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Local Business Focus - Hair by Brianna Lynn

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 2/23/24 | 2/23/24

By Tori Edwards 

COBLESKILL — Brianna Manchester is a hair stylist located at 127 St in Cobleskill. She started her beauty salon in 2023 and has over 40 reviews with an amazing five-star rating. 

She specializes in blondes and bridal styling. She doesn’t have a slogan, but she really doesn’t need one. Her personality combined with her clientele can express how truly amazing she is at her styling. 

She just glows and loves pampering her clients. 

Her hours of operation are Monday 9am-5pm, Tuesday 9am-7pm, Wednesday 9am-7pm, Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-3pm. 

She can also be reached at her website, and she can also be found on Instagram at hair.bybriannalynn or on Facebook Hair by Brianna Lynn. Check out her Facebook page for raffles or just send your friends her way! 

You can also contact her at (518) 227-3503. 

Come on down and meet Brianna Lynn, her styling will make your hair pop like champagne! You deserve it! 

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Filmed Locally -I Drink Your Blood

By Bradley Towle
SHARON SPRINGS — “I Drink Your Blood” is a 1971 exploitation horror film shot in Sharon Springs over eight days in 1970. The film is about a small, nearly abandoned town where only a few residents remain during a dam construction project. The boredom of the townspeople is soon upended by the arrival of a satanic hippie cult that decides to occupy an abandoned, rat-infested hotel (the old Roosevelt Hotel). A young woman is assaulted by the cultists, which leads her veterinarian grandfather to confront the troublemakers. The unwelcome guests drug the grandfather with LSD, which infuriates his young grandson. The boy then takes it upon himself to shoot a rabid dog, withdraw the infected blood, and inject the rabid blood into the hippie cult’s food, which unleashes the rather fun and unhinged chaos that the cult favorite has become known for. 
When I first considered writing about “I Drink Your Blood,” I assumed it wouldn’t take me too long. I sat down to watch what I presumed would be nothing more than a novelty, low-budget horror film while keeping an eye out for identifiable Sharon Springs locations. The film caught me off guard for several reasons. First, it was a lot of fun. At no point was I bored during this over-the-top, fast-paced production. I also could not help but notice the diversity of the satanic hippie cult. It’s worth examining that the “unwelcome invaders” were of various ethnicities, and that’s where part of the surprise arrived: there is a high level of social commentary in the low-brow entertainment. This set-up was no accident on the part of filmmaker David Durston. Of course, a small rural town would look suspiciously at the arrival of a group of ethnically diverse hippies, especially in 1971. Durston took inspiration from the horrifying details of the Manson murders from two years earlier and played on those fears for effect in his horror film (hence the “exploitation”). In the movie, one of the women writes “pig” in blood on a victim, a direct reference to messages left behind at one of the real-life crime scenes. Durston also reportedly took inspiration from an outbreak of rabies in a small Iranian village after a wolf attacked an elementary school, infecting the children. With these elements, Durston had a recipe for his horror film. 
Researching the film led to even more surprises. The MPAA rating system we’ve become familiar with (G, PG, PG-13, R) had only officially begun in 1968. With the end of the restrictive Hays Code (which had been enforced since 1934), Hollywood created the ratings system to preempt any potential government censorship by taking matters into its own hands. The new ratings system intersected with cultural upheaval and a new era of filmmaking that challenged morays and traditions, unlike anything since the pre-code era of the 1920s and left many studio heads flummoxed, which meant allowing some filmmakers to experiment in radical ways. There had been one point, an” M” rating, which indicated it was suggested for mature audiences with parental discretion (it would likely be akin to PG-13 nowadays), but parents were confused by it, and it was changed to GP and then PG. The death knell for many films could be an “X,” which at that point meant no one under 16.
