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Showing posts with label Peter Lopez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Lopez. Show all posts

Lopez "Seriously Considering" Run for Congress

Written By Cicero on 4/28/15 | 4/28/15

New York State Assemblyman Pete Lopez (R-Schoharie) is at the center of recent rumors concerning a possible congressional bid to replace outgoing Congressman Chris Gibson, but as of Friday evening the lifelong Schoharie resident has yet to make a final decision. 

Explaining that "Ultimately it boils down to my family," Mr. Lopez told The Schoharie News that he is seriously considering a campaign, but that he is weighing several factors before jumping into the race. 

Citing a "sense of urgency in the community" concerning flood recovery, common core, and the unpopular SAFE Act, the five-term representative said that he would not run unless he could "remain focused on my job as an Assemblyman, because that's my highest priority." 

The Catskill based Daily Mail set off a firestorm on Wednesday, April 15th when they inaccurately reported that Lopez had officially announced a run for Congress, while the Oneonta Daily Star wrote an article the same day disputing the Mail's story. 

In addition to the Schoharie native, who is seen as a hometown son by many in the county, State Senator Jim Seward, Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, and former Assembly Minority Leader John Faso have also been mentioned as potential Republican candidates. 

Calling himself fortunate to be able to serve in six of eleven counties with the congressman, Mr. Lopez praised Gibson as an "intelligent, thoughtful man who works hard for his community." 

Although surprised by Gibson's decision to retire after having just won re-election handily in November over Democratic challenger Sean Eldridge, the assemblyman believed that he was just being honest with his constituency. 

Driving over one thousand miles per week across the 102nd Assembly District, Lopez said that "folks are fragile these days," and that they are facing questions every day on whether they have a job, a roof over their head, or a education for their children. 

Still, despite the long hours and hard work, Lopez considers his position in the assembly to be a privilege; one that he approaches with a sense of urgency as one-third of the calls his office receives still concern flood recovery, even as the fourth anniversary of Irene nears. 

Mixed Reports: Lopez to Announce Run for Congress

Written By Cicero on 4/16/15 | 4/16/15

Local news outlets are reporting mixed information concerning a potential congressional bid by New York State Assemblyman Pete Lopez (R-Schoharie), who has been rumored to have interest in the seat being vacated by retiring Congressman Chris Gibson.

Writing that "Assemblyman Pete Lopez, R-Schoharie, announced Tuesday he plans to run for the upstate New York House seat in succession of incumbent U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson of Kinderhook," The Daily Mail set off a political firestorm yesterday. 

Later quoting Congressman Gibson as stating Lopez would be among a number of worthy potential successors, the Catskill based Mail ran the story in yesterday morning's edition of the Columbia-Greene subsidiary

Assemblyman Pete Lopez
The Mail's story was called into question, however by the Oneonta Daily Star, which quoted sources close to Lopez as stating, "the decision is still weeks away." The Assemblyman is said to be conferring with family members on the matter.

Lopez remained conspicuously silent as the conflicting media reports circulated across the 19th Congressional District, which is larger than the neighboring state of Connecticut. 

Phone calls to the Assemblyman's Schoharie office by The Schoharie News were not returned as of publication.

In addition to the Schoharie native, who has often been touted as a hometown son, State Senator Jim Seward and former Assembly Minority Leader John Faso have also been mentioned as potential GOP candidates. No prominent Democrats have signaled interest thus far. 

Working as a lobbyist for Constitution Pipeline, Mr. Faso has been characterized as being out of touch by Schoharie County residents, while Seward has received flak for supporting the 2015 budget proposed by Governor Cuomo. 

Stay tuned to The Schoharie News as we provide further updates to this evolving story. 

Lopez Urges Series of Assembly Reforms

Written By Cicero on 3/21/15 | 3/21/15

Assemblyman Pete Lopez (R,C,I – Schoharie) recently joined a number of his colleagues to speak on resolutions to reform the rules of the New York State Assembly, and asked the Assembly leadership to join his efforts to bring more openness and transparency to Albany and hold lawmakers more accountable. The 17 rules reform proposals were aimed at curbing corruption and bringing more openness to the Assembly. Proposals included enacting eight-year term limits for the Speaker of the Assembly, Legislative Leaders and committee chairpersons.

 These changes were brought forward to test the newly configured Assembly leadership in the wake of Sheldon Silver’s resignation as Speaker of the Assembly. The new Assembly leadership blocked each of the proposed reforms on the grounds that the changes would impede their ability to run the Assembly Chamber. Assemblyman Lopez challenged this assertion, noting his observation that the conduct of the “new” administration has not been much different from the “old” under Speaker Silver.

