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Showing posts with label Sheriff's Race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheriff's Race. Show all posts

Official Results: Desmond Claims 49.87% of Vote, 12 Towns in Solid Victory

Written By Editor on 12/5/13 | 12/5/13

The Schoharie County Board of Elections has released their official results for last month's hotly contested election cycle, which shows a solid victory for incumbent Sheriff Tony Desmond over his two fellow law enforcement officers - Cobleskill Police Chief Larry Travis and Deputy Sheriff Todd Ethington - with 49.87% of the vote in the 2013 race for Sheriff.

Towns that supported Desmond are red, Travis are Blue and Ethington are yellow
Even more impressive was Sheriff Desmond's town-by-town dominance across the county. From his hometown of Sharon Springs to Conesville the incumbent Sheriff carried twelve towns overall, while both his opponents won just two each: Chief Travis in Blenheim and Cobleskill; Deputy Ethington in Jefferson and Summit.
Interestingly enough, this marks the second consecutive election where Sheriff Desmond has lost Cobleskill but still managed to build a large enough base of support across the rest of the county to offset the population center's more than fifteen hundred votes, which went by a healthy margin to their hometown candidate this time around.
But now that all is said and done, officially, all three men can return to their positions as law enforcement professionals with last November's race in the past and the protection of Schoharie's citizenry, regardless of who they supported, as their top priority in the present and into the future.

Ethington Camp Makes Final Push as Lawn Signs Come Down

Written By Editor on 11/5/13 | 11/5/13

The Todd Ethington campaign is hoping to push the candidate over the top today with some last-minute efforts to drive out voters. Mr. Ethington has been defiant, posting on his Facebook profile Friday:
Okay People for Todd Supporters, they just threw in the last hard attack. This is not slowing me down. Win or lose this behavior they are saying is politics can not be tolerated anymore.
Supporters of Ethington have also been pushing back, commenting or liking comments explaining that Mr. Ethington is still the best candidate for Sheriff. High-profile support still comes in from Mr. Singletary of Jefferson and past and current Middleburgh Fire Chiefs Brian and Michael Devlin.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ethington has launched two large initiatives. He's mailed out a new placard to undecideds, hoping to sway their vote. Meanwhile, he has intensified his ground game, visiting thousands of houses himself.

Meanwhile, across nearly every part of the County, Todd Ethington signs are disappearing off of lawns. Since the Report broke the number of Ethington signs has decreased, although hundreds are still across the yards of the County.

Perhaps the most controversial fusillade comes from Mr. Ethington's Conservative Party, which sent out four thousand mailers to the households of voters. The card excoriates Bill Cherry and his allies running for Supervisors, all of whom oppose Mr. Ethington's bid for Sheriff and were supporters of releasing the Fitzmaurice Report.

These last minute moves are sure to move the needle as turnout is now key. However, whether this will be enough for Ethington is likely doubtful. However, the added votes could give his allies running for Supervisor just enough to retain significant power on the County Board of Supervisors.

Assermblyman Lopez Endorses Desmond for Re-Election

Written By Editor on 10/31/13 | 10/31/13

With Schoharie County's contentious three way Sheriff's race set to reach its ultimate conclusion on Tuesday, incumbent Tony Desmond received a significant endorsement from Assemblyman Pete Lopez in a letter yesterday that praised him as a "thoughtful, motivated and conscientious person."

Opinion: Both Desmond and Travis Fine Choice for Sheriff

Written By Editor on 10/29/13 | 10/29/13

The Schoharie News brought our readers three informative and wide-ranging interviews with each of next week's candidates for county sheriff back in September, with the end result being a better understanding of where each candidate stands and one very unsure editor of a then small news project.
All three offered strong first impressions and came off as knowledgeable in the field of their collective expertise. Sheriff Desmond and Chief Travis particularly impressed me, while Deputy Ethington had a certain charm about him.
However, in the end, the office of sheriff is one of the more honorable positions in local government. It carries a distinct job description that ultimately could lead to its occupants harm or even death, as occurred in this county when Sheriff Henry Steadman was murdered by a prisoner who concealed his revolver in 1930, and because of this the individual we put in charge of it must be of the highest caliber. With great power comes great responsibility and as such the decision must not be made lightly.
Which is why the Schoharie News is proud to endorse both incumbent Tony Desmond and Chief Larry Travis for Sheriff in next Tuesday's election.
We honestly believe that after months of consideration and learning about both men, that either would effectively serve the citizens of Schoharie Count atop our law enforcement apparatus: Sheriff Desmond holds a loyalty and passion for the men and women who work under him that speaks volumes, while no one could touch the respect and admiration that Chief Travis has for enforcing the law.
Both men understand the threat that illegal drug use poses to our residents and have effectively waged an offensive on their particular drug of expertise. The result of which has been the removal of drugs and thugs from Schoharie County's communities, with the Sheriff's department combating marijuana and Cobleskill police cracking down on heroin use.
Obviously it is impossible to vote for both candidates and only one can win next Tuesday. That decision is ultimately up to a majority (or in this case, likely a plurality) of voters who make their choice at the ballot box and our only advisement is that they take the time to consider both viable candidates and reach a conclusion without allowing outside forces, or fringe candidates, to cloud their judgment.
Oh, and as for the unsure editor, his vote next Tuesday is still yet to be determined.

