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Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

Police Bike Patrols Returning to Cobleskill

Written By Cicero on 3/24/15 | 3/24/15

Members of the Cobleskill Police Department are about to become more interactive and visible in the county's largest municipality this summer, where officers will trade squad cars for bicycles in a patrol not seen in almost twenty years.

Photo courtesy of the Cobleskill PD facebook page
Instituted for only a few years in the mid-nineties before going into a two decade hiatus, Cobleskill Police Chief Rich Bialkowski stated in a recent sit-down interview that he believed it was time to bring the bike patrol back. 

"I always thought it was a good thing because they [police officers] are more interactive," stated Chief Bialkowski. The police head further commented that utilizing bicycles, "Allows us to patrol in ways you can't in a car."

Set to be put in service when the weather breaks, the department will be using two bikes to perform patrols in the community of over four thousand over the summer months. The bikes will be sporting logos designed by John Stiles.

The only department slated to use bike patrols in the county, Cobleskill Police are in good company with campus police at nearby SUNY Cobleskill, who maintain the only mounted patrol in the 64-campus state university system.

In addition to being an asset to allow officers to reach places that squad cars are not able to, Chief Bialkowski expects the new patrols to be used in patrolling parades and reaching out to youth through bike safety programs.

Summarizing his thoughts on the initiative, the chief stated that he believes it will be a "very positive thing for us."

Cobleskill Police Blotter

Written By Editor on 9/15/14 | 9/15/14

Friday, September 12, 2014

At 8:35pm Cobleskill Police arrested Ashley A. Brantley, 19, of Springfield
Gardens, NY, for Petit larceny. She was issued an appearance ticket and
released. She is to appear is Cobleskill Town Court on September 30th at 5:00

At 11:38 pm Cobleskill Police arrested Caitlyn R. Lockwood, 24, of Cobleskill,
NY, for Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle 3rd. She was
arraigned in Cobleskill Town Court and released. She is to return to Cobleskill
Town Court on September 30th at 4:00 pm.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

At 11:00 pm Cobleskill Police arrested Patrick J. Pensivy, 22, of Hicksville, NY,
for Violation of the Village Noise Ordinance. He was issued an appearance ticket
and released. He is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on September 30th at 5:00

At 11:00 pm Cobleskill Police arrested Alberto M. Vidales, 23, of Mamaroneck,
NY, for Violation of the Village Noise Ordinance. He was issued an appearance
ticket and released. He is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on September 30th
at 5:00 p.m.

At 11:00 pm Cobleskill Police issued a summons to Emily K. Doyle, 18, of
Kingston, NY, for Possession of Alcohol by a person under the age of 21. She is
to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on September 30th at 5:00 pm.

At 11:00 pm Cobleskill Police issued a summons to Devon A. Mintzes, 17, of
Bay Shore, NY, for Possession of Alcohol by a person under the age of 21. She
is to appear in Cobleskill Town Court on September 30th at 5:00 pm.

Otsego County Sheriff's Department Requests Police Robot

Written By Editor on 9/3/14 | 9/3/14

The Otsego County Sheriff's Department is looking to make a technological feat and introduce a police robot to its force. The tracked robot costs about $27,000 and can traverse many terrains. It has a camera and sound recorder on the device to capture what is going on around it. The robots are powered by batteries and come with little to no recurring costs.

Photo credit: Daily Star

The Oneonta Daily Star has reported on the robot, stating that:

 Manufactured by a firm based in Sunnyvale, Ca., the Avatar III robot is about the size of a desk telephone, looks like a small tank, and is capable of negotiating staircases, grassy areas, sand and other terrain.  
It is operated via remote control, allowing the operators to keep a safe distance from suspected explosive devices or other hazardous situations.
It is unclear if the Sheriff's Department will receive the device or if there's similar interest in Schoharie County. A decision is expected later today.

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