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Winter Storm Warning Through 7pm Monday

Written By Editor on 2/12/17 | 2/12/17

Check out the weather in your area on our always updated weather page. See the National Weather Service notice below.

Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until 7 PM EST Monday...

* locations... southern Adirondacks, Lake George Saratoga region,
  Mohawk Valley, capital region, Schoharie Valley, central and
  northeast Catskills, northern and central Taconics, Berkshires
  and southern Vermont.

* Hazard types... heavy snow.

* Snow accumulations... 8 to 14 inches, with the greatest
  accumulations across southern Vermont, and higher elevations
  of the southern Adirondacks.

* Maximum snowfall rate... 1 to 2 inches per hour, mainly this
  afternoon and evening.

* Timing... snow will overspread the region this morning, and
  continue, moderate to heavy at times, through this afternoon
  and evening. The snow is expected to decrease in intensity
  late tonight. Additional periods of snow or snow showers are
  expected on Monday.

* Impacts... snow covered roads and poor visibilities. Winds will
  increase becoming strong and gusty late Sunday night through
  Monday causing considerable blowing and drifting of snow. Some
  wind gusts could approach 50 mph Monday, leading to some
  downed tree limbs, trees, and scattered power outages.

* Winds... southeast at 5 to 15 mph today, with gusts up to 25
  mph possible across higher terrain of the southern greens,
  Taconics, and Berkshires. Winds shift to the west to northwest
  late tonight and increase to 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35
  mph. West to northwest winds will increase to 15 to 25 mph
  with gusts up to 50 mph possible Monday.

* Temperatures... in the 20s to lower 30s.

* Visibilities... occasionally under one half of a mile.

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A Winter Storm Warning for heavy snow means severe winter weather
conditions are expected or occurring. Significant amounts of snow
are forecast that will make travel dangerous. Only travel in an
emergency. If you must travel... keep an extra flashlight...
food... and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency.

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Guest Column: Russia's Secret War against Fracking

Written By Editor on 2/11/17 | 2/11/17

By Drew Johnson

Recent intelligence reports show Russia is interested in influencing more than just America's elections. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his cronies have taken aim at undermining the U.S. energy industry.

Buried within the U.S. intelligence community's report on Russian activities in the presidential election is evidence the Kremlin is financing and choreographing anti-fracking propaganda in the United States.  By targeting fracking, Putin hopes to increase oil and gas prices, destabilize the U.S. economy and threaten America's energy independence.

Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a drilling technique in which water and sand are pumped through rock at high pressure to release deposits of oil and natural gas.

Thanks to new technologies which make the process more efficient and environmentally friendly, fracking supports 4.3 million jobs and generates half a trillion dollars in economic benefit to the United States annually.  Natural gas prices have dropped in half, saving American families $200 a year on average.

Fracking is the major reason why the country is on pace to become completely energy independent by 2020.   America relies on fracking to produce more than 1.5 billion barrels of oil yearly -- over half of total U.S. oil output.

Russia sees all this as a threat.

The Russian government, relying heavily on energy exports for revenues, is concerned "about the impact of fracking and U.S. gas production on the global energy market. "Increased U.S. gas exports create "potential challenges" for the profitability of Russia's state-owned oil and gas monopoly.

In response to America's growing fracking industry, RT, Russia's government-funded international media outlet, aired air a slew of dubious attacks against fracking -- ramming 62 anti-fracking television stories down viewers' throats in seven months.

This isn't the first time Russia has been accused of anti-fracking activism.

In 2014, intelligence information led then-NATO secretary general to conclude Moscow conspired with environmental groups to block fracking activities in Romania, Lithuania and Bulgaria.

A U.S. Senate report found the Sea Change Foundation funneled over $43 million to environmental causes, financing anti-fracking organizations like the League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club.  The foundation is heavily funded by a Bermuda-based shell corporation with direct ties to Putin and Russian oil interests.

Russia's propaganda and money funneled to America's most extreme environmental outfits explains why anti-fracking attacks continue even though science confirmed fracking poses no public health threat.

The EPA could "not find evidence that [fracking] led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources."

The U.S. Geological Survey and the Groundwater Protection Council found fracking caused no groundwater contamination.  A three-year study at the University of Cincinnati found fracking had no impact on local water supplies.

Fracking created millions of jobs, spurred the economy and created a path to energy independence -- without posing a risk to people or the environment.

