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Milone, VanWormer, VanGlad Lead in Chair Poll

Written By Editor on 11/17/13 | 11/17/13

The newest Schoharie News poll has a jumbled mix in regards to who should become the next Chair of the County Board of Supervisors. There were many votes-- including an interesting situation revolving around Gilboa Supervisor Tony VanGlad. In rapid succession, about 90 votes were added to his total, which we believe was done either by computer error or someone voting more than they should. As such, with those votes removed we have an interesting picture. Of course, this is an unscientific poll and the extra votes reflects the  imperfect process.

Included in the poll question were Supervisors at least entering in their second term. The poll also includes the current Chair Phil Skowfoe and two former Chairs, Earl VanWormer and Harold Vroman. The results follow.

Manko, Sharon- 17: 7.6%
Buzon, Middleburgh- 13: 5.8%
Milone, Schoharie- 67: 29.9% 
Skowfoe, Fulton- 16: 7.1% 
VanGlad, Gilboa- 29: 12.9% 
Vroman, Summit- 9: 4.0%
Barbic, Seward-7: 3.1%
VanWormer, Esperance- 40: 17.9%
Lape, Richmondville- 15: 6.7% 
Bradt, Carlisle- 11: 4.9% 
Total: 224

Clearly, Gene Milone's leadership relating to the Fitzmaurice Report have been well-received by the residents of the County. In second was former Chair Earl VanWormer, who has not publicly stated that he will seek the chairmanship. Third was Mr. VanGlad, who is very popular in Gilboa. In fourth is Sandra Manko of Sharon.

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