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AMERICAN PICKERS to Film in New York

Written By Editor on 5/17/22 | 5/17/22

The American Pickers are excited to return to New York! They plan to film episodes of The History Channel hit  television series throughout your area in August 2022.  

AMERICAN PICKERS is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique “picking” on The  History Channel. The hit show follows skilled pickers in the business, as they hunt for America’s most valuable  antiques. They are always excited to find sizeable, unique collections and learn the interesting stories  behind them. 

As they hit the back roads from coast to coast, the Pickers are on a mission to recycle and rescue forgotten  relics. Along the way, they want to meet characters with remarkable and exceptional items. They hope to give historically significant objects a new lease on life while learning a thing or two about America’s past along the  way. The Pickers have seen a lot of rusty gold over the years and are always looking to discover something  they’ve never seen before. They are ready to find extraordinary items and hear fascinating tales about them.  

We at American Pickers continue to take the pandemic very seriously and will be following all guidelines and  protocols for safe filming outlined by the state and CDC. Nevertheless, we are excited to continue reaching the  many collectors in the area to discuss their years of picking and are eager to hear their memorable stories! 

The American Pickers TV Show is looking for leads and would love to explore your hidden treasure. If you or  someone you know has a large, private collection or accumulation of antiques that the Pickers can spend the  better part of the day looking through, send us your name, phone number, location, and description of the  collection with photos to or call (646) 493-2184 

facebook: @GotAPick 

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Saturday, May 21stis their 20th Annual “Student-Coordinated” Dream Out Loud™ Youth Leadership Conference Located at St. John’s University- D’angelo Center 

(8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, New York 11439) 

That includes presenting the 2022 Barbara Harmon Unsung Hero Award! 

The vision of The Dream Out Loud™ Conference is to allow several platforms for youth to express themselves while being educated and guided to make healthy choices. Students and staff will be treated to a day of education and interactive entertainment. In addition to presentations, performers, and workshops, breakfast and lunch will be served. “I love being a part of a team that inspires youth to become the best versions of themselves,” states Yonita Roman, one of the teen conference coordinators. 

“One in three high school students reported persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, a 40% increase from 2009 to 2019”, said Surgeon General Vivek Murthy in a stark warning about the state of youth mental health this past December. “Suicide rates went up during that time by 57% among youth ages 10 to 24. During the pandemic, rates of anxiety and depression have increased… The pandemic has made the issues behind the mental health crisis only worse… This is a critical issue that we have to do something about now," exclaimed Murthy. ( 

Sponsors who are passionate about education reform and raising the bar in terms of how we approach inspiring youth to be active leaders in their community, are heeding Murthy’s call. These visionary companies and schools are responsible for creating the platform for youth to be empowered to find their voice and create a difference in their schools and community. Leading the charge is The Eisenberg Leadership Academy and St. John’s University Liberty Partnerships Program, in collaboration with Veritas Academy in Queens, NY, and The Passion Centre out of Toronto, Canada. 

On Saturday, May 21st, at 8:30 a.m, the doors of The D’angelo Center will open to 200 high school youth from around New York City as trained high school leaders will enable their peers in attendance to express themselves and learn about making healthy choices. Each student will have the opportunity to attend workshops involving subjects ranging from mental health in a post-covid world, suicide prevention, building self-esteem, cultural awareness, activating your dreams, and much more. All of the workshops will encourage students to dig deeper into issues that matter to teens today. 

The conference begins with motivational speaker Sandy Sanchez, who appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, and will culminate in awarding The Barbara Harmon Unsung Hero Award and a multicultural lunch. The Unsung Hero Award is intended to bring light to an individual’s selfless contribution. On September 11th, 2001, as the second plane flew into the World Trade Center, Barbara, with poise and character, sprung from her Wall Street office and into action. After spending six months helping others at the site of this tragedy every single night after work, she developed an illness that contributed to her tireless efforts. This illness resulted in her untimely departure, just 14 months after 9/11.

