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The Prattsville Scoop

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/3/24 | 7/3/24

By Abby and Gabby

PRATTSVILLE – Our appreciation and thanks go out to our veterans, present or deceased, for their sacrifices and patriotism. Also the same goes out to our medical professionals, firemen, EMTs, and essential workers. Thank you.\

Our local schools will soon be on summer break and it is a good time to remind all drivers that there will be more children on the sidewalks and roadways on their way to enjoy their summer activities. Please be careful. Congratulations to all graduates and other students moving up a grade. Enjoy your summer and be careful. Who do you have in your family graduating from high school or college? Will be glad to share you good news with our readers.

Got a call from a Eleanor Van Aken Tompkins in the north country. She said her family was from the Conesville area, moving there from the City in the early 1940’s thinking it would be easier to live in the country during WWII. So much for anything being easy during WWII. She read Laurel Van Aken’s name in The Scoop and thought there might be a family connection but it was not direct enough to pursue. When young, Mrs. Tompkins said she had to wear her hair in braids because her father did not want his daughters’ hair to be cut. Lots of stories out there. Does anyone recognize her name? Maybe Dottie Pickett has it in the list of Gilboa Conesville alumni.

Auxiliary members from American Legion Auxiliary Virgil E. Deyo Unit 1327, Prattsville, and American Legion Auxiliary Susquehanna Unit 1764, Conesville, joined for a luncheon at the Prattsville Tavern on Wednesday, the 5th, for laughter and good food. Those joining in were Geri Barry, Marianne Krauss, Pat Coleman, Shelly Brainard, Linda Kessler, Cathy Martino, Lori Gustin, Lana Breigle, Mary Cline, Anita Creazzo, Pat Bifolco and Ginny Gurley. The two Units have become close friends and enjoy each others company with conversation and the exchanging of ideas and, of course, laughter. Veteran in your immediate family?, you are welcome to join either Unit with application qualification.

Discover Life Church Food Pantry is held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 4-6 pm. They would like to say Thank you to Jim Eisel at the Great American for letting the Food Pantry have a non-perishable food donation box in the store. Also thank you to everyone who volunteers or gives monetary or non-perishable food donations.

Speaking of Food Pantries, on Sunday TV news there was a notice that the Red Cross of the Capital region was sponsoring an event for the benefit of veterans in our areas for supplying the Voluntary Services of Stratton VAMC who supplies food to our needy veterans. We reiterate Kathy Schmeidel’s thank you to all who help locally those in need and/or veterans every where. Thank you and keep up the good work.

There will be a town wide yard sale in Conesville on the 3rd of August, Saturday. Not only will there be the yard sales but there will be bake sales, crafts, lunches, etc. etc. Plan on making a day of it because the yard sale route takes in quite a few miles but it is always a fun day. See you there. Will keep you up-to-date on upcoming yard sales in our vicinity. Lula Anderson on Route 23 Ashland will be having a July 4th yard sale. Know she has lots of stuff, mostly bargains, so check that yard sale out.

What The Soap, originating in Prattsville a number of years ago, is no longer a store but strictly online. Go to their website, What.The.Soap for an update on all items available from their bounty. Many from out of town really looked forward to their store when it was in Prattsville but can now check out buying their favorite scented beauty products online. Good luck Matt and Melissa.

Happy Birthday on June 15 to Lacey Brand, do not have her married name. On June 16 it is Happy Birthday to Gerald Mark Mead. We wish Sandy Traver and Alan Huggins Happy Birthday on June 18. Donnie Speenburgh is wished a Happy Birthday on June 20. On June 21 it is Happy Birthday to Al Creazzo. On June 16 we wish Janelle and Ken Maurer a Happy Anniversary.

Share your good news with all – send to or call 518-299-3219.

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