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Showing posts with label Delaware County. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delaware County. Show all posts

Man Arrested for DWI in Walton

Written By Editor on 3/27/17 | 3/27/17

On Sunday March 26 th 2017 at about 12:56am Delaware County Sheriff

Deputies arrested 42 year old John A. Radomski Jr of Dobbs Ferry New

York, on charges of driving while intoxicated and driving with a blood

alcohol content of .08% or greater, both unclassified misdemeanors.

Redomski was additionally charged with speed not reasonable and prudent,

unsafe lane change, and was later released on Tickets returnable to Walton

Town Court at a later date.

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NYC Man Arrested for DWAI Drugs in Delhi

On Saturday March 25 th 2017 at about 12:32am, Delaware County Sheriff’s

Deputies arrested 19 year old Max T Spangenthal of Manhattan New York,

for driving while ability impaired by drugs following a traffic stop in the

Village of Delhi. Spangenthal was additionally charged with failure to dim

headlights, signaling less than 100 feet, and unsafe backing. After arrest

processing the defendant was released on tickets returnable to Delhi Town

Court at a later date.

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Hamden Woman Arrested for Petit Larceny

On March 25th, 2017, Delaware County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested Hannah M. Sage 21 years old of Hamden, New York for the Misdemeanor Offense of Petit Larceny. It is alleged that over a period of time the defendant stole and consumed medication belonging to a family member.  She was arrested, processed and released on an appearance ticket directing her to appear in the Town of Hamden Court to answer the charges.  

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Minor Arrested for Assault at Kortright Leadership Academy

Written By Editor on 3/17/17 | 3/17/17

On Friday March 17 th 2017 at about 3:47am, Delaware County Sheriff’s

Deputies arrested a sixteen year old resident of the Youth leadership

Academy in Kortright, for assault in the third degree. Deputies allege the

defendant intentionally caused a Youth Leadership Academy employee to

sustain physical injury by striking the employee repeatedly during a large

altercation at the Youth Leadership Academy Facility. The youth was later

arraigned in front of Judge Lamport at Stamford Town Court and was

remanded to the Delaware County Jail in lieu of $2000 bail.

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Delaware County Declares State of Emergency, Road Travel Banned

Written By Editor on 3/14/17 | 3/14/17

Tina Mole, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for Delaware County, has declared a State

of Emergency for Delaware County. Heavy snow and high winds are making travel around

the County treacherous at best. All roads in Delaware County are closed until further

notice. No unnecessary travel in Delaware County is permitted.

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Akrville Woman Arrested for Endangering the Welfare of a Child

Written By Editor on 3/6/17 | 3/6/17

On Saturday March 4th 2017 at about 5:45pm, Delaware County Sheriff’s

Deputies arrested 35 year old Amanda M. Petry, of Arkville New York, on

one count of endangering the welfare of a child. Deputies allege the

defendant engaged in a physical domestic dispute with another person while

in a moving vehicle, and at the time of the physical altercation two children

less than 17 years of age were present inside the vehicle. Petry was issued

and released on an appearance ticket returnable to Andes Town Court at a

later date.

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Youth Arrested for Assault

On Thursday, March 5, 2017 Delaware County Deputies arrested a 16 year old youth

currently confined to the Youth Leadership Academy in South Kortright, NY for Assault

in the Third Degree, a Class A Misdemeanor under New York State Penal Law. The

arrest was a result of an alleged assault on a staff member on Friday March 3 rd . The

youth was arraigned in the Town of Stamford Court and sent to the Delaware County

Correction Facility on $1500 cash bail. He is to return to the Town of Kortright Court on

Tuesday March 21, 2017 at 2:00 PM.

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Arkville Man Arrested for Endangering Welfare of a Child

On Thursday February 23 rd 2017 at about 7:51pm, Delaware County

Sheriff’s Deputies arrested 44 year old Isreal L. Rivera, of Arkville New

York, on one count of endangering the welfare of a child. Deputies allege

the defendant engaged in a physical domestic dispute with another person

while in a moving vehicle, and at the time of the physical altercation two

children less than 17 years of age were present inside the vehicle. Rivera

was later arraigned in front of Judge Gockel at Roxbury Town Court and

was remanded to the Delaware County Jail in lieu of $500 bail.

