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Home » » Pistol League Scores

Pistol League Scores

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 2/8/24 | 2/8/24

Individual Team High Scores and Team Match Scores Week XIV; 02/02/2024 Matches

Walton defeated Oneonta: 1103-13X to 1054-9X

Stamford defeats Rockdale: 1115-20X to 1024-5X 

High Shooters for Stamford were : John Wykoff 281-4X; Gus Mueller 280-8X; Larry VanDeusen 278-5X; and Bruce Martindale 276-3X

Others Shooting for Stamford were: David Ferris, Jim Hitt, Javin Traver, Pat Mattice, Steve Baker, and Mark Gifford

High Scores for Rockdale were: Rick Braun 263-1X; Dave Dewey 255-1X; Steve Ingalls 255-1X; and Dave VanValkenburg 251-2X

Other Rockdale  Shooters were: Gerry Palmer, Pat Hawkins, and Ed Heath

Sidney defeats Delhi: 1098-20X to 996-12X

Win/Loss Record:

Stamford                                 13-1

Walton:                                   12-2

Oneonta:                                 7-7

Sidney:                                    5-9

Rockdale:                                3-11

Delhi:                                       2-12

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