“I Drink Your Blood” arrived squarely amid a controversial reconsideration of the ratings system. The film holds the distinction of being the first to receive an X rating due solely to violence (essayist Karola suspects it is the only film to receive the X solely for violence). While that may have been enough to draw some audiences, it also meant some movie houses may not screen it, limiting its profit potential. The filmmakers appealed the rating. Many films had won such appeals, so they were confident enough to ship 360 copies of the film around the country for release. What followed is the stuff of legend. The appeal was denied. Durston made a quick edit that received an R for New York and Los Angeles, but the other reels had already gone out. An agreement was made that the individual theaters could edit and censor the film themselves by determining what would be best for their respective communities to secure localized R ratings. Producer Jerry Gross made frantic phone calls while the reels were out for delivery to inform the theaters (all 360 in only two days) of this bizarre situation. This meant that in 1971, at least 360 versions of the film were screened around the country. The projectionists suddenly found their roles now included editor and censor of a movie they had no part in making, and it’s possible some simply screened the film as it was with no edits. During a 2007 screening of Durston’s director’s cut, one audience member said they had seen at least eight versions of the film in 1971. During the Hays Code era (and a bit beyond in some cases), each state had its own censorship boards. A film would have to meet the standards of each respective board, and the filmmakers would have to make the required edits to receive a stamp of approval. Theatres could be fined for screening a film without the official stamp (for more on this, watch the entertaining 2018 documentary “Sickies Making Films”). Theoretically, 50 separate versions of one film could have existed; the possibility of 360 versions appears to be unique to the case of “I Drink Your Blood.”
Finally, there is the setting. In the early 1970s, with its successful spa era behind it, Sharon Springs had become desolate, offering Durston and his film crew a perfect setting for their movie by utilizing abandoned buildings. In a rather on-the-nose meta-story of reality mirroring art, the residents of Sharon Springs were reportedly not thrilled with the presence of the cast and crew in their village (it seems even just portraying a satanic hippie cult was enough to trouble the locals). It was director David Durston, in particular, that Sharon Springs was wary of. They accused the director of abusive behavior and reported him to the police, demanding that he be arrested and replaced. In a twist, Babe Farro, the police officer residents hoped would arrest Durston, instead defended the filmmakers and earned himself a role in the film’s final scenes. According to the Sharon Historical Society, notable locations in the movie include Briggs Lumber, the dugway, and the old Roosevelt Hotel on Washington Street, which was eventually torn down in 1976. The filmmakers rented out the soon-to-be-demolished building for $300, which Durston quipped they practically tore down themselves during the shoot. Low-budget films that cannot afford to build elaborate sets must often rely on existing structures and scenery, meaning, in a sense, they can operate as an extension of historic preservation by documenting their locations. By including the old Roosevelt Hotel as one of the film’s “stars,” the film joins a collection of photographs and documentation that tell the story of the long-lost Sharon Springs structure.
In her 2007 essay on “I Drink Your Blood,” Karola admits she assumed an essay about the film would be “straightforward enough” but soon found herself immersed in a complex and unique history that belied an easy analysis; I found myself in a similar position with an article that I assumed wouldn’t take more than a week. After a month of research, there is more to examine in the odd history and cultural themes of “I Drink Your Blood,” both quirky and complex. Did I neglect to mention the extended career of the film’s rats, who went on to star in “Willard” and “Ben”? Did I leave out my thoughts on how the rabid construction workers chasing down the hippies may have been referencing the 1970 “Hard-Hat Riots” in a nation divided over Vietnam? Should I have discussed the opportunity offered to low-budget films outside the Hollywood system to examine themes the industry would avoid or sanitize? For the curious, “I Drink Your Blood” is currently streaming on Kanopy, a free, ad-free streaming service requiring only a library card. 

