

Written By Editor on 2/10/14 | 2/10/14

Upstate gun stores are now selling guns that are compliant with the letter of the SAFE Act, although not with the spirit. Multiple vendors are now stocking the specially-milled weapons that have been painstakingly created to comply with the 2012 law. According to the Times Union, the new guns are nearly as effective as the old, but are missing some features.

Lawmakers and others who opposed the law say it's an example of how economics, along with a bit of imagination and tinkering, are prevailing over what they see as a hastily crafted law. 
"The industry is starting to respond to the market," said Rochester-area Republican Assemblyman Bill Nojay, a vocal opponent.
With such weapons now available and the 7-round mandate struck down by a judge, the effective lifespan of the SAFE Act might be on life support.

Gun Rights in Focus at Middleburgh Protest

Written By Editor on 1/13/14 | 1/13/14

A protest in favor of gun rights gathered dozens at the Middleburgh Rod and Gun Club on Saturday. The event, attended by local officials, concerned citizens, and pro-Second Amendment groups highlighted opposition to the 2013 SAFE Act.

The event was covered by both local and Albany press and began with a noon firing of single rounds from the attendees in unified protest. The event then moved inside, led first by Senator James Seward. Seward talked about the process in which the SAFE Act was passed, which he described as rushed. Next was Sheriff Tony Desmond, who spoke of the importance of history in dealing with such a law. He was reminded by the Schoharie Valley being the Breadbasket of the Revolution and how the law was opposed by most of the Counties in the state. It was noted that Sheriff Desmond was the only New York State Sheriff not invited to a conference with Governor Cuomo recently.

There were a series of speakers from local groups that spoke of the importance of gun rights and how they opposed the SAFE Act.

The last speaker was Assemblyman Peter Lopez, who spoke of the logistical challenges of how to overturn the law-- either through the Courts or through the state legistlature. He said that the pressure was like that of boiling lobster-- some pressure is noticeable when amplified.

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