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Letter to the Editor: Support Tague

Written By Editor on 10/31/20 | 10/31/20

To the editor:
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a dedication ceremony for the new paramedic station in Hunter and the unveiling of Greene County's fifth paramedic response vehicle. This event was the culmination of hard work by those at all levels of government, with officials coming together to respond to the needs of the community they serve.
As a town supervisor and resident of the mountaintop region of Greene County, I know just how rural and distant this area is, and that is part of its appeal. The remoteness however, can also be disastrous, adding precious minutes to response times in the event of an emergency.
That is why concerned residents, community leaders, elected officials, including NYS Assemblyman Chris Tague, and our emergency service providers came together to add an additional vehicle to the county-wide fleet dedicated to the mountaintop. This vehicle will operate 365 days a year, available 24/7, and will cut over five minutes off of average response times.
I am proud of the efforts of all involved and am grateful to have been a part of the solution. A special thank you goes out to Assemblyman Tague who worked diligently at the State level to secure a $50,000 grant for the purchase of the vehicle. During his tenure in office, Assemblyman Tague has been an advocate for our emergency service providers across New York State and not only supports legislation to help our everyday heroes in carrying out their duties but also delivers when he sees a need in the communities he represents.
When the health and safety of our residents is at stake, Assemblyman Tague has proven that he will work with local leaders to ensure that we have the necessary resources to aid those in their time of need. This coming Election Day, I urge you to keep in mind the assistance the Assemblyman has contributed to our community and I hope you will offer your support to his reelection effort.
Thomas Hoyt 

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