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A Day Out at the Clark Sports Center

SHARON SPRINGS — On Tuesday February 20, the Sharon Springs Youth Commission sponsored a Day Out at Clarks Gym for the youth of Sharon Springs.  In total, we had approximately 55 students attend, ranging in grades from Kindergarten all the way to Seniors in High School.  We were also lucky to have approximately 15 parents and adults to help chaperone and make this a successful event.  

The students all had a great time swimming, bowling, rock climbing, playing basketball, ping pong, pickleball, and using the weight room at Clark's Gym.  

The event was enriched with snacks and pizza that were graciously provided by Mrs. Allen and the SSCS FFA.  A special thank you to SSCS and Mr. All for providing transportation for this event and to Mrs. Keaney for helping collect permission slips for this event.  The Sharon Springs Youth Commision mission is to operate the Rec Center and Pool during the summer months and to also provide opportunities for children in the community throughout the year.  

We are graciously supported by the Town of Sharon and the Village of Sharon, along with the Schoharie County Youth Bureau.  We look forward to offering another great and exciting Rec Program this summer, along with the pool and other possible exciting events for the community, so please stay tuned!  We also plan on providing additional activities for the youth throughout the year.  If you have any suggestions, would like to help sponsor an event or donate to the Sharon Springs Youth Commission, and or would like to come to one of our meetings, please contact Dan Cornwell at 518-852-4979.   

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CV-S Hotline Active

By Morgan Nichols
CHERRY VALLEY — The February 15th meeting of the CV-S Board of Education was brief and to the point in the face of an impending winter squall. 
Two events for the district’s Capital Project were held between Thursday’s and last month's meetings. An unveiling event was held on January 30th, and five community members attended. Architects for the project were on hand to guide attendees through the project’s proposed repairs and additions, and to answer any questions attendees may have had. The public vote was held on February 13th and the results are as follows: Project A, the section of the project that calls for the updating of windows, lockers, staircases, and other essentials, passed 110-68. Project B, dedicated to updating the school’s track, did not pass with an 86-91 vote. Project C for the procurement of a new tractor for the school passed 111-67. 
Concerns were raised at the meeting that the failure to repair the track at this time will lead to irreparable damage in the future, which will increase the costs if the project is postponed until a future Capital Project. 
Budget cuts are also in store for the future of CV-S. The current amount of funds cut is currently unknown. The Board of Education will likely not be able to report the exact amount lost until April 18th. A budget hearing is scheduled for May 9th. To undercut the negatives, the science department presented a synopsis of the happenings in the department. Elementary students are practicing STEM through educational games involving problem-solving and programmable LEGO robots. Students create programs to guide the robot through a series of challenges. Middle school students and high school students are further exposed to STEM through courses designed to emulate classes found in undergraduate STEM programs; new equipment has been purchased through a grant to further emulate the undergraduate experience. Changes to the Regents exams are planned to unfold sometime in the next few years. The tests will be switched to a computer setting and a new set of problems will be curated. 
The mental health hotline introduced in the last board meeting is now in full swing. The hotline is available on the desktop of computers issued to 4th-12th graders. The first reported use of the hotline was February 15th and it was resolved swiftly and positively. Illness in the district has reached alarming rates. 
Dozens of reported cases of the flu, RSV, and COVID-19 were reported in the last month. The Board is taking steps to hold a full day of decontamination and sanitation to reduce the number of illnesses passing through the district.  

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Breglia Expands Impressive Tree Inventory

By Matthew Avitabile

ESPERANCE — Landis Executive Director Fred Breglia spoke to us about the latest addition to the list of the largest trees in the state. This included four trees Breglia discovered, including one at the arboretum itself.

Two were local, and one was a Mountain Winterberry and Kansas Hawthorn found at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Breglia said that his brain is always seeking unique trees, which included the two found in Brooklyn. The Kansas Hawthorn is an American tree, but not a New York Native. The Mountain Winterberry is a Holly.

The two in Brooklyn may not seem particularly large, but they rank at the top of the state lists. They may also be the largest in the country, said Breglia.

“When you look at the list,” he said, “The trees are so much larger than the national,” but he didn’t want to count them until they were confirmed. That being said, they are far larger than other known trees.

Both trees at the Botanical Garden were planted in 1912.

He said that it was “not too common” for the two to be so old and still be healthy.

The Devil’s Walking Stick was planted in 1951 by Fred Lape, the Arboretum’s founder. Breglia said that he did not notice it at first, but discovered it and found it as “abnormally large,” initially believing that it is another species. They’re often about as wide as a silver dollar.

They look like commonly used walking sticks, he said. His original run-in with the species dates back to 1996, including a “perfectly straight” one found on the ground. The thorns can cause bleeding when picked up. It’s native to the area, is not invasive, and is edible prior to the growth of the spines.

Breglia hasn’t eaten one yet, but he said that it is on his list.

“I try to include something new we haven’t foraged to the menu every year,” he said. “We’ll see how it tastes.”

The northern catalpa in Tribes Hill is a particularly large tree. It was a state co-champion, but another review found it as the largest in the state. Since the last measurement, the Silver Maple grew considerably compared to the previous co-champion, which is located about one mile apart.

The tree itself is not immediately recognizable, but the top is visible through the canopy.

It’s not uncommon for larger trees in the Northeast to be shorter with a large trunk.