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Couple Jailed For Rape, Sexual Abuse

Written By Editor on 2/14/17 | 2/14/17

SIDNEY - A Sidney couple is facing felony sex charges following investigation into a child pornography complaint.

 The investigation revealed Justin D. Crandall, 28, of Sidney had sent sexually explicit photographs of a young child to another person. Crandall was arrested Feb. 11 and charged with first degree rape, class B felony, promoting sexual performance by a child less than 17years old, a class D felony, endangering the welfare of a child, a class A misdemeanor and seventh degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, class A misdemeanor.  Crandall was arraigned in Sidney Village Courtwhere he was remanded to the Delaware County Jail.

On Feb. 13.New York State Police at Sidney also arrested Jessica L. Crandall,e 27, the wife of Justin D. Crandall, of Sidney, for the charges of first degree criminal sex act, a class B felony, and endangering the welfare of a child, a class A misdemeanor.

The investigation revealed Jessica Crandall had also sexually abused a child less than 11-years-old. She was arraigned in Sidney Village Court and remanded to the Delaware County Jail.
The Village of Sidney Police Department assisted throughout the three day investigation.

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Meredith Man Arrested for Child Endangerment

Written By Editor on 2/13/17 | 2/13/17

On February 9th , 2017, Delaware County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested Korey B.

Fisher 18 years old of Meredith NY, following an investigation into a NYS child

abuse Hotline referral. It is alleged that Fisher provided two 15 year old children

with marijuana, smoking marijuana with the children and then driving both

students to Delaware Academy in Delhi.

Fisher is charged with two Misdemeanor counts of Endangering the Welfare of a

child. He was processed and released on an appearance ticket directing him to

appear in the Town of Meredith Court at a later date to answer the charges.

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In Our Own Voice Presentation on Mental Illness Feb 23rd

Written By Editor on 2/12/17 | 2/12/17

On Thursday, February 23 rd , NAMI Delaware County will present In Our Own Voice, at 6 PM at

United Ministry of Delhi, 46 Church Street, on the Courthouse Square.

Snow date is March 2nd at 6 PM.

In Our Own Voice is a program in which NAMI trained speakers share compelling stories about

living with mental illness and achieving recovery and transformation. Audience members are

encouraged to offer feedback and ask questions, and to come to an understanding of what it is

like to live with a mental illness and maintain recovery and hope.

Speaker: Tammy Burrows is a trained presenter for NAMI, and a Mary Ellen Copeland Center

certified Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Facilitator. She is a member of NAMI of Otsego.

The presentation is offered free of charge, and there will be light refreshments.

In Our Own Voice is a Signature Program of National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the

largest grassroots mental health advocacy organization in the country, which provides support,

education, and advocacy for people living with mental illness and their families and loved ones,

as well as information for everyone in our communities.

This event is co-sponsored by the Delphic Fraternity of Gamma Sigma Tau of SUNY Delhi.

For event information: or (607) 326-4797

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Stamford Man Charged With DWI After Dropping Child Off At School

Written By Editor on 2/7/17 | 2/7/17

Brenten R. Bryan, 37, of Stamford, was charged Feb. 6 under Leandra’s law after state police stopped him along state Route 10 in the town of Stamford.

He is charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated with a child passenger less than 16 years old (Leandra’s law), the misdemeanor of aggravated driving while intoxicated with a B.A.C. result of .24 percent and other traffic violations.

The arrest occurred after Bryan was observed speeding and then pulling into the South Kortright Central School parking lot on state Route 10 at 8:35 a.m., according to the release.  The trooper waited down the street and conducted a traffic stop just after the vehicle left the school.  An investigation determined that the Bryan was driving while highly intoxicated and had just let a child less than 16 years old off at the school.
He was issued tickets to appear in Kortright Town Court on Feb 21.

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Delhi Man Arrested for Attempted Murder

Written By Editor on 2/6/17 | 2/6/17

On Friday night, February 3, 2017, Delaware County Sheriff's Deputies

arrested and charged a 38 year old Delhi man with attempted murder,

unlawful imprisonment and criminal possession of a weapon following their

investigation of a domestic dispute.

Photo credit: Delaware County Sheriff's Department

At approximately 9:22 p.m. Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a 911 report a

domestic dispute at the Buena Vista Motel located on State Highway 28 in

the Town of Delhi that was called in by the female victim.

