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NY-19 Decides: Dave Clegg

Written By Cicero on 6/20/18 | 6/20/18

“I feel my responsibility is to hold the executive branch in check...” - Dave Clegg

NY-19 Decides: Dave Clegg
By Joshua Walther

Dave Clegg has a particular affinity for education, a trait that was first born when he was raised in Staten Island. Seeking a quality education, he traveled two hours both ways to attend school at Brooklyn Tech. He went on to SUNY New Paltz, and SUNY Buffalo to receive his law degree. Upon returning to the Hudson Valley, Mr. Clegg set up his law practice, and has put down many roots in the region.

Mr. Clegg is one of the seven Democratic candidates that hope for the party nomination. While he has never held elected office, he has still acquired much knowledge and experience after his 37 years in the district. He believes that this is what is needed to defeat incumbent Republican Congressman John Faso in the fall.

Mr. Clegg would focus much of his time and energy on passing the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act. “By passing this legislation, profit motive would be removed from health care system, every person would get quality care, and this would be a far cheaper system then it is now.”

He will also fight as best he can to repeal the tax bill that makes the wealthy wealthier, and use that money for finding environmentally friendly energy sources, stabilize the infrastructure, and bring broadband to rural areas. Mr. Clegg believes that we can “become a national leader in food production.” He will not only work to incentivize small farm growth, but also remove the pollutants that threaten the area.

Mr. Clegg realizes that there is a growing problem with poverty and education, and they go hand in hand. The schools in the area are not being funded well enough, and this leads to students that don’t understand how to keep up with the advancing economy. He feels that both situations need to be resolved, and it is something that can be prevented in the future.

As for gun control, Mr. Clegg is adamant that reform is needed. He referred to “getting guns like AR-15 out of the streets, implementing universal background checks, closing the gun show and internet loophole, and allowing funding to studying this epidemic.” In addition, he mentioned the removal of the liability protection on gun manufacturers, which hold them accountable and motivate them to create firearms with safer technology.

When it comes to running against the other candidates, Mr. Clegg believes that he has done the most work for the community. He has founded the Darmstadt Homeless Shelter, represented many people as a trial attorney, is involved with the United Methodist Church, and teaches ethics classes at Woodbourne Prison, among numerous other engagements with the local population.  

With this in mind, Mr. Clegg feels that he is ready to represent the people of the district, and focus on their needs and desires. “It will take experience, leadership, and someone who has been ingrained in our district.” He believes that he is the one to take on this responsibility, and is confident in his abilities.  

Democrats will choose their nominee on Tuesday, June 26th.  

Editor's Note: This is the fifth in a series of interviews with the seven candidates vying for the NY-19 Democratic nomination. All seven interviews will appear in the Friday, June 22nd print edition of the Mountain Eagle.

NY-19 Decides: Gareth Rhodes

"People are actually looking for experience and looking for someone who knows what they're doing..." - Gareth Rhodes.

NY-19 Decides: Gareth Rhodes
By Timothy Knight 
Born and raised on a farm in Esopus, NY-19 congressional candidate and former Cuomo Administration alum Gareth Rhodes told the Mountain Eagle in a recent sit down interview that he is the most experienced candidate running because, "I'm the only candidate running with government experience here in New York State."

Mr. Rhodes, who is a Political Science major from CUNY City College of New York and who has more government experience than his opponents combined at only age 29, is one of seven Democratic candidates vying to challenge incumbent Republican Congressman John Faso in this fall's general election.

Running on a platform that is often more local than national in nature, Mr. Rhodes has struck a chord of identifying community needs in his campaign: increasing cell phone service, hastening the spread of broadband, developing public transportation, and bringing a maternity ward back to underserved communities. 

This local emphasis is due in part to Mr. Rhodes' folksy tour of all 163 towns in the district - which is bigger than Connecticut and Rhode Island combined - in his 1999 Ford Winnebago, where the candidate met the Mountain Eagle for this story.

Although this technique is not new, as former U.S. Senator Scott Brown is renown for his 2010 campaign in his beat up pickup truck in neighboring Massachusetts, it represents a simpler approach in a race that has become defined by candidates spending large amounts of money on mailers, commercials, and consultants. 

"The majority of my challengers are running very much Washington campaigns, which is raise as much money as you can from out of district donors - very wealthy out of district donors - that is the Washington playbook and it has been tried in NY-19 many, many times; I'm doing completely opposite," commented Mr. Rhodes.

In addition to advocating for the aforementioned local issues, Mr. Rhodes is also campaigning on a very strong environmental message. Citing his childhood in the Catskills, he believes in fighting climate change, fully funding the EPA, and protecting air and water and farm land in Congress. 

From drilling water wells before college to protesting against the Iraq War in his youth and working in Governor Cuomo's office for five years, the candidate has a record of deeply intertwined public advocacy that is motivated by his political science bonafides. Mr. Rhodes, in particular, is passionate about health care after having lost a parent to cancer and is in favor of Medicare for All.

Describing the difference between himself and his potential fall GOP rival as, "Like night and day," Mr. Rhodes dinged the one term representative for not holding public meetings and for not showing up in his district, while saying constituents need someone who will "look voters in the eye" and put the district first.

When asked to make his final case to undecided voters, Mr. Rhodes said "Gareth is the best candidate to beat John Faso and he's the best candidate to serve this community because he has taken the time to listen and the needs of each town are the issues he will fight for in Washington, D.C."

Democrats will choose their nominee on Tuesday, June 26th.

Editor's Note: This is the fourth in a series of interviews with the seven candidates vying for the NY-19 Democratic nomination. All seven interviews will appear in the Friday, June 22nd print edition of the Mountain Eagle.

