Following up on last month’s discussion to possibly increase the rate for disposing mattresses, the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors debated a potential change to fees charged for disposing mattresses at their March 17th meeting.
Supervisor Phil Skowfoe of Fulton recommended changes to the mattress fee schedule. He said that other counties do recycling at about $20-25 per ton, which is about a wash.
Supervisor Larry Bradt of Carlisle said that he was against increased charges because it might be added to a larger pile of garbage. Supervisor Skowfoe said it was more expensive to ship the mattresses to the western part of the state. “You know that cause you was at that meeting,” he told Supervisor VanGlad of Gilboa. The new rate would be $140 per ton or about $20 per mattress individually. He said the additional mattresses take up more space and that
There was significant confusion about the weight of the mattress and how much each one would cost when disposed by itself or with a load of garbage. The box spring would not be included in such disposal.
“I called the damn question,” Skowfoe said, calling for a vote. Voting no were Supervisors Bradt, Coppolo, Hait, Federice, Tague, and Vroman. The vote passed by a “hair,” in the words of Supervisor VanGlad 1565-1409.
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Supervisor Phil Skowfoe of Fulton recommended changes to the mattress fee schedule. He said that other counties do recycling at about $20-25 per ton, which is about a wash.
Supervisor Larry Bradt of Carlisle said that he was against increased charges because it might be added to a larger pile of garbage. Supervisor Skowfoe said it was more expensive to ship the mattresses to the western part of the state. “You know that cause you was at that meeting,” he told Supervisor VanGlad of Gilboa. The new rate would be $140 per ton or about $20 per mattress individually. He said the additional mattresses take up more space and that
There was significant confusion about the weight of the mattress and how much each one would cost when disposed by itself or with a load of garbage. The box spring would not be included in such disposal.
“I called the damn question,” Skowfoe said, calling for a vote. Voting no were Supervisors Bradt, Coppolo, Hait, Federice, Tague, and Vroman. The vote passed by a “hair,” in the words of Supervisor VanGlad 1565-1409.
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