It seems the only folks left attacking fracking are puppets of the anti-science, anti-American Russian propaganda machine. They hope lies about fracking can weaken the United States, dry up the supply of oil and gas, drive up energy costs and force European countries to pour money into Putin's coffers.

As the U.S. intelligence report proves, Russia is willing to go to great lengths to destroy America's fracking industry. But the United States should stand firm against this threat. The battle over fracking is one fight America can't afford to lose.

Drew Johnson is a senior fellow at the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA), a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational organization dedicated to a smaller, more responsible government.

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Cuomo Statement: Support College Program

Written By Editor on 2/8/17 | 2/8/17

When it comes to higher education in New York this much is clear: A student's access to a quality education shouldn’t depend on what their parents make.

That’s why I kicked off the Excelsior Scholarship Campaign this week, to talk to people about my plan to offer tuition-free college at our state universities to middle class New Yorkers. This initiative is the first-of-its-kind in the nation and will enable thousands of bright, young students to pursue their dreams of higher education -- without the pressure of crushing student loan debt.

Can I count on you to help me make college a reality, not a dream, for all New Yorkers? Share your support for this proposal now.

Far too many young people today are deprived of access to the quality education they need to get ahead and succeed in today’s economy. This proposal will change that.

Through the “Excelsior Scholarship” program, students will be able to realize their dream of  higher education no matter how much money is in their pocket or the neighborhood that they come from. Together we can place more students on a path to financial security, improve our graduation rates and eliminate the burden of student debt. But only if New Yorkers like you step up in support.

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Winter Storm Warning Thursday

Make sure to check our always updated weather page here.

WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOONEST THURSDAY...The National Weather Service in Binghamton has issued a WinterStorm Warning for heavy snow...which is in effect from midnight tonight to noon EST Thursday. The Winter Weather Advisory is no longer in effect.* LOCATIONS...Bradford... Wyoming... and Susquehanna Counties in Pennsylvania... as well as Delaware County in New York.* HAZARD TYPES...Snow.* ACCUMULATIONS...Snow accumulation of 5 to 7 inches.* TIMING...Snow is expected to overspread the region tonight...generally between 10 PM and 2 AM. Snow will fall steadily during the overnight hours... and into Thursday morning. Snow should diminish towards midday Thursday... generally between 10 AM and noon.* IMPACTS...The heavy snow will make travel very dangerous.Roads will become snow covered and slippery.* WINDS...North 5 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph.* TEMPERATURES...In the lower 20s.

A Winter Storm Warning for heavy snow means heavy snow isexpected or occurring. Heavy snow is forecast that will maketravel very dangerous. Only travel in an emergency. If you musttravel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehiclein case of an emergency.

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What to Do After a Car Accident

By Michael Ehline

Options in a Time of Stress

The aftermath of a car accident can be among the most difficult circumstances for any family. Faced with a crash, injury, and loss of a vehicle, the trauma can be too much for an individual to handle. This is why it's important to consider what to do in case your family is ever in that situation.

First, it is important to seek medical attention. Too many accident victims think that they feel alright in the immediate aftermath of a crash and then find out later that adrenaline was masking pain.

Secondly, you should always file a police report. This will give you documentation you need about how the accident occurred and should be done as a matter of course.

Thirdly, seek as much information as you can. Document everything. Take photos of the scene, the condition of the car, and if possible interview witnesses. These all help show who may be at fault and if there are any factors in the roadway that helped cause the accident.

Lastly, make sure that you notify the most qualified individuals. Make sure that your insurance company knows what happened but don't accept any offers for settlement before talking to an attorney. A skilled attorney can help you take on this large burden and sort through the legal minefield that may be in front of you. This can be the most important call you make.

Next column we will discuss how a law firm can help get you and your family back on its feet, including paying for medical bills and back pay. See you soon!

Michael Ehline is an expert on auto accident and personal injury law. Michael is the lead attorney at Ehline Law. He can be contacted at

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C-GCC's Edge Named Athlete of the Week

Columbia-Greene Community College women's basketball standout Tanisha Edge,
of Cementon, has been named NJCAA Region III Athlete of the Week, for Feb.
7, 2017.

Edge led the Twins to an upset win over #1 nationally-ranked Roxbury
Community College on Feb. 2, scoring 43 points with six rebounds and three
assists.  On Feb. 4, she followed up by scoring 24 points in a loss to North
Country Community College.

