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Desmond Featured in National Press over SAFE Act Stance

Written By Editor on 9/11/13 | 9/11/13

Schoharie County Sheriff Tony Desmond has made no secret of his disdain for the recent New York Safe Act. The Sheriff joined the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors in condemning the legislation while citing its perceived unconstitutionality.

Now the Sheriff has made it clear that he will not impose a law that he believes is against the Second Amendment. Desmond has been campaigning against the SAFE Act for weeks now, but has taken another step forward by announcing that he will not prosecute Schoharie County residents that violate the law.

This has been noticed in gun forums across the country, leaping into the pages of Reason, the nation's foremost libertarian magazine. Reason pulls a quote from the Oneonta Daily Star and make Mr. Desmond a centerpiece of the story.

“I’m not going back on my personal conviction,” he said. Residents have told him this is what they want, he said, and “I’ve stood up for them, and I will continue to do so.”
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