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SUNY Cobleskill Unveils Budget and Enrollment Projections

Written By Editor on 9/17/16 | 9/17/16

By Tyler James

SUNY Cobleskill President Marion Terenzio unveiled a look at SUNY Cobleskill’s budget and enrollment figures and projections. The new President plans a number of reforms to increase student retention and improve student services. Dr. Terenzio sent her thoughts in a letter to campus faculty and staff.

The efforts are part of the efforts to make SUNY Cobleskill a Destination College. In the letter, President Terenzio states that the college is part way on its path to this goal.

Cobleskill’s budget was described as “shrinking” and affecting parts of the college’s functions. Overall, the college’s enrollment has fallen 9% since 2014. Of all college revenue, 21% comes from state support. This percentage is projected to decline. Tuition represents 47% of all revenues, which is expected to increase as the college implements its strategies.

The college has been able to increase its returning students in the next year with slight declines in transfers and freshman students as seen below.

As a result of these cumulative factors the 2016-2017 is $1 million lower than the previous year. Tuition received in the 2015-2016 was a half million under projections. Tuition rates for students did not increase this year. Original projections factored in such an increase.

Terenzio lauded an effort by faculty and staff to quantify student concerns and aid in convincing students to return. Offices on campus cooperated on this endeavor. This reduced red tape and paperwork for students before they began classes in August.

The president ran down issues that affected decision making and budgeting. This included the fact that 80% of all funds go to personnel costs and 10% for utilities. Only about $2.5 million of the budget can be actively changed.

Dr. Terenzio outlined a series of proposals to aid the school’s budget. These included working with other organizations to share costs and expanding credentialing. The school also seeks to develop summer programs, including cooperation with local groups and camps. Cobleskill also looks to expand and refine its marketing efforts. The President requested an expansion of programs for students, including online coursework.

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