NY-19 Decides: Antonio Delgado

Written By Cicero on 6/19/18 | 6/19/18

We need representatives who are only beholden to the people, not special interests...” - Antonio Delgado

NY-19 Decides: Antonio Delgado
By Joshua Walther

Antonio Delgado had always felt that “education was the great equalizer”, a reality he experienced while growing up in Schenectady, New York. He was born into a working class family, though he managed to move up through Oxford University and Harvard Law School. After this, he moved to Los Angeles to begin a music company, focusing on hip hop culture and how it can bring people together.  

Ultimately, he returned to New York City to develop his legal skills, and focused on commercial issues and other work, such as cases on identity theft.

Mr. Delgado is one of the seven Democratic candidates attempting to gain the party nomination. He is confident that he can run against incumbent Republican Congressman John Faso in the general election this fall.

Mr. Delgado believes in the power of education, universal health care that’s affordable, and recognizing issues with public safety. He believes that each of these things are given rights, and will work hard to remedy these perceived problems.

While in office, Mr. Delgado also hopes to make amends to infrastructure, the criminal justice system, and protecting the environment.

Mr. Delgado ensures that he differs from his competition due to his willingness to meet with all people, no matter their political background or ideals, and said “I have a profound belief that people have trouble turning their backs on love and genuineness.”

The candidate also boasted his Diner Tour, in which he traveled across the district, stopping at local diners in towns such as Saugerties or Cobleskill, to meet with residents that were still undecided in their vote. His team also collected 6,000 petition signatures, which is more than any other Democratic candidate running against him.

At these Diner Tour stops, a topic of contention is gun control. While Mr. Delgado recognizes that responsible gun ownership is protected under the Second Amendment, he supports reforms such as banning bump stocks, which were used in the Las Vegas shooting, and prohibiting the sale of firearms to domestic abusers. Not only this, but it will be a priority to “keep weapons of war out of our neighborhoods, churches, theaters and schools.”

Mr. Delgado also called out John Faso on taking thousands of dollars from the National Rifle Association, and staying silent on topics that he felt needed to be addressed. “I won’t take a cent of their money,” he said, and promised to do his best to deliver on his word.

“We are uniquely equipped to defeat Faso in November by out-working him and out-organizing him,” Mr. Delgado closed with. He believes in both sides of the community, even those who would not normally vote in his favor. “He is going to be tough, but we have the resources to do it.”

Democrats will choose their nominee on Tuesday, June 26th.

Editor's Note: This is the third in a series of interviews with the seven candidates vying for the NY-19 Democratic nomination. All seven interviews will appear in the Friday, June 22nd print edition of the Mountain Eagle.

NY-19 Decides: Erin Collier

Written By Cicero on 6/18/18 | 6/18/18

"I'm an economist: I know what good economic policy looks like that benefits everyone and not just the elites..." - Erin Collier

NY-19 Decides: Erin Collier
By Timothy Knight

Born and raised in Cooperstown, NY-19 congressional candidate and agricultural economist Erin Collier told the Mountain Eagle in a recent phone conversation that due to her experience growing up poor on the family farm, "I know what it's like to go without."

Ms. Collier, who is a graduate of Cornell University and who worked in the Obama Administration as an ag economist, is one of seven Democratic candidates vying for the party's nomination to challenge incumbent Republican Congressman John Faso in this fall's general election.

Finding the Republican Party's approach to income inequality hard to watch, Ms. Collier stated she "felt very strongly about doing something about it."

In particular, the eighth generation native of Otsego County cited the GOP's lack of support for farmers in the recently failed Farm Bill to be troubling. "Thank goodness the farm bill did not pass," said the candidate.

"Ag has long been an important part of our district and it's really struggling right now," cautioned Ms. Collier before adding that, "If we don't do something about it right now, we're going to lose our ag sector."

Putting herself through college by waitressing, Ms. Collier has an unquestionable working class pedigree stemming back to her starting work at only 14 years old, which is why she believes "I understand the challenges we face everyday."

With her family having roots extending back to the seventeen hundreds in the area - one has to look no further than the community of Colliersville for the deepness of said roots - Ms. Collier believes that her connection to the district and her status as an economist makes her unique from the six other candidates running.

"We absolutely must have a progressive economist in Congress," said Ms. Collier. She would go on to add that she is the only candidate with federal policy experience.

Another unique feature of her candidacy is that not only is she the only woman running in a field of seven candidates, but that she launched her campaign only this March - months, if not a whole year after the other contenders - which she said speaks to the financially prohibitive nature of elections.

"If I had $500,000 of my money, I would have been in this race long ago," said Ms. Collier. Further commenting upon the difficulties of her campaign she said, "The harder I felt it was, the more determined I was to get into this race."

When asked what differentiates herself from Mr. Faso, Ms. Collier replied "everything" with a slight laugh. Touching on his opposition to Obamacare, his vote for the farm bill, his opposition to the Paycheck Fairness Act, and the support for him from the National Rifle Association, there was little wiggle room to misinterpret her opposition to her potential opponent's positions.

"This is my home and I come from a working class background," said the candidate when asked why undecided voters should support her. "I care about people [and] I will do the right thing," she added before concluding, "I will always fight for District 19."

Democrats will choose their nominee on Tuesday, June 26th.

Editor's Note: This is the second on a series of interviews with the seven candidates vying for the NY-19 Democratic nomination. All seven interviews will appear in the Friday, June 22nd print edition of the Mountain Eagle.

