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Home » » September Board of Supervisors Meeting Highlights

September Board of Supervisors Meeting Highlights

Written By Editor on 9/16/16 | 9/16/16

Photo and article by Tyler James

The Board heard a presentation about the Sheriff's Department's new anti-DWI initative. There was also a report on the progress on the creek projects.

Melinda McTaggart briefly spoke to the Board about Cornell Cooperative Extension. The Board passed a proclamation of appreciation for the organization's assistance to the county, especially its youth projects. This included projects such as 4-H, which is one of the largest youth organizations in the state. The Board declared October 2-8th as 4-H month. Chair Earl Van Wormer thanked the organization.

The Schoharie County Conservation Association discussed possible new land use ideas. One idea is to construct a potential land bank. Another is a "Zombie Property" law in which banks that held vacant property could be fined for not taking care of them. Such an act would not affect local ownership. The organization has been working with the County Planning Department on potential options.

Supervisor Tague asked for a brief recess for Republican members of the Board to caucus. This took about 40 minutes.

Richmondville Supervisor Dick Lape discussed a possible new bridge project in Richmondville. He highlighted $2 million in funding acquired by Mayor Kevin Neary to fix the bridge.

Another presentation discussed the Blenheim Bridge rebuilding project. There was also a lengthy update on the creek mitigation project. The County Board also voted to withdraw from the proposed Seebold property for the jail site. Treasurer and flood recovery coordinator Cherry reported that the county building floodgate project was on time and budget. The report stated that 90% of the footings and well foundations have already been poured.
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Unknown said...

To be accurate Supervisor Tague didn't call for a brief recess he called for a caucus of Republican members of the Board in the midst of a public meeting. The majority of the Board then left the meeting to discuss topics on the agenda while excluding non-Republican members, the public and the press. Mr. Tague's tactic was intended to reduce the crowd and shake the TV crew. It accomplished the latter but did not discourage the crowd which (after further delays by a questionable executive session)got to watch Mr. Tague's orchestrated run against the Blenheim Bridge FEMA project fail. The whole thing was a clumsy, if not inept, effort at obstructionist political maneuvering.

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