Larry Travis Picks Up Neary Support

Written By Editor on 10/28/13 | 10/28/13

Democratic nominee for Sheriff Larry Travis received another endorsement over the last week. This time it is Richmondville Mayor Kevin Neary. Neary is also the head of the Schoharie County Emergency Management Office.

Credit: Travis Facebook Page

Travis in Photo for Bates Endorsement

Written By Editor on 10/24/13 | 10/24/13

Posted on Larry Travis' Facebook page is the single biggest endorsement of the race as the last Sheriff John Bates has officially endorsed him.

Larry Travis Takes to the Airwaves in Interview

Written By Editor on 10/18/13 | 10/18/13

Cobleskill Police Chief Larry Travis was interviewed at SUNY Cobleskill talking about police issues.

Travis Camp Receives $250 Contribution From Former Sheriff Bates

Written By Editor on 10/17/13 | 10/17/13

Former Republican Sheriff John Bates Jr., who has remained publicly quiet since spearheading the failed candidacy of Duane Tillipaugh to the county's Republican committee in June, has taken sides in the upcoming sheriff's election: not by way of public endorsement, but rather by financial contribution to one of the contenders.

According to the New York State elections database for campaign filings, which has Mr. Ethington winning the fundraising battle with over $11,000 raised thus far in the race, Sheriff Bates has not sided with either his former subordinate or his successor, but rather Cobleskill Police Chief Larry Travis. 

In the form of a individual contribution on September 16th, Sheriff Bates gave $250 to the Friends of Larry Travis committee according to campaign's 32 day pre-general report to the state board of elections. His financial show of support is joined by the county Democratic Committee's $1,000 offering and Richmondville Mayor Kevin Neary's $200 contribution over the same period to Mr. Travis' campaign.

Although the former long-time occupant of the Sheriff's Office has remained mostly quiet through out this election, when compared to his efforts in support of his undersheriff Bill Slater in 2009 or Deputy Tillipaugh this Spring, his financial contribution in support of Chief Travis definitely speaks louder than words.

Ethington Winning Fundraising Battle

Todd Ethington's campaign is in the clear lead as far as fundraising. According to the New York State election database the candidates have been raising money since early this year. Ethington has taken the clear lead.

Contributions per Candidate
Todd Ethington (C): 45 donor lines, $13,073.80
Larry Travis (D): 9 donor lines, $2,215
Tony Desmond (R) 2 donor lines, $1,100

The numbers are a bit skewed as 21 of the 45 donor lines for the Ethington campaign come directly from the candidate or his wife. Ethington has also benefited from support within the County civil service receiving the $100 from Jefferson Supervisor Dan Singletary and $100 from County Planning head Alicia Terry.

The People for Todd campaign has also benefitted from $500 from Michael Galasso, the Vice President of Cobleskill Stone and close relative of Cobleskill Mayor Mark Galasso. He also received $100 from former Cobleskill Supervisor Mike Montario.

New Ethington Ad Highlights Ties to Snowmobiling

Written By Editor on 10/16/13 | 10/16/13

Todd Ethington's campaign has launched a one-third page ad in the Cobleskill paper lauding his support of snowmobiling. The former snow patrol deputy is backed by two local snowmobiling groups. The ad explains that Ethington would like to find grants to expand safe local trails.

Desmond Endorsed by Forrest Wollaber

Sheriff Desmond has been endorsed by Forrest Wollaber, who held many positions across the County. The former County Clerk was also the County Republican Chair and Undersheriff. Desmond posted the endorsement on his Facebook page. He writes in part:
I have known Tony for over 35 years and have always found him to be honest, trustworthy, and professional. His dedication and hard work will continue to provide leadership and integrity to the Sheriff’s office.

Final Poll Results Show Large Lead for Desmond

Written By Editor on 10/14/13 | 10/14/13

The final results of the Schoharie News poll are in and they are lopsided in one candidate's favor. The unscientific poll has incumbent Sheriff Tony Desmond winning over his two opponents.

Desmond * (R): 408- 46%
Ethington (C): 242- 27%
Travis (D): 237- 27%
Total: 887
* Denotes incumbent

Desmond's lead has stayed roughly the same over the last month after Todd Ethington jumped into an early lead. Last week's story on the possible revelation of the report seemed to rapidly shift public opinion. All told the poll had an astonishing 887 votes.

Desmond Endorsed by Congressman Gibson

Tony Desmond has picked up the support of Congressman Chris Gibson, who forwarded a letter to him. In part, the letter read that Sheriff Desmond is "a true professional who always put public safety for all the citizens of Schoharie County at the forefront of his decisions."
Photo credit Tony Desmond Facebook page

Candidates Sweep Middleburgh Parade

Written By Editor on 10/12/13 | 10/12/13

All three Sheriff's candidates were present for the Middleburgh Harvest Parade.