NY-19 Decides: Pat Ryan

Written By Cicero on 6/13/18 | 6/13/18

"I feel like our country is no longer the country I was ready to put my life on the line for..." - Pat Ryan

NY-19 Decides: Pat Ryan
By Timothy Knight 

Born and raised in Kingston, NY-19 congressional candidate and Iraq War Veteran Pat Ryan told the Mountain Eagle in a recent phone conversation that his mom and grandfather taught him at a young age that, "We all have this responsibility as citizens to participate and give back." 

Mr. Ryan, who is a graduate of West Point and who served two combat deployments in Iraq, is one of seven Democratic candidates vying for the party's nomination to challenge incumbent Republican Congressman John Faso in this fall's general election. 

Wanting to fix the problem he saw first hand in combat, Mr. Ryan started a small business after leaving the military to bring better equipment - namely, body armor - to troops overseas. His small business soon grew to over 150 employees and during this time he earned his Master's in Foreign Policy from Georgetown University.

Explaining that, "I saw how difficult and terrible war is," Mr. Ryan stressed that it should be a last resort that comes after diplomacy and trade craft. Adding that he had to lead young men and women in combat that had to transcend their differences, Mr. Ryan believes that a similar approach is needed in governing. 

The fifth generation Ulster County native believes he differs from his six opponents in that he can beat Mr. Faso due to his ties to the district and his record of service. "People want folks in Congress who have actually shown the willingness to put something greater than themselves first," said Mr. Ryan. 

Pointing to a poll published in April from the Democratic aligned Public Policy Polling firm that shows him narrowly beating his potential general election rival, Mr. Ryan expressed confidence in his ability to win the primary after his team has knocked on over 40,000 doors across the district since he announced.

One of Mr. Ryan's more focal positions has been his stance in support of gun control. Advocating for reinstating the federal assault weapons ban, stronger background checks, and closing the gun show loophole, the candidate stated that he thinks it is reprehensible and unacceptable that schools are starting to feel like a war zone.

Knocking Mr. Faso for being in the pocket of the gun lobby, Mr. Ryan said that supporting stricter gun control measures requires "The moral courage to stand up and take this position."

The candidate further knocked his potential opponent for not showing up in the district and expressed outrage that he wont hold a public forum. "He's about himself and he's about getting big donors taken care of," Mr. Ryan said.

When asked to make his case to undecided voters in one sentence, Mr. Ryan simply said "We need a Congressman who you can trust to have our back on every issue." He then added after a brief pause that this community had his back when he was deployed overseas and that, "We need a candidate who can win against Faso."

Democrats will choose their nominee on Tuesday, June 26th. 

Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of interviews with the seven candidates vying for the NY-19 Democratic nomination. All seven interviews will appear in the Friday, June 22nd print edition of the Mountain Eagle.

Wright Man Arrested for Statutory Rape

Written By Editor on 6/12/18 | 6/12/18

On June 12, 2018, the New York State Police - Bureau of Criminal Investigation SP Princetown arrested Timothy Gaige, age 45 of Wright, NY for Rape 3rd degree.

 On April 15, 2018 SP Cobleskill troopers received a complaint involving a domestic dispute from the female victim involved in the dispute.  During the course of the investigation and subsequent to interviews from both subjects involved in the dispute, the male subject identified as Gaige was found to have been sexually active with the female victim dating back to her age of 16 years old.  Gaige was arrested for Rape 3rd degree (E-Felony).

Gaige was released on his own recognizance with a future court date scheduled in the Town of Wright.

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Two Vehicle Crash in Sharon Results in Serious Injuries

On June 10, 2018 at approximately 3:00 pm troopers responded to a 2- vehicle serious personal injury crash on State Route 20 in the town of Sharon, Schoharie County.

The investigation has determined that a 2016 Mini operated by James C. Delorey, 49, of Westport, CT was travelling eastbound and for an unknown reason crossed over the center line and into the path of a westbound vehicle resulting in a head-on crash. He was transported to Albany Medical Center Hospital with unknown injury and was last listed in stable condition. He was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash.

Angela H. Ryan, 47, of Westport, CT, a front seat passenger in the Mini was transported to Albany Medical Center Hospital with spinal and rib injuries and was last listed in stable condition. She was wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash.

Perrin Delorey, 10, of Westport, CT, a rear seat passenger in the Mini was airlifted to Albany Medical Center Hospital with head and internal injury and is on life support.

The westbound vehicle, a 2018 Chevrolet, was operated by Sherman W. Day, 63, of Mohawk, NY. He was airlifted to Albany Medical Center Hospital with head and neck injury and was last listed in serious condition. He was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash and had to be extricated from the vehicle.

A passenger in the 2018 Chevrolet was evaluated at the scene but was uninjured. He was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash.

The crash is still under investigation by state police units including the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Collision Reconstruction, and the uniform patrol. No charges or tickets have been filed at this time.

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NY-19 Dems Schmooze Schoharie Dems at FDR Spring Fling

Written By Cicero on 6/11/18 | 6/11/18

Gareth Rhodes speaks with Fulton Supervisor
Phil Skowfoe about drilling water wells.
Story & photos by Timothy Knight

SCHOHARIE - With only weeks remaining until Democrat voters across New York's 19th congressional district choose their nominee to challenge incumbent Republican Congressman John Faso in November, four of the seven candidates vying for the nomination wooed the local party faithful at this past weekend's FDR Spring Fling event in Schoharie. 

Working the roomful of Democratic committee members, elected officials, and party supporters from within Schoharie County, candidates Brian Flynn, Erin Collier, Gareth Rhodes, and Antonio Delgado continued this primary's theme of intensive retail politics to sway every voter possible in what could be a race decided by a couple of percentage points.