The catalpa would require some looking and is a “little bit of a mystery for anyone on a tree hunt.”

A Silver Maple around the same area is also particularly large to the common observer. This one is visible from the road.

“The most accurate we’ve had in a long time,” he said, including the last trees from 2023.

For Breglia it’s rewarding that he and the team have been finding “more and more trees.” He’s been seeking unique trees for more than 20 years “with no off switch.” He said that when he started he believed that most of the largest trees had already been found.

He found the state’s largest tree in 2022 in Schaticoke and will continue to look, including trying to find a larger one in 2024. This includes the third-largest tree in the state, the largest invasive, and the largest non-native tree in the state last year.

He has a plan for 2024 and will be tracking down some “less traveled roads,” including searching using a canoe.

“There’s only a handful of species left,” he said, that could be the largest in the state. This includes black walnuts and cottonwood. While cottonwood is not often used for lumber, they have the unique status of being more likely to be among the largest in the state.

He said that the largest tree in the state is growing in a floodplain. The search would require a difficult search, including through areas with ticks, brambles, and thorns.

“Not many people are looking for those types of trees,” he said. Some people see the cottonwood as a “garbage tree,” but Breglia disagrees. It plays a major role in preventing streambank erosion.

He added that he’s used previous information, tips, and using Google Earth to look through previously unsearched areas to find potential areas. One he’s tracking down in the area is visible on Google Earth and is on his list to track down. He traveled to the farm where it could be located, but no owner was home. While he didn’t get to the tree year, it’s part of his 2024 plans.

“It’s part of my new endeavor to get into these cottonwoods,” he said. A canoe helps him get to the area without trespassing, walking through poisonous plants, or hostile dogs.

Breglia said that looking at the subject now, he believes there are many trees to be found. The situation has “shifted” to also include advocacy of awareness of unique trees, local ecology, and more.

“People like them,” he said. This includes getting word out about the findings and search.

This includes Big Tree Hunters on Instagram, which has 200,000 followers.

“The public has really responded,” he said.

Breglia credits his interest to an old oak tree behind his mother’s house in Richmondville that he discovered at five years old.

When someone observes unique trees, they are more likely to protect them, he said.

Regardless of background, politics, or other factors, Breglia said that people like large trees.

“I like to think we all speak tree,” he said.

The BIG Eastern Cottonwood, NY State's biggest tree!

The spines of a Devil’s Walking Stick up close.

New York State Champion Devil’s Walking Stick at Landis Arboretum, Esperance

New York State Champion Silver Maple, Tribes Hill NY

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Cobleskill Beseeched For Church Project Approval

By Joshua Walther

COBLESKILL - As the monumental deal for the Zion Lutheran Church continues apace, the residents of Cobleskill have flocked to the latest Village Board meeting to throw their support behind the project.

In September of last year, a Cobleskill resident named RJ Freitag approached the badly damaged church with a proposal to build a new business within the sanctuary. He stated that the endeavor would be a joint performance center, bar, and restaurant with the capacity to host venues.

Mr. Freitag believes in the importance of his work, stating that the business would not only revitalize the old historic building but bring in more cash flow to the town as a whole.

Certain residents seem to believe in that idea as well, as they stood last Tuesday to address the Mayor and her Village Board on the matter.

Ruth Van Deusen, a distinguished retiree from CRCS and a longtime citizen of Cobleskill, bolstered Mr. Freitag’s previous points and went on to say that it would be great for tourism, as the venues would be phenomenal for drawing people in to the area.

When she was asked about the community impact, Mrs. Van Deusen said that she’s practically a neighbor to the church herself and she has no complaints, nor do the other tenants of the nearby student housing for the college.

The Board also heard remarks from John Jarvis, who took a more grounded approach. He said that while he had absolute faith in all of Mrs. Van Deusen’s points, the damage that the church suffered from the historic fire is extensive.

“It’s going to be expensive,” he said with no reservations. “I don’t know where the money is coming from to rehab that building.”

The Village Board themselves seemed to have a rather neutral opinion, with both members Howard Burt and Lance Rotolo saying that they needed more time to form a better perspective. 

Luckily, it isn’t the Village Board’s concern at the moment. The next meeting to take place for the project’s progression is the Zoning Board of Appeals, taking place on February 29th.

