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Showing posts with label Schoharie County GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schoharie County GOP. Show all posts

County Democrats Hold Slight Cash on Hand Advantage

Written By Cicero on 3/10/15 | 3/10/15

Schoharie County's Democratic Party is in good shape financially to pose a solid challenge to local Republicans this fall, although it wont do them much good with no publicly declared countywide candidates in the mix yet. 

According to the most recent data available from the New York State Board of Elections, county Democrats maintain a $1,600 on hand cash advantage over their GOP counterparts with eight months until the off-year elections.

However, county Republicans maintain the overall advantage heading into the campaign season. An advantage that is due in no small part to the recent announcements that County Clerk Indica Jaycox and Treasurer Bill Cherry are seeking re-election.

With two countywide offices and all sixteen supervisor seats on the ballot in November, both parties are expected to intensify their fundraising efforts in preparation for the election season to come.

Although not as significant, the true wildcard could be in how much of a role the Schoharie County Conservative Party takes in fielding its own candidates and cross-endorsing potential allies in the major parties.

Running their own candidates for Sheriff and Town Supervisor in 2013, the Conservatives have established a small but potent following among the county's ideologically similar electorate, particularly in the southern portions of the county.

As of publication, there are no publicly declared Democrat or Conservative candidates for county office, and no announced contenders for any of the sixteen open supervisor positions.

County GOP Backs Lopez, Seward

Written By Editor on 6/5/14 | 6/5/14

The Schoharie County Republican Committee voted unanimously Wednesday night to nominate Assemblyman Peter Lopez and State Senator James Seward for re-election in their respective campaigns. There was no opposition and the nominations were confirmed by voice vote. 

Town of Middleburgh Councilwoman Sue Makely nominated Mr. Lopez, while former Town of Cobleskill Councilman Ryan McAllister nominated Mr. Seward. Both nominations were quickly seconded and the Secretary was instructed to close the polls and make one vote for the nominees. 

Schoharie County Vice-Chairman Chris Tague oversaw the proceedings in Chairman Lewis Wilson's place. Both Mr. Lopez and Mr. Seward stressed the importance of this fall's statewide elections, while Mr. Tague reminded committee members that there will be a handful of local elections as well. 

Sacket Honored by Schoharie County GOP

Written By Editor on 5/2/14 | 5/2/14

Schoharie County District Attorney James Sacket was honored by the Schoharie County Republican Party as the 2014 Republican Man of the Year award recipient in their 67th annual Lincoln Day Dinner Thursday evening at the Caverns Palace. 

The annual event hosted over one hundred Republican faithful and featured several guest speakers, including Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors Tony VanGlad, Assemblyman Pete Lopez, State Senator Jim Seward, and Congressman Chris Gibson.

Mr. Sacket was introduced by 2013 Republican Man of the Year Judge Dan Lamont, who described the five-term District Attorney as a fair practitioner of the law and deserving of the GOP's recognition.  

Shortly after Mr. Sacket was named, his wife Rhonda was announced as the 2014 Women's Republican of the Year award honoree by Gilboa Town Councilwoman and 2013 recipient of the award Dottie Pickett. 

The couple, who have been married since 1994, were joined by their two children at the event.

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