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A Note from Our New Owner

Written By Editor on 9/16/16 | 9/16/16

Hi all,

This past week I've acquired the Schoharie News. My name is Matthew Avitabile. You probably have heard my name in my service as Middleburgh's mayor over the last four and a half years. I also teach history at both SUNY Oneonta and Cobleskill where I attended college. Local news has piqued my interest for a long time and seems to run in the family blood. I started talking to Mr. Tim Knight about possibly acquiring the Schoharie News, and here we are.

I've been fortunate enough to have Tim as a friend and appreciate the effort and dedication he put into the Schoharie News. His leadership is a high bar to reach and I certainly have big shoes to fill. I'll consult Tim for advice and hope to work with him on a role at the publication: at the moment he is working as a freelancer for our publication. I thank him for his insight and for setting such a good example.

Also being in public office, there may be concerns about a blurred line in this new role. That's why I'm not going to cover Middleburgh issues and will not be seeking another term as Mayor.

I am also looking for partnerships that would bring expanded and better coverage. I have brought upon several new team members to help bring our publication to success. Any press releases, tips, and news ideas are welcome. I am also considering all options and partnerships to build the publication further.

We'd like to use this opportunity to highlight many subjects currently not closely examined in local press. The Schoharie News will focus on hard looks at effects of policy on our residents, as well as the hardworking efforts of community groups to improve our area.
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