Sidewalks to be Replaced on Wells and Danforth Avenues, Lower Grove; Work to Start This Week
By David Avitabile
MIDDLEBURGH - The Village of Middleburgh Monday night approved a bid to replace three sections of sidewalks later this spring.
Village board members approved a bid from Schoenecker Construction for $60,900 to replace sidewalks on two sections of Wells Avenue, a section on Danforth Avenue, and also on Lower Grove Street.
The village received three bids for the work. The others were from Diamond Boys Construction for $68,745.30 and 157 Concrete & Excavating LLC $91,291.25.
Mayor Tim Knight said, after consulting with DPW Superintendent Cole Keyser, Schoenecker Construction is planning to begin removing the existing sidewalk this week.
They will place stone at residents driveways to ensure ease of access between the removal of the existing sidewalk and the installation of new sidewalk, Mayor Knight added.
"We are excited to begin the work on repairing our dilapidated residential sidewalks in Middleburgh," Mayor Knight said.
In the late winter, Mayor Knight said the sidewalks committee and Mr. Keyser looked over the sidewalks in the village and selected these three sections since they are some of the worst and most heavily traveled in the village, outside of Main Street.
The three sections of sidewalks selected were:
* Wells Avenue from Our Lady of the Valley parsonage to Chestnut Lane. 325 feet with curb, four-feet-by-six inches deep. One blind detector tile at a corner.
* Wells Avenue from Chestnut Lane to Lower Grove Street. 395 feet with curb (325 feet on Wells and 70 on Lower Grove). Four-feet-wide by-six inches deep. Three blind detector tiles.
* Danforth Avenue to Wells Avenue (sidewalk around fire department park). 150 feet with no curb. Four-feet-wide by six inches deep. Two blind detector tiles.
Village crews have been out marking the sidewalks to be replaced with orange paint.
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