This year’s Unsung Hero Award goes to Alex Garfield, a successful entrepreneur in the world of fashion and has devoted his life to those less fortunate than him. A long time Board Member of Dress for Success, lead sponsor of the teen focused non-profit Windows of Opportunity, an avid supporter of the youth empowerment company Council for Unity, and founder of Cure by Design, which operates as part of The American Cancer Society, is only the beginning of a long list of lives that Mr. Garfield has impacted. “There is nobody I have ever met like Alex,” states TELA’s CEO, Hal Eisenberg. “Alex lights up a room with his infectious love and truly embodies what it means to go above and beyond for humanity on a daily basis. He is truly one of a kind and pure love. I have never seen anyone walk away from Alex without a smile on their face.” 

Mr. Garfield said, "I used to apologize to my son for letting go of the ‘Peace, Love & Happiness’ and all we had in the 60’s. I told him he and his friends will have to fix it when I’m gone. As my son was growing up, I choose to connect my magical friends who’ve been involved in sharing their magic with kids, so I began to connect the magic. Lately, I tell my son and his friends that my friends and I are going to do all we can to make our world a better place before we’re gone." 

The Dream Out Loud Conference is being held at St. John’s University * The D’angelo Center * 8000 Utopia Parkway * Queens, New York 11439 * May 21, 2022 * Doors Open 8:30 A.M * Opening Ceremonies 9:15 A.M. * The event is FREE. 


TELA is designing a world where youths are taking the center stage and creating positive changes in the areas that most concern them by providing global platforms for youth empowerment and leadership. 


Liberty Partnerships Programs offer comprehensive pre-collegiate/dropout prevention programs and services to youth in Urban, Rural and Suburban communities. 


TPC empowers individuals to identify their passion and employ it towards building a business, career, or lifestyle. TPC believes that people’s passions are the world’s greatest hidden economic and social asset. 


Veritas Academy is a Renzulli school of learning where faculty and staff are committed to finding and igniting the gifts and talents of every student. 

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Jesse Hilson's "Blood Trip" Meet the Author Reading & Book Signing Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 1 PM at The Tulip and the Ros

For Immediate Release
Contact: Beatrice Georgalidis, Executive Director
Treadwell, NY 

Jesse Hilson will read from his debut novel "Blood Trip" and sign books on sale this Saturday, May 21, 2022 at The Tulip and the Rose, 435 Main St, Franklin, NY 13775 at 1 PM. A full brunch menu will be offered.

Jesse Hilson is a freelance newspaper reporter and cartoonist living in the Catskills in New York State. His writing has appeared or will appear in AZURE, Maudlin House, Rejection Letters, Misery Tourism, Expat Lit, Apocalypse Confidential, DFL, Heavy Feather Review, and elsewhere. He is the author of the novel Blood Trip (Close to the Bone UK) and the forthcoming poetry chapbook Handcuffing the Venus De Milo from Bullshit Lit. He can be found on Twitter and Instagram at @platelet60 and he has a Substack newsletter at
Hilson's Blood Trip is a fast-paced crime novel about jealousy and murder in which a divorced dad goes off the rails and hires a hitman to kill his ex-wife's new husband.
It has been called by crime writer Max Thrax "a delightfully twisted and inventive noir, reminiscent of past masters Thompson, Willeford, and Dan J. Marlowe."

The novel is set partially in the small city of Oylesburg which is a fictionalized location based on Oneonta, NY. This is his first novel. 

To purchase Blood Trip click here.

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Bassett Healthcare Network Campions Healthy Rural Communities with Distinctive License Plate Legislation

Central New York’s Bassett Healthcare Network has proposed innovative legislation to Albany lawmakers to provide additional funding to help overcome critical rural health disparities. The proposal is to offer a distinctive license tag option known as the Feeling Rural Good plate. Proponents pledge the unique license plate, if ultimately approved by the New York State Assembly and Senate, and if signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul, would also significantly raise public awareness about the growing crisis in rural healthcare.

Bills to authorize the aptly named Feeling Rural Good license plate have been introduced by State Senator Rachel May (S. 8616) and Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara (A. 09748).  The bill is moving swiftly through the Senate, where last week the Senate Transportation Committee reported it to the Senate Calendar for consideration before the full Senate. The bill is expected to pass the Senate before the close of the legislative session on June 2, 2022.  In the Assembly, the bill has been referred to the Assembly Transportation Committee, where it is under consideration.  Bassett and other stakeholders are working with Assembly leadership in an effort to advance the bill in the Assembly.  

