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Old Stone Fort Set for Independence Day Celebration

Written By Editor on 7/2/14 | 7/2/14

Attacked by a myriad of hostile forces during the Revolutionary War - British, Native American, and Tory- Schoharie's Old Stone Fort withstood them all, and today the museum serves as a vessel to modern Americans on the amazing history of America's "Breadbasket of the American Revolution."

This Friday will be no different. 

The Old Stone Fort Museum will be holding its annual Independence Day celebration from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Readings of the Declaration of Independence and other documents of the period will take place at 11:00 and 2:00.

Members of the Tryon County Militia and other re-enactors will engage in "living history,' and visitor interactive debates on the issues of taxation, self government, and armed militias rebelling against the government," according to the Old Stone Fort's events webpage

All outdoor activities will be admission free to guests, while regular museum admission rates apply to indoor exhibits. The event is co-produced by the Schoharie County Historical Society and the Burning of the Valleys Military Association. 
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