Brian Flynn makes a joke about him and
Assembly candidate Aidan O'Connor while
Conversations ranged from Mr. Delgado's past as a basketball star at Colgate to Mr. Rhodes' time spent as a well driller before college as the candidates maneuvered from table to table. Despite some attendees already favoring one candidate or the other, all contenders were given an open hearing as they jockeyed for support only 18 days before voters decide. 

Afforded an opportunity to each address the assembled crowd, all four candidates present tried to make the case for why they were the best choice to challenge Mr. Faso in the fall, with each candidate touching on their unique connections to the district and how their particular brand of experience would result in turning NY-19 blue in November.

Stressing that he is, "The only candidate who has created hundreds of good paying jobs," Mr. Flynn talked about creating a "plan for the American worker." A resident of the Hunter-Tannersville School District, where his daughter attends class, Mr. Flynn emphasized his bonafides by quipping "I come to you as a lifelong progressive Democrat."
Erin Collier touched on a lot of personal notes
during her speech, including her family's role as
the namesakes of Colliersville in Otsego County.

Ms. Collier, who was the last of the seven candidates to enter the congressional race, and the only woman running for the nomination, touched on her family's long roots in Cooperstown as residents and farmers. An ag economist who worked in the Obama Administration, Ms. Collier dinged national Republicans for not helping struggling farmers enough before urging the crowd that, "We need to do better."

Believing that, "We can't afford to lose this seat," Mr. Rhodes implored the room to take a look at recent Democratic defeats in the district and suggested that a new tactic was necessary to compete, which he touted with his own campaign tour to visit Democrats in all 163 towns that make up NY-19. A former Cuomo alum, Mr. Rhodes stated "[I'm] the only candidate in this district with local union endorsement."

Antonio Delgado makes a point about income
inequality while stumping for support Friday.
Mr. Delgado, who had previously attended and spoken to Schoharie Democrats at last year's FDR Dinner, rounded out the quartet of speeches with an impassioned appeal to restore the dream of obtaining upward mobility in America, much like he had been able to growing up as the son of GE employees who ended up attending Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar.

Although a representative of Jeff Beals did speak to the crowd, neither Mr. Beals nor his opponents Dave Clegg and Pat Ryan attended the annual Democrat shin dig hosted by the Schoharie County Democratic Committee at the Quality Inn Schoharie.

Democrats will head to the polls to select their nominee on Tuesday, June 26th.

Editor's Note - In the coming weeks, The Mountain Eagle will be featuring interviews with all seven candidates running to challenge Congressman Faso in the fall. 


Written By Editor on 6/5/18 | 6/5/18



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Town Board of the

Town of Conesville at the Conesville Fire Hall, on the 7th day of June, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of conducting a hearing upon a proposal to establish the West Conesville Sewer District as hereinafterdescribed at which time and place said Town Board will consider such proposal and hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same.

The purpose of the Resolution is to establish a sewer district. The general boundaries of said

proposed district are as follows: those properties located in the Hamlet of West Conesville delineated on

the proposed Service Area Map on file with the Town Clerk.

The improvements proposed to be made are as follows: the operation and maintenance of a

sewage collection system and community septic systemthat serves the residents within the sewer district.

The Engineer's Report and Plan are on file with the Town Clerk.

The costs of forming the district and designing, permitting and constructing the infrastructure are

funded by New York City pursuant to the Community Wastewater Management Program. The Town will not incur any expense in the formation of the proposed district and the construction of the public

improvements (i.e., sewer collection and treatment system) to be constructed within the district. During

the process to form the Sewer District, the Town Board reserves the right to modify the boundaries of the proposed district to address the concerns raised during the public comment period and to serve the best interest of the Town.

The estimated cost of hook-up fees is zero and a detailed explanation of the annual operation and

maintenance costs to residential and non-residential users is on file with the Town Clerk. If the Town

Board, after the public hearings, determines to proceed with the sewer district formation, the Town

Board anticipates (but it is not required) subjecting the district formation to a public referendum.

Dated: May 14, 2018

Conesville, New York

By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Conesville.

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Sanders Org. Endorses Beals for Congress

Written By Editor on 5/30/18 | 5/30/18

WOODSTOCK, NY - The national Bernie Sanders grassroots collective, The People for Bernie Sanders, today endorsed local teacher and former U.S. diplomat Jeff Beals for Congress in New York 19, boosting his campaign as the primary election day approaches on June 26.

“We’re excited to announce our endorsement of Jeff Beals,” said Katherine Brezler, co-founder of the group and a former national delegate for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 convention. “As a Woodstock high school history teacher he knows the civic importance of this fight. He believes in building bridges not walls. His bold platform to empower the 99% is what this district needs in Washington.”

Beals, a local teacher and former U.S. diplomat who lives in Woodstock with his family, has rallied a movement of activists, labor and environmental leaders across the district behind a progressive platform.

“We are finally building the movement to get working people in charge of their lives again,” said Beals.  "Our district suffers from decades of bipartisan failure to address income inequality and the corporatization of our political system.  Organizations like The People for Bernie Sanders are the backbone of a new political revolution to pass Medicare for All, raise Social Security Benefits and enact a Green New Deal in America through a federal jobs guarantee.  Our district, the home of FDR, is the place to make this change happen.”

The People for Bernie Sanders, which boasts 1.4 million followers on social media, adds their backing for Beals to that of the Justice Democrats, a national group of former Bernie Sanders staffers who endorsed Beals as the true progressive in the primary in NY-19 in December. 

The People for Bernie Sanders was founded in 2016 by veterans of the Occupy Wall Street movement to support Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. The grassroots collective, which operates independently of Senator Sanders, has more than 1.4 million followers on Facebook, and it is credited with popularizing the hashtag #feelthebern.

For more information about Jeff Beals’ campaign, visit or email press@jeffbealsforcongress.