“Eighteen percent of New York residents live in a rural community,” explains Basset President & CEO, Dr. Tommy Ibrahim.  “If New Yorkers are going to have any hope of better funding the health care priorities of our families, friends and neighbors, then we are all going to need to find more effective and innovative ways of providing that critical financial support without relying upon severely stretched local, state and federal government funds alone.”

Dr. Ibrahim notes that the Feeling Rural Good license plate would encourage more leveraged and impactful funding to reduce rural health disparities through the type of public-private-philanthropic partnerships the proposed New York tag would promote.

“My bill would provide New Yorkers with the opportunity to voluntarily direct an extra $25 a year to support more philanthropic funding for helping eliminate some of these very challenging rural health disparities in our communities,” explains Senator May.

Assemblyman Santabarbara adds, “Rural communities often face many barriers to accessing health care needs. The Feeling Rural Good license plate program is a creative way to raise awareness and help us close the gaps on these long-standing issues.  As Chair of the NYS Assembly’s Rural Resources Commission, I’ve fought long and hard for more health care options in the rural areas of our state and I’ll always put my support behind initiatives that can help improve access to these important services that all families deserve.”

The two New York lawmakers have proposed that voluntary proceeds from the distinctive license plate go to fund key priorities under the jurisdiction of the New York Department of Health.  The legislation’s funding priorities would focus on 1) expansion of rural school-based health clinics in the state, 2) evidenced-based rural health-related research and education through New York based universities, 3) enhanced physician recruitment in rural areas, 4) improved access to broadband and internet services, and 5) supplemental funding to improve access to hospital, long-term care and home care services in rural communities.

Any qualified rural healthcare provider in the state would be eligible to apply for funding through the New York Department of Health from the Feeling Rural Good plate proceeds, assuming the distinctive license plate becomes law.

An influential coalition of state trade associations are supporting the Senate and Assembly bills.  They include: Iroquois Healthcare Association, Home Care Association of New York State, New York State School-Based Health Alliance, and LeadingAge New York.

“We expect that more support will be coming for the Feeling Rural Good license plate from other groups in the near future,” says Iroquois Healthcare Association President, Gary J. Fitzgerald. “Raising awareness to address the unique needs of upstate and rural health care providers is critical to finding new solutions. Iroquois welcomes Senator May’s and Assembly Member Santabarbara’s legislation as an effective way to accomplish that goal. Directing health care funding to rural providers is critically important to ensure New York’s rural residents have ready access to the care they need,” emphasizes Fitzgerald.  “The Feeling Rural Good license plate would be especially effective because it is voluntarily funded, broadly supportive of rural healthcare providers and continues to raise awareness for this worthwhile and compelling cause.”

“This legislative initiative is designed to help us all ‘feel rural good’ about the quality of healthcare we can make available and provide in the State of New York,” says Senator May.  “I hope my fellow lawmakers and the Governor will agree!”

Note to the Editor:

A representative sample of what a Feeling Rural Good distinctive license plate might look like is included with this release.  The State of New York will most likely create its own version of what a tag might show, if signed into law. This image is for illustration purposes only.

About the Crisis in Rural Health Care:

Rural healthcare disparities exist across the nation in a full array of services including, but not limited to: mental health and addiction, broadband access, workforce limitations, copays and declining reimbursements, health literacy, transportation, elder care, and more.  The Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform notes that 130 rural hospitals have closed over the past decade.  Nineteen closed in 2019 alone with another 20 closing in 2020.  Nine hundred rural hospitals are at risk of closing in the future due to low financial reserves are deep dependence on local taxes and state grants.  It is estimated that 40 percent of all rural hospitals in America are in danger of closing.  