The citation marks the third time this season the freshman was named NJCAA
Region III Athlete of the Week.

For more information on athletics at Columbia-Greene, including teams
rosters, stats and schedules, visit

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Stamford Man Charged With DWI After Dropping Child Off At School

Written By Editor on 2/7/17 | 2/7/17

Brenten R. Bryan, 37, of Stamford, was charged Feb. 6 under Leandra’s law after state police stopped him along state Route 10 in the town of Stamford.

He is charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated with a child passenger less than 16 years old (Leandra’s law), the misdemeanor of aggravated driving while intoxicated with a B.A.C. result of .24 percent and other traffic violations.

The arrest occurred after Bryan was observed speeding and then pulling into the South Kortright Central School parking lot on state Route 10 at 8:35 a.m., according to the release.  The trooper waited down the street and conducted a traffic stop just after the vehicle left the school.  An investigation determined that the Bryan was driving while highly intoxicated and had just let a child less than 16 years old off at the school.
He was issued tickets to appear in Kortright Town Court on Feb 21.

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SUNY Cobleskill to Host Discussion of Schuyler Flatts Archeology Project and Slavery in New York State

Cobleskill, NY — In honor of Black History Month, SUNY Cobleskill is hosting a presentation and forum about the Schuyler Flatts Burial Ground Project, an archeological examination of the remains of 14 people enslaved by New York’s Schuyler family that offers a glimpse into colonial-era slavery in America. The forum will feature Project Manager Evelyn Kamili King as well as Lisa Anderson, Curator of Bioarcheology at the New York State Museum.

The Schuyler Flatts discovery was first made in 2005 during a construction project in Menands, when archeologists found several graves containing, in all, 14 individuals. Investigation revealed that the remains were of African descent and roughly 200 years old. That and other data led to the conclusion that they were likely enslaved by the prominent Schuyler family.

The forum, to be held on February 16 at 7 p.m. in the Bouck Auditorium at SUNY Cobleskill, will cover the discovery and analysis of data, the story of the reburial of the remains last year, and the topic of slavery in New York State.

In addition to managing the Schuyler Flatts Burial Project, Evelyn Kamili King has spent many years working in the public education sector with a focus on advocating for at-risk African American youth. She holds a master’s degree from the College of St. Rose and a bachelor degree from California State University.

Lisa Anderson, Curator of Bioarchealogy at the New York State Museum, researches the biological effects of behavioral and cultural changes on populations in New York before and after the time of European contact.

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Cobleskill Woman Arrested for Alleged Animal Cruelty, Horse Put Down

According to the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department, Kalie Petrone, 19, was arrested on charges of animal cruelty. The Cobleskill resident allegedly did not feed or provide water for her horses. The arrest press release states that Petrone did not provide food or water for a period of 48 hours. She was arrested last Friday and issued an appearance ticket for February 23rd at the Charleston Town Court.

According to officials, the horse was brought to a veternarian but needed to be euthanized Saturday.

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Weather Advisory Possible Sunday

For more information please check our always updated weather site.

NWS has issued a Winter Weather Outlook for our area.  As a strengthening low pressure system moves across southern Quebec on Wednesday, some strong gusty west to northeast winds are possible Wednesday morning into early evening.  A wintry mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain is possible Sunday into Sunday night.

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Pet Talk: "Selecting the Right Pet for You"

Written By Editor on 2/6/17 | 2/6/17

By Lorraine Fancher, LVT

... Farm Animals ...

Hello and welcome!. Did you know this month is National Responsible Pet Owner Month? For good reason too.

 According to APPA (American Pet Products Association) 65% of US households; an estimated 79.7 million families, own a pet. That 65% of households spent an estimated $62.75 billion dollars on pet products and services, with the predominance of it being spent on dogs and horses (dairy/beef cattle not counted in the survey) according to the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association 2016). According to APPA, the volume of expenditure was spent on food and vet care. The unfortunate thing is in 2016, 7.6 million companion animal pets entered the shelter with only 35/37% of them being adopted out, the rest were euthanized or other (not described). This number isn’t taking into account the strays that are found and rescued. Twice as many strays entered shelters in addition to the relinquished pets last year. The American Humane Society states “the  main reasons for relinquishment of pets is; their place of residence doesn’t allow pets, not enough time, divorce, death, behavior issues, and allergies.These figures alone stress the importance of responsible pet ownership and the need to educate the community as this number will continue to grow.

