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Home » » Letter to the Editor: Neid Calls for Pipeline Withdrawal

Letter to the Editor: Neid Calls for Pipeline Withdrawal

Written By Editor on 9/23/14 | 9/23/14

Late this afternoon the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution opposing any additional pipelines through the county. The final vote came after several false starts in which the resolution was first passed, then withdrawn for reconsideration and finally passed again.
The resolution represents another impediment to the already troubled Constitution Pipeline and the more recently proposed Kinder-Morgan/Tennessee Pipeline and underscores the high level of opposition in Schoharie County to both projects. The resolution passed despite reported lobbying efforts by Constitution Pipeline representative John Faso at the County level.
The Center for Sustainable Rural Communities calls on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to reject both the Constitution and Kinder-Morgan/Tennessee projects not only in response to overwhelming community opposition but also in recognition of the negative economic, environmental and cultural impacts they would cause across more than 120 miles of rural New York State. 
Bob Nied
Board of Directors
Center for Sustainable Rural Communities
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