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Mixed Vote in SALT Poll

Written By Editor on 9/8/14 | 9/8/14

Readers want a shift in SALT's direction, but they're not clear on which one, according to the latest Schoharie News poll. Readers were asked where the flood recovery group should go, after Director Sarah Goodrich said that it has completed the vast majority of work in fixable houses and businesses.

The largest share of votes went to making the group into an all-volunteer group to meet future challenges. Right behind was disbandment and making no changes.

What Should SALT's New Role Be?

Don't change a thing 26% - 20 
Transition into an all-volunteer flood recovery and mitigation group 29% - 23 
Disband gradually 14% - 11 
Disband immediately 27% - 21 
Don't know 4% - 3 
 78 total
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