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Showing posts with label Chris Gibson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Gibson. Show all posts

Gibson Attends Weekend Band Concerts

Written By Cicero on 4/29/15 | 4/29/15

The Schoharie Valley Concert Band and the Depot Lane Singers collaborated for two special shows this past weekend in Schoharie County, with Friday's being attended by Congressman Chris Gibson and his two daughters. 
Congressman Gibson (right)
 talking with clarinet soloist
Brittany Bertola and her dad.

On Friday evening, April 24 at 7:30pm, they appeared together in the Schoharie High School auditorium, and again on Sunday afternoon, April 26 at 3pm, at the Cobkeskill-Richmondville auditorium.

DLS performed two selections from their upcoming "Tributes" concerts, America, The Dream Goes On and The Armed Forces Salute. Members of the audience were asked to stand when their service song was played, and there was great applause when they did so.

As a special feature of the Sunday concert, there was an appearance by the Fabulous Beekman Boys (Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell), introducing a piece called The Sharon Polka. It was a 19th century piece, composed by Theodore C. Clark of Canajoharie, for the "Lady Visitors of Sharon Springs."

Lopez "Seriously Considering" Run for Congress

Written By Cicero on 4/28/15 | 4/28/15

New York State Assemblyman Pete Lopez (R-Schoharie) is at the center of recent rumors concerning a possible congressional bid to replace outgoing Congressman Chris Gibson, but as of Friday evening the lifelong Schoharie resident has yet to make a final decision. 

Explaining that "Ultimately it boils down to my family," Mr. Lopez told The Schoharie News that he is seriously considering a campaign, but that he is weighing several factors before jumping into the race. 

Citing a "sense of urgency in the community" concerning flood recovery, common core, and the unpopular SAFE Act, the five-term representative said that he would not run unless he could "remain focused on my job as an Assemblyman, because that's my highest priority." 

The Catskill based Daily Mail set off a firestorm on Wednesday, April 15th when they inaccurately reported that Lopez had officially announced a run for Congress, while the Oneonta Daily Star wrote an article the same day disputing the Mail's story. 

In addition to the Schoharie native, who is seen as a hometown son by many in the county, State Senator Jim Seward, Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, and former Assembly Minority Leader John Faso have also been mentioned as potential Republican candidates. 

Calling himself fortunate to be able to serve in six of eleven counties with the congressman, Mr. Lopez praised Gibson as an "intelligent, thoughtful man who works hard for his community." 

Although surprised by Gibson's decision to retire after having just won re-election handily in November over Democratic challenger Sean Eldridge, the assemblyman believed that he was just being honest with his constituency. 

Driving over one thousand miles per week across the 102nd Assembly District, Lopez said that "folks are fragile these days," and that they are facing questions every day on whether they have a job, a roof over their head, or a education for their children. 

Still, despite the long hours and hard work, Lopez considers his position in the assembly to be a privilege; one that he approaches with a sense of urgency as one-third of the calls his office receives still concern flood recovery, even as the fourth anniversary of Irene nears. 

Senate to Consider Companion Measure to Gibson Testing Bill

Written By Cicero on 4/24/15 | 4/24/15

Washington, DC – The Senate will consider a companion to a bill authored by Congressman Chris Gibson (NY-19) that would empower state and local school systems by reducing the frequency of federally-mandated assessments.

The Senate bill was introduced this week by Senator Jon Tester (D-MT), a former teacher.

“Families and educators across the nation agree the federal government’s testing regime is onerous and unfair, shifting classroom focus away from teaching and learning to testing,” said Congressman Gibson. “As thousands of New York parents opt to have their children sit out of these assessments, and as the Senate prepares to vote on updating our main federal education law, I am extremely grateful to Senator Tester for taking action. Our bill in the House continues to gain bipartisan support, and I am hopeful our efforts will finally put an end to the one-size-fits-all approach to testing.”

Congressman Gibson, whose military career included several years of teaching at West Point, re-introduced the Student Testing Improvement & Accountability Act in January with Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9).

“The way to ensure good jobs and a strong economy is through an education system designed to teach students the skills they need to fill the jobs of the future,” said Congresswoman Sinema. “Teachers should focus on the content their students need to master—not simply material for an upcoming standardized test. This common-sense legislation puts the focus back on learning and ensures students are ready to step right into the jobs we’re working hard to create.”