“We heard one of our colleagues effectively assert that the series of resolutions seeking changes to the rules of this house would infringe on the right of the majority to govern. This gross declaration runs counter to the spirit of this democracy, which encourages diversity and independent thought, and it diminishes the significance and the usefulness of the changes being offered. I respectfully urged my colleagues to give this resolution the thoughtful consideration it deserved and vote independently, free of undue influence. Unfortunately, the new leadership pressured the majority of members to vote in lock step with the status quo. We need people across the state to join us in keeping up the pressure. Public confidence must be restored,” concluded Assemblyman Pete Lopez

Lopez Calls for Common Core Opt-Out

Written By Cicero on 3/19/15 | 3/19/15

Assemblyman Peter Lopez (R,C,I – Schoharie) joined fellow assemblymembers, senators, and educators for a press conference at the state Capitol recently to announce legislation that would ensure parents are aware of their ability to decide whether their children will partake in Common Core standardized testing.

"We are fortunate to have such a passionate group of people who care about their children and their futures. It is our duty and obligation as people and a legislature to engage in this bill. Parents need to know they don’t need to force more undue stress on their children,” said Assemblyman Pete Lopez, who is a member of the Committee on Education.  

            The Common Core Parental Refusal Act (A6025) is currently being considered in the Committee on Education, and has bipartisan support in the Assembly and the Senate. The bill would require schools to notify parents of students in New York of their ability to opt out of taking Common Core standardized tests. Students opting out of these exams would not negatively impact the students, teacher or schools.

“We want teachers and parents to do what they were meant to do, which is inspire young people to reach their full potential. They cannot do that if they are forced to teach to a one-size-fits-all test or send their children into unnecessary, stressful situations,” concluded Assemblyman Pete Lopez.

Lawmakers Offer Bills Seeking "Peace Officer" Status for Schoharie Tac-Force Members

Written By Editor on 6/18/14 | 6/18/14

ALBANY, 06/16/14 – State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I- Oneonta) announced earlier this week senate approval of a bill he sponsors granting peace officer status to officers and members of the Schoharie County Sheriff’s Tactical and Rescue Force.  Senator Seward’s bill (S.7720) was the result of a dialogue  between the Schoharie County Sheriff, the Tac-Force, and Schoharie County’s legislative team.

“The Schoharie County Tac-Force is a critical component of the sheriff’s department, filling voids and providing support in a host of situations,” said Senator Seward.  “The men and women who make up this specialized unit are highly trained and help meet emergency preparedness needs.”

Currently, Schoharie County Tac-Force members are only officially defined as “peace officers” when preparing for or responding to an emergency situation.  Senator Seward’s legislation will provide them with peace officer status while working at public festivities, parades, fairs, and other similar events, “pursuant to their special duties.”

“The Schoharie County Sheriff’s Department relies on the Tac-Force to provide essential services, and to keep taxpayer costs in check.  Elevating Tac-Force members to full peace officer status is an appropriate action and fits with the duties and responsibilities these men and women already perform on a regular basis,”  Senator Seward added.

The Schoharie County Sheriff’s Tactical and Rescue Force (Tac-Force) is a volunteer component of the sheriff’s department which provides security during public events, crowd control, search and rescue, traffic control, and assistance to road patrol deputies when needed.

Senator Seward has been a consistent supporter of the Schoharie County Tac-Force, securing a $25,000 state grant for the unit in 2013 to help purchase communications equipment, bullet proof vests, and uniforms. 

Companion legislation (A.9842A) sponsored by Assemblyman Pete Lopez has been introduced in the state assembly.

County GOP Backs Lopez, Seward

Written By Editor on 6/5/14 | 6/5/14

The Schoharie County Republican Committee voted unanimously Wednesday night to nominate Assemblyman Peter Lopez and State Senator James Seward for re-election in their respective campaigns. There was no opposition and the nominations were confirmed by voice vote. 

Town of Middleburgh Councilwoman Sue Makely nominated Mr. Lopez, while former Town of Cobleskill Councilman Ryan McAllister nominated Mr. Seward. Both nominations were quickly seconded and the Secretary was instructed to close the polls and make one vote for the nominees. 

Schoharie County Vice-Chairman Chris Tague oversaw the proceedings in Chairman Lewis Wilson's place. Both Mr. Lopez and Mr. Seward stressed the importance of this fall's statewide elections, while Mr. Tague reminded committee members that there will be a handful of local elections as well. 