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Faso Engages in Effort to Elevate Tick-Borne Related Illnesses in Health and Human Services Department Priorities

Written By Editor on 5/29/18 | 5/29/18

Washington D.C. – Congressman John Faso (R-Kinderhook) joined Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Collin Peterson (D-MN) in putting forth new legislation to establish a national strategy for Lyme disease and to strengthen treatment and prevention of Lyme.

“This bill is about turning the tide on a disease that has truly taken its toll on Upstate New York and other vulnerable regions across the nation,” said Faso. “Lyme Disease is spreading, and it is more important than ever that the federal government update its Lyme and TBD strategy on behalf of the millions impacted and lives destroyed.”

H.R. 5900, the National Tick-Borne Diseases Control and Accountability Act comprehensively changes the federal government’s approach to Lyme and other Tick-Borne Diseases (TBD).  This bill would require the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) to submit an extensive report and strategy to Congress on government-wide Lyme funding programs, activities, and research. 

Additionally, the Office of Oversight and Coordination for TBD (TBD Office) would be created to oversee and assess this proposed strategy and all other Lyme activities under HHS.  The HHS Secretary and TBD Office would be instructed to coordinate various government agencies, including the official HHS TBD Working Group created by the 21st Century Cures Act, to focus on addressing the Lyme epidemic in full through research and education.

  • Rep. Faso recommended two individuals who were appointed to the Tick-Borne Disease Working Group at the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Rep. Faso introduced bipartisan legislation to establish a U.S.P.S. semipostal stamp to raise money for Lyme disease and other tick-borne related illnesses.
  • Representatives Faso and Courtney introduced a resolution to make the month of May National Lyme Disease Awareness Month.

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Ulster Legislator Kathy Nolan Endorses Flynn in NY19

Kingston, NY - Today Congressional candidate Brian Flynn announced the endorsement and support of Ulster County Legislator and environmental activist, Kathy Nolan. Nolan represents District 22, which is made up of the towns of Denning, Hardenburgh, Olive, and Shandaken.

Nolan is a pediatrician and bioethicist who focuses her work on public health and the environment. She played an important role in achieving New York State’s pioneering ban on fracking and has been instrumental to bringing sustainable economic development to the area.

“While we have a fantastic field of candidates, my choice in the June 26 Democratic Primary is Brian Flynn,” said Nolan. “He is a practical problem-solver who also thinks outside the box and has a long track record of both creating jobs and fighting for progressive causes. More than a decade before taking the ‘No Fossil Fuel Money’ pledge as a candidate, he drove an all-electric Volt, helped to start the New York State Chapter of Environmental Entrepreneurs, and fought for common sense policies to protect the environment,” she explained.  
If you are looking for a candidate with proven progressive values, solid business sense, amazing dedication to our shared public good, and just a hint of what I would call the magic of the Catskills, … then you have found your candidate: Brian Flynn,” Nolan continued.

“I am very proud to have the endorsement and support of Kathy Nolan. Not only is she a well-respected champion for the people of our community, but she is a tireless advocate for the environment,” said Flynn.   

Kathy Nolan represents the Democrat, Green,Working Families and Women's Equality parties in the Ulster County Legislature. In addition to being an Ulster County Legislator, Nolan is the Senior Research Director at Catskill Mountainkeepers, focusing her work on issues related to the health impacts of fracking and fossil fuel infrastructure.

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Written By Editor on 5/25/18 | 5/25/18


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Town Board of the
Town of Conesville at the Conesville Fire Hall, on the 7th day of June, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of conducting a hearing upon a proposal to establish the West Conesville Sewer District as hereinafterdescribed at which time and place said Town Board will consider such proposal and hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same.

The purpose of the Resolution is to establish a sewer district. The general boundaries of said
proposed district are as follows: those properties located in the Hamlet of West Conesville delineated on
the proposed Service Area Map on file with the Town Clerk.

The improvements proposed to be made are as follows: the operation and maintenance of a
sewage collection system and community septic systemthat serves the residents within the sewer district.

The Engineer's Report and Plan are on file with the Town Clerk.
The costs of forming the district and designing, permitting and constructing the infrastructure are
funded by New York City pursuant to the Community Wastewater Management Program. The Town will not incur any expense in the formation of the proposed district and the construction of the public
improvements (i.e., sewer collection and treatment system) to be constructed within the district. During
the process to form the Sewer District, the Town Board reserves the right to modify the boundaries of the proposed district to address the concerns raised during the public comment period and to serve the best interest of the Town.

The estimated cost of hook-up fees is zero and a detailed explanation of the annual operation and
maintenance costs to residential and non-residential users is on file with the Town Clerk. If the Town
Board, after the public hearings, determines to proceed with the sewer district formation, the Town
Board anticipates (but it is not required) subjecting the district formation to a public referendum.
Dated: May 14, 2018
Conesville, New York

By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Conesville.

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Tee Off at Cobleskill Golf & Country Club to Benefit Athletics & Academics

Written By Editor on 5/24/18 | 5/24/18

SUNY Cobleskill will hold the 32nd edition of its ever-popular Annual Foundation Golf Tournament on Friday, June 15, benefiting the College’s Fighting Tiger student-athletes and its Business & Information Technology Department. Former business school dean Chester Burton and his wife, Nancy Burton, a former member of the business school faculty, are the honorary co-chairs of this great golf outing. They noted: “We are excited about the 2018 Foundation Golf Tournament, and we look forward to interacting with old and new friends. You don’t need to be a scratch golfer or even break 100. This will be a day of fun or competition … or both.”

