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Showing posts with label casino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label casino. Show all posts

Sheriff Desmond Backs Howe Caverns Casino

Written By Editor on 4/1/14 | 4/1/14

Cobleskill, NY – Schoharie County Sheriff Tony Desmond on Monday afternoon announced his support for the proposed casino to be sited at Howe Caverns.

“I believe a casino in Schoharie County would have no real impact on our public safety,” Desmond said.

“In fact, I believe that providing more jobs and opportunity for our residents would deter crime that otherwise occur in a tough economy,” Desmond continued.

Desmond also stated that he would welcome working with casino management to help develop a comprehensive plan for the overall security at the casino, all its adjacent properties and the County as a whole.

“I would welcome a strong partnership with the casino management and security team to ensure a safe environment for residents and visitors to our County,” Desmond said.

Desmond, who also served as former Supervisor of the Town of Sharon, mentioned that a casino would also bring a much needed to boost to the local economy.

“I know that specifically in the Town of Sharon and the Village of Sharon Springs there are many good ideas and proposals for economic growth and this could help jumpstart those plans as well as others throughout the county,” Desmond said.

Additionally, Desmond referred to the effect flooding had on the area in 2011 and how creating a tourist destination could help rejuvenate the county.

“I saw first-hand the devastation caused by the flooding in Schoharie County.  It was not only devastation of property, but of morale and spirit as well. The plan to create a world class entertainment destination could be the turnaround that Schoharie County needs,” Desmond concluded.

Poll: Majority Back Caverns Casino

Written By Editor on 3/24/14 | 3/24/14

In Schoharie County's current economic climate, a casino is an acceptable deal to most, according to the latest Schoharie News poll. In our unscientific poll, over the last week, a clear majority back a casino going to the Howe Caverns complex. This comes just two weeks after rejecting a general idea of a casino by a narrower margin.

Would you support a casino at Howe Caverns?

Yes: 204 - 66%

No: 103 - 33%
Undecided: 4 - 1%
Total: 311

By an almost two-to-one margin, readers back the project, coming after the County Board made an initial step to support such a project.

In Reversal, Board Supports Local Casino

Written By Editor on 3/22/14 | 3/22/14

One week after representatives of Howe Caverns briefed local legislators, state officials, and others on their plans to compete for one of New York State's seven recently approved casinos, the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors reversed their close February decision against the concept of hosting one in county with a 13-3 vote in favor of the idea Friday morning. 

Cobleskill Stone General Manager Chris Tague spoke on behalf of Howe Caverns, telling board members that, "we're not solely here... to sell Howe Caverns, but to open up development of Schoharie County," many supervisors, however, questioned the resolution's original language that offered county support for a specific site. 

Among those questioning the original language were Supervisors Buzon, Milone, and Skowfoe, all of whom supported last month's casino resolution but felt it was inappropriate for the board to support one potential location over another, with Mr. Milone stating that he did not believe the county should, "be interested in earmarking for one specific entity."

After almost an hour of prolonged discussion, supervisors voted down the resolution in support of Howe Caverns' project and moved to reconsider last month's failed measure that simply expressed the county's willingness to New York State to host a casino in principle. In response, several lawmakers personally opposed to the concept proposed a public hearing be held on the matter to salve their uneasiness.

The result of which was a confusing trio of votes that saw the county board include a public hearing in the resolution, followed by a motion to set a public hearing for next month, and then finally they moved to take the public hearing out of the resolution altogether. The crowd of public officials and residents alike grew restless over this fifteen minute period of dysfunction. 

In the end, despite the confusion and different viewpoints, only three supervisors voted against Schoharie County hosting a casino for a second time: Barbic of Seward, Bradt of Carlisle, and Federice of Conesville. When asked why he opposed the resolution, Mr. Bradt said that he based his vote on his town's opposition to last year's statewide ballot referendum, and that he, "had to vote to represent the people of Carlisle."

A public hearing will be held next month on the matter.

Vote in Our Poll: Would You Support a Casino at Howe Caverns?

Written By Editor on 3/20/14 | 3/20/14

Schoharie News readers may have turned down the general idea of a casino in our poll two weeks ago, but with an actual project making a pitch, the calculus may have changed. Make sure to vote in our sidebar and let us know-- would you support a casino coming into the Howe Caverns complex?

Howe Caverns Casino? Owner Makes Pitch to Local Leaders

Written By Editor on 3/15/14 | 3/15/14

A casino might be coming to Schoharie County after all.

In a meeting between representatives of Howe Caves Development Corp., LLC and Senator James Seward, Assemblyman Pete Lopez, members of Congressman Chris Gibson's staff, as well as other local officials earlier this week, Cobleskill businessman Emil Galasso, who wasn't present at the meeting but whose daughter and staff was, announced Howe Caverns' interest in hosting one of the seven casinos approved in last year's statewide ballot measure on their sprawling property.

Howe Caverns
Mr. Galasso, who purchased the popular natural attraction in 2007 with businessman Charles Wright, touted the property's 330 acres of shovel ready development approved land in a press release filed Friday evening, in which he stated that after, "long consideration, he and members of his team have officially decided to pursue the process for the Howe Caverns property to be considered."

Adding that Schoharie County has suffered economically from the destruction wrought by Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee's effects in August 2011, Mr. Galasso believes the proposal could spur local job growth, infrastructure repairs, and restore economic value to the county and surrounding areas, if approved. 

Pubic sentiment, however, is mixed on the idea of welcoming a casino into the county. Local residents approved the statewide ballot measure by just two hundred votes last fall, while the Board of Supervisors voted down a resolution last month that would have signaled the county's willingness to host a gaming venue. In addition, 53% of Schoharie News readers opposed the idea in a recent survey

Thanking local leaders for attending the meeting, Mr. Galasso concluded that based on his forty-five years of experience as a businessman, he found that in comparison to other proposed sites that Howe Caverns had to, "make the most sense due to its location, economic activity, opportunity for business development and beauty of the Schoharie Valley."

Supervisors Vote Down Casino Proposal

Written By Editor on 2/25/14 | 2/25/14

Schoharie County Supervisors voted down a proposed resolution Friday evening that, if adopted, would have signaled the Board of Supervisors interest in seeing a casino constructed within county limits. Sharon Town Supervisor Sandra Manko offered the eye-catching resolution for consideration.

Despite hearing arguments that building a casino in Schoharie County would lead to increased job creation and human tourism, legislators voted down the proposal 1118-1616. Supervisors Buzon, Jordan, Manko, Milone and Skowfoe voted in favor, while the rest were either excused or against .

Commenting that her no vote wasn't against the casino in principle, Wright Town Supervisor Amber Bleau told the Schoharie News she felt that, "our local infrastructure isn't prepared for the traffic." She would go on to add that, "I'm also concerned with the potential for increased drinking and driving."

Last November New York voters approved a statewide initiative by fourteen percent authorizing up to seven casinos to be built in the state. Schoharie County residents narrowly supported the ballot measure by a mere two hundred votes, indicating the public is just as split on the issue as its officials. 

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