, pub-2480664471547226, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Indy TV Station Grows by 33 % & Full DMA Big 4 Get big Jump Up vs OTT

Written By Editor on 3/14/21 | 3/14/21

In  NY's Capital city, Albany  the BIG 4 facilities are up over a year ago. The Media Audit was just completed & interviews conducted in Nov Dec & part of January with , 1,200 base sample.
a confirmation that while people do a lot of OTT movies & such they still turn to news teams to be up on Covid & life in general & snow reporting for the northeast .
See cume's report  that are 2 days old.

WYBN TV 14 a classic 8 channel indy managed to beat the ION & MY TV  stations combined number. WYBN was up 33 % from last years report.

As books come out across the US I wonder what the trends will be.

Want info from Media Audit , e mail the President Phil Beswick. @

RANKER REPORT  - The Media Audit






  Rank  Media Cume Persons Cume Ratings
1C13 WNYT NBC TOTAL490,69744.2
2C 6 WRGB CBS TOTAL468,40142.2
3C10 WTEN ABC TOTAL461,50041.5
4C23 WXXA FOX TOTAL251,26322.6
    8C45 WCWN CW TOTAL151,01013.6
9C17 WMHT PBS TOTAL109,2959.8
10WYBN-TV NET TOTAL63,9845.8   up 33 % from last report
11C51 WNYA MY TOTAL32,9703
12C55 WYPX ION TOTAL26,3662.4

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Roots: The Underground Heroes in Your Garden Presentation at Landis

Roots: The Underground Heroes in Your Garden
Saturday, March 27, 1:00 PM on Zoom

This is the second in a series of three informative and interesting classes to be presented by Chris Cash, recently retired popular Plant Science Professor from SUNY Cobleskill.  

Roots are the most important key to a plant’s success. They are hidden from the gardener underground, but as an old phrase explains, “as the roots go, so goes the plant.”
Chris will focus his presentation on what is required for optimum root growth; how to provide roots ‘opportunities’ for optimum air, water and nutrient balance in soils; and the links between root health and overall plant health. Join the discussion and learn how you can improve the life of the plants in your garden and yard.  Happy roots, happy plants!

We invite you to join us by Zoom for this class. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED; registrations will receive the Zoom link prior to class. Click here to register by PayPal or if you prefer to avoid PayPal, contact us at 518-875-6935 to pay by phone using your credit card.

Instructor: Chris Cash, Professor of Plant Science at SUNY Cobleskill, retired
Location: Zoom (registration required)
Members: $5/person; nonmembers: $15/person

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Music of Upstate NY Presentation at Gilboa Museum

from the Gilboa Historical Society

THIS WEEK: Dave Ruch is a Public Scholar for the New York Council for the Humanities, a writer for The Huffington Post, and a member of the New York State Historical Association, Canal Society of New York, New York Folklore Society, and the Western New York Association of Historical Agencies. With expert musicianship and a warm, effortless style, he delights adult audiences with authentic songs and stories from the people who built and settled our communities.

Click here for the free performance through March 20, 2021.
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Sidney Free Mobile Coach Cancer Screening 3/30

Written By Editor on 3/8/21 | 3/8/21

The mobile screening coach will be at Sidney Family Planning on Tuesday, March 30, 9am-2pm to provide free cancer screenings for women 40 and over.  NO COST clinical breast exams, pelvic exams, and Pap tests provided in the clinic with mammograms provided on the coach. No insurance? High deductible/copay? No problem! Call the Cancer Services Program at 1-888-345-0225 to find out how you may be able to get FREE cancer screenings and make an appointment.  Insurance is billed for those with insurance.  Colorectal cancer screening kits are also available for men and women 50 and over.


Facebook link:

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Friendship Craft Festival Canceled

Due to the uncertainty of local mandates surrounding the coronavirus
pandemic, the Craft Fair Committee and the Church of Christ Uniting’s
Governing Board made the difficult decision, for a second year, to cancel
this year’s Friendship Craft Festival in Spring Park scheduled for Saturday,
June 12.
It is our sincere hope that this long standing event will return for its 41 st year
on June 11, 2022. Information and applications will be released in January.