Pet ownership is a privilege and like anything else; comes with responsibility. The most important decision you will make in being a responsible pet owner, is the proper selection (or not) of your pet. Deciding on and selecting a pet is an exciting process which generally involves a lot of emotion and research. Given the fact that many pets will be joining your family for 15 plus years, it’s vitally important to think about all the positive and negative consequences of owning a pet; not just now; but for years to come. It’s important to think about a 1 year, 5 year, 10 year plus plan. Sounds ridiculous, right? But it’s not. Let’s say you pick out a horse for your 13 year old. You will need to plan out what things may be like at the age of 14, 18, 23, 28, etc. No, we cannot plan or predict our futures, however we can make the very best decision based on what our futures may be like. In this scenario; the horse will likely still be exciting to your 14 year old. At the age of 18 or before, your 18 year old has graduated, is driving, probably dating and has other interests now; maybe even college or moving. Is there time for a horse or are you, the parent, going to take over care? Is that something you would be willing to do if able? Now, the age of 23. If you/your child decided to keep taking care of the horse and you get to age 23, what now? The plans may involve continued college, a job, marriage, etc. Who knows. Are you ready to take on that continued care or the responsibility of finding a caring owner for the horse’s remaining life? Now, what if instead, you chose a hamster to give to your 13 year old? Their average lifespan is 3-5 years, which at the very latest, gets you to the age of 18. It’s a pocket pet and easy to transport or even care for. So, the moral of the story is to choose wisely and consider all factors. Some of the factors to take into consideration are; living environment, family dynamics (health, age, children), financial status (even if someone gets sick), accessibility to veterinary care/products, and desired pet’s lifespan, care and continued maintenance. A pet becomes an integral part of the family and rightly so. Please take the time to choose wisely. Please share any questions or stories to  
Lorraine Fancher, LVT

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Delhi Man Arrested for Attempted Murder

On Friday night, February 3, 2017, Delaware County Sheriff's Deputies

arrested and charged a 38 year old Delhi man with attempted murder,

unlawful imprisonment and criminal possession of a weapon following their

investigation of a domestic dispute.

Photo credit: Delaware County Sheriff's Department

At approximately 9:22 p.m. Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a 911 report a

domestic dispute at the Buena Vista Motel located on State Highway 28 in

the Town of Delhi that was called in by the female victim.

The victim reported that she had escaped from her motel room where her

boyfriend had held her captive and beat her before she was able to escape

from the room to call 911. The victim further reported that as Deputies were

responding to her 911 call the assailant chased her down and again began to

punch and kick her before dragging her back into the motel room where he

brutally beat her with a glass bottle causing her to suffer serious physical

injury including multiple lacerations to the face and legs and the loss of

several teeth.

Upon arrival at the scene Deputies arrested the assailant who was identified

as 38 year old Jamal S. Abrams who formerly resided in Herkimer and

Brooklyn, NY.

The victim was transported to O’Connor Hospital by Delhi Emergency

Squad and was subsequently transferred to U.H.S. Wilson Hospital in

Johnson City for further treatment.

Following an investigation by Deputies Abrams was charged with a number

of felony offenses including attempted murder in the second degree, assault

in the first degree and unlawful imprisonment in the first degree as well as

the class A misdemeanor offense of criminal possession of a weapon in the

fourth degree. The defendant was later arraigned in front of Judge Gumo at

Delhi Town Court and was remanded to the Delaware County Jail in lieu of

$100,000 cash bail or $200,000 bail bond. Two active Bench Warrants for

Abrams’ arrest that are held by the Herkimer Police Department were also

filed with the Delaware County Correctional Facility as detainers.

Deputies were assisted by members of the New York State Police and the

Delhi Police Department.

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Winter Weather Advisory Tuesday

Keep track of the weather on our always updated weather page.

NWS has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for our area, in effect from 7am to 7pm Tuesday.  Snow and sleet initially overspread the area from southwest to northeast during the Tuesday morning commute. Transition to sleet and freezing rain by late morning and plain rain by mid-afternoon/early evening. Roadways will become ice/snow covered and untreated surfaces will be slippery and treacherous.  Isolated power outages possible.

