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Home » » Poll: Readers Split on Favorite NFL Team

Poll: Readers Split on Favorite NFL Team

Written By Editor on 6/10/14 | 6/10/14

Schoharie County's varied beliefs and politics are well known to the Schoharie News, as months of polling data have documented the fluidity of local politics. However, never before have we seen a result as inconclusive as our latest survey on Schoharie County's favorite professional football team.

Reflecting the diversity of New York sports fans, and the failure of all three local teams to successfully control their market, only 54% of county residents favor one of the New York franchises, while over one-third of them support a team out of state altogether. 

What is your favorite NFL team?

Other - 26%
New York Giants - 26%
New York Jets - 18%
New England Patriots - 11%
Buffalo Bills - 10%
What is the "NFL" - 10%

Please remember to vote in our current poll, located on the right-hand sidebar of the website, asking whether or not Schoharie News readers approve or disapprove of Governor Andrew Cuomo's job performance in Albany. 
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