By Liz Page
BLOOMVILLE – The town of Kortright is seeking a new dog catcher, will brighten things up with some more new lights at the town hall, and discussed the proposed increase in building permit fees during their regular meeting on Monday. They also set a public hearing on a proposed noise ordinance.
The public hearing on the proposed noise ordinance will be held on May 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the town hall.
With the resignation of Al Alwine as dog control officer, the town is seeking a new one. Anyone interested may contact the town clerk.
A proposed increase in the building permit fees has been proposed by the town code enforcement officer Josh Morgan. He is proposing an amount per square foot. Councilman Mike Pietrantoni said he wasn't totally against it, but believes the base fee may be too high. The fees are charged to cover the cost of the required inspections. He said he would also like to see a fee for those who failed and inspection and required a revisit by the code officer. "I don't think everybody should pick up the cost of someone who failed to meet the criteria. I would like to see a charge for a failed inspection." When asked how that fee would be collected, he said the certificate of occupancy could be held until the fee is paid.
Morgan will be consulted. Council members also discussed that new codes will likely require more inspections. They approved the fee suggested by Pietrantoni of $2 per square foot on the premise it can be adjusted in the future if it does not cover the cost of the inspections. Currently, the town fees are lower than most other towns.
Supervisor George Haynes said there were no new developments on the post office and there was nothing regarding the homeless shelter. Residents have been quiet regarding the shelter, but there currently are no residents’ places there.
Board members approved installing internet in the water building, which has no phone service and they approved cleaning out the shut-off valves in the hamlet's water system.
Highway workers have requested a move to a 10-hour four-day work week. It was approved on a three-month trial and the board moved into an executive session to discuss union negotiations.
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