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Showing posts with label Leo McAllister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leo McAllister. Show all posts

Poll: Plurality Views McAllister Favorably

Written By Editor on 7/7/14 | 7/7/14

A plurality of Schoharie News readers view Cobleskill Town Supervisor Leo McAllister in favorable terms, this according to a recent survey that was open from Wednesday morning until late Sunday evening. Roughly one hundred and twenty-five residents participated. 

What is your opinion of Cobleskill Supervisor Leo McAllister?

Favorable - 48%
Unfavorable - 27%
No opinion - 26%

Mr. McAllister is by far the most influential member on the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors, due to his enviable sixteen percent share of the weighted vote and his calculated business wherewithal on financial matters. He is currently half-way through his first year. 

The poll was open for five days and was located on the right-hand sidebar of the website.  

Vote in Our New Poll: What is Your Opinion of Supervisor McAllister?

Written By Editor on 7/2/14 | 7/2/14

No one man has more influence on the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors than Cobleskill Supervisor Leo McAllister and his coveted 16% weighted votes, which have proved pivotal in recent months on votes concerning the casino, stream bank work, and tax abatements. 

However, due to his significant role in county politics and his, oftentimes, decisive vote on policy matters, we are posing the question to Schoharie News readers in our latest poll of whether they view Cobleskill's Town Supervisor favorably or unfavorably in regards to his role as county legislator. 

Mr. McAllister is a successful businessman who has brought his financial know-how and private sector wherewithal with him to the county board. He was elected to the position last November after handily defeating then-Supervisor Tom Murray in the paradigm shifting elections. 

The poll will remain open until next Wednesday is located on the right-hand sidebar of the website. 

Cobleskill Race to Determine County Board Future

Written By Editor on 11/5/13 | 11/5/13

The Board of Supervisors, with its 2,974 weighted votes divided between sixteen Town Supervisors, could witness a fundamental shift in power today with twelve municipalities choosing between two or more candidates to not only lead their local government but to represent them county-wide. 

None of which could have a greater impact then the race between Cobleskill incumbent Supervisor Tom Murray and Republican challenger Leo McAllister. Today's victor will hold 481 (16.2%) of the board's weighted votes and his vote alone could either pass or sink any measure that comes before county government. This holds especially true with the board's vote to elect a new chairman in January. 

Mr. Murray, who recently appeared in a advertisement with seven other supervisor candidates that make up the conservative faction and if they are all successful would control over half of the board's weighted vote, stands as the bulwark of this coalition: providing almost one-third of their overall support and their control of the county's economic hub. 

As such, the race in Cobleskill not only represents a stark contrast between Supervisor Murray and Mr. McAllister, a local business owner who has served his community in a variety of positions, but it will decide the direction of county politics in regards to the board's handling of Fitzmaurice's recommendations, tax policy and the future of Schoharie County government and whether we learn from the mistakes of the past three years. 

Cobleskill voters have a difficult, yet clear choice to make in today's election: do they stand with the incumbent and his tri-partisan faction that is seeking to regain control of county politics, or do they stand with the opponent that is a soft spoken, polite businessman and who will bring a sense of moderation to a board that has far too long been embroiled in controversy.

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