Mayor Rebecca Stanton-Terk said that she does not envy the members of that committee, as there’s “much more to this project” than even she was aware of, including the opinions of the community.

Though the ZBA does not have to rule that night, they have a short window of time thereafter to make the decision to allow Mr. Freitag’s business or block it altogether.

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Fair Launching Bikes For Kids Program

COBLESKILL — The Schoharie County Sunshine Fair, planned for Aug. 6-11 this year, is continuing its annual Dale. M. All Memorial Bikes for Kids programs. The Fair hopes to give away at least 80 to 100 bicycles and tricycles for children 18 years or younger. They're asking for your donations, including $100 per bike for businesses, couples, or individuals. 

In 2023 the Fair gave away 53 bicycles. 

The funds would be pooled and bikes will be purchased by the Fair and given out on Thursday, August 8th. Each winner will receive a bike or trike and a helmet. Send any donations to the Cobleskill Ag. Society - Bike Project, PO Box 249, Cobleskill NY 12043

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Sharon Springs School Update

By Tori Edwards 

SHARON SPRINGS — The students at Sharon Springs Central School celebrated their 100th day of school on Wednesday. They are in their third week, for the third quarter. The student focus for the week was on the character strength of love. It represents the way we think, feel, and behave towards people with whom we have close relationships, this is a great character focus for the students. 

March 7th is the Class of 2025 Sub Supper, it is also SADD’s Youth Summit, and the school’s Annual Marker Faire. The Marker Faire is a celebration of invention, creativity, curiosity, and hands-on learning like the STEM EXPO. It is for grades K-12 and will be held at 3:30pm. 

The students will be holding their school musical March 22 at 7pm and Saturday March 23 at 7pm, so keep an eye out for ticket sales. 

The Spartans have a busy month ahead of them as soon as winter break is over! LET’S GO SPARTANS! 

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“Sharon Things - Local Happenings for Sharon Springs”

By Alexis Pencar

Hey Neighbors!

It's been cold this last week with more snow than expected over the weekend. The snow has come and gone but the winter sports have suffered with sledding and ice skating becoming increasingly difficult with the intermittent temperatures. A few small rinks have opened and closed again rather quickly but ponds have hardly been safe this year. 

Look out for clouds and cold with lows dipping in the single digits over the weekend. The temperatures warm up to 40s and 50s in the coming mid week with a low percentage of rain possible on Thursday. 

The days are lengthening and Spring is coming! The sun will set around 6:00 PM soon and that is exciting to many but don't forget Daylight Savings Time is coming up on March 10th!

Brimstone Bakery just started offering afternoon tea on Wednesdays from 1:30-3:30 PM. Visit their social media @brimstonebakery or call (518) 284-6093 for more information.

Sharon Springs Rescue Squad 

The Sharon Springs Rescue Squad is a cornerstone of the community! With many active members, they are always looking for new volunteers for Drivers, First Responders, Social Members, and EMT’s. SSRS will fund any training that is needed. SSRS meets the first Monday of the month at 7 PM and would be happy to answer any questions on how to support your community.

The American Legion

The American Legion Post 1269 of Sharon Springs is looking for new members! If you are interested in becoming an American Legion member, volunteering, or even donating to the many wonderful causes the Legion supports, please contact Commander Paul Todd at (518) 649-0024 for more information.

Sharon Springs Free Library

Remember that your library is available online, visit for more information.

Mrs. Fralick offers storytime for children on Thursday's at 10:00 am every week and includes a story or two, a craft, and a snack.

Winter Hours are: Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays from 1:00 - 6:00 PM, Mondays & Thursdays from 10:00 - 6:00 PM, Saturdays 10:00 -1:00 PM, and Sundays - Closed. 

For more Library information please contact (518) 284-3126.

Worship Services

The Sharon Reformed Church (6858 State Route 10, Sharon Springs, NY 13459) offers weekly service at 10:30 am. Contact at (518) 234-2387 for more details.

The Sharon Springs United Methodist Church (511 State Route 20, Sharon Springs, NY, 13459) offers weekly service at 10:30 am. Contact at (518) 284-2200 for more details.

The St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church (24 Maple Avenue, Cherry Valley, NY 13320) offers weekly mass at 10:00 am. Reminder: confession is available 30 minutes before every mass. Contact at (607) 264-3779 for more details.

