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Home » » Poll: Plurality Supports Sanders over Clinton for Dem Nom

Poll: Plurality Supports Sanders over Clinton for Dem Nom

Written By Cicero on 5/9/15 | 5/9/15

National pundits have all but proclaimed Hillary Clinton as the Democrat Party's 2016 nominee, but Schoharie County residents have a different candidate in mind to lead the Party of Jefferson in the next presidential election. 

Receiving 43% of votes cast, Independent turned Democrat U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont carried the unscientific poll with a narrow plurality over the former U.S. Secretary of State and one-time U.S. Senator from New York.

Although the polling sample is relatively small, Schoharie Democrats do have a track record of supporting insurgent progressives, such as Zephyr Teachout, when she challenged Governor Cuomo in last fall's gubernatorial primary. 

Total votes - 87

Bernie Sanders - 38 (43%)
Hillary Clinton - 32 (36%)
James Webb      - 9 (10%)
Martin O'Malley - 4 (4%)
Joseph Biden     - 3 (3%)
Lincoln Chafee -  1 (1%)

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Kittie said...

Oh yes, just what we need. Another avowed socialist who will spend this country into oblivion.
Wake up people!

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