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Showing posts with label memorial day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memorial day. Show all posts

New Poll: Is Memorial Day Important to you?

Written By Cicero on 5/21/15 | 5/21/15

With Memorial Day fast approaching, The Schoharie News is submitting the following question to our readers: is Memorial Day important to you? The poll, located on the right-hand sidebar, is open until Saturday morning. Please feel free to leave additional thoughts on the comments section or on facebook.

Middleburgh Honors Vets at Memorial Day Ceremony

Written By Editor on 5/27/14 | 5/27/14

In a well attended ceremony Monday evening, Middleburgh's civic and veterans organizations honored the lives of America's young men and women in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice - approximately one million since the war for independence - in defense of our country's freedom.

The event featured touching displays by the local Boy and Girl Scouts, who respectively honored POW's and currently deployed soldiers from the area, while Middleburgh Central School's third grade class sang "God Bless the USA" with veterans in attendance joining them in front of the crowd.

Gibson, who spoke to Middleburgh residents, served in
the military for twenty-four years and obtained the rank
of Colonel before retiring in 2010 after seven combat tours
Congressman Chris Gibson, who was deployed to combat in both Kosovo and Iraq, was one of those veterans who stood with Mrs. Herzog's class and then he spoke on the life and sacrifice of one man who served under him in Iraq, telling the crowd that he would never forget his selfless sacrifice. 

The Rotary Club of Middleburgh, in addition to the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Century Club and the Women's Cooperative Club were responsible for organizing and conducting the ceremony and serving refreshments. The sound system was provided by Bill Berdan. 

Despite Stormy Weather, Schoharie's Parade a Hit

Written By Editor on 5/23/14 | 5/23/14

Despite the threat of severe storms, hundreds of Schoharie and area residents turned out Thursday evening to watch the valley community's annual American Legion Auxiliary Memorial Day Parade that featured both of Schoharie's school bands, several antique cars and dozens of local firemen and emergency responders marching to honor our nation's veterans. 

The Schoharie News was at the scene and captured some interesting photographs of the festivities, which are posted below:

Former Town Supervisor Martin Shrederis (far left) served as
master of ceremonies, while the parade's three judges looked on
Members of the American Legion
The next farmers of Schoharie enjoyed the ride
Thursday, tossing candy to unsuspecting children
Schoharie's Elementary-Junior Marching Band
was well received by paradegoers 
Village of Schoharie Mayor John Borst
greeted residents up and down Main Street
Schoharie's Fire Department led a procession
of local fire companies and trucks in the parade
Air Force Veteran and current Schoharie County
Sheriff Tony Desmond waves to the crowd
The Schoharie High School Marching Band wowed
the crowd with their Star Spangled Banner performance

Schoharie Set to Host Memorial Day Parade Tonight

Written By Editor on 5/22/14 | 5/22/14

The Valley community of Schoharie is set for its annual Schoharie American Legion Auxiliary Memorial Day Parade that will take place this evening starting at 6:30 pm and will last until 8:00 pm with the parade route making its way through the local village.

Graphic credit - WNYT
Mother nature, however, is threatening to rain on Schoharie's parade, as local forecasts are calling for thunderstorms with a 60% chance of precipitation this evening. Paradegoers are advised to bring an umbrella to this evening's festivities.

The show, nevertheless, must go on and will conclude with a ceremony at the Veteran's Park located on the corner of Main and Spring Streets, followed by Grand Marshall presentations and the announcement of parade prize winners as determined by judges. 

Schoharie School Band to March in Central Bridge, Esperance Memorial Day Parades

Written By Editor on 4/9/14 | 4/9/14

Months of brewing contention between two local communities and the Schoharie Central School District over the use of the school's marching band on Memorial Day weekend has been resolved, according to a press release issued by the school. 

Controversy was ignited last fall when the school dropped Central Bridge from their parade route, citing scheduling conflicts, and was further inflamed by the Esperance Fire Department when they uninvited the band in solidarity with their neighboring community. 

In a meeting held last week between representatives of all parties and Assemblyman Pete Lopez, who mediated the conflict, a compromise was agreed upon in-which the high school band will march in the Central Bridge parade and the elementary/junior varsity squad will do likewise in the Village of Esperance.

Praising the Schoharie Central School District's commitment to volunteer fire departments and emergency rescue squads to join in honoring this country's veterans, Assemblyman Lopez stated that he was "very pleased that his office could help bring everyone together to work through this." He would later add, "this is the right thing to do." 

Central Bridge Fire Chief Scott Johnson thanked all parties involved for coming together and reaching a compromise that will see Schoharie's youth participate in both communities Memorial Day parades, which will be held on Monday, May 26th. Superintendent Brian Sherman added that both bands have been practicing in anticipation. 

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