By Abby and Gabby
PRATTSVILLE – With apologies, should have recognized the D-Day Anniversary, June 6, 1944, last week but regardless we are thankful for the service of so many who gave their all in defense of our Constitution and our freedoms. It is never to late to whisper or shout out a heartfelt “Thank you”. May we never forget their sacrifice. You can always say “Thank you for your service” to all veterans.
Nice to see Howie and Rosemarie Drum out enjoying the beautiful weather and a luncheon out on the town at the Pomodoro’s Restaurant in Catskill on Friday. Ditto for Marilyn Soule and daughter. It was a beautiful day to be out and about.
Speedy recovery to one of our favorite people, Debbie Wandursky after missing the last step of a ladder. Debbie had a timed just right, her daughter had a visit all planned so she is her to make sure her mother does not over do. Good luck with that because Debbie was at work but she did say her daughter was on her case to take things easy. Friend Theresa Gier of Grand Gorge is on the mend after her misstep. Speedy recovery Theresa. Feel better wishes go out to Jen Traver and Elliott Brainard. Ron and Mary Cline could also use some wishes for a return to good health. Really wish Ron was on the mend because he always gifted me with a large pot of basil – the very best. Feel better first Ron, and Mary.
The ladies and men of the congregation of the Prattsville Reform Church were on the ball and doing their best to supply the hungry supporters of their Chicken BBQ on Saturday. The men were manning the bbq grills and the ladies were packing up the chicken and sides to be taken home and enjoyed at your leisure time. Very delicious. The teachers of Gilboa Conesville Central School were also there offering a way to support our students. Thank you for going beyond your classwork duties to give our children more opportunities.
The Brainerd clan of Gilboa and outlaying areas got together at the home of Timmy and Luanne Brainerd for a reunion. Cathy Brainerd Martino and Dana Hommel of Elka Park attended. Do not have a list of the attendees.
Lisa and Stephen Birnbaum took advantage of the Reform Church’s BBQ on Saturday. Stephen was home playing with his big man’s toy and moving some earth around. Ladies love it when the big guys are out of the house and so Lisa “ordered out” for a non-cooking day, Win-win situation – needed funds for the Church and a day of relaxation for the cooks in the family.
Marianne and Johannes Krauss traveled to Limerick over the weekend to attend a Road Racing event. We know where they are going to be spending their fun time this summer. Go for it!
Did you have a chance to watch the girls’ gymnastics in preparation for the Olympics in Paris in a few months? Very, very impressive and they are awe inspiring.
Seeds planted last week are showing some sprouts. What would make some animal pull up beans that are showing some green sprouts only to discard them?
Things are somewhat quiet now after the busy month of May but we have an upcoming date to remind you about. On Thursday, June 13, at 7 PM at the Conine Field of Prattsville there will be a respectful ceremony to burn the American flags that are not in condition to be displayed or flown. You are invited to attend at that time and bring your flags to be respectfully burned.
There will be a Memorial Service held for Conesville veteran Al Hess on Saturday, June 15, at noon at the Conesville Fire House. Irene, Al’s widow, and family will be hosting this service and their friends in the area are cordially invited. Al, as a veteran, was a stalwart supporter of all things military and for his fellow veterans. We miss you Al.
We wish all our 2024 graduates a successful future and extend our congratulations.
Happy Birthday to Shannon Brainerd Holdridge, Brandon Haight and Peter Tocci on June 9. On June 10 it is Happy Birthday to Adam Brainard. On June 11 we send Happy Birthday wishes to Miranda Cross and Bradley Grant. We wish Charlie Rion a Happy Birthday on June 13 and may we ask his cousin Donnie Rion to extend our best wishes to him. Donnie visits him quite often. On June 14 we wish Pat Minew and Michael Piccoli a very Happy Birthday. Way out there in Missouri, we send Happy Anniversary wishes to Larry and Sandy Case Hill on June 10. On June 13 it is Happy Anniversary to Jim and Roberta Hull.
News: or 518-299-3219.
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