The victim reported that she had escaped from her motel room where her

boyfriend had held her captive and beat her before she was able to escape

from the room to call 911. The victim further reported that as Deputies were

responding to her 911 call the assailant chased her down and again began to

punch and kick her before dragging her back into the motel room where he

brutally beat her with a glass bottle causing her to suffer serious physical

injury including multiple lacerations to the face and legs and the loss of

several teeth.

Upon arrival at the scene Deputies arrested the assailant who was identified

as 38 year old Jamal S. Abrams who formerly resided in Herkimer and

Brooklyn, NY.

The victim was transported to O’Connor Hospital by Delhi Emergency

Squad and was subsequently transferred to U.H.S. Wilson Hospital in

Johnson City for further treatment.

Following an investigation by Deputies Abrams was charged with a number

of felony offenses including attempted murder in the second degree, assault

in the first degree and unlawful imprisonment in the first degree as well as

the class A misdemeanor offense of criminal possession of a weapon in the

fourth degree. The defendant was later arraigned in front of Judge Gumo at

Delhi Town Court and was remanded to the Delaware County Jail in lieu of

$100,000 cash bail or $200,000 bail bond. Two active Bench Warrants for

Abrams’ arrest that are held by the Herkimer Police Department were also

filed with the Delaware County Correctional Facility as detainers.

Deputies were assisted by members of the New York State Police and the

Delhi Police Department.

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Stamford Man Arrested after a Domestic Incident

Written By Editor on 2/3/17 | 2/3/17

On Wednesday, February 1st, 2017, at approximately 11:21 PM, Delaware County

Sheriff’s Deputies arrested and charged Brandon Ortiz, 20, of Stamford, for the violation

level offense of Harassment in the Second Degree. The arrest occurred during the course

of an investigation of domestic incident that transpired in the Village of Stamford. Ortiz

was served a criminal summons, to appear before the Town of Harpersfield Court at a

later date.

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Stamford Woman Arrested for Alleged Child Endangerment

Written By Editor on 2/2/17 | 2/2/17

On Wednesday February 1, 2017 Delaware County Deputies arrested Samantha J.

Rich, 34 of Stamford for 1 count of Endangering the Welfare of a Child a class “A”

misdemeanor in violation of the New York State Penal Law. It is alleged that during the

summer of 2016 Samantha let a child who was 7 years old smoke marijuana with her at

her residence in the Town of Stamford. She was issued an appearance ticket returnable to

the Town of Stamford Court on February 14, 2017 at 6:00 PM to answer the charge.

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Roxbury Arts Presents: American Politics & Community Today: Reading and Discussion Series

Written By Editor on 2/1/17 | 2/1/17

What does it mean to be an American in the 21 st century? What does a model American do, and what

responsibilities do Americans have to their communities and each other? How have the answers to

these questions changed over the history of the United States? Participants a new program being

offered by the Roxbury Arts Group will engage with these questions and others regarding politics and

the current state of civic thought, feeling, and participation.

The Reading & Discussion Program will focus on the books The Book of Daniel, a novel by E.L.

Doctorow, and Talking to Strangers, Anxiety of Citizenship Since Brown vs. Board of Education, by

Danielle S. Allen. Discussions about the books will be led by Jennifer Kabat at the Roxbury Arts Center,

5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxbury NY on February 15, March 1, March 15, and March 29 from 6:00-

7:30p on each date. Community members who would like to participate can borrow the books directly

from the Roxbury Arts Group by contacting Miguel Martinez Riddle at 607.326.7908 or This event is free and open to the public.

Leading the discussion series is Margaretville resident Jennifer Kabat. Kabat, a writer and essayist, is

also a co-founder of the collaborative essay site, The Weeklings. She has been a guest critic at Yale,

the Rhode Island School of Design, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Virginia Common Wealth

University in Qatar, and other institutions. Her writing has been published in the Los Angeles Review of

Books, BOMB, Harper’s, The Believer, The White Review, Salon, The Guardian, and Granta, among

others. She’s received multiple grants to support her writing including an Arts Writers Grant for her

criticism and was recently artist-in- residence at the Headlands Center for the Arts in California. She

serves on the advisory board for the poetry collective Ugly Duckling Presse, and teaches contemporary

art and theory at New York University and design writing at the School of Visual Arts. Currently she is

finishing a collection of essays GROWING UP MODERN exploring civic values from where she grew

up outside Washington, DC to where she lives now in the Catskill Mountains.