About Bassett Healthcare Network

Celebrating its 100th anniversary June 3rd, Bassett Healthcare Network is comprised of five hospitals and two residential living facilities serving eight counties in Central New York, roughly the geographic size of the state of Connecticut.  Not your typical rural healthcare provider, Bassett hosts comprehensive services in cancer, heart, orthopedics, surgery, and primary care, among others.  More than 20 school-based health clinics are annually funded by Bassett offering some students and their families not only healthcare but dental services and mental health counseling as well.  The New York Center for Agricultural Medicine & Health is also supported by Bassett.  A nine-decades-long academic partnership with Columbia University results in medical residents graduating from the Columbia-Bassett Track with a concentration in rural medicine as well as collaborative research initiatives.  Bassett is nationally-known as a leader in fostering healthy rural communities.  The first bone marrow transplant in the United States was performed at Bassett, as was the first tissue transplant in America.  The physician-in-chief at Bassett for the bone marrow transplant ultimately won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his pioneering work which continued at Stanford University.  Bassett will be hosting the 2022 Conference on Healthy Rural Communities at the Otesaga Resort in Cooperstown October 31st through November 2nd.  The focus of the 2022 Conference is access in rural communities – what is it and who is doing something good about it?


To learn more about services available throughout the Bassett Healthcare Network, visit Follow Bassett on Facebook at

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Hunter, NY – On Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21 at 8 pm, the Catskill Mountain Foundation presents Bad Dates: Two Singular Studies in Dating—a night of short plays directed by Mark Singer — featuring Check Please by Jonathan Rand, and Books that Did Not Help Me Pick Up Women, by John McCaffrey and Mark Singer. These plays will stream on ShowShare, Broadway-on-Demand’s live streaming platform.

Books That Did Not Help Me Pick Up Women
Based on author and playwright John McCaffrey’s experiences as a young man dating on the Upper West Side of New York, Books tells the tale of a barfly who uses his love of literature to help get dates … with unpredictable (and very amusing) results.


Viewers may remember last season’s hilarious Wanda’s Visit, featuring Mark Singer, Darcy Dunn, Dayna Kurtz and John McCaffrey in a tale of a bored married couple whose lives are upended by the visit of a somewhat unhinged ex-girlfriend. In this new production, Darcy Dunn and Dayna Kurtz return in the cast. Mark, who both directed and acted in Wanda, only directed this time around. “One thing I learned from our production of Wanda, is that it’s very difficult to act in and direct a video of a play at the same time. So even though the idea of acting in this production was very tempting—I’d created the lead role of Graham in the first production of Books—I really wanted to direct this and needed to make sure it worked visually. Fortunately my very talented friend Otoja Abit agreed to play Graham, so we were all set.”


Books was originally a short story by John that he and Mark then adapted into a short play: we’ve always wanted to do another production of the original short play. We love the pacing—it’s only about ten minutes long—but there are six scenes. It’s fast and funny.”

Check Please
Dating can be hard. Especially when your date happens to be a raging kleptomaniac, or your grandmother’s bridge partner, or a mime. Check Please follows a series of blind dinner dates that couldn’t get any worse—until they do. Could there possibly be a light at the end of the tunnel? Otoja Abit and Dayna Kurtz lead the cast as two singles who go on a series of disastrous—and hilarious—dates in their search for love. The rest of the cast play multiple characters and take turns bringing new and hysterical dimension to the term “Bad Dates.”

Playwright Jonathan Rand is among the most popular contemporary playwrights writing today, his stage plays having been performed over 26,000 times in theaters across 67 countries.

According to an independent survey of American schools, Jonathan’s one-act comedy Check Please was the #1 most-produced short play every season for the last 17 years.


Viewers may watch for free, but must sign in to a Broadway-on-Demand account prior to watching. It is highly recommended that you set up an account prior to the live stream: you may do so at Dates: Two Singular Studies in Dating can be seen on  Friday, May, 20 or on Saturday, May 21Learn more at

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Multiple Wildfires Hit Delaware, Otsego Counties

Towns of Hamden, Hancock, Deposit, Maryland
Delaware and Otsego Counties
 From May 10 to 16, Forest Rangers responded to multiple wildfires in Delaware and Otsego counties. Rangers assisted local fire departments with suppression and enforcement actions, along with periodic patrols during the week to check each fire's status. The size of wildfires ranged from 1.9 to 11.1 acres. The fires were caused by illegal debris burning and utility work on power lines.

view of wildfire burning on the forest floor

Wildfire in Hamden

scorched land after wildfire
Wildfire in Hancock

scorched land on either side of a dirt road cutting through the forest

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Biennial list from the Preservation League of NYS highlights the most at-risk historic places across the state

Since 1999, the Preservation League has highlighted New York’s most endangered historic sites through its Seven to Save program. The League works closely with local advocates over the course of the two-year listing and beyond, raising visibility, assisting with advocacy, and providing extensive technical services.