The Zion St. John’s Lutheran Church Seward (114 Mesick Ave, Cobleskill, NY 12043) offers weekly service on Sundays at 9:00 am. Contact at (518) 234-3222 for more details.

Cornerstone Baptist Church (7274 Route 10, Ames, NY 13317). Sunday Service is at 10:00 am. All are welcome. Contact (518) 673 3405 for more details.

Food Pantry

The Sharon Springs Food Pantry is an excellent local resource for all! They are located in the United Methodist Church on Route 20, across from the school (511 US Route 20, Sharon’s Springs, NY 13459).

They are always accepting donations! If you or someone you know is in need of the Pantry, the hours are Thursday 9:00 am -10:30 am and 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm. For more information please contact (518) 284-2687 or follow them on Facebook.

Sharon Sr. Congregate Meal Site

Local residents are invited to enjoy good company and a noon-time meal year round (except holidays) at the Schoharie County OFA’s “Spa Ritz” Sr. Congregate Meal Site at the Firehouse at 137 Beechwood Rd. M-W-F. 8 oz of 1% milk is served with each meal. Orders for meals must be called into the OFA office at (518) 295-2001 before 2 p.m. for the following day. Effective January 1st the suggested donation for those 60 years old and older is $5.00 per meal. Under age 60? You’re welcome to participate for a fee of $7.50 per meal.

To share community news, upcoming events, business specials, adjusted hours, birthdays, anniversaries, or even an outstanding resident, please contact me directly at (772) 971-1410 or Have a great week! Thanks!

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Press Conference For Solar Opposition

By Alexis Pencar

SHARON SPRINGS — Next week, on Thursday, February 29th at 1:00 pm, there is a Press Conference scheduled at the Salisbury Farm on Sakon Road in Sharon Springs. Two farms and various neighbors discussed losing water in their wells in relation to the controversial NextEra Solar Project. This gathering is in opposition to the large solar project and it is said that Assemblyman Chris Teague and Senator Peter Oberaker will be in attendance as a show of support to the farmers.

Farmer Harry Edsell on Parsons Road and Farmer Gardner “Skip” Salisbury on Sakon Road have both had their highly important well water negatively affected by the locality of the NextEra Project and their drilling, etc. Without any disruption in water quantity and quality for decades, these farmers are desperate for help and solutions.

The NextEra Solar project has been ongoing for several years now and has caused issues at nearly every turn. Though NextEra has made efforts to work with local municipalities like Town of Sharon and Town of Carlisle, these representatives continuously feel as though they are unheard and given little to no options.

NextEra Energy received New York State approval to build the 50-megawatt “East Point Energy Center” in January 2021, on 1,313 acres of farmland east of Sharon Springs. The company began construction on the project in March of 2022. 

NextEra is a huge conglomerate and according to their website, “NextEra Energy Resources, LLC is a clean energy leader and is one of the largest wholesale generators of electric power in the U.S., with approximately 27,400 megawatts of total net generating capacity, primarily in 40 states and Canada as of year-end 2022. NextEra Energy Resources is the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun, a world leader in battery storage, and is driving the development of the green hydrogen economy.”

This Project has been controversial in the environmental consequences as well as the land use impacts for farmers and landowners. With construction, road closures, large equipment, and more, residents have been prevented from accessing land. There have also been comments and opposition to having prime farmland being used for this sort of venture.

If you have been affected by this or would like to make your voice and opinion heard on this matter, the Press Conference is scheduled for Thursday, February 29th, at 1:00 pm at the Salisbury Farm on Sakon Road in Sharon Springs. Look out for more coverage on this ongoing story.

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SUNY Cobleskill and SUNY Oneonta Sign Pathway Agreement

Dr. Mark Davies, Dean, School of Education, Human Ecology, and Sports Studies at SUNY Oneonta; Assemblyman Chris Tague; Senator Peter Oberacker; Dr. Enrique Morales-Diaz, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at SUNY Oneonta; Dr. Darcy Medica, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at SUNY Cobleskill; Elise Weiss, Assistant Dean and Chair of Early Childhood at SUNY Cobleskill; Erik Hage, Interim Dean for Academic Affairs and Teaching Faculty at SUNY Cobleskill; Paul Acosta, Director of Admissions at SUNY Cobleskill; Anna Miarka-Grzelak, Vice President for Strategic Enrollment and Innovation at SUNY Cobleskill. 