“Literature can create empathy by putting yourself in someone else’s shoes,” says Kabat. “That can be

a profound experience. With this program we’re using books that specifically relate to citizenship now

by thinking about civic values and actions in other eras. We live in a small community and the idea that

we can be on the forefront of considering trust and considering what community and citizenship could

be now is really exciting to me. As a writer, looking at the ways civic values manifest (in both good and

bad ways) in everything from the NYC watershed to the forests around us has been really important to

my work, and I am excited to read books with a group and talk about them and our ideas about

participation and community and building that community to make it stronger.”

American Politics & Community Today: Reading & Discussion series begins on February 15, but

participants are encouraged to read the book in advance so they can fully participate in the

conversations. For more information about the upcoming Reading & Discussion, please contact the

Roxbury Arts Group at 607.326.7908 or

This program is made possible by a grant from Humanities New York. All programs offered by

the Roxbury Arts Group are supported by the A. Lindsay and Olive B. O’Connor Foundation, the

Robinson-Broadhurst Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature, Robert & Nellie Gipson, WIOX Community

Radio 91.3 FM, and the generosity of our business sponsors and individual donors like you.

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Single Car Accident in Delhi Leads to Minor Injuries

On Tuesday January 31, 2017 Delaware County Deputies investigated a 1 car

personal injury auto accident on Arbor Hill Road in the Town of Delhi. Nicholas

Mastrandera, 79, of Delhi was traveling south on Arbor Hill Road when he lost control of

his vehicle on the snow covered roadway. The vehicle traveled sideways leaving the

roadway and subsequently slid down an embankment and struck a tree. Mastrandera was

unable to free himself from the vehicle. Deputies were assisted by the Delhi Fire

Department and EMS with removing Nicholas from the vehicle and transporting him to

O’Connor Hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

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New Harpersfield Barn Will Preserve Town's Rich History

Written By Editor on 1/29/17 | 1/29/17

By Liz Page

HARPERSFIELD — A lot more history will be preserved in the town of Harpersfield

with a new two-story barn where the Harpersfield Historical Society can store artifacts.

The new barn went up in the matter of a few days, according to Tom Kendall, president

of the HHS.

“We had a lot of people contacting us to donate buggies and carriages,” he said. “The

new building will allow us to accept those donations and it is all paid for by grants.”

Agriculture has been and continues to be a major part of the Harpersfield community and

preserving that rich history is the reason for the new barn. Its second floor will be used

for storage.

The barn sits across the parking lot from the existing museum building, just off state

Route 23 near the Harpersfield Post Office and along the roadway to the transfer station

near the Harpersfield Town Barn. It is an Amish barn constructed by Dream Buildings

and it went up in early October. HHS member Bill Boyle oversaw the project, which took

about a week.

The Harpersfield Historical Society’s newly constructed storage barn. Photo by Liz Page

The project isn’t yet complete, with a concrete floor and electrical wiring still needed

sometime in the future. Kendall said a lean-to at the side of the barn may be added as the

HHS looks to continue Harpersfield Days. The first one was held last year and involved

several organizations.

“So many people have come to us and asked us if we will have Harpersfield Days again.

We don’t yet know if the other organizations are interested yet, but we are looking at it

anyway. We are looking at a flea market type of event for the area as an annual day.”

As a matter of fact, programming over the next year (2018) will focus on that rich ag

history, said Kendall. They will continue the program on military history this year which

focuses on those connected to Harpersfield in any way who have served in the military.

“We are still looking for items and information on any wars or military conflicts,” said


The Amish barn as it was being constructed last October to house equipment and artifacts donated to the Harpersfield Historical Society.

The agricultural history will focus on farms from years ago and the farms still in

existence today in Harpersfield. It is also a geological thing for the town, with HHS

member Bill Nicholson researching the land and its formation. It will also feature

photographs and information about the ag industry and farms in the town.

The HHS is also looking to have a sign erected along state Route 23 so people know they

have the new buildings and are open over several weekends during warmer weather. “We

think that will bring us some more traffic. It will specifically indicate it is a museum. We

plan on opening the season over the Memorial Day weekend,” said Kendall.