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Free Colon Cancer Screening March 11th

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month!  To celebrate, the Cancer Services Program of the Central Region and Senator Mike Martucci’s office will be set up in the Delhi Price Chopper Parking Lot on March 11, 2021, 10am to 2pm next to Bassett’s mobile screening coach.  There will be freebies, giveaways, health information, and more!  Eligible individuals 50 and older will be able to sign up for FREE take-home colon cancer screening FIT kits. The mobile screening coach will also be providing free breast and cervical cancer screenings to women 40 and older with appointments required. Senator Martucci’s staff will be available to ask questions, voice concerns, discuss local issues, and seek assistance in using government services.   Masks and social distancing required.  Call 1-888-345-0225 for more information.

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Reggie Harris Performance at the Gilboa Historical Society

Written By Editor on 3/5/21 | 3/5/21

Reggie Harris at the Gilboa Historical Society

Reggie Harris is part of the solution. His marvelous music, his hard-earned wisdom, and his loving presence lift up any room he enters. Reggie reaches across all boundaries and makes strangers into friends. Give yourself the gift of this transformative visit with Reggie Harris.
..... Click here for the free performance from Friday, March 5 through March 12, 2021.

Next week, our rotation continues: Dave Ruch's music of upstate New York.

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Deputy Saves Life of an Overdose Victim

Today, Sheriff Craig S. DuMond announced that the life of an unresponsive opiate overdose victim was saved by a Deputy Sheriff Wednesday evening, March 3, 2021.
On Wednesday evening, Sergeant Christopher Erwin responded to a priority 911 check the welfare call on County Highway 14 in Treadwell. Upon his arrival, Sergeant Erwin discovered an unconscious an unresponsive 27-year-old male lying on the floor experiencing ineffective breathing. Sergeant Erwin, a Certified Drug Recognition Expert, immediately noted victim’s symptoms were consistent with an apparent opiate overdose and immediately administered Narcan to the victim. The victim failed to respond to that treatment but regained consciousness and responded to a second dose of Narcan. The victim later refused to be transported by EMS to a medical facility for further evaluation and treatment.
Sheriff DuMond reminds the public that New York’s “911 Good Samaritan” law provides protections from charge and prosecution for drug and alcohol possession for the victim and those who seek help for an overdose victim. If you suspect that a loved one is experiencing a drug or alcohol overdose, do not hesitate to call 911 for help as early intervention is a critical factor in their recovery.

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Written By Editor on 3/4/21 | 3/4/21

Please take notice that the Windham Fire District of the town of
Windham County of Greene, New York, March regular meeting is
rescheduled for Monday, March 15, 2021 at Town Hall 371 NY-296,
Hensonville, NY 12439. All meetings of the Windham Fire District are
open to the public.

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Join Hanford Mills for Plant Discussion

Written By Editor on 3/2/21 | 3/2/21

InterActions series continues 
Hear about the importance of place, native plants, the landscape, and 30 years of art inspired by the Catskills at the next InterActions. The online program on Thursday, March 4 at 7 pm features artist Ellen Wong and SUNY Delhi Associate Professor Lisa Tessier.

Ellen Wong will reflect on her work as an artist living part time in the Catskills for 30 years. "Looking back has helped me to see the constancy and through line that runs like the rivers and roads through most of my work," she says. Wong focuses on the rural and working local landscape, especially that of the agriculture surrounding her home in Roxbury. She also co-hosts "The Farm Hour," a weekly radio show on WIOX in Roxbury.
Lisa Tessier teaches at SUNY Delhi, where her classes include "The Art ofPhoto by Lisa Tessier of Solidago and Aster  Healing Landscapes," "Environmental Art in America," and "Sustainable Design and Planning." Tessier's place-based artwork includes landscape designs with native plants, watercolor landscapes, basketry, and watercolor botanical sun prints. On Thursday, she will share her passion for using native plants in garden design and in the sun printing process. 

