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Home » » M'burgh Town, Landowner to Decide Fate of Lamp Post Rd.

M'burgh Town, Landowner to Decide Fate of Lamp Post Rd.

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 4/12/24 | 4/12/24

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH - Many people remember the old Lam Post Tavern, that sat on a short spur just off Route 145, south of the Village of Middleburgh.

The old tavern closed in the early 1990s and then was taken down shortly after. Though it has been gone for nearly 30 years, it was discussed at the March Middleburgh town board meeting.

Fred Risse, the chairman of the planning bard said he was approached by a landowner on the road about a garage the landowner was building. The town put a stop-work order on the construction since the building was only three feet from the road. The road, Mr. Risse said, is basically a private driveway since the road dead-ends shortly after where the old tavern was located. 

There was some discussion on whether the short road was ever officially abandoned by the town.

Mr. Risse said it was not officially abandoned by the town and the town should taken that action. There is still access off of Route 145 even if the road is abandoned. It was stated that the road was listed on a 1993 road summary of town roads but on a 2020 map it was listed as a private road.

Highway Superintendent Steve Kowalski said the garage being built was "well into" the right away.

He noted that past highway superintendents Richie Lawyer and Dale Nunamann did snow plowing to the bridge on the short road. Mr. Kowalski said he also plowed to the bridge for about three years.

The road, he added, could be abandoned at no hardship to the landowners on the road. There are three parcels on the road, known as Lamp Post Lane, He noted that it appears that in the 1970s, the ownership of the road went from the state to the county to the town. Another official said the road might have went from the state to the towns of Middleburgh and Broome in 1950.

Town officials are helping the landowner find a solution to the problem.

Codes enforcement officer Tom Loucks noted that the landowner could apply for a variance.

Mr. Kowalski suggested that the town board table the issue and he would visit the property owner and see what he wants to leave the building up and take ownership of the road.

"It's all or none," he said. It is in the best interest of the property owner to sign off on the road, Mr. Kowalski added.

The road in question only measures about 150 feet.

Board members agreed to table the issue until Mr. Kowalski speaks to the property owner. 

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