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Home » , » Ethington Accused of Impropreity in YouTube Video

Ethington Accused of Impropreity in YouTube Video

Written By Editor on 9/24/13 | 9/24/13

Todd Ethington has recently been accused of attempting to influence a hiring decision. In a video posted to YouTube, Ethington reportedly leaves a message on an answering machine. The poster of the video accuses the candidate of inappropriate behavior. In the video a voice clearly says in part "...this is Todd..." Much of the audio appears difficult to make out.

The controversy has bled over into a poll conducted by the Schoharie News. In the comments a link to the video and commentary are listed.

Edit: 3:16pm. Jeff Bever has written on the Schoharie News' Facebook page that he did not list this video. Its originator is not known at the moment.
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