Photo credit Larry Travis and Todd Ethington Facebook profiles. No Tony Desmond photos at the moment-- email us if you have one for publication!

Rapid Shift in Sheriff's Polling

Written By Editor on 10/10/13 | 10/10/13

The Schoharie News has run the only poll of this election season, seeing the unscientific poll receiving much opinion and over 200 comments. With less than a week left to go in the lifespan of the poll, fortunes have changed dramatically.

Date Desmond       Travis    Ethington 
30-Sep 37 21 43
1-Oct 40 20 40
7-Oct 42 21 37
10-Oct 48 23 29

While our poll is not absolute, it does have 695 votes and shows a large amount of interest in the largest race in the County.

Travis Picks up SUNY Cobleskill University Police Support

Cobleskill Police Chief Larry Travis, the Democratic nominee in this fall's Sheriff race in Schoharie County, has had a busy week thus far: announcing/releasing a new design for his yard signs that are dotting county roadsides and the endorsement of his campaign by the University Police Department of SUNY Cobleskill:

With election day just 26 more days away, Chief Travis and his opponents still have a lot of work to come out on top of the polls, but one this is for sure - all three of them are energized and heading towards the final stretch at full speed.

Desmond Picks Up Schoharie County Deputies' Support

Written By Editor on 10/9/13 | 10/9/13

Sheriff Tony Desmond has announced through his campaign's Facebook page that he has the support of the majority of the deputies in the Sheriff's Department. The Schoharie County Road Patrol Association has decided that the incumbent is worth keeping as their boss.

It reads in part that the union believes that the Sheriff "proves leadership and experience have the agency on a path for continued success."

Desmond Picks Up NRA's NY Branch Endorsement

Written By Editor on 10/8/13 | 10/8/13

Sheriff Tony Desmond has made it a point to explain that he believes his stance on the Second Amendment is the best. The Sheriff has joined with others in Upstate New York in stating that they will not enforce the SAFE Act and posed for a campaign photo with an AR-15. The Air Force veteran has now reaped the benefits.

The National Rifle Association's local affiliate, the New York Rifle and Pistol Association has chosen the incumbent for his stances regarding gun rights.
Our endorsement is based upon his public opposition to the so-called SAFE Act and willingness to speak out against Governor Cuomo's assault upon 2nd Amendment rights. 
NYSRPA encourages all gun owners and concerned citizens to support Sheriff Desmond in the November general election.

Desmond Endorsed by Bill Cherry

Bill Cherry spoke forcefully in favor of retaining the current Sheriff, Tony Desmond at the Republican Caucus in June. He has lauded Desmond's efforts over the last three years and now has put ink to paper and has one of the largest calls of support in the race so far.

In a letter sent to Sheriff Desmond, Cherry wrote that the Sheriff deserved another four years. In the letter, he stated that "Sheriff Desmond has ensured that every one of these duties and responsibilities was performed in a way that protected the citizens of Schoharie County and followed the law."

Cherry concluded by saying that "he was there when we needed him most."

Desmond Showing Weakness in Schoharie, Middleburgh

Much of the politics of Schoharie County in the last two years have been tied up in how to cope with the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. With so many issues still facing the County, many Supervisor's races and even the Sheriff's race seem to hinge on the event and how to get Schoharie County back on its feet.

There have been a lot of allusions to the horrible events of 2011, largely surrounding current Sheriff Tony Desmond. His supporters state that he has carried a lot of weight under conditions that no one had anticipated. Meanwhile, others have quietly criticized what has been described as a poor response in affected areas.

Only one large-scale effort seems to point to it-- an ad run last week by Deputy Todd Ethington, criticizing aspects of the Sheriff's Department's operations since then. There was a swift and visceral pushback-- with four comments on the article alone.

But how are some of the most affected areas of the County, a trend has developed. Larry Travis' late start has inhibited his support in many areas outside of Cobleskill, but a base can still be seen. Similar can be said about Sheriff Tony Desmond-- who has a larger group of supporters in both Schoharie and Middleburgh.

But the candidate with the most momentum appears to be Ethington. Taking a drive around either community shows more enthusiasm for the Deputy. Along Middleburgh's Main Street, Ethington signs outnumber Desmond by more than two to one. Meanwhile, many of the Ethington signs are placed exactly where Desmond signs sprang up in 2009.

There has been the sharpest criticism of Desmond's handling of the flood in both of these communities. While this does not directly aid either of the other candidates, a clear trend against re-electing the Sheriff is clear. Many officials from the municipalities and the Middleburgh Fire Department have backed away from Desmond. Former Middleburgh Fire Chief Brian Devlin posted on Ethington's Facebook page Sunday:
I must say that there is an overwhelming support for him In this area! I got to listen to residence with their questions and concerns over the current administration! To hear Todd Ethington answer these questions with the upmost professional and knowledgable answers just goes to show who is the right choice for the job!
Devlin's brother Michael also backs Ethington. There have been a lot of discontent among some, but there has also been a pushback-- with some describing Ethington's approach as too aggressive while questioning other aspects of the campaign.

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