The Burtons are being assisted with planning by Marie Curran-Headley, Director of Athletics, and Tim Purcell ’93, President of the College Foundation. A beautiful day on the links begins with registration and breakfast at 9 am, and will include fun, on-the-course activities like “Beat the Coach” and a hole-in-one contest, all offering outstanding prizes. The day will be topped off with a social hour and awards beginning at 3:30 pm. Soft spikes and golf attire are acceptable throughout the entire day.

Over 250 student-athletes participate in 19 individual and team NCAA Division III sports at SUNY Cobleskill, in an environment emphasizing teamwork, respect, inclusion, and leadership. Last year’s event drew 112 golfers and raised over $16,000. May 24 is the deadline for tournament sponsors and for early bird registration. After May 24, golfers can still register until June 7. Learn more and register here:

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C-GCC Student Research Projects Accepted for Presentation by the Eastern Psychological Association

HUDSON – Eleven students at Columbia-Greene Community College received accolades from one of the oldest psychological associations in the country recently, having their research projects accepted for presentation by the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA).

Barbara Shaffer, associate professor of Psychology and Sociologyat C-GCC, explained that each year, students enrolled in her Research for the Behavioral Science course are charged with designing and conducting high quality research projects, which are in turn submitted to the EPA for possible presentation at its annual meeting.

“These students, under guidance, developed research hypotheses, collected and analyzed data, and wrote their original findings in professional form to be shared with the academic community,” she said, noting that each submission was peer-reviewed by members of the EPA, the oldest regional association of psychological associations in the United States, founded in 1896.

Four group projects were accepted from C-GCC, and findings were displayed as part of a poster session at the EPA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pa. The research projects stood alongside the work of hundreds of other students from both two- and four-year institutions.

With Shaffer’s support, students Randy Dunham and Teanna Hedgpeth investigated the relationship between pet attachment and well-being, suggesting that further research is warranted in order to deduce whether pet-human connections create positive, negative, or neutral variables.

Christine Dempsey and Samantha Roggio posed the question ‘are highly religious individuals less intellectual?’, finding no significant correlation between religiosity and intellectualism.

Levi Usticke, Claudia Anderson, Alexandrea Lemus, and Amber Petrianni explored whether religious individuals have a need for closure, finding no significant relationship between the two variables, and Carlene Palmer-Palmateer, Samantha Mizener, and Sarah Juzapavicus examined ways to improve student engagement opportunities on a community college campus, aiming to prove that extracurricular involvement may have a positive effect on the academic performance of under-represented college students.

“This is quite an achievement, one that makes me very proud as a faculty member,” said Shaffer. “Most students at the community college level do not have the opportunity to present original findings at a professional conference, let alone a group of nearly a dozen.”

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E-Cig Use Among NYS Youth Growing at Alarming Rate

Written By Editor on 5/15/18 | 5/15/18

Tobacco control measures have helped decrease the current smoking rate among adults in New York State to 14.2 percent. Unfortunately, the percentage of New York State youth who have ever tried and currently use e-cigarettes doubled from 2014 to 2016 according to the recently released NYS Youth Tobacco Survey. Electronic cigarettes and similar devices (also referred to as e-cigarettes, vape pens, Juuls, mods, and e-hookahs) are the most frequently used tobacco products among New York State youth. E-cigarettes typically deliver nicotine, flavorings and other additives to users via an inhaled aerosol.

Among middle school students, the rate increased from 6.9 percent to 14.1 percent and among high school students, the rate increased from 21.6 percent to 43.8 percent. The percent of youth who currently use e-cigarettes and similar devices, defined as past-30-day use, also doubled from 2014 to 2016. Among middle school students, the rate increased from 3.2 percent to 6.4 percent and among high school students it increased from 10.5 percent to 20.6 percent.

“After communicating with students and personnel in schools in the three-county region, we know e-cigarette use among youth and young adults is a major public health concern locally,” according to Linda Wegner, program director for Advancing Tobacco Free Communities in Delaware, Otsego and Schoharie Counties (ATFC-DOS). ATFC-DOS educates the community and decision makers, mobilizes community members around the problems that tobacco addiction causes in local communities, and helps decision makers understand the types of choices that they have to address these problems. “It’s critical to protect local youth and adolescents from this preventable health risk.”

Bonnie Peck, Reality Check/Youth Engagement Coordinator with ATFC-DOS adds, “Nicotine has negative, long-lasting consequences for youth brain development. Studies show that e-cigarette use among youth is associated with both the intention to smoke cigarettes and subsequent cigarette smoking. We encourage individuals, institutions and communities to get the facts at and take action to help combat tobacco use and marketing.”

Almost all e-cigarette products sold in area convenience stores and similar retail outlets contain nicotine. With or without nicotine, e-cigarettes are not hazard-free and the inhaled emission may contain heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, and other toxic chemicals. Exposure to secondhand e-cigarette aerosol is also harmful. E-cigarettes are available in a wide variety of flavors, including many that are particularly appealing to youth. More than 85 percent of e-cigarette users ages 12-17 use flavored e-cigarettes, and flavors are the leading reason for youth use. E-cigarette products can also be used as a delivery system for to marijuana and other illicit drugs. The nicotine in e-cigarettes and other tobacco products can prime young brains for addiction to other drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine.

Tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable death and disease locally, in New York State and in the United States. The smoking rates in the Delaware, Otsego and Schoharie region are 22.9 percent for Delaware County, 26.3 percent for Otsego County and 19.3 percent for Schoharie County.

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C-GCC Launches English-as-a-Second-Language ‘Bridge to College’ Course

Columbia-Greene Community College has launched a new, non-credit course designed to assist non-native English speakers with the language skills necessary to succeed, from classroom to career.