“The individual sites included on this year’s Seven to Save list embody key preservation issues affecting places across New York State,” said Preservation League President Jay DiLorenzo. “From the negative environmental impact of senseless demolition to bringing little-known, but important, histories to light, the League is excited to work alongside on-the-ground advocates to save each of these seven at-risk places.”




Thomas Memorial AME Zion Church, Watertown, Jefferson County | Press Release

  • Built in 1909, this African American church, whose original congregation had ties to the Underground Railroad, has been without an active congregation since 2012. Working with local stakeholders to find a use that will best serve its community today, this modest building has the potential to educate and inspire in Watertown, throughout the North Country, and beyond.

Genesee Valley Park, Rochester, Monroe County | Press Release

  • The woodland buffer of Genesee Valley Park is an original aspect of the Frederick Law Olmsted’s design, but it is under threat by a proposed development plan. This Olmsted bicentennial year provides an opportunity to articulate a preservation ethic regarding under-valued historic landscapes, and the League will work with local stakeholders to advocate for proper stewardship of this important piece of Rochester’s historic park system.

Proposed South of Union Square Historic District, Manhattan, New York County | Press Release

  • While the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission has cited the architectural and cultural variety of the area as a reason why the neighborhood shouldn't be landmarked, this variety and vibrancy are precisely what make the proposed South of Union Square Historic District such a vital resource to preserve. Our colleagues at Village Preservation have designed and led the campaign for landmark designation and the League is eager to join them in this work.

Penn Station Neighborhood, Manhattan, New York County | Press Release

  • New York State's Empire State Development Corporation’s proposed Pennsylvania Station Civic and Land Use Project (the "Penn Area Plan") would demolish multiple blocks of historic buildings in the vicinity of Penn Station. Thousands of people will be displaced, and the negative environmental impact of such senseless demolition would be astronomical. Empire Station Coalition, a group of concerned community organizations, banded together in 2020 to fight the proposed Plan. The League is eager to join them.

Downtown Oneonta Historic District, Oneonta, Otsego County | Press Release

  • Historic preservation can serve as an economic life raft for upstate cities like Oneonta, but the public perception of preservation is a challenge for community buy-in. The League is eager to work with the City of Oneonta to provide outreach that engages a broad audience to help clarify the benefits of preservation and their historic downtown.

Willard State Hospital, Romulus, Seneca County | Press Release

  • State hospital complexes like this one pose a particular set of challenges and can be seen mirrored at similar locations across the state. Considering the future of Willard now is vital to preserving an important part of New York State history before long-term vacancy causes the remaining buildings to deteriorate past the point of no return.

James Brooks / Charlotte Park Home & Studios, East Hampton, Suffolk County | Press Release

  • Artists James Brooks and Charlotte Park were at the forefront of the Abstract Expressionist art movement of the 1940s and 50s. Their home and studios in East Hampton are an important physical link to this history. Overdevelopment is a major issue on Long Island, and the preservation of this site provides a chance to not only save a vital part of local history connected to a groundbreaking American art movement, but also a pristine natural landscape. First listed by Preservation Long Island on their 2021 Endangered Historic Properties List, the League’s listing follows close behind the inclusion of Brooks-Park on the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s 2022 11 Most Endangered List, underscoring the truly national importance of this site.


“Alleviating threats and in some cases outright saving these seven sites from demolition will make for challenging approaches,” said Preservation League Seven to Save Committee Chair Caroline Rob Zaleski. “The Preservation League staff are up to the task, as has been shown with the Seven to Save program’s remarkable 20-year track record in forming partnerships to help save and protect historic resources in New York State. Our selection committee chose to feature a diverse range of sites: a small African American church reflecting optimism and ingenuity; a Frederick Law Olmsted park during Olmsted’s bicentennial year; three urban districts – rife with history and varied important architecture; a recently closed 400-acre State hospital complex on Seneca Lake; and lastly a wooded site in Eastern Long Island, where the extant studios of two important Abstract Expressionist artists wait to be restored for public view.” 