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Bill Would Repeal SAFE Act Upstate

Written By Editor on 2/5/17 | 2/5/17

Proposed legislation would keep the SAFE Act's provisions legal-- but only in New York City. State Senator Rob Ortt cited several differences between Upstate and Downstate laws, including on the minimum wage.

Senate Bill S879A is also co-sponsored by Senator John Bonacic. The Bill would repeal the statewide license and record database established by the SAFE Act. It would also outlaw one type of gun seizure in Upstate New York mandated by current law. The proposal would allow large capacity magazines and repeal penalties for not registering assault weapons.

Ortt's statement within the bill says that the SAFE Act "infringes on the rights of lawful gun owners and that "the diversity of New York State demands that laws are tailored to accomodate each region."

Ortt's proposal has the backing of the New York Rifle and Pistol Association.

Ortt was involved in a number of proposed changes to the SAFE Act in 2015 in Senate Bill 5837. These would have included local control over handgun recertification and stronger due process provisions. The bill was sponsored by Senator Jim Seward. The Assembly declined to vote on the proposal.

Time Warner Cable News cited Manhattan Assemblyman Brian Kavanaugh as stating, "New York City residents would not be safer by allowing gun sales with no background checks in Westchester County, just across the border from the Bronx," He added, "The SAFE Act was passed with a vote of more than 70 percent in the Senate and more than 70 percent in the Assembly. It was not a close vote and it was not driven just by folks in New York City."

While the bill has a strong chance of making it through the Republican-dominated State Senate, it appears unlikely to pass the Assembly. Should it make it through both chambers it would need Governor Cuomo's signature to become law.

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Stamford Man Arrested after a Domestic Incident

Written By Editor on 2/3/17 | 2/3/17

On Wednesday, February 1st, 2017, at approximately 11:21 PM, Delaware County

Sheriff’s Deputies arrested and charged Brandon Ortiz, 20, of Stamford, for the violation

level offense of Harassment in the Second Degree. The arrest occurred during the course

of an investigation of domestic incident that transpired in the Village of Stamford. Ortiz

was served a criminal summons, to appear before the Town of Harpersfield Court at a

later date.

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Stamford Woman Arrested for Alleged Child Endangerment

Written By Editor on 2/2/17 | 2/2/17

On Wednesday February 1, 2017 Delaware County Deputies arrested Samantha J.

Rich, 34 of Stamford for 1 count of Endangering the Welfare of a Child a class “A”

misdemeanor in violation of the New York State Penal Law. It is alleged that during the

summer of 2016 Samantha let a child who was 7 years old smoke marijuana with her at

her residence in the Town of Stamford. She was issued an appearance ticket returnable to

the Town of Stamford Court on February 14, 2017 at 6:00 PM to answer the charge.

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M&J's Cafe Reopens in Middleburgh

Written By Editor on 2/1/17 | 2/1/17

By Tyler James

Middleburgh heaved a sigh of relief as one of its key businesses reopened, albeit in a new location. M&J's Cafe is now located on Railroad Avenue, leaving its former location on Main Street.

The cause of the move was tragic. Owner and founder Michael Kossmann died unexpectedly last fall. Kossmann's family, especially his sister Fran, rallied to carry on. Faced with an ultimatum to pay a steep increase in rent or to get out, Fran chose the latter.

The current location on Railroad Avenue

"Mike was not only my brother, he was my best friend," she said. She described M&J's as Mike's dream, "his joy and his life," second only to his family.

A steady stream of patrons and wellwishers came to the new location, which was constructed quickly at the former location of Lerny's Gift Shop, owned by Larry Kossmann Nelson, Mike and Fran's brother.

Larry was optimistic, saying that his sister has "done everything to ensure that Mike's legacy will live on." While this was a new location, Nelson said that it immediately "felt like I was still at M&J's, priving that it doesn't matter where it is. It is the people that keep Mike's dream alive."

Village Trustee and regular customer Bill Morton and his wife Bonnie were excited about the opening, "We were so accustomed to going to M&J's regularly." said Bonnie, "It becomes a routine of your daily life." Bill said, "It's more than a cafe, it's a meeting place. It's an integral part of our community. Once M&J's was not available, we were at a loss."

The new interior

Fran Kossmann continued, "He enjoyed his customers and they loved him! He was an amazing cook, I have never met anyone that could cook with the speed and perfection Mike could."

