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Written By The Mountain Eagle on 5/31/24 | 5/31/24

The Gilboa Naturalists will be sponsored this year by the Gilboa Museum & Nicholas J. Juried  History Center. The Gilboa Naturalists are events and field trips that are based on simple hikes and  activities that embrace identification and appreciation of our natural surroundings. Kristen Wycko educator for the museum will be leading these activities.  

The first event kicking o this group is June 8th 10:00 at the Gilboa Museum Pavilion  

An Eagle Talk with Bill Combes, Jr who is the creator of the Schoharie County Eagle Trail. He is a  Wildlife Photographer and has been monitoring over 35 nests for the last few years. Bill will have  photos, sculptures and stories to tell about the Eagles in our area.  

After the talk, Kristen will lead those interested in viewing an eagle nest in South Gilboa. A short  walk brings you to the viewing site.  

The other Gilboa Naturalists events:  

August 3rd-10:00 Fossil Tree Descendants hike(moss, ferns, club moss)with identification by Dr.  Mike Kudish from Delaware County. Kristen Wycko will be collaborating with Mike on these  primitive plants and how they resemble the Devonian Tree that Gilboa is known for. Hike is on  private land in Gilboa-a gradual uphill.  

August 17th-10:00 Native American Clay bowl making. Gathering the clay and making bowls on  the banks of the Schoharie Creek near Bouck Island.  

August 31st-10:00 Fossil hike and identification-Gilboa Schoharie Creek  

September 21st-10:00 Geology field trip to Cairo Fossil Quarry to meet Dr. Chuck Ver Straeten from  the NYS Museum.  

October 19th-1:00 at Gilboa Museum complex. Talk by Bob and Johanna Titus about the connection  between the Hudson River Artists and Geology.  

There is a suggested donation of $5/person  

Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult  

For more information or sign up for an activity, please contact:  

Kristen Wycko-607 437 7132

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