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Home » » A Great Meet and Greet

A Great Meet and Greet

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 3/20/24 | 3/20/24

LAWYERSVILLE — The Captain Christian Brown Chapter, NSDAR held a Meet and Greet potluck luncheon on March 16 at the Lawyersville Reformed Church, bringing together new, prospective, and longstanding members for fellowship and delicious homemade dishes. The group enjoyed a “What is it?” challenge hosted by Joan Sondergaard, showcasing a variety of antiques from her personal collection.

Pictured standing from left:  Lynne Roberts, Lori Harrington, Rachel McCormick, Debbie Bradt, Dannielle Combs, Melanny Bates, Leslie Smith, Sue deBruijn, Nancy Castro, Mia Lent, Susan Rightmyer, Priscilla Davis, Lisa Crapser, Jessica Nitsche, Adeline Hazzard.  Seated from left:  Harriet Berard, Joan Sondergaard.  Not in picture: Lauren Manchester, Michaela Sperbeck.

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