The League collaborates with property owners, elected officials, and other stakeholders to craft preservation strategies and put these plans into action. Through partnerships with groups and individuals, threats to dozens of at-risk buildings, landscapes, downtowns, and neighborhoods have been reduced, and in many cases, eliminated by the Preservation League’s Seven to Save listing and subsequent actions. Click here for a complete list of every Seven to Save listing, from 1999-present.

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New York State Police BCI Arrests Cairo Man for Alleged Child Rape

Written By Editor on 5/16/22 | 5/16/22

On May 7, 2022, New York State Police Catskill arrested Celino Reyes, age 61 from the town of Cairo for Rape 1st degree, Criminal Sex Act Victim less than 11 years of age, Course of Sexual Conduct of a Child 1st degree, Aggravated Sexual Abuse 1st degree, Predatory Sexual Assault Against a Child, and Sexual Conduct Against a Child less than 13 years of age, all felonies.

On December 17, 2021, the state police were notified by the Oregon Child Protective Services (CPS) Hotline that Celino Reyes sexually assaulted a minor that previously lived in Greene County New York and Columbia County New York. State Police notified Greene County CPS and learned that they also received a report that Reyes had sexually assaulted a minor on numerous occasions.

On April 25, 2022, Reyes was indicted by a Grand Jury in Columbia County and an arrest warrant was issued for his arrest. He was arrested and processed for 2 counts of Sexual Abuse 1st degree and 1 count of Attempted Sexual Abuse 1st degree. He was arraigned in Columbia County Court before Honorable Koweek who released him on his recognizance with a return date of May 31, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.

New York State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation Catskill (BCI) received an arrest warrant for Celino Reyes on May 3, 2022, for the charges of Predatory Sexual Assault Against a Child and Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child 1st degree.

Ryes was arrested May 7, 2022. He was remanded to Greene County Jail on $50,000 bond and $100,000 bail.

This is a joint investigation by New York State Police Investigators from Troop F and Troop K.

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Public Service Announcement: Make Safe Choices During the National Baby Formula Shortage

 As the United States grapples with a national baby formula shortage, Bassett Healthcare Network (BHN) wants to ensure parents are aware of the right and wrong ways to conserve resources. 

Baby formulas are made with the exact amounts of specific nutrients—the right amounts of protein, calcium, iron, sodium and vitamins that babies need for healthy growth and development. The FDA carefully scrutinizes this balance to ensure any formulas sold in the US are safe and meet the nutritional standards that babies need.
For this reason, while it may be tempting when stretching out a home supply, watering down formula is not safe. Watering down formula dilutes the nutrients, causing a baby get full without consuming all they need. It can cause nutritional imbalances in your baby and lead to serious health problems including seizures. When mixing formula, always follow label instructions provided by the manufacturer or those given to you by your pediatrician.
Likewise, we also do not recommend following a recipe for homemade formula as it can also be dangerous. As with diluted formula, homemade formula may not contain the right amounts of the nutrients a baby needs. Ingredients such as calcium and phosphorus can affect each other in ways that can affect a baby’s growth. Excessively high or low sodium or calcium levels can lead to hospitalization and even death. Homemade formulas can also become contaminated, which can result in serious infections. There have been reports of babies being hospitalized for nutritional deficiencies after taking homemade formula.
Instead, patients should be flexible about brands based on what’s available.
“The common rule of thumb is to choose a brand and stick with it for consistency,” explains Dr. Monica Brané, BHN’s chief of pediatrics. “But for most babies, it is OK to switch to any available formula, including store brands. The only exceptions are babies on a specific extensively hydrolyzed or amino acid-based formula, such as Elecare. For those no store brand exists.”
Any parents with an infant on a strict diet should consult with a pediatrician before changing formulas—preferably the pediatrician who directed them to go on the diet.
For more information, Bassett pediatricians also recommend the following resources: 

Anyone with further questions or concerns should speak with their child’s pediatrician or family practitioner.


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