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New Alzheimer’s Association Report Examines Racial and Ethnic Attitudes on Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

- Report also shows latest statistics and information on Alzheimer’s prevalence, incidence, mortality and cost of care in New York and nationally -

- Statewide deaths attributable to Alzheimer’s and dementia spike during COVID-19 -


Albany, NY, March 2, 2021 – Findings from two national surveys appearing in the Alzheimer’s Association 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report reveal that discrimination is a barrier to Alzheimer’s and dementia care. More than one-third of Black Americans (36%) and nearly one-fifth of Hispanic Americans (18%) and Asian Americans (19%), believes discrimination would be a barrier to receiving Alzheimer’s care. In addition, half or more of non-White caregivers say they have experienced discrimination when navigating health care settings for their care recipient.


The 2021 Facts and Figures report provides an in-depth look at the latest national statistics on Alzheimer’s prevalence, incidence, mortality, costs of care and impact on caregivers. New disease-related statistics for New York revealed the following:

      Number of New York residents aged 65 and older living with Alzheimer’s: 410,000

      Estimated number of New York residents living with Alzheimer’s in 2025: 460,000

      Percentage change: 12.2% increase

      Statewide deaths from Alzheimer’s disease (2019): 3,753

      Number of New York residents serving as unpaid family caregivers: 586,000

      Total hours of unpaid care provided: 774 million

      Total value of unpaid care: $14.62 billion


“The new Facts and Figures report shows that Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias continue to be a significant burden for too many New York families,” said Beth Smith-Boivin, executive director of the Alzheimer’s Association Northeastern New York Chapter. “We must continue to work toward advancing new treatments that can stop or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s, while also continuing to provide care and support services to help all those affected.”


For the first time, the accompanying special report, “Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer’s in America,” examines perspectives and experiences of Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native and White Americans in regard to Alzheimer’s and dementia care. Findings in the report, reveal that non-White racial/ethnic populations expect and experience more barriers when accessing dementia care, have less trust in medical research and are less confident that they have access to health professionals who understand their ethnic and racial background and experiences.


Among the findings:

      Two-thirds of Black Americans (66%) believe it is harder for them to get excellent care for Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Likewise, 2 in 5 Native Americans (40%) and Hispanic Americans (39%) believe their own race or ethnicity makes it harder to get care, as do one-third of Asian Americans (34%).

      Nearly two-thirds of Black Americans (62%) believe that medical research is biased against people of color — a view shared by substantial numbers of Asian Americans (45%), Native Americans (40%) and Hispanic Americans (36%) as well. Only half of Black Americans (53%) trust a future cure for Alzheimer’s will be shared equally regardless of race, color or ethnicity.

      Fewer than half of Black (48%) and Native Americans (47%) feel confident they have access to providers who understand their ethnic or racial background and experiences, and only about 3 in 5 Asian Americans (63%) and Hispanics (59%) likewise feel confident.    


“Despite ongoing efforts to address health and health care disparities in Alzheimer’s and dementia care, survey results show there is still a lot of work to be done,” said Carl V. Hill, Ph.D., MPH. chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer, Alzheimer’s Association. “Clearly, discrimination, lack of diversity among health care professionals and mistrust in medical research create significant barriers to care and demand the country’s full attention.”


Episodes of discrimination, however, extend beyond Alzheimer’s and dementia care, the Alzheimer’s Association surveys found that many non-White Americans say they have experienced discrimination in the broader health care system. Specifically, half of Black Americans (50%) report they’ve experienced discrimination when seeking health care; more than 4 in 10 Native Americans (42%) and one-third of Asian Americans (34%) and Hispanic Americans (33%) likewise report having experienced health care discrimination.


The experiences and views of discrimination expressed by respondents in both surveys are also reflected in their views on clinical trial participation. Black Americans have less interest in clinical research trials to prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. White Americans are most likely to express interest (82%), followed by Native Americans (81%), Hispanic Americans (78%), Asian Americans (73%) and lastly, Black Americans (67%). The most common reason cited for not participating in clinical trials among all racial/ethnic groups is not wanting to be a “guinea pig.” This sentiment was especially strong among Black Americans (69%). In addition, almost half of Black Americans (45%) worry that treatments might cause sickness. They are also twice as likely as other groups to say they “don’t trust medical research.” And they are more than twice as likely as other racial or ethnic groups to say they “might not be treated fairly.”