The House legislation currently has 32 bipartisan co-sponsors representing 19 states, including New York Congressmen John Katko (NY-24), Tom Reed (NY-23), Lee Zeldin (NY-1), and Chris Collins (NY-27) and Congressman Fred Upton (MI-6), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

“As a co-sponsor of the Student Testing Improvement & Accountability Act, I want to thank Senator Tester for offering a companion bill in the Senate,” said Congressman Zeldin. “This legislation will roll back federally mandated testing in our Long Island schools. I believe in higher standards, but we need to stop the over testing in our schools. Challenging our students is important, but they aren't guinea pigs. This is an important next step to shift the focus in our classrooms from testing to teaching and ensuring our children never lose their love of learning. I strongly urge Congress to pass this bill.”

The Student Testing Improvement & Accountability Act replaces current annual testing requirements for math and language arts with the exact same grade-span testing requirements in current law for science classes.

This returns federal testing requirements to the once-per-grade-span standards in place before No Child Left Behind, when math and reading assessments were conducted once in grades 3-5, once in grades 6-9, and once in grades 10-12.

The National Education Association (NEA), which represents three million educators across the country, announced its support for Congressman Gibson’s bill and the companion legislation introduced by Senator Tester this week as the Senate prepares to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

Gibson Introduces Family Farm Relief Act of 2015

Written By Cicero on 4/16/15 | 4/16/15

Washington, DC – Congressman Chris Gibson (NY-19) announced the introduction this week of the Family Farm Relief Act of 2015, legislation he authored to move the H-2A Agricultural Visa program from the Department of Labor to the Department of Agriculture to better meet the unique labor needs of farmers and agricultural businesses.

“This is common-sense, constituent-driven reform,” said Congressman Gibson. “I deeply appreciate the guidance of the hard-working men and women who grow our food and protect the rural landscape of Upstate New York. Too many of these farmers face labor shortages—and lost income—due to needless bureaucratic delays. Our bill puts this program in the hands of officials who fully appreciate the demands of running a family farm, simplifying the application process to ensure timely planting and harvests.”

“The Family Farm Relief Act would seriously address a number of our labor needs in New York,” said New York Farm Bureau President Dean Norton. “The bill reduces onerous regulatory burdens, expands the number of farms that can access the H-2A program, and would give farms the flexibility needed to get food from the farm to the dinner table. New York Farm Bureau greatly appreciates the efforts of Rep. Chris Gibson and the other co-sponsors of this bill. They understand that we need more than enforcement to solve our urgent immigration issues.”

Congressman Gibson recently joined 60 other Members of Congress in calling on the House Judiciary Committee to first address needed agricultural immigration reform before moving forward with mandatory E-Verify legislation before the Committee. 

The Family Farm Relief Act of 2015 provides a strong starting point to address this request.  It takes practical measures such as allowing visa applicants to fill out H-2A applications on paper or online, requiring a user-friendly online system, and ending burdensome requirements on advertising and prevailing practice surveys.

“This bill ensures that unelected bureaucrats do not tell our farmers how to advertise for domestic workers,” said Congressman Gibson, a member of the House Agriculture Committee. “Instead of requiring farmers to advertise for help in at least three states, an arbitrary and burdensome requirement, our bill replaces that requirement with a much more workable standard of advertising within 150 miles of the farm.”

The Family Farm Relief Act of 2015 also allows farm cooperatives and other agricultural associations to apply for workers for their members, makes the program more workable for dairy and other livestock operations, and requires reporting to Congress if delays occur in the H-2A Visa application process.

The original co-sponsors of the bill are Representatives Chris Collins (NY-27), John Katko (NY-24), Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18), Tom Reed (NY-23), and Elise Stefanik (NY-21).

Gibson Meets with Constituents in Work Week Period

Written By Cicero on 4/13/15 | 4/13/15

While Congress was in recess for Easter and Passover, Congressman Chris Gibson (NY-19) met with constituents and participated in public events in each of the 19th Congressional District’s 11 counties.

“Visiting each of the 11 counties in my Congressional district and meeting with hundreds of constituents allowed me the firsthand opportunity to hear how we can be helpful,” said Congressman Gibson. “These conversations help shape our legislative priorities in Washington and give me a clear picture of how things are going for our farms, small businesses, and the scores of local organizations that support and celebrate community life in Upstate New York.”

Congressman Gibson’s schedule included meetings with the Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s associations, students and teachers in Hudson, the director of the New York State Broadband Program, former Navy Seabees, Lyme disease advocates, and members of the Catskill Association for Tourism Services, among other groups.

Families and teachers continued to speak out about standardized testing.

“Constituents oppose Common Core and this week as standardized testing begins in New York, many parents across my district are opting students out of these tests.  They are also looking to Washington and Albany for leadership that brings about change and empowers local parents, teachers, and administrators,” said Congressman Gibson. “We are listening and taking action. We continue to push our bill rolling back federal testing requirements while working with state leaders to roll back Common Core.

“Similarly, we continue to lead on the constituent-driven issue of Lyme disease,” said Congressman Gibson. “We’re working to include our Lyme bill HR 789 in a broader legislative package, if possible, and we’re making progress on companion legislation in the Senate. Our goals also include a robust infrastructure bill, more funding for rural broadband, lowering energy costs, making our small businesses more competitive, and helping veterans through our Agent Orange bill, which now has over 200 bipartisan co-sponsors in the House and a companion bill in the Senate.

“Finally, my chief commitment is to keeping us safe and protecting our cherished way of life,” said Congressman Gibson. “Later this month, I will join my colleagues on the House Armed Services Committee as we mark up the annual defense authorization bill, setting military policy for the year.”
The 19th District is larger than the state of Connecticut, encompassing all or parts of the following counties: Rensselaer, Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Ulster, Sullivan, Delaware, Broome, Otsego, Schoharie, and Montgomery.

Wright Republicans to Host Gibson August 10th

Written By Editor on 8/1/14 | 8/1/14

Town of Wright Republican Club has announced that they are hosting a Chicken BBQ on Sunday, August 10th, during which Republican Congressman Chris Gibson is scheduled to address the crowd.

The club has reserved the Gallupville School House, located on School Street in Gallupville, to host the day's festivities which will include take out dinners starting at 4:00 p.m. and a sit-down dinner at 5:00 p.m until they exhaust their food. Gibson is scheduled to speak at 6:00 p.m. 

Dinners are $10 and 1/2 Chicken only is $7. Pre-sale tickets are available at the Gallupville Corner Store or George Karlewicz at 518 872-1261 or or Lynn Herzog at 518 895-9078 or

Gibson Focuses on Education in New Ad

Written By Editor on 7/16/14 | 7/16/14

Attempting to capitalize on local parents anger toward common core education standards in public schools, Republican Congressman Chris Gibson's campaign released a new education themed ad Tuesday morning that touted the incumbent's stance of, "Common Sense... Not Common Core."

The ad (included below) features a local mom and Mr. Gibson's wife criticizing the recently implemented standardized testing methods, while touting the Congressman's local ties and opposition to common core in the House of Representatives.

Mr. Gibson's Democratic opponent, Sean Eldridge, has listed on his official website that if elected he would, "strengthen our schools by working to expand early childhood education, make college more affordable, reform high stakes-testing, and ensure that our students are trained for the new economy."

Gibson Questions Bergdahl Release as House Grills Hagel

Written By Editor on 6/12/14 | 6/12/14

Members of the House Armed Services Committee, including local Congressman Chris Gibson, grilled U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Wednesday afternoon on the Obama administration's decision to swap five high-ranking Taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay for U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who had been in captivity since 2009.

Congressional concerns centered around the administration's transfer of high-ranking enemy officials and strategists to Qatar, where they will be released within the next year, and the violation of federal law that requires Congress to be notified within thirty days of any prisoners release from the controversial military base in Cuba.

In a statement issued Monday morning by Congressman Gibson's staff, the former Army Colonel told the Schoharie News that although we need to bring every American back from captivity, he does not believe, "that we exhausted  all avenues in seeking the safe return of Bowe Bergdahl before entering into this agreement."

Defense Secretary Hagel told lawmakers in his prepared remarks Wednesday, "As the opportunity to obtain Sergeant Bergdahl’s release became clearer, we grew increasingly concerned that any delay, or any leaks, could derail the deal and further endanger Sergeant Bergdahl."

The Bergdahl exchange has attracted significant backlash from Democratic and Republican lawmakers in Washington, with many sharing our local congressman's concerns that, "this swap could set a dangerous precedent and put more Americans at risk," as there are fears it may encourage future detainment of U.S. personnel for prisoner exchanges.

Poll: Readers Approve of Gibson Job Performance

Written By Editor on 6/3/14 | 6/3/14

The latest Schoharie News poll has found that readers overwhelmingly support the job performance of incumbent Congressman Chris Gibson. He has represented Schoharie County and the rest of the 19th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives since January, 2013.

Congressman Gibson was first elected to the House in 2010 over incumbent Democratic Congressman Scott Murphy in the 20th congressional district, and was subsequently re-elected to his second term in the 19th district following the redrawing of congressional districts in 2012. 

According to the survey, which one hundred and twenty two readers participated in, 67% (82 votes) approved of the Congressman's job performance, while only 25% (31 votes) disapproved and the remaining 7% (9 votes) remain undecided at this time.

Gibson is currently seeking his third term in office against Democratic challenger Sean Eldridge.

Vote in Our New Poll: Do You Approve of Congressman Chris Gibson?

Written By Editor on 5/29/14 | 5/29/14

After two years of representing Schoharie County in the House of Representatives, our next poll question is concerned with whether readers of this publication approve or disapprove of Congressman Chris Gibson's job performance in Washington. 

Gibson, who is seeking his third term in office this November, won Schoharie County's vote in the 2012 election by a two-to-one margin over Julian Schreibman. He is slated to face Democratic challenger Sean Eldridge in this fall's contest.

The poll is located on the right-hand sidebar of the website and will remain open until next Thursday.

Middleburgh Honors Vets at Memorial Day Ceremony

Written By Editor on 5/27/14 | 5/27/14

In a well attended ceremony Monday evening, Middleburgh's civic and veterans organizations honored the lives of America's young men and women in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice - approximately one million since the war for independence - in defense of our country's freedom.

The event featured touching displays by the local Boy and Girl Scouts, who respectively honored POW's and currently deployed soldiers from the area, while Middleburgh Central School's third grade class sang "God Bless the USA" with veterans in attendance joining them in front of the crowd.

Gibson, who spoke to Middleburgh residents, served in
the military for twenty-four years and obtained the rank
of Colonel before retiring in 2010 after seven combat tours
Congressman Chris Gibson, who was deployed to combat in both Kosovo and Iraq, was one of those veterans who stood with Mrs. Herzog's class and then he spoke on the life and sacrifice of one man who served under him in Iraq, telling the crowd that he would never forget his selfless sacrifice. 

The Rotary Club of Middleburgh, in addition to the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Century Club and the Women's Cooperative Club were responsible for organizing and conducting the ceremony and serving refreshments. The sound system was provided by Bill Berdan. 

National Attention on Gibson Race

Written By Editor on 2/10/14 | 2/10/14

The race between incumbent Congressman Chris Gibson and his likely opponent Sean Eldridge is already making waves. National columnist George Will penned a column last month in the Washington Post regarding the two candidates, especially the 27-year old Eldridge.

 An interesting column, Will discusses both candidates and focuses on the challenger:
Eldridge, 27, is married to Chris Hughes, 30, who bought the New Republic magazine — founded 100 years ago this year as a voice of progressivism — with a portion of the fortune he made as co-founder of Facebook. Eldridge, who wants to bring his own progressivism to Congress by beating Gibson, grew up in Ohio, graduated from Brown University, attended but did not graduate from Columbia Law School, founded a venture capital firm and went looking for a receptive congressional district outside New York City. The first one where he and his husband bought a residence turned out to be politically problematic, so they kept that residence and bought another (supplementing their Manhattan apartment) in the 19th District.

Submit Your Questions to Congressman Gibson

Written By Editor on 1/17/14 | 1/17/14

The Schoharie News was fortunate enough to schedule a thirty minute sit-down with Congressman Chris Gibson this upcoming week. As such, while we tinker with the interview's format and how we would like to approach this special opportunity, we would like to open the floor to your concerns for Schoharie County's representative in Washington.
With that in mind, please feel free to submit your questions for Congressman Gibson in either the comments section of the webpage, or directly to the editor at We're looking for five, maybe six reader submissions in addition to our current list of questions. Readers have until Sunday evening to get them in.

Congressman Gibson Attends Depot Lane Singers Winter Concert

Written By Editor on 12/12/13 | 12/12/13

A special guest was present at the Depot Lane Singers winter concert, "Masters in This Hall," on Saturday evening as Congressman Chris Gibson - who was invited to attend and had reserved seats - was one of the very first members of the audience to rise for a standing ovation at the conclusion of the performance.
Photo credit: Sheila Donegan

Bringing along his two daughters Congressman Gibson stayed after the event, which was hosted at the Schoharie Central School inside the gymnasium, to talk with concert-goers over punch and cookies. The two-term Congressman has represented Schoharie County since January, 2013 and has appeared frequently at local events and meetings.

Chris Gibson Leads House Effort on Syrian Conflict

Written By Editor on 7/3/13 | 7/3/13

Congressman Chris Gibson, the 19th congressional district's Republican representative, has been keeping himself busy in the House of Representatives as of late: visiting the fine folks of Fort Plain following their devastating flood last week and working for passage of the new farm bill.
But his most important congressional project involves foreign affairs, or more specifically our role in the Syrian conflict.
Gibson, along with a bipartisan contingent of Congressmen, introduced legislation prohibiting the U.S. government from sending or aiding the Syrian opposition to Bashar al-Assad's regime without explicit congressional authorization in any form, due to concerns of increasing U.S. involvement in the embattled nation's conflict through means other than humanitarian.
Although Congress is unlikely to support such a measure, with Republican hawks keeping all options open and Democratic idealists committed to an international solution, I find it rather fortunate Schoharie County's elected representative is in the forefront of one of the world's most important geopolitical situations developing today.

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