The English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) Bridge to College Course is open to any non-native English speaker 18 or older. Classes meet twice per week in the evenings for 14 weeks, often taking advantage of the college’s Academic Support Center in addition to classroom work.  Students will also have the opportunity to meet with a professional tutor outside of class.

Robert Bodratti, director of Community Services at C-GCC, said the course was created to offer greater opportunities to non-native English speakers in both educational and career endeavors.

“Limited English language skills can hold people back from pursuing the level of education they would like, and can often slow down paths to success in the workplace,” he said. “This course will focus on pronunciation, grammar, and reading and writing skills, with the aim of preparing people for the next step in their educational and professional journey.”

Due in part to a grant from the Willow Springs Foundation of Illinois, the cost to enroll is only $15. For more information, contact the Office of Community Services at (518) 828-4181, ext.3342, or e-mail

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Engineer to Greene County Leg: Jail Damage Risks “Catastrophic Failure,” Committee Votes $51 Million New Jail Bond in 5-3 vote

Written By Editor on 5/2/18 | 5/2/18

The Greene County Public Safety Committee met to a full crowd on Wednesday night. There was just a single item on the official posted agenda of a special meeting before the regular one: a report from Bill Scribner of Kaaterskill Associates Engineers on the structural integrity of the jail. The regular meeting at 6pm featured tense exchanges between legislators and the public.

A majority of the Legislature attended the meeting along with the members of the committee.

In a written report submitted to the Board the engineer stated that the building is under intense stress. It notes that the structural integrity of the structure is reliant on several building components and that “a deterioration of these elements and connections results in a building that will no longer resist the loads imposed by the environment and could lead to a catastrophic failure.”

Scribner said that upon review of some of the damage, “we could see that on the south wall of the building... there is an excessive amount of cracking” that “could be measured in inches.” In addition, the exterior wall connections and the floor diaphragms failed in part or in whole “in many areas.” On the South wall, there is a loss of integrity of the connections at 90% and 30% on the West wall, adding “most likely this wall would also partially collapse if the South wall failed.”

“The floor systems of the building have interior supports which might prevent the total collapse of the building in the event of the South wall failing,” the report continued.

Scribner reported to the board that environmental conditions could cause “catastrophic failure” under the correct conditions and recommend the closure of the original jail portion of the building until a “reinforcement structure is installed.”

Such surface mounted steel reinforcement “both on the interior and exterior of the South wall” would likely range between $300,000 and $400,000, according to the engineer. He concluded his written comments that “in addition to this there are many additional repair and maintenance items in this, and the connected buildings, that would need to be accomplished for continuing use.” Scribner said that the design work of such a project would take several weeks and construction several months.

Several of the legislators asked about the process in which the firm declared it unsafe. Legislator Lori Torgersen asked if any of the damage could have been prevented through maintenance.

“Anything would have helped,” Scribner said, citing potential change in layout, redirecting drainage, and other repairs. “The building reaches a certain age and it’s deteriorating, deteriorating, and deteriorating.”

At the end of the report and several questions about the integrity of the jail, the Public Safety Committee held its ordinary meeting with jail topics dominating the conversation.

In a contested vote, the Committee approved a resolution for the complete Legislature for the issuance of $51 million in serial bonds to potentially finance the project and for a USDA loan resolution for a similar purpose.

“The wheels have fallen off. Now we’ve blown the engine,” Greene County Undersheriff George Tortorelis said about the shape of the jail. He also stated that he does not believe that sharing the jail is a workable solution. He instead wanted to keep prisoners in the county.

Legislator Harry Lennon said that he believed there was “only one path”-- to build a new facility.

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Several members of the audience chimed in during the questions between the legislators and the Undersheriff. “Do I want to pay more taxes? No. Is it our responsibility? Yes,” he said.

Legislator Charles Martinez motioned and Legislator Linger seconded forwarding the bond. Legislator Kevin Lennon asked for a roll call vote. Furthermore, Legislator Torgersen asked about the previous vote rejecting a $30,000 study rather than the idea of a joint jail issue.

There were a number of comments from the audience. One comment asked why the County would consider a $50 million option to a “$15 million issue.” Another resident said “we’ve beat this thing to death umpteen times. We have a perfect opportunity to have this jail in Coxsackie.”

Legislator Aidan O’Connor asked if construction would start in late 2018 if the county moved forward in the near future. County Administrator Shaun Groden said that if not contracts were awarded by July, construction was unlikely this year.

O’Connor then apologized to a dozen corrections officers present, stating that he toured the facility in early 2016 and then found the facility “disgusting” then. O’Connor said that “we are rushing at the last moment” and that new construction will more than triple Greene County’s debt. “What happens to the mental health building? What happens to the medical records we have to digitize? We have to think differently.”

Legislator Lee Palmateer spoke next. “There has been no sense of urgency from you, Mr. O’Connor. You’ve been flipping and flopping.” He added, “There is a small minority, including you, that does not want to build a jail. This jail is falling down because of you and other members of this committee.”

“I take offense to that,” replied Legislator Michael Bulich. “I’m not afraid to build a jail. It’s not about making sure that people are employed publicly.” He added there is a nearby jail being constructed in Herkimer County with over 130 beds for $30 million. “Where is the other $20 million going? Who’s making the money?”

Legislator Kevin Lennon said that the County did not put money into the jail into recently and said he asked for the design plan and why the project is being downsized. Lennon said that when he asked for the plans last meeting, the meeting was closed.

Administrator Groden said that the Board of Elections did not allow a referendum on the subject after the idea surfaced from the audience. Legislator Torgersen said that she believed that it may be subject to a permissive referendum.

“Call the Board of Elections,” Groden said, “I’m tired of being the whipping boy.”