COBLESKILL — Administrators from SUNY Cobleskill and SUNY Oneonta today officially signed a new articulation agreement providing a seamless transition of graduates from Cobleskill’s Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Early Childhood Studies to Oneonta’s Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree program in Childhood Education/Liberal Arts as matriculated students with junior status. Oneonta and Cobleskill recognize their responsibility in helping transfer students maximize their opportunities, and to the state’s education field as it continues to experience teacher shortages. 

Cobleskill students who have graduated or will graduate with an A.A.S. in Early Childhood Studies must apply to Oneonta and meet the admission criteria to gain acceptance to Oneonta’s B.S. degree program. In turn, Oneonta will extend every opportunity to help full-time students who begin their courses in the fall semester to complete the B.S. in Childhood Education in two additional years of full-time study.

Dr. Marion Terenzio, President of SUNY Cobleskill, said, “I am proud to witness the formalization of this pivotal agreement between SUNY Cobleskill and SUNY Oneonta, denoting a significant step toward a solution in the pressing need for highly qualified educators in our state. This articulation agreement not only streamlines the transition for graduates of SUNY Cobleskill's Early Childhood program into SUNY Oneonta's Childhood Education program, but also reinforces our shared commitment to maximizing opportunities for transfer students. By offering this seamless pathway, we empower aspiring educators to easily continue their academic journey.”

Dr. Alberto Cardelle, President of SUNY Oneonta, said, “This year marks SUNY Oneonta’s 135th anniversary as an institution that began with a mission to teach educators. While our mission has broadened to prepare students for a multitude of career paths, we remain dedicated to providing the training necessary to build the future class of teachers with a special emphasis on fulfilling shortages here in our rural New York school districts."

Dr. Darcy Medica, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at SUNY Cobleskill, said, “Our two institutions see collaboration as an essential element in offering students choice and opportunity in how they achieve success along their academic journey. Partnerships like this signify to our Teacher Education-bound students that there are clear pathways to teacher certification that are attainable and accessible while providing them with diverse experiences that prepare them for the complexities of the modern classroom."

Dr. Mark Davies, Dean, School of Education, Human Ecology, and Sports Studies at SUNY Oneonta, said, “The early childhood program at SUNY Oneonta is grounded in the belief that all children can learn therefore we focus on the assets children and families bring to the classroom setting. We are committed to creating new inclusive educational pathways to diversify the teacher workforce, with particular attention to welcoming and supporting first-generation college students.”

Senator Toby Ann Stavisky (NY-11), New York State Senate Higher Education Chair, said, “This partnership between SUNY Oneonta and SUNY Cobleskill is a creative way to help address New York’s teaching shortage. I am encouraged by this decision, and I hope to see more collaborative efforts between colleges and universities in our SUNY system.”

Assemblymember Patricia Fahy (NY-109), Chair of the Assembly’s Standing Committee on Higher Education, said, “New York will need to hire thousands of teachers in the next decade just to meet current demand. I commend SUNY Oneonta and Cobleskill for getting creative in addressing what’s becoming a workforce crisis and opening up new pathways for prospective students hoping to enter the field. Innovative, local partnerships like this are exactly what will deliver the highly skilled workers and teachers we need in Upstate New York to continue delivering the nation’s top quality public education.”

Senator Peter Oberacker (NY-51) said, “Teachers play a vital role in developing our young people and preparing them for future success.  It is crucial that we address the ongoing teacher shortage and break down barriers that are making it more difficult for individuals to enter the education profession.  The collaboration between SUNY Cobleskill and SUNY Oneonta is a winning concept that will offer a major advantage to early education students. Additionally, this is a model that should be duplicated throughout the state university system in other disciplines to maximize opportunities and ensure that New York students continue to receive exceptional, affordable education.”

Assemblyman Chris Tague (NY-102) said, “It is so refreshing to see two administrations come together to conquer a mutual issue. As our state continues to struggle with teacher shortages, this articulation agreement is going to provide new opportunities and experiences to better prepare our future teachers. Thank you to both SUNY Cobleskill and SUNY Oneonta for taking the initiative to address this shortage. These students have a bright future ahead of them!”

