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Small Business Profile: Cobleskill Outdoor Sports

Written By Michael on 7/16/15 | 7/16/15

By Timothy Knight

COBLESKILL - Citing the community's need for a locally owned sports store following the death of beloved Richmondville sportsman John Barlow, Mike Spenello and his wife Nancy opened Cobleskill Outdoor Sports in the Village of Cobleskill on March 11th, 2012.

With close to thirty years of experience in the firearms industry, both in another firearms shop and his own establishment, Mike commented that owning a shop has, "always been kind of a dream of mine."

Located at 116 France Lane, the store offers a wide variety of ammunition, handguns, rifles, and shotguns, but what ties it altogether according to Mr. Spenello is both the excellent response the shop has received from the community and that "we offer things big gun shops can't - personalized service."

Founded just ten months before the infamous NY SAFE Act became law, the veteran of the firearms industry could not stress more that his business has been effected by the legislation.

Pointing out that fifteen to twenty percent of his firearms were made illegal overnight, Spenello further stated that the amount of paperwork has increased tremendously, all thanks to the law's more stringent requirements for background checks, including even the private sale of firearms between family.

Although a bureaucratic hindrance, the NY SAFE Act did bring droves of customers out of the woodwork, a phenomena documented nationwide. Sporting signs that boast his support of the National Rifle Association, Mike said that whenever new gun control legislation is considered, "people start getting worried they're going to pass some gun law."

A joint venture between husband and wife, Mrs. Spenello handles the bookwork and paperwork behind the scenes while Mr. Spenello works the front end and makes repairs. Commenting that it has been a good joint venture between the two, Mike said that they have been very fortunate to be able to work together.

With an eye toward the future, Mike stated that there have been thoughts of expanding the shop, but for now they are hoping to just continue supporting local sportsmen and the community.

For more information you can call Mike at Cobleskill Outdoor Sports at 234-2400 or visit their website at
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