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Stamford FD Honor Members, Installs Officers

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/3/24 | 7/3/24

By Liz Page

HARPERSFIELD –Members of the Stamford Fire Department gathered at the picturesque Garden Path Barn in Harpersfield on Saturday to honor members and install officers for the 2023-2024 year.

The weather was perfect as the slate of officers were sworn in, as follows: Don VanEtten, chief; AJ Vamosy, first assistant chief; Joe Hornbeck, second assistant chief; Dusty King, fire captain; Doug Cole, first fire lieutenant; Peter Pioppo, second fire lieutenant; George Curbelo, EMS chief and Karen Cole, EMS captain. 

The department also has a new fire queen, Paige VanEtten, with her court, Bailey VanEtten and Kendra Wehmeyer, princesses.

Joe Hornbeck served as emcee for the evening and Jim Kopp provided the musical entertainment. 

The highlight of the evening is the awarding of special anniversary pins, certificates and plaques. Awards were made, as follows: George Curbelo, five years; Mary Jo Oakes and Lori Fallon, 10 years; Robin Vamosy and Deb Hornbeck, 15 years. Special wall clock plaques were awarded to four 20-year members, including AJ Vamosy, Dusty King, Becky Smith and Tim Fairchild.

Special guests and others who were introduced to the audience, included. Grand Gorge Assistant Chief DJ Speenburgh; Bovina Assistant Chief Josh Coquette, Delaware County Dispatch Coordinator Mark Rossley; Deputy Matt Cambosi, Deputy Victor Altheim and Roxbury Constable Stephen Williamson. Past chiefs included Bill Sharick, Dusty King, Cliff Mueller, AJ Vamosy and Joe Hornbeck and fire commissioners included Tim Powell, Peter Pioppo, Dusty King and Bill Sharick. Absent was Andrea Donaghy. Don VanEtten was present, representing the Robinson-Broadhurst Foundation.

"The Foundation does a great deal for our department and we really appreciate it," said Hornbeck, before turning it over to the chief.

"Everyone in this room plays a significant role throughout the year," said Chief VanEtten, in addressing the room full of members and honored guests. He thanked the crew from Headwaters EMS. "You have truly backed us up this year by providing a valuable service." He thanked Dusty and Eileen King and Jonna and Victor Altheim for the use of the beautiful venue, the Garden Path Barn.

VanEtten also thanked the daughters of the late Charlie Kopfman, who was a beloved, longtime member of the department. He said it was an honor to host Diane and Barb. "It is a very sad time, " he said in acknowledging how much Kopfman did for the department and how he never wanted recognition for all he did. 

The department responded to 173 calls in 2023 and so far this year they have responded to 88 fire-  related  calls. "We are on pace to exceed the last couple of years," he said. "Serving as fire chief is a great responsibility. There is a lot of dedication, passion and commitment on the part of the people sitting in this room tonight. This week we lost a great member. It wasn't what he said, but what he didn't say. We thank you for your support of the fire service and the community. Let's remember those who came before us. I hope you have a great year and get home safely."

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