As noted in the 2021 Facts and Figures report, health and socioeconomic disparities and systemic racism contribute to increased Alzheimer’s and dementia risk in communities of color. According to the report, older Blacks and Hispanics are also disproportionately more likely to have Alzheimer’s and other dementias. In addition, both groups are more likely to have missed diagnoses than older whites.


Impact of COVID-19

The report also examines the devastating impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on people living with Alzheimer’s. According to the report, there were at least 42,000 more deaths from Alzheimer’s and other dementias in 2020 compared with averages over the previous five years – a 16% increase. 


In New York, there were 2,210 more deaths from Alzheimer’s and dementia in 2020 than compared to averages over the past five years – an 18.8% increase.


The report highlights preliminary and anecdotal data indicating the COVID-19 pandemic is also having adverse effects on many family caregivers. It notes that pandemic-related caregiving challenges, including the shutdown of adult day care centers and the inability of families to visit or communicate with relatives in long-term care settings have caused “emotional distress and other negative outcomes among caregivers.” 


“While more study is needed to understand the exact reasons why deaths attributable to Alzheimer’s and dementia during the pandemic have increased so dramatically, we do know individuals living with Alzheimer’s, particularly those living in long-term care settings are extremely vulnerable,” said Smith-Boivin. “In addition, many caregivers have been unable to visit loved ones in these settings, resulting in social isolation for the care recipient and causing enormous stress for these families. The Alzheimer’s Association Northeastern New York Chapter is committed to supporting New York caregivers and implementing the safety measures needed to reunite these families.”


2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures: At a Glance

Prevalence, Incidence and Mortality

      An estimated 6.2 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s dementia in 2021.

      More than 1 in 9 people (11.3%) age 65 and older has Alzheimer’s dementia.

      Two-thirds of Americans over age 65 with Alzheimer’s dementia (3.8 million) are women.

      Deaths due to Alzheimer’s between 2000 and 2019, has more than doubled, increasing 145%.

      1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia.



      In 2020, more than 11 million caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias provided an estimated 15.3 billion hours of unpaid care, a contribution to the nation valued at $257 billion. 

      Nearly half of all caregivers (48%) who provide help to older adults do so for someone with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. 

      Approximately two-thirds of caregivers are women, and one-third of dementia caregivers are daughters.

      Forty-one percent of caregivers have a household income of $50,000 or less.


Cost of Care

      In 2021, total payments for all individuals with Alzheimer’s or other dementias are estimated at $355 billion (not including unpaid caregiving).

      Medicare and Medicaid are expected to cover $239 billion or 67% of the total health care and long-term care payments for people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias. Out-of-pocket spending is expected to be $76 billion. 

      Total payments for health care, long-term care and hospice care for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias are projected to increase to more than $1.1 trillion in 2050.

      The total lifetime cost of care for someone with dementia is estimated at $373,527. 


Additional data from the report is included below. Full text of the 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report, including the accompanying special report, “Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer’s in America,” can be viewed at The report will also appear in the March 2021 issue of Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.


Other Key Findings from “Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer’s in America:”

      Concern about developing Alzheimer’s is lower among Native Americans (25%), Blacks (35%) and Hispanics (41%), especially when compared with Whites (48%).

      More than one-third of Native Americans (35%) and nearly 3 in 10 Hispanics (28%) do not believe they will live long enough to develop Alzheimer’s or another dementia.

      More than half of non-White Americans believe significant loss of memory or cognitive abilities is “a normal part of aging.”

      Hispanic, Black and Native Americans are twice as likely as Whites to say they would not see a doctor if experiencing thinking or memory problems.

      One in 5 Black (21%) and Hispanic Americans (20%) say they would feel insulted if a doctor suggested a cognitive assessment.

      Nearly 2 in 3 caregivers (64%) across all groups say that caregiving is stressful, but nearly all (92%) say caregiving is rewarding as well.


Updated Alzheimer’s Statistics

The Alzheimer’s Association Facts and Figures report also provides an annual look at the latest national statistics and information on Alzheimer’s prevalence, incidence, mortality and morbidity, costs of care and caregiving, both nationally and state-by-state.  


