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New Poll: Should Your Supervisor be Re-elected?

Written By Cicero on 5/28/15 | 5/28/15

With the 2015 election season starting to fire up in Schoharie County, our poll question this week concerns whether or not you believe your incumbent Town Supervisor should be re-elected this November if he or she chooses to seek another term. What are your thoughts? The poll is open on the right hand sidebar until Saturday morning.
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Norie61 said...

Mine just sits back and says yes man! Since he's taken office his salary and all others on the Board have gone up tremendously. Town Highway and Town Supervisor one of the highest paid Town officials in this county! Taxes have also gone up. The only way to stop this is to vote them out!

Zak said...

I don't think any town supervisor in the county deserves re election. Or most of the officials for that matter. Schoharie county is not growing and barely maintaining, we need fresh ideas, fresh people, and a new way of thinking. By changing those in power it will hopefully bring new ideas, and opportunities while also putting a end to the corruption and the "good old boys" club/way of doing things that has plagued this county for way to long.

Zak said...

I don't think any town supervisor in the county deserves re election. Or most of the officials for that matter. Schoharie county is not growing and barely maintaining, we need fresh ideas, fresh people, and a new way of thinking. By changing those in power it will hopefully bring new ideas, and opportunities while also putting a end to the corruption and the "good old boys" club/way of doing things that has plagued this county for way to long.

Zak said...

I don't think any town supervisor in the county deserves re election. Or most of the officials for that matter. Schoharie county is not growing and barely maintaining, we need fresh ideas, fresh people, and a new way of thinking. By changing those in power it will hopefully bring new ideas, and opportunities while also putting a end to the corruption and the "good old boys" club/way of doing things that has plagued this county for way to long.

Anonymous said...

No! But when someone has no challenger and gets themselves on several lines on the ballot it becomes impossible for change. Other than a write-in candidate we don't have much of a choice and this happens in many of the towns. With a County Executive who would be challenged every election cycle at least I would have a choice.

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