She has a mission to keep M&J's open and successful because Mike, Larry, and herself always "knew it was to keep going for the family now and in the future."

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Margaretville Man Arrested for Forcible Touching

William J. George, 54, of Margaretville, was arrested Jan. 31 by State Police at Margaretville for two misdemeanor counts of forcible touching, according to a release.

He was charged after troopers were advised of an incident that had occurred at the apartments on state Route 28 in the town of Middletown.  An investigation determined that on two recent incidents George had forcibly touched two different victims at this location.

George was arraigned in Middletown Town Court where he was remanded to the Delaware County Jail in lieu of $1,000 bail and an order of protection was issued against him on behalf of the two victims.

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Roxbury Arts Presents: American Politics & Community Today: Reading and Discussion Series

What does it mean to be an American in the 21 st century? What does a model American do, and what

responsibilities do Americans have to their communities and each other? How have the answers to

these questions changed over the history of the United States? Participants a new program being

offered by the Roxbury Arts Group will engage with these questions and others regarding politics and

the current state of civic thought, feeling, and participation.

The Reading & Discussion Program will focus on the books The Book of Daniel, a novel by E.L.

Doctorow, and Talking to Strangers, Anxiety of Citizenship Since Brown vs. Board of Education, by

Danielle S. Allen. Discussions about the books will be led by Jennifer Kabat at the Roxbury Arts Center,

5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxbury NY on February 15, March 1, March 15, and March 29 from 6:00-

7:30p on each date. Community members who would like to participate can borrow the books directly

from the Roxbury Arts Group by contacting Miguel Martinez Riddle at 607.326.7908 or This event is free and open to the public.

Leading the discussion series is Margaretville resident Jennifer Kabat. Kabat, a writer and essayist, is

also a co-founder of the collaborative essay site, The Weeklings. She has been a guest critic at Yale,

the Rhode Island School of Design, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Virginia Common Wealth

University in Qatar, and other institutions. Her writing has been published in the Los Angeles Review of

Books, BOMB, Harper’s, The Believer, The White Review, Salon, The Guardian, and Granta, among

others. She’s received multiple grants to support her writing including an Arts Writers Grant for her

criticism and was recently artist-in- residence at the Headlands Center for the Arts in California. She

serves on the advisory board for the poetry collective Ugly Duckling Presse, and teaches contemporary

art and theory at New York University and design writing at the School of Visual Arts. Currently she is

finishing a collection of essays GROWING UP MODERN exploring civic values from where she grew

up outside Washington, DC to where she lives now in the Catskill Mountains.

“Literature can create empathy by putting yourself in someone else’s shoes,” says Kabat. “That can be

a profound experience. With this program we’re using books that specifically relate to citizenship now

by thinking about civic values and actions in other eras. We live in a small community and the idea that

we can be on the forefront of considering trust and considering what community and citizenship could

be now is really exciting to me. As a writer, looking at the ways civic values manifest (in both good and

bad ways) in everything from the NYC watershed to the forests around us has been really important to

my work, and I am excited to read books with a group and talk about them and our ideas about

participation and community and building that community to make it stronger.”

American Politics & Community Today: Reading & Discussion series begins on February 15, but

participants are encouraged to read the book in advance so they can fully participate in the

conversations. For more information about the upcoming Reading & Discussion, please contact the

Roxbury Arts Group at 607.326.7908 or

This program is made possible by a grant from Humanities New York. All programs offered by

the Roxbury Arts Group are supported by the A. Lindsay and Olive B. O’Connor Foundation, the

Robinson-Broadhurst Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature, Robert & Nellie Gipson, WIOX Community

Radio 91.3 FM, and the generosity of our business sponsors and individual donors like you.

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Single Car Accident in Delhi Leads to Minor Injuries

On Tuesday January 31, 2017 Delaware County Deputies investigated a 1 car

personal injury auto accident on Arbor Hill Road in the Town of Delhi. Nicholas

Mastrandera, 79, of Delhi was traveling south on Arbor Hill Road when he lost control of

his vehicle on the snow covered roadway. The vehicle traveled sideways leaving the

roadway and subsequently slid down an embankment and struck a tree. Mastrandera was

unable to free himself from the vehicle. Deputies were assisted by the Delhi Fire

Department and EMS with removing Nicholas from the vehicle and transporting him to

O’Connor Hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

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