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Home » » Traditionally Speaking…by Pat Larsen - Bread and Circuses

Traditionally Speaking…by Pat Larsen - Bread and Circuses

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/3/24 | 7/3/24

Honestly, I will rarely include my personal political opinions in this format. In the past, I’d mask them in a metaphor on occasion here and there. But I wouldn’t be true to my Baby Boomer readership if I didn’t allude to the really important issues once in a while.

This is one of those times I'm going to be more direct though.

I do have very knowledgeable resources in my life that I can talk through the major issues with. I have these discussions often, not ever wanting to ignore the really important social issues that seem to be sneaking up on us more frequently these days. 

It’s disconcerting to think that these issues only then get tucked into a 20 second news feed on the evening news  before those never ending  dancing drug commercials…hence BREAD AND CIRCUSES. 

Let’s begin with the actual phrase…leading us back in time to the

Roman Emperors who offered free grain to the masses so that they would not starve and then went on to organize entertainment events to maintain social order among its citizens. Chariot races and gladiators entertained the plebeians so that they would not get bored or restless. Bribery often worked as well. 

Hmmmm, very interesting in terms of understanding why this concept has stood the test of time and has resurfaced as of late.

Does any of this sound remotely familiar ? 

That was then…and this is now. The 2024 election year. 

I’m feeling more confused by it all. 

Here we are, the oldest of FOUR GENERATIONS that are still present in this world, who still care deeply for this beautiful country that we live in. Voting still matters very much to us. Heck, I’m not sure if it matters as much to the younger registered voter ship. WHAT is that going to mean this NOVEMBER?

BUT before we actually get to this coming election day, I’ve recently read about amendments made by an executive order of the president to the Title IX anti-discrimination act  (which was a landmark federal civil rights law enacted in 1972 to prohibit sex-based discrimination in any institutions with educational programs or activities that receive funding from the federal government.).

These new amendments to Title IX  are due to be enacted on August 1st, 2024.

It’s easy enough to do a google search and you’ll find lots to read about the topic.

I personally found these changes to be troubling as I consider the world that my grandchildren will be growing up in.

You may not feel as I do. That’s what we call being AMERICAN.

I was hoping that there could have been more dialogue to help us to further understand how these changes will affect our kids' worlds “before" these changes were made.

But as the title of this column suggests, there have been too many  distractions plaguing us right now. 

I’m trying to subtly tweak your curiosity to check this out.

I’m not sure if it will even matter as the wheels are now in motion for this situation to prevail across our great land.

Regardless, I encourage you to have healthy dialogue with your friends and family on these hard topics. 

Doing so without the labels of a political party or cultural affiliation will turn many issues around. 

We are AMERICANS. WE can still make a difference. 

WE still have a voice. 

Instead of “bread and circuses” why not shift the concept to

something that has more meaning for us all…WE THE PEOPLE! 

Pat Larsen, lives, works and plays in Greene County, NY. 

The two passions that drive her life include Fitness for Seniors and Baby Boomers and 

Programs to help with the process of Aging with Grace…growing wiser. 

This year's recipient of the 5IVE TOP CHANGE MAKERS award in Greene County are among her latest achievements.

Contact Pat Larsen at 518-275-8686 to chat or ask about her programs.

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