About 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures 

The Alzheimer's Association 2021 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures report is a comprehensive compilation of national statistics and information on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The report conveys the impact of Alzheimer’s on individuals, families, government and the nation’s health care system. Since its 2007 inaugural release, the report has become the preeminent source covering the broad spectrum of Alzheimer’s issues. The Facts and Figures report is an official publication of the Alzheimer’s Association.


About the Survey

Versta Research conducted two surveys on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association: (1) U.S. adults and (2) current or recent caregivers of adults age 50 or older with cognitive issues. Respondents were asked about access to care and support services, trust in providers and the health care system, participation in clinical trials and research, and caregiver experiences. Surveys were conducted October 26 - November 11, 2020. Data was collected by NORC at the University of Chicago via the AmeriSpeak® panel. AmeriSpeak is a probability-based panel of all U.S. households. 


The survey included 945 White respondents. Oversamples of Hispanic (n=541), Black (n=515) and Asian Americans (n=412) were weighted back to their true population proportions for statistical analysis and reporting. For full inclusion of Native Americans, the same survey was administered to an additional sample of 406 Native Americans recruited through online (non-probability) panels with sampling stratified and data weighted on gender, age, income and education to match U.S. Census Bureau data. The surveys were offered in both English and Spanish. For complete details regarding survey methodology, see page 73 of the report.


About the Alzheimer’s Association

The Alzheimer’s Association leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia – by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia. For more information, visit or call the 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.

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March 3rd Schoharie County Vaccination Clinic Information

Written By Editor on 3/1/21 | 3/1/21

The Department of Health received vaccine to conduct a first dose Vaccination Clinic for Medically Compromised Individuals on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 in the main county office building basement, from 10am to 1pm. 

You must have one/more of the following conditions to register for this clinic and be at least 18 years old.  You will be required to sign a form that you have one or more of the qualifying medical conditions.

  • Cancer (current or in remission, including 9/11-related cancers)
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Pulmonary Disease, including but not limited to, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), asthma (moderate-to-severe), pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and 9/11 related pulmonary diseases
  • Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities including Down Syndrome
  • Heart conditions, including but not limited to heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies, or hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) including but not limited to solid organ transplant or from blood or bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of corticosteroids, use of other immune weakening medicines, or other causes
  • Severe Obesity, Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Sickle cell disease or Thalassemia
  • Type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus 
  • Cerebrovascular disease (affects blood vessels and blood supply to the brain)
  • Neurologic conditions including but not limited to Alzheimer's Disease or dementia
  • Liver disease

If you would like to register for this clinic, please go to the Schoharie County Webpage at and you will see the link to schedule your appointment starting at 8pm this evening. 

Appointment registrations are first come, first serve.  We will continue to hold vaccination clinics as we receive more vaccine from the state.  Thank you.

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Cobleskill man charged with assault after punching State Trooper

On February 19, 2021, State Police arrested 24-year-old Jordan J. Davenport of Cobleskill, for Assault 2nd degree (D felony) and Endangering the Welfare of Child (A misdemeanor).

Troopers responded to a home in the village of Cobleskill to assist local law enforcement with a fight involving multiple people. While a Trooper was interviewing some of the parties involved, including a 16-year-old male, Davenport approached them and began fighting with the minor. The Trooper attempted to separate the two and was struck in the head by Davenport.

Davenport was taken into custody and processed at SP Cobleskill. He was arraigned in Cobleskill Town Court and remanded to Schoharie County Jail on $15,000 cash or $30,000 bond.

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Roxbury Library Announces Limited Opening Hours


Starting on Monday, March 1, 2021, the Roxbury Library will reopen its
doors on a limited basis and will also be offering curbside service, as
requested by individual patrons.

Following state-mandated COVID-19 protocols, including the wearing of
face masks and the practicing of social distancing, the Roxbury
Library's weekly open hours, beginning March 1st, will be as follows:

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays: 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. .

The Library Staff recommends calling (607)-326-7901 in advance of each
visit to verify that the library is open and requests that individuals
with fever, cough, and other symptoms of illness refrain from visiting
the library.

The Roxbury Library Association's volunteer Thrift Shoppe Staff will
only be accepting donations when the library is open.

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