Windham’s Nick Bove called the situation “supercharged.” He said that this process is difficult on the legislature and the public “and I don’t see it going anywhere tonight but everyone yelling at everyone.” He called the idea of a referendum “brilliant.”

“There’s got to be a compromise,” Bove said. He added that he would rather pay existing employees more rather than spending more on a new jail.

Bulich continued, stating that if the original proposal for shared services was approved, it could be back now with a potential solution. He said that such a study would be reimbursed by the state except for $5,000.

Legislator and Committee Chair William Lawrence said that he believed that the option for a shared facility was “illegal” and “a lot more than $7.5 million. It’s going to be a lot more.” He also said that other estimates were not accurate.

Legislator Torgersen said that she attended a Columbia County meeting in which their legislature gave estimates on potential costs and said that the state declared that a joint facility is legal.

Chair Lawrence called a roll call vote of the committee: Legislators Martinez, Harry Lennon, Linger, Lewis, and Lawrence voted yes. Legislators O’Connor, Torgersen, and Kevin Lennon each voted no.

A vote to approve a USDA loan resolution passed 6-2 along the same lines as the previous vote, with the exception of Legislator O’Connor voting yes.

Legislator Harry Lennon said that he holds an obligation to the County’s corrections officers and that he is worried about their future.

At the end of the meeting, Legislator Matthew Luvera asked if the members of the Legislature could see the floor plans during a meeting. The plans may be discussed in executive session at a future meeting.

Cobleskill Police Blotter

Written By Editor on 5/1/18 | 5/1/18

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

At 6:32 p.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Eric R. Covey, 22, of Cobleskill, NY, on an Arrest Warrant for Criminal Contempt 2nd.  He was arraigned in Cobleskill Town Court and released after charge was adjudicated with a previous charge. No further action was taken.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

At 6:07 p.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Victor Howard, 19, of Cobleskill, NY, for Harassment 2nd. He was issued a criminal summons to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 15th at 5:00 p.m.

At 6:14 p.m. Cobleskill Police arrested James Marshall, 55, of Cobleskill, NY, for Harassment 2nd.  He was issued a criminal summons to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 15th at 5:00 p.m.

Friday, April 27, 2018

At 12:15 p.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Daniel LaFountain, 30, of Cobleskill, NY, for Promoting a Sexual Performance by a Child.  He was arraigned in Cobleskill Town Court and remanded to the Schoharie County Jail on $10,000 Bail / $30,000 Bond.  He is to return to Cobleskill Town Court on May 1, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

At 12:56 a..m. Cobleskill Police arrested Derrick Holt, 22, of Bronx, NY, for Disorderly Conduct.  He was issued an appearance ticket and released.  He is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 8th at 5:00 p.m.

At 12:56 a.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Duane Goode, 19, of Bronx, NY, for Disorderly Conduct.  He was issued an appearance ticket and released.  He is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 8th at 5:00 p.m.

At 1:35 a.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Dominick R. Stannard, 49, of Cobleskill, NY, for Violation of the Open Container Law.  He was issued an appearance ticket and  released and is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 17th at 5:00 p.m.

At 2:56 a.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Samuel Yankcon, 21, of Nanuet, NY, for Disorderly Conduct.  He was issued an appearance ticket and released. He is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 8th at 5:00 p.m.

At 8:25 p.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Michelle L. Vantongeren, 21, of Yorktown Heights, NY, for Disorderly Conduct and Unlawful Possession of Marihuana.  She was issued an appearance ticket and released.  She is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 22nd at 5:00 p.m.

At 11:25 p.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Michael J. Sullivan, 19, of Gales Ferry, CT, for Violation of the Open Container Law and he was issued a summons for Possession of Alcohol by a person under the age of 21.  He was released and is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 8th at 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

At 1:16 a.m. Cobleskill Police arrested Daryl Hagadorn, 31, of Worcester, NY, for 3 counts of  Disorderly Conduct.  He was issued an appearance ticket and released.  He is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on May 15th at 5:00 p.m.

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C-GCC Stand-out’s Jersey Goes to Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame

HUDSON, N.Y. – As she received her Athlete of the Year Award at Columbia-Greene Community College’s Student Leadership Ceremony this week, Twins Women’s Basketball team captain Tanisha Edge of Cementon, N.Y. was asked to remain at the podium.

“We have some news,” said Richanna Lindo, director of Athletics at C-GCC, going on to announce that Edge’s jersey has been requested by the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in Knoxville, Tn., where it will appear in the Hall’s Ring of Honor.

The Ring of Honor at the WBHOF has been a fixture at the hall since it opened in 1999, and recognizes young basketball players for their achievements in the sport, including high school- and college-level players.

Along with her teammates, Edge made history during the 2017-2018 season. In only the second season of the new Twins Women's basketball program, the team finished their season as the Mountain Valley Conference and NJCAA Region III Runners-up. They earned their first-ever NJCAA Division III national poll listing – a fifth place ranking – and were inducted into the C-GCC Athletic Hall of Fame just two weeks after the season ended.

Edge, who began her basketball career at Saugerties High School, reached her 1,000-point milestone in January and became the first woman ever from C-GCC to do so. The same month, she was named NJCAA Division III Women's Basketball National Player of the Week and notched her eighth all-time NJCAA Division III Regional Female Athlete of the Week distinction.

She went on to earn the titles of NJCAA Regional Player of the Year and Mountain Valley Conference Player of the Year, and in April Edge was named a NJCAA Second Team All-American. She is the first of any Twins athlete to do so since 2005.

Edge’s jersey, which bears the number 1, will hang in the rafters along with more than 100 others in recognition of outstanding play during the 2017-2018 season.

For more information, please visit or call 518.818.4181, ext. 3327.

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