A control room is also on the wish list for keeping sensitive items in a controlled

environment. That is the group’s Phase III construction project, the museum and the barn,

the first two phases.

Kendall said the group is continually looking for grants and brainstorming ideas to get

more people to come and visit. With about a dozen active volunteers the HHS is looking

at continuing to preserve the town’s history and the invitation is open to new members.

“We are all volunteers. No one gets paid,” said Kendall. “There is a lot of stuff to log in

and new stuff which comes in all the time. We also have people constantly contacting us

for information.

“We are looking at making this as useful as possible and save as much history of the

town of Harpersfield and family geneology as possible. We want it to be a resource for

the community.”

He points out that a number of other communities are offshoots from the town of

Harpersfield, which extended to the Pennsylvania border in the beginning.

“We would like to make Harpersfield an area people want to come to and visit and see

what we have,” said Kendall.

The invitation to join has been sent to town taxpayers in conjunction with the town

board’s approval, according to Nicholson. The HHS will provide a free one-year

membership, worth $5, to anyone mailing in the card. The mailing took place in December.

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DOT Funds Buntline Culvert

By Liz Page

STAMFORD – The Village of Stamford has received a $158,000 grant from the state

Department of Transportation to replace a culvert along Buntline Drive.

The funding has been made available through DOT’s Bridge NY Grant Program,

according to Linda Stratigos, grant writer.

The Village has been researching water tanks, steel versus concrete, to replace the

existing concrete storage tank on Kirkner Hill Road. The Village has received a state

grant for replacement of the tank along with a subsidized loan through the

Environmental Facilities Corp. revolving loan fund. Bell Engineering has been providing

engineering services for the project.

Trustees approved a motion to allow the Village attorney to pursue information about

providing Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) programs as a way of offering tax

incentives to entice new businesses. The incentive would be part of the economic

development program.

Minutes of a special Jan. 3 board meeting indicate the Comprehensive Planning

Committee has been established and has met with the planning consultant, Nan

Stolzenburg of Community Planning, to begin work on the plan. They have established

focus groups and the committee is currently in the data gathering phase. Once that phase

is complete there will be a public meeting inviting the participation of village residents

sometime over the next two months.

Code Enforcement Officer Tomi Tompkins reported his is ready to begin fire inspections

with 145 properties, which doesn’t include multiple units on some of those properties. He

said he would be doing the inspection on both Robinson Terrace facilities, the one on

state Route 23 partially located in the town of Harpersfield.

Trustees moving into an executive session to discuss public safety.

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Girls Delaware League Hoop Gets Back In Full Swing

Written By Editor on 1/21/17 | 1/21/17

By Liz Page

DELAWARE LEAGUE— Hunter-Tannersville, Margaretville, Stamford and South Kortright all picked up wins in the new year as league action got back on track after the holiday break. 

H-T defeated Jefferson 55-17 as they took an overwhelming lead early and never looked back.

Audra Rossignol led the charge with 19 points, while teammates Jordan Jacobs and Cameron Radcliffe added 12 and 11 points in double figures.

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Jessica Pochily led Jefferson with 11 points on the night.

 Jordan Finch led the charge for the South Kortright Lady Rams with 20 points as they brought home a 53-18 victory over Windham.

SK led early and WAJ was unable to recuperate.

Justine Drum led the Lady Warriors with 10 points on the night.

The Stamford Lady Indians defeated Gilboa 62-33 as Melanie Hoyt led the way with the game high of 24 points and teammate Haley Steenland chimed in another 14 points in double figures.

Stamford held Gilboa to single digits in all but the third quarter to bring home the win.

Sierra Perry scored 11 points to lead the Lady Wildcats.

Margaretville defeated Roxbury 36-21 behind Kristena Westerfeld, who scored the game high of 12 points as the team put in a balanced effort.

The Lady Blue Devils led 10-6 in the opening quarter and went on from there. Roxbury was led by Kaitlyn Balcom, who scored 11 points on the night. 

The Downsville Lady Eagles fell to non-league Gilbertsville-Mount Upton, 32-27. Kenzy Hammond led Downsville with 11 points and teammate Jocelyn Duncan added eight points.

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