Education is SUNY Oneonta’s oldest academic program, and one of its largest. The university offers 25 educator preparation programs, including bachelor’s degrees in early childhood, elementary and adolescence education. At the graduate level, SUNY Oneonta offers in-person master’s degree programs in school counseling and special education, online master’s degree programs in literacy education and educational technology, and online certificate programs in bilingual education and school counseling. SUNY Oneonta’s education programs have been continuously accredited since 2000 and recently earned accreditation by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation.

Students in SUNY Cobleskill’s Early Childhood programs have multiple opportunities to interact with infants through 5-year-olds while observing how early childhood professionals work with, guide, and present lessons to the children. Current research from the fields of developmental psychology, early education, infant mental health, cultural anthropology/family studies, and pediatric science is woven throughout the curriculum to ensure students understand the complex nature of early development and learning.

In addition to our conventional classrooms, the College operates two excellent early childhood laboratory schools, the Cobleskill Campus Child Care Center and a half-day preschool program at the Child Development Center. It bears noting that, while many colleges have either just one lab school or none at all, the fact that SUNY Cobleskill has two helps set our programs apart.

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SUNY Cobleskill Fighting Tigers Weekly Recap

The SUNY Cobleskill women’s basketball team captured the 2024 North Atlantic Conference (NAC) Western Division Championship over the weekend in games hosted by the Fighting Tigers. On Friday evening Cobleskill defeated the Mustangs of SUNY Morrisville by a score of 68-43 in the opening round then taking the title on Saturday with a 76-33 drubbing of the Kangaroos of SUNY Canton. Junior forward Cara Walker, Phelps, N.Y., Midlakes High School, was the catalyst to the wins posting a pair of double/doubles averaging 14.5 points, 10.5 points, 3.0 steals and 2.0 assists per game as the Fighting Tigers improved to a program record 25-1 overall on the year and increased their program record longest winning streak to 15 games.

The Fighting Tiger men’s basketball team won the 2024 North Atlantic Conference (NAC) Western Division Championship over the weekend in games played at SUNY Morrisville, N.Y. On Friday evening Cobleskill topped the Wildcats of the SUNY Polytechnic Institute 90-74 then winning the divisional title on Saturday with an 84-82 victory over the Broncos of SUNY Delhi to improve to 17-10 overall on the year. Sophomore guard Kobe Long, Rochester, N.Y., McQuaid Jesuit High School, was the driving force to the title averaging 29.0 points, 4.5 rebounds and 2.0 assists per game shooting 60.0% from the field including 58.8% from three-point range and 92.3% from the free throw line.

Senior distance runner Nick Logan, Queensbury, N.Y., Queensbury High School, was the Fighting Tiger men’s indoor track & field team’s top placer at the 2024 West Point Tune-up Meet hosted by the United States Military Academy in West Point, N.Y. Logan placed second overall in the Mile Run in a time of 4:22.09 and third in the 1000-Meter Run in a time of 2:35.12 at the non-scoring qualifying event.

Junior distance runner Kathrine Ledermann, Altamont, N.Y., Guilderland High School, was the Fighting Tiger woman’s indoor track & field team’s top finisher at the 2024 West Point Tune-up Meet hosted by the United States Military Academy in West Point, N.Y. Ledermann won the 1000-Run at the non-scoring qualifying event in a time of 3:33.56 to go with an eighth place finish in the Mile-Run with a time of 5:56.68.

Sophomore Sydney DiLascio, Highland, N.Y., Highland High School, earned individual Reserve Point Rider honors at the semester’s opening Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) Region 3 Zone 2 event hosted by Skidmore College at the Van Lennep Riding Center in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. on Saturday. Led by DiLascio’s efforts the Fighting Tigers placed second overall in a 10-team field at the event.

The Fighting Tiger baseball team was ranked first in the season opening 2024 NAC Western Division Coaches Poll.

The Fighting Tiger men’s lacrosse team was ranked seventh overall in the season opening 2024 NAC Coaches Poll.


Men’s Basketball hosts the 2024 NAC Championship Game versus Husson University on Saturday Feb. 24 at 1:00 p.m.

Baseball vs. SUNY Canton 4/5 & 4/6, SUNY Oneonta 4/10, Eastern Nazarene 4/12

Softball vs. VTSU-Castleton 4/2, MCLA 4/9, SUNY Poly 4/16 & 4/17

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