Lopez Faces Easy Path to Fifth Term in Assembly

Written By Editor on 6/1/14 | 6/1/14

With local political attention focused primarily on the 19th congressional district election between incumbent Republican Chris Gibson and Democratic challenger Sean Eldridge, Schoharie's adopted son, Assemblyman Peter Lopez, has flown mostly under the radar as he prepares for his own re-election bid.

Lopez, who had served on the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors and as Schoharie County Clerk before his election to the Assembly in 2006, is currently running for his fifth term in the state legislature. As of this publication, there have been no confirmed opponents to the Assemblyman's campaign. 

According to queries into the incumbent's re-election committee, Lopez 4 NY, on the New York State Board of Elections Campaign Finance Reports database, Lopez has amassed a formidable $23,175.32 campaign war chest, possibly discouraging potential challengers from entering the race. 

The Schoharie County Republican Committee is expected to endorse both Lopez and State Senator James Seward at the GOP's upcoming nominating caucus on Wednesday, June 4th at the county building. 

After first being elected to the Assembly with 58% of the vote over Siena Professor Scott Trees, Lopez has subsequently cruised to re-election his past three electoral campaigns; two of which he ran unopposed in and last he carried with nearly a two-thirds margin during a national election cycle.

Vote in Our New Poll: Do You Approve of Assemblyman Lopez?

Written By Editor on 5/4/14 | 5/4/14

In our latest survey of Schoharie News readers, we are asking whether you approve or disapprove of New York State Assemblyman Peter Lopez's job performance as Schoharie County's elected representative in the lower house of the state legislature. 

Assemblyman Lopez was first elected to the State Assembly in 2006, after having previously served as Schoharie County Clerk, Schoharie Town Supervisor, and Village of Schoharie Trustee over the years. Lopez has regularly received over 60% of the vote in his re-election campaigns.

The poll is located on the right-hand sidebar of the website and will remain open until Saturday morning. 

Lopez, Seward Sample Taste of Schoharie

Written By Editor on 3/12/14 | 3/12/14

ALBANY, 03/10/14 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I – Oneonta) met recently with students from the SUNY Cobleskill culinary arts program during the New York Farm Bureau’s “Taste of New York” legislative reception in Albany. He was joined by Assemblyman Peter Lopez (R/C/I - Schoharie).

From left, Assemblyman Pete Lopez, Elaine Marcel, Bethany Sperbeck, and Senator James L. Seward at the New York Farm Bureau “Taste of New York” legislative reception in Albany. 
“The New York Farm Bureau event is a grand stage for the wonderful, diverse home-grown products available across our state,” said Senator Seward.  “The SUNY Cobleskill booth is always one of the highlights and this year was no different.  It is a great way to showcase the school’s outstanding culinary program and the quality food harvested right in our backyard.”

The SUNY Cobleskill culinary arts students offered a menu made from locally-sourced products from Barber’s Farm, Danforth Jersey Farm, Hessian Hill Farm, and Schoharie Valley Farms.

Assemblyman Lopez to Host Two "Open Forums for Education" This Week

Written By Editor on 12/9/13 | 12/9/13

Assemblyman Peter Lopez's (R-Schoharie) office announced last week that he will be hosting two separate "Open Forums for Education" that will allow members of the community, parents, teachers and school administrators to address education-related concerns to the assemblyman directly.
The first will be held on Wednesday, December 11th, 7pm at Grand Gorge's ONC BOCES located in the Northern Catskill's Occupational Center and the other is scheduled for Thursday, December 12th at the same time inside of Cobleskill-Richmondville's high school auditorium. (Senator Seward will be attending both forums, although he will be joining the Cobleskill-Richmondville event in progress due to a prior commitment.)
Neither forum will focus exclusively on the controversial Common Core program, but will provide the community with an opportunity to discuss testing procedures, teacher evaluations, Race to the Top, and other education associated topics.
Saying that local schools continue to operate on "shifting sands - from state budget challenges, to the property-tax cap, to Regents and the impacts of Race to the Top," Assemblyman Lopez is "very distressed by the impact these rapid-fire changes will have and are having on our schools." Which is the reason why he is hosting the two upcoming forums.

Assermblyman Lopez Endorses Desmond for Re-Election

Written By Editor on 10/31/13 | 10/31/13

With Schoharie County's contentious three way Sheriff's race set to reach its ultimate conclusion on Tuesday, incumbent Tony Desmond received a significant endorsement from Assemblyman Pete Lopez in a letter yesterday that praised him as a "thoughtful, motivated and conscientious person."

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