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Home » » Schoharie Republicans Pick Slate for November

Schoharie Republicans Pick Slate for November

Written By Michael on 7/30/15 | 7/30/15

By Schoharie News Staff

SCHOHARIE - Republicans in the Town of Schoharie selected their slate of candidates for the upcoming general election inside a standing room only caucus on Thursday night.

Joined by several high ranking GOP officials, including Judge George Bartlett, Schoharie County District Attorney James Sacket, and Assemblyman Pete Lopez, the party faithful were tasked with nominating candidates to run for Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, two Town Councilmen seats, and Town Highway Superintendent.

Nominated by County Clerk Indy Jaycox for Town Supervisor, longtime Schoharie County GOP Vice-Chairman Chris Tague was praised for his moral character and qualifications for the position, which is currently held by Democratic incumbent Gene Milone.

With no opposition, Tague was nominated unanimously.

The most contentious moment of the evening came when the party faithful was tasked with nominating two candidates for the Town Councilman seats.

Currently held by incumbent Republican Councilmen Richard Sherman and James Schultz, Sherman decided against seeking his fourth term on the Town Board, while Schultz was nominated and seconded for his second term. Also nominated for the positions were local businessmen John Wolfe and Floyd Guernsey.

Because there were three candidates for two positions, paper ballots were distributed to caucus goers to cast their votes and nominate the top two vote recipients.

During the vote counting process, Town Councilman Alan Tavenner spoke to the crowd about his longtime colleague Richard Sherman's many years of dedicated service on the board.

After the voters were counted, it was announced that the two nominees to take the councilman ticket would be Mr. Guernsey and Mr. Schultz. Both men gave a few words of thanks.

Also nominated at Thursday's caucus:

- Incumbent Town Clerk Pamela Foland
- Incumbent